Chapter 190
In Xueyue City.

Nangong Chunshui boiled a pot of tea, poured a cup slowly, and handed it to the person in front of him.But for a moment, being in Xueyue City seemed like being in one's own home.

The person sitting in front of him had a gloomy face, but he was also embarrassed. After all, he followed Baili Dongjun and others, and knew that the person in front of him was Mr. Li from the former school, and he also knew how powerful he was. Big, there is no way to wrestle with him.

"Li Huo?" Nangong Chunshui said softly when he saw that the person on the opposite side was in a daze.

Luo Shui, dressed in red, landed at the door, shaking the branch in his hand, quite dissatisfied, the two hadn't been together for long, why did an old guy suddenly appear?
Li Huo, the shadow guard of Zhenxihou's Mansion, regained his composure and nodded, "Mr. Li."

Nangong Chunshui waved his hand: "Nangong Chunshui, Nangong Chunshui."

Lihuo just saw Baili Dongjun and others go straight up to Dengtian Pavilion, and originally wanted to follow up to have a look, but was "invited" here by someone sent by Nangong Chunshui, and at this moment he still felt very sorry for Baili Dongjun who was alone Worried: "Brother Nangong, I have a task ahead of me, so I might as well make a long story short..."

"Go back to Gandong City." Nangong Chunshui nodded and said bluntly.

Li Huo was stunned: "Why?"

"You asked me to make a long story short, so I'll just say the direct meaning. Or do you want me to make it clearer?" Nangong Chunshui drank a cup of tea slowly.

Luo Shui smiled, as expected of the man he likes, his words are domineering.

Li Huo shook his head and said, "Master Hou asked me to protect the young master Zhou Quan, this is my promise. As long as Master Hou does not take back his order, I will not leave."

"Dongjun, you are so well protected." Nangong Chunshui suddenly sighed.

Li Huo was stunned for a moment, hesitated for a while but still didn't speak.

"He was born in Zhenxihou Mansion, and his mother's family is the time-honored Wen's family. His first master is Xichu Confucianism, and his second master is Mr. Li from the school. Several brothers are not the No. 1 of Leijiabao's generation. He is the most respected prince of the Beili royal family. It can be said that no matter where he goes, he goes smoothly. Even if he arrives at the extremely dangerous Tianqi City, it is just like playing around." Nangong Chunshui smiled, "In such an environment Will a person who grows up in the world become a hero like his grandfather?"

Li Huo frowned, and replied: "But Lord Hou, he doesn't want the young master to become the same person as himself."

"But Lord Hou can protect him for a while, can he protect him for a lifetime? If one day the Zhenxi Hou Mansion is gone, the Wen family is gone, and I am gone, then what do you think even if Dongjun is in a happy state with martial arts? Use? He is used to someone behind him standing up to him when he can’t beat him, but how can he just fall into a life-and-death situation?” Nangong Chunshui suddenly shouted, “Baili Dongjun has been in the apocalypse for several months now, which time the realm has improved the most? Hurry up? That’s when you’ll be listed as dead in the Tianqi City Middle School Exam! If you don’t know life and death, what is Jiang Hu? If the Marquis of Zhenxi doesn’t understand this, then the Marquis of Zhenxi’s mansion will be prosperous for another three years at most!”

Li Huo's head was dripping with cold sweat: "But if the young master is really dead..."

"Then he's dead." Nangong Chunshui snorted coldly, "Then blame Baili Chengfeng for his failure to give birth to only this son."

"When the concubine gave birth to the young son, the Zhenxihou's mansion was raided by assassins. Although the assassin was killed, the concubine was injured, and she will not be able to have another child in this life." Li Huo sighed, "This book It is the secret of the Hou's mansion, but since Brother Nangong has already said so much, he can only talk about it. So the young master is really important to the Houye's mansion."

"Then Zhen Xihou has no other sons, did he give birth to a grandson?" Luo Shui asked quietly.

Li Huo shook his head: "Hou Ye's wife died early, and he never remarried. He only has one son, Shi Zi Ye."

Nangong Chunshui sighed: "It's really troublesome. Do you want to listen? Just tell Baili Luochen what you said just now. If he doesn't want to, if you come back again, I won't drive you away. It's only ten minutes to go back and forth to the East City. Day, within ten days, I will protect your young master from any worries."

Li Huo frowned, still hesitating.

"I, Nangong Chunshui, will protect him from any worries. If he is still dead, how can you still be useful here?" Nangong Chunshui flicked his sleeves and knocked Lihuo to the door, "Let's go!"

"Let's go." Luo Shui smiled.

Li Huo cupped his fists, turned and left.

"That apprentice who values ​​you so much." Luo Shui turned to look at Nangong Chunshui.

Nangong Chunshui sighed: "What I just said is true. If he doesn't grow up, then..."

"Zhen Xihou will disappear, and so will the time-honored Wen family."

Inside the Ascension Pavilion.

Sikong Changfeng and Baili Dongjun were beaten to the ground and unable to get up.

Luo Fengzhong and Luo Nianse withdrew their hands and looked at them coldly.

"Nangong Chunshui, you bastard! Where have you gone!" Baili Dongjun wailed as he lay there.

Luo Fengzhong sneered: "If you can't beat him, just ask someone to help you? Is the current Jianghu boy so capable?"

Of course Nangong Chunshui did not respond to Baili Dongjun, and Baili Dongjun finally chose to compromise.

He has always known that the Zhenxihou Mansion has arranged a shadow guard beside him. This shadow guard has appeared several times in Tianqi City, Gandong City. He is not an idiot, he has already noticed it.But he didn't want to live under such shelter, so he tried his best every time and didn't want him to show up, but this time, he finally compromised.

Really, there is no other way.

Baili Dongjun stood up, swept away the embarrassment just now, became very calm, he sighed, and finally said coldly: "Come out."

Luo Nianse and Luo Fengzhong felt a trace of coldness in that tone at the same time, they both took a step back, looked around, and waited for the enemy to show up.

However, only a cool breeze blows.

Baili Dongjun was stunned for a moment, then shouted: "Come out!"

Luo Nianse searched around with her breath, but there was no one else in the upper and lower pavilions.

Luo Fengzhong sneered and said, "What's coming out? It's shouting out!"

Baili Dongjun fell into despair. It seems that not only his master abandoned him, but even his family members abandoned him... He took a long breath, and finally sneered: "He is already behind you, For a real master, will his aura be so easy to detect?"

Luo Fengzhong suddenly turned his head and punched him, but there was no one there!

In a moment, Sikong Changfeng who was lying on the ground jumped up and went straight to Lord Dengtian together with Baili Dongjun.Luo Fengzhong hurriedly turned around to chase after him, but Luo Nianse stretched out his hand to stop him: "What are you chasing after? I'm afraid I really want to kill them."

Today, Nangong Chunshui climbed up to the sixteenth floor in one step, shaking the whole city.

There were also two of his apprentices who fell straight to the sixteenth floor, rolling and climbing.

(End of this chapter)

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