Chapter 194
Flying Immortal Outside the Sky is a long-lost sword move. According to legend, it is as flawless as the blue sky and white clouds.This sword moves high and strikes, and the downward strike of the sword is brilliant and swift. It has a sword energy that is cold to the bone, and the sword's edge is so terrifying that it cannot be resisted!A ray of sword light flew obliquely, like a frightening light striking electricity, like a long rainbow passing through the sky.It is a peerless sword that can only be used by a peerless person.

Baili Dongjun still has such ability?
Sikong Changfeng was taken aback, and Luohe was even more taken aback. If it was really a Flying Immortal, then even if the two of them shot at the same time, they wouldn't be able to stop it.

In Xueyue City, the young boy wearing a green shirt and sitting on the high pavilion blowing the wind smiled, raised his head and took a sip of wine, and said with a smile: "I don't even know how to fly immortals from outside the sky."

Baili Dongjun came to the west with a sword, aggressively, stepped on the courtyard wall, and was about to rise again, but suddenly his neck was tilted, and the whole person fell from the wall.

Luohe looked up, and saw a woman in red sweeping with a sword, a sword energy leveled Xiaguan City, she stood on the wall, and lightly reprimanded: "Curfew, don't make noise!"

Baili Dongjun stumbled into the courtyard, looked up at the woman in red, still marveling at the dominance of the sword just now, and murmured: "Sir, you are amazing, and finding a girl you like is also so powerful. "

When Luohe saw Luoshui in red, he immediately wanted to hide the knife, but the knife was too big and the courtyard was empty, so he blushed and bowed his head and said, "Sister."

"Put on your clothes." Luo Shui saw that the younger brother was having a headache, so he didn't say any more, and just drifted away one by one with a sword.

Sikong Changfeng walked over and bumped Luohe with his elbow: "Are you still practicing?"

Luo He was dejected, and went back to the house with a big knife on his shoulder: "Don't practice!"

Baili Dongjun got up from the ground, straightened his clothes, and said with a smile, "I was so arrogant at first, so I was afraid of my sister."

The two also put down their weapons and went back to the house to rest. Once they fell asleep, they slept until the next day.

The sun shines three poles.

Baili Dongjun woke up in a daze, got up from the bed, went to the courtyard, and practiced the Naxi Chu sword song again, feeling refreshed and indescribably comfortable all over his body.Sikong Changfeng woke up a little earlier than him. He had already finished his marksmanship practice. Sitting aside, he suddenly felt a hunger in his stomach, and said, "Let's go eat."

Luo He came out from the house, without the big knife, wearing a green shirt, with the tone of his master: "Clean up, I'll take you out to eat delicious food."

"I haven't had a drink for a few days. Is there any good wine?" Baili Dongjun asked.

When Luohe heard the word "wine", he showed a smile for the first time, stretched out a finger and twirled it: "wind, flower, snow, moon."

Luoxia Restaurant.

According to legend, the best restaurant in Xiaguan City, although it is in Tianqi City, is only at the level of a small street restaurant, but it is indeed the best restaurant in Xiaguan City, where a horse can pass through the city with a stick of incense. rare.More so-called wine shops are just a few stools and a small shed on the side of the road.

"It's been a long time, Steam Pot Chicken." Xiao Er put a clay steamer on the table.

Baili Dongjun picked up a piece of chicken, took a bite, and exclaimed, "Tender and fresh. But... where's the wine?"

Luo He shrugged his shoulders: "Xiaoer, come and have a romantic day."

Xiaoer smiled and raised his eyebrows at Luohe: "Master Luo, since you want wine, why don't you order some appetizers? The steam pot chicken is too weak, and a new batch of good goods has arrived in the store."

"Oh? Let's hear it." Luo He smiled meaningfully.

Xiaoer glanced at Luohe, then looked at Baili Dongjun and Sikong Changfeng, threw back the white cloth in his hand, and said excitedly: "Look at the handsome appearance of the two guest officials, they are young and vigorous, and they will definitely be in the future." Can fly to Huang Tengda. I happen to have this dish in my shop today, it is called Fei Huang Tengda, are you interested?"

"It's just appetizers, let's go." Baili Dongjun said briskly, isn't it just money?He has plenty.

Sikong Changfeng was more thoughtful, and asked: "Don't be in a hurry, let's make a fortune, I am confused at first, please tell me what it is?"

"It's early winter, that is, after autumn. As the saying goes, locusts can't jump up after autumn. After the rice is harvested, we have to set a small fire to burn the fields. Once the fire passes, the grasshoppers hiding in the ground will die." They will pop out, and the farmers catch them home, scald them in boiling water, and then dry them and ship them to us. We fry them in oil, and then we have this dish—flying yellow and flourishing.” Xiaoer laughed.

Baili Dongjun frowned slightly: "The locust...isn't it just..."

"It's a grasshopper." Sikong Changfeng answered.

Baili Dongjun felt nauseated in his stomach, and waved his hands again and again: "Change one, change one."

"Then let's have a plate of bamboo rat meat. The bamboo rat is fatter than a cat. It tastes sweet and the meat is soft and tender..." Xiaoer licked his lips, "It's full of oil and water."

Baili Dongjun is not afraid of the sky, the earth, the monsters of the Jianghu, and even the imperial hawks and dogs, but the thing he fears the most is mice. Whatever bamboo mice and voles you are, give me: "Get out!"

Xiao Er frowned: "What about the scorpion?"

Sikong Changfeng smiled and asked Luohe: "The food here is really special."

Xiao Er thought for a while: "Silkworm chrysalis, there are cicadas, but this season, the taste is not the best."

Baili Dongjun shook his head: "I think we should change to another store."

Luo He smiled and decided not to tease them anymore, so he said to Xiao Er: "A pot of romantic flowers and snowy moon, stir-fry some wild vegetables, and a mushroom feast."

Xiao Er hesitated and said: "Mushroom feast, Master Luo, this cost is not small."

When Baili Dongjun heard that it was a mushroom, it was a normal thing at any rate, and immediately threw out a big silver ingot: "There is no shortage of money, come!"

Soon, Xiao Er brought up a jar of wind, flowers, snow and moon, and saw that the wine was so clear that the wine could be seen. At first glance, it looked like spring water that had just been scooped up. Baili Dongjun scooped up a bowl and put it to his nose to smell it. Smell, there is a faint scent of camellia, and then I took another sip, I only feel that it is clear and sweet, with a fragrance on my lips and teeth, just like the feeling of this small southern city, which is very suitable for the four words - wind, flowers, snow and moon.He was very satisfied, and nodded: "Go back and ask me for a wine order."

"No problem, everyone in Guancheng can make this wine." Luohe greeted, "Eat mushrooms."

With wine and fresh wild mushrooms, the three young people chatted more and became more speculative. After an hour, the wine jar was empty and the mushrooms had been eaten. Luohe stood up and said loudly: "Boss , come again!"

Baili Dongjun shook his head desperately, he felt a little dizzy and dizzy, but Fenghuaxueyue was obviously light wine, and he would not get drunk after drinking ten jars of this kind of wine.

Sikong Changfeng suddenly smirked, looked at the place and muttered: "Hehehe... so many villains, so many villains."

(End of this chapter)

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