Young white horse drunk in spring breeze

Chapter 262 1 Sword Frost Cold

Chapter 262 A Sword of Frost and Cold

In the school, Chen Ru looked up at the sky and murmured, "It's going to rain."

Li Changsheng sat down and took a sip of tea: "Then we can rest assured, that kid's martial arts have been passed down from ancient times, and he will become stronger when exposed to water."

Chen Ru was taken aback, and asked: "Isn't his current master you? No matter how high Gu Chen's kung fu is, he is better than you? You didn't teach him something new."

Li Changsheng nodded after pondering for a while: "Yes! I have taught the nineteen moves of the embroidered sword, as well as the five-tiger soul-severing saber technique!"

Chen Ru didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "It's useless to teach me, sir, there are ten copper coins in the small shop at the foot of Shaolin Mountain, and children are not deceived."

Sikong Changfeng was also puzzled: "Master, you have already taught me such a peerless marksmanship as Jinglongbian, why didn't you teach Dongjun any powerful martial arts?"

Li Changsheng asked back: "Does he lack powerful martial arts?"

Chen Ru thought for a while, but didn't speak.

Li Changsheng continued: "The sword song of Western Chu that swordsmen all over the world yearn for, the instant-killing sword technique practiced by his father Baili Chengfeng, the Qiushui formula created by Gu Chen, and the poison technique of the Wen family are not enough for him. Rampaging the world? What he lacks is not brilliant martial arts, but how to use them. The last time I went west, I asked him to practice the simplest swordsmanship. It's because—”

Li Changsheng paused, Sikong Changfeng listened very seriously, even Chen Ru, who was the supervisor of Shanqian Academy and offered wine at Tianqi Academy, lowered his head slightly with a very respectful expression. Li Changsheng was very satisfied with the atmosphere, so he continued. Go on: "Sword skills are high or low, tricks are only second, and the heart of the sword is the most important!"

With a "bang", Zhuo Sen slammed into the wall with his sword.

Baili Dongjun landed steadily, and lightly wiped the clean back of the sword with his hand, and then with a wave, a silver light flashed.

Zhuo Sen panted heavily: "Boy, the sword skills are higher than I imagined."

Baili Dongjun looked up at him: "I really hate killing people, but today, I really want you to die."

Zhuo Sen wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and a red light flashed in his eyes: "Boy, don't underestimate people too much. In Tianqi City, my sword may be ranked in the top ten!"

Baili Dongjun sneered: "Swallow!"

Zhuo Sen was taken aback: "What did you say?"

Baili Dongjun raised his sword: "So what about the top ten? There are no people in front of you, let alone just a small area. How big is Tianqi City, how big is Beili, and how big is the world? What about the top ten in Da'nei? , It’s not a one-handed hammer. But I’m different, I only look at the world! So I say you, the chick can know the ambition of the swan!”

Baili Dongjun spoke passionately, but Zhuo Sen was a little startled when he heard it. He asked, "Where can you rank in the world now?"

Baili Dongjun thought for a while: "About... a hundred?"

Zhuo Sen frowned: "You're kidding me!"

Baili Dongjun smiled and said: "But soon. I will be on the top list of Baixiaotang, and they will all know the name of my wine fairy Baili Dongjun."

"That depends on whether you have a future." Zhuo Sen jumped up, his eyes became blood red in an instant, and the seven-foot long sword was also faintly glowing with blood, stabbing at Baili Dongjun .

Baili Dongjun greeted him with a sword, but he felt that Zhuo Sen's sword energy was much stronger and more ferocious than before. His sword was opened, and his body disappeared instantly.

When he reappeared, he was already behind Zhuo Mori.

Bu Ranchen chopped down with a sword.

There was a "ding", a crisp metallic sound.

Baili Dongjun was startled, and immediately retreated with his sword.

But the bloody seven-foot sword had already slashed towards him. Although he escaped in a dangerous way, the bloody aura above the seven-foot sword still pierced his skirt.

"Good sword, good swordsmanship." Baili Dongjun landed and praised.

The eunuch, who was watching the battle standing in the dark on the long street, put his hands in his sleeves and shook his shoulders.

It seems that today's battle is about to end here.

Zhuo Sen looked at Baili Dongjun and said, "Your father, Baili Chengfeng, claims to kill with ten swords, do you know why?"

Baili Dongjun frowned: "You still know my father."

"Quick swords are the wind, and ten swords kill you. I once fought against your father, and I lost." Zhuo Sen said slowly, "His sword is only one word fast, but if he still does not win after ten swords, then this time At that time, his opponent had already seen through his swordsmanship completely, and the so-called instant sword killing did not exist anymore. Just now we have faced off a few swords."

"No more, no less, eleven swords." Baili Dongjun said with a smile, "Elder-in-law is saying that I have already lost?"

"Sorry, there won't be No. 13 sword!" Zhuo Sen shouted angrily, and the blade of the seven-foot long sword in his hand flashed a coquettish and strange red light.

Red light flashed.

It is blood.

it's time!

Eunuch Zhuo Sen sneered, and the eunuch who hid from the shadows and watched was also relieved.

At this moment of life and death, Baili Dongjun tightly clenched the sword in his hand.

He has not used this set of martial arts for a long time. He used to know only this set of martial arts. He used it to amaze many people who use swords. He also caused his master to die in the orphanage because of it. He hid this set of martial arts, and only hoped that one day, he would finally achieve something in his sword heart, and then use this set of sword skills.

So, now is the time?

it is good!
Dance with swords!

The long sleeves fluttered, and the sword energy flowed horizontally.

The red lights full of killing intent were all shot out by Buranchen, and Eunuch Zhuo Sen's sword became more and more fierce, but he could no longer get within five steps of Baili Dongjun.Since he couldn't advance, he could only retreat, but with this retreat, all the killing momentum he had just now was wiped out.

What kind of sword technique is this!
This is dance, or swordsmanship!
Why is the sword energy so strong!
Eunuch Zhuo Sen was dripping with cold sweat, and the more he beat him, the more frightened he became, and a terrible thought rose in his heart.

There are many swordsmanship in the Jianghu that is danced with the sword, but there is one set, that is, those who practice swords have heard, admired, and yearned for it.But how is this possible!That set of swordsmanship has long been lost, but the way the young man swung his sword in front of him was like seeing that man come to the world again.

Eunuch Zhuo Sen swallowed, and said in a trembling voice, "Could it be..."

Baili Dongjun landed his sword on the stone wall, and swung his sword to catch a beam of moonlight under the moonlight: "Yes, this is the sword song of Western Chu."

Sword Qi rises!
Sword Qi revives!

Eunuch Zhuo Sen retreated ten steps in a row, and the bloody light on the seven-foot sword instantly dimmed.

"How can you know the sword song of Xichu!" He asked in horror.

how come!How could it be!
"So you understand why I'm looking at the world?" Baili Dongjun gently opened his left hand, pointed to the ground with his right hand, and looked proudly at Eunuch Zhuosen.

The eunuch in the corner let out a long breath.

The sword song of Xichu is hard to handle.

(End of this chapter)

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