Young white horse drunk in spring breeze

Chapter 317 The Scholar Holds the Sword

Chapter 317 The Scholar Holds the Sword
Nan'an City.

This small southern city has entered the rainy season of the year, and it has been raining continuously for more than a month.There are few pedestrians on the street, only the most famous Yanliu Building in the city is full of people.

On such a cloudy and rainy day, you need to drink some wine to warm your body, and it will be even warmer if you have a warm and fragrant girl in your arms.

"I heard that now Nanjue's [-] troops are overwhelming the border, but they have captured ten cities in just seven days. Fortunately, King Langya and his troops led the army to stop them, otherwise Nanjue's army could go all the way north and directly capture the imperial city." A drunken middle-aged man with a mustache raised his head and drank a glass of wine, "It's really worrying!"

"It's fine if you block it, not to mention that our Nan'an City is so far away from the border and the imperial city, why should you worry about it?" A young man next to him immediately poured a glass of wine for the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man known as the Chief Soldier stretched out his arms to hug the beauty lying in his arms, and smacked his mouth: "Everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the world. Even though we are in a city of peace like Nan'an, we can't... also Don’t take it lightly! Be ready to raise your sword and ride your horse at any time, and go into battle to kill the enemy! Today I will write a letter and ask the governor to send me to lead [-] troops to Nanjue!"

"Impossible, if the commander-in-chief really goes, who should we entrust the safety of Nan'an City to?" The man next to him waved his hand to stop him.

"That's right, that's right." The middle-aged man was about to stand up, but sat down again.

"The commander-in-chief of Nan'an City has only six hundred subordinates, and all of them are guarding the city. If you shout loudly, you need ten thousand soldiers to fight the enemy. Even if you dare to respond, your lord governor may not dare to agree, right?" Not in a hurry, the meaning of the words was full of sarcasm, but the voice sounded extremely calm.

All of a sudden, the heroic atmosphere created by the commander-in-chief and his subordinates was broken.

"Who are you?" The young man said dissatisfied.

"Xie Xuan, I am a scholar who passed by Nan'an City and was trapped here by a rain." A young man in white sitting there put down the book in his hand and took a sip of the rice wine in front of him.

Lord Zongbing let go of the beauty in his arms, sat up slightly, and looked at him: "What do you mean by what you just said?"

"The words are very shallow, without hiding the deep meaning. Whatever the literal meaning is, that's the meaning." Xie Xuan said respectfully.

"You mean our soldiers in Nan'an City can't do it?" Lord Chief Soldier frowned.

"There used to be a famous general in Beili country, named Han Xuan. He was very skilled in martial arts, led the army well, and had a good temper. So his brothers often asked him to borrow soldiers when they fought, and they would not return them once they borrowed them. So He often has to recruit recruits, and the army under his command has never been fixed. Recruits are difficult to manage, afraid of battle, inexperienced, and no one is willing to bring recruits. But this Han Xuan is invincible, and the enemy on the battlefield sees him The army was terrified and fled in a hurry, so that people in the world later called 'General Han Wudi'." Xie Xuan threw a peanut into his mouth.

Lord Chief Soldier and the entourage beside him glanced at each other, and Lord Chief Soldier said angrily, "What nonsense, this man is so famous, why have I never heard of it. There is no general named Han in Beili Country."

"You haven't heard of it, because this General Han Wudi rebelled later. His title was cut, and the Yi tribe. The whole army was murdered in Molangpo. Grand Master Xie Zhi took all the records about him from the history books. Deleted from it, all of you have never heard of it." Xie Xuan shrugged.

"Then how do you know it so well?" asked the Chief Soldier.

"Because of me, I read a lot." Xie Xuan smiled with pride.

"What a mess." The Chief Soldier slapped the table angrily, "What are you talking about with me? What do you think this General Han has to do with what I just said?"

"Although General Han leads recruits, he is invincible. So what I mean is..." Xie Xuan stretched out a hand and waved, "It's not your soldiers who can't, it's you who can't."

"Bold!" The Chief Soldier held down the long sword on his waist, "Boy, you dare to provoke me."
"The Nanjue is just a bluff. The real threat lies in the north. The Demon Cult is in full swing in the northwest. There are still experts from the North to stop it. But if the barbarian cavalry from the north go south, they will really go straight to Tianqi City. The president If Master Bing has the heart, why not lead the army to the north, maybe you can earn military merits." Xie Xuan was not in a hurry, still talking with eloquence.

Lord Chief Soldier was stunned: "Why do you know everything?"

"Because I read a lot, so I know the world." Xie Xuan still nodded proudly.

"Don't pay attention to him, my lord, this stinky scholar is probably stupid in reading." The attendant smiled and pressed down the sword of the commander-in-chief, "It's not good to make trouble. We told my wife to go to the barracks to do something. It’s not the Yanliu Tower.”

Lord Zongbing sneered, walked forward and said: "It is said that you are a scholar who is useless. I think you are just a scholar. You say you can't do it, can you do it? Can you go to battle and kill the enemy? You, Can you use a sword?"

With a "snap", Lord Zongbing put a sword on the wine table in front of Xie Xuan.

"I've read a lot of sword manuals." Xie Xuan looked at the sword and said in a low voice.

Lord Chief Soldier snorted coldly, "I've read Sun Tzu's Art of War."

"They are all peerless sword manuals." Xie Xuan stretched out his right hand, and after a moment of hesitation, he pressed it on the hilt of the sword.

"I've always thought about what kind of a good sword it would be if I really held a sword one day."

"I didn't expect it to be such an unremarkable and tacky sword."

"However, this is also good. There is never a shortage of famous swords in the world. What is lacking is famous swordsmen."

Xie Xuan suddenly closed his eyes. In the past ten years, the tens of thousands of sword books that he had read suddenly turned into a swordsman in his mind. swayed out.

In the end, there was a flash of sword light.

Xie Xuan pulled out his sword suddenly, and swung it at Yu Shi outside the window.

The sword breaks and the rain stops.

The original arrogant Chief Soldier was dumbfounded.

What kind of sword?Can cut off the rain?
Xie Xuan dropped the sword in his hand, picked up the wine on the table, drank it down, and put down the glass.

The rain was pouring down again.

Xie Xuan sighed, and carried his bookcase on his back: "Your sword has been useless for a long time, and this sword energy can't hold it."

" are a sword fairy..." Mr. Zong Bing was sweating profusely.

"Can you become a sword fairy with one sword? It doesn't count if you say it." Xie Xuan ignored him, walked down the Yanliu Building, opened the oil-paper umbrella he carried with him, and walked into the rainy world. middle.

"The troubled world is like rain, and when it falls, no one can escape. Then I will, join the world."

(End of this chapter)

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