Chapter 320
Baili Dongjun raised his head and took a sip of the wine, then threw the wine glass out of his hand casually: "Guests outside, why don't you come in for a drink."

The man outside reached out to take the wine glass, and his voice was very young: "The master didn't invite me, so I dare not enter."

"The guest has never signed up, so how dare the master invite him?" Baili Dongjun said quietly.

"My name is very common, not as good as everyone inside, even if I say it, you have never heard of it." The young man outside replied respectfully.

Sikong Changfeng clenched the spear in his hand, and glanced at Baili Dongjun. Baili Dongjun shook his head lightly: "It doesn't look like someone from the Demon Cult."

The voice outside smiled: "Brother Baili, how did you know that I am not a member of the Demon Cult?"

"Because your aura is too ordinary, and people from the Demon Cult are always pretentious." Baili Dongjun patted the wine jar on the table, "Master agrees, guests come in."

"Of order." The man outside finally opened the curtain of the tent and walked in from the outside.

He has an ordinary appearance, a slightly bloated figure, an ordinary gray dress, and the sword on his waist looks like a few taels of silver on the street.

As he said, he is really ordinary, the only special possibility is that he is very young, about the same age as Li Hanyi.

"My name is Ye Xiaofan." The boy grinned.

Baili Dongjun nodded: "I don't know why Brother Ye is here?"

Ye Xiaofan suddenly turned serious, and bowed to Baili Dongjun: "Ye is not talented, and he also wants to join Xueyue City to fight against the invasion of the Demon Cult."

"Joining us is not easy." Baili Dongjun smiled, "Junior Sister, try his martial arts."

"I've been waiting for a long time." Li Hanyi stepped forward, and the iron horse Binghe unsheathed in response, and stabbed at Ye Xiaofan with a sword. The tent that was warm with torches turned as cold as ice in an instant.

"Woman, it's not good to be so cold." Baili Dongjun took a look at Yueyao.

Yue Yao smiled slightly: "Perhaps it takes the warmest person in the world to keep her down."

"Good time." Ye Xiaofan also drew his sword immediately.

Taking the ordinary sword by the side of the road, the third is the famous sword-Iron Horse Binghe.

There was a sound of "Zheng".

Ye Xiaofan took three steps back, Li Hanyi flicked his long sword lightly: "Somewhat capable."

After Ye Xiaofan took three steps back, the long sword moved lightly, drawing a nearly perfect arc, and then slashed at Li Hanyi.

Baili Dongjun put down his wine glass, his eyes brightened: "This sword technique!"

"Stop." Li Hanyi raised his sword, the two swords collided, and the two took a step back, which was considered a tie.

"Your surname is Ye!" Baili Dongjun suddenly realized.

Ye Xiaofan shook his head: "My surname is not Ye."

"Then where did the surname Ye come from?" Baili Dongjun asked.

"Once upon a time there lived a lazy wanderer in our village, who only liked to sleep on a tree every day, but once a bandit came to the village, he jumped off the sweet-scented osmanthus tree where he had been sleeping, folded I picked a branch and beat them all away. From that day on, he became the man most girls in the village wanted to marry. Many children in the village clamored to learn swords from him, but he only taught me one People. But I never called him Master, because I hope he can become my brother-in-law one day. This person is called Ye Xiaofan."

"Then why are you Ye Xiaofan again now?" Yueyao asked.

"Because one day, he left the village. I asked him where I could find him in the future, and he said that after I taught him my sword skills, I could marry the most beautiful woman in the village. To go to a bigger world, just walk out of the village. At that time, he was famous all over the world, and I first entered the rivers and lakes, and I said I was Ye Xiaofan, and he would come to me." Ye Xiaofan smiled, his tone full of nostalgia.

Li Hanyi confused: "Then you called Ye Xiaofan, what will he be called later?"

"He said he wanted to aspire to Beili and become famous all over the world, so he changed his name to Ye Dingzhi." Ye Xiaofan said in a deep voice.

"The leader of the Demon Sect!" Li Hanyi was shocked, and the cold air on the Iron Horse Binghe Sword returned, "You are Ye Dingzhi's apprentice!"

Ye Xiaofan smiled wryly: "The elder brother Ye I know won't become the leader of the Demon Cult. He must have hidden secrets when he becomes now. Now I am Ye Xiaofan, and he is really famous all over the world. He should fulfill his promise and come to me. .”

"In the afternoon, I heard that a swordsman whom I had never seen before repelled an attack from the Devil's Cult by himself, was it you?" Sikong Changfeng said suddenly.

"Yes." Ye Xiaofan lightly flicked the sword in his hand, "I beat them back, and then told them my name. Ye Xiaofan."

"That's why I'm here to see you." A cold voice sounded from outside the tent.

"There are really too many guests today." Sikong Changfeng slammed his spear lightly on the ground.

"It's him!" Li Hanyi looked at Baili Dongjun.

Baili Dongjun smiled unnaturally: "It's him. But his voice is much older now."

"Once you enter the rivers and lakes, you will grow old. This sentence is not a joke."

A gust of wind picked up.

Ye Dingzhi, who was dressed in black and had loose hair, was already standing among them.

"Why does a person have to dress up like a bad guy after he becomes a bad guy?" Baili Dongjun asked.

Ye Dingzhi smiled, but his expression was slightly stiff.Yeah, he hasn't smiled for a long time.

"Your words are still so difficult to answer." Ye Dingzhi said slowly.

"You used to be very good." Baili Dongjun picked up the wine jar and poured a glass of wine, "Since you're here, let's have a drink."

Ye Dingzhi nodded: "You shouldn't practice martial arts, you should concentrate on being a winemaker. I still remember the first time I drank your wine, it's called too early."
"I also remember your roast beef, which is delicious." Baili Dongjun replied.

"Premature wine is refreshing and sweet. It is a perfect match with the fat and oily roast beef. But ah, there is no beef today, only wine. But this wine." Ye Dingzhi raised his head and drank it down, "It is spicy That's right. It's very different from the 'premature' of that day."

Baili Dongjun sighed: "The glass of wine you are drinking now is called Henwan."

"Hahahahahaha. What a 'hate the night'." Ye Dingzhi poured himself another glass, "I'll have another glass."

In this small tent in the silent mountain forest, Sikong Changfeng, Li Hanyi, and Yueyao were all holding their weapons nervously, ready to win with one strike at any time. Individuals - the current leader of the Demon Cult and the disciples of Xueyue City are drinking tea and chatting quietly, like friends they haven't seen for many years.

But they were friends who hadn't seen each other for many years.

(End of this chapter)

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