Chapter 324
Barren hills.

A thousand ghosts travel at night.

Li Hanyi walked all the way holding a sword, reminding the sects along the road to be careful of this ghostly and lonely formation, but the fog is getting thicker and thicker. Along the way, many sects have been attacked and suffered heavy casualties.

"You have to break the formation." She said worriedly.

At the foot of the mountain, ten elders of the Demon Cult sat cross-legged with their eyes closed.

After the other Demon Sect disciples rushed into the Lonely Void Formation, their figures turned into phantoms and merged into the formation.

"Is this the Lonely Formation? It is said that it is not the real Zhuge Family's Lonely Formation, so it is already so mysterious?" The young man with white hair walked up to the elders and said faintly.

One of the elders closed his eyes, and his voice was cold: "The Zhuge family's solitary formation only responds to the way of heaven, but our solitary formation can steal the way of heaven. Compared with the Zhuge family's formation that only increases the strength of troops, , is much stronger."

"Finally tricky." Zi Yihou snorted coldly.

"What are you two still doing here? Why don't you get into the battle quickly?" the elder shouted in a low voice.

"I am a swordsman." Baifaxian put the jade sword in his hand behind his back, "I will fight you only with the sword in my hand and nothing else."

"Then I'm afraid you won't have a chance this time." The elder sneered, "All the people on this barren mountain will die in this battle this time."

"If you have seen some people on this mountain, then you should know. They are not the kind of people who would die in such a trick." The white-haired fairy jumped onto the carriage next to him, took out a jug of wine, "Zi Yi, Let's have a drink together. We will go up the mountain later."

Zi Yihou shrugged his shoulders: "Stop drinking, my Ziqi Donglai Kungfu is gathering momentum, drinking will ruin my kung fu."

"Then I'll drink more, my beautiful sword is more beautiful when drunk." Baifaxian took out a jug of wine, raised his head and took a sip.

On the top of the mountain, Xie Xuan flicked his long sleeves lightly to wipe away the dense fog in front of him. He squatted down slightly and looked down the mountain: "It seems that there are quite a few members of the Zhuge clan, and there are actually ten people It is estimated that the preparations started a few months ago, and it is only then that such a large lonely ghost formation is formed."

Baili Dongjun also looked down: "How about it, will it break the formation if you go down and knock them down?"

"I can't go down." Xie Xuan smiled, "Don't look at the distance we can get to them in a single leap, but maybe they are hundreds of miles away."

"Then is there any way?" Baili Dongjun sighed, "Is it necessary to kill all the members of the Demon Cult who are hiding in this formation?"

"Didn't you just say that you need to find the formation. These few people who set up the formation are not the formation. The so-called formation must be in this formation. That is to say, the formation is on the mountain." Xie Xuan will Pulled out the long sword from the bookcase, thrust it into the ground, put the index and middle fingers of his right hand together, put it on his lips, and said softly, "Break."

I saw a ray of sword energy rushing out from the long sword, breaking through the thick fog and opening a long and thin road.

Sikong Changfeng turned around holding the long spear: "Could it be possible to walk from here to the eye of the formation?"

"Yes." Xie Xuan nodded, "This formation of solitude was originally a strategist's art, which can draw luck to one's own side in the dark, so as to overwhelm the enemy. The solitary void formation is too weird, and it is obviously a deceitful way. Since it is a deceitful way, it must be yin. For such a big formation, the eye of the formation is naturally in the most shady place in this mountain. In this mountain, there is a stretching area in the northwest. Endless solitary graves, buried in the cemetery are the [-] troops who died in the battle of the Chihuang in the Daxuan Dynasty. The passage of time did not disperse, but gathered deeper and deeper, so it is naturally the extremely dark place here."

"Isn't it your first day here?" Sikong Changfeng was taken aback.

"But I have read the history books, and I have also seen the map here." Xie Xuan said calmly, "You don't have to, I know it too."

Sikong Changfeng put the spear on his shoulder: "Okay, will your sword energy open the way for me?"

"It's an honor." Xie Xuan nodded.

"It's a good sword, what's the name of the sword?" Sikong Changfeng asked again.

"The book of ten thousand volumes of human principles. My sword is called the book of ten thousand volumes." Xie Xuan replied.

"With this good sword to open the way, you will surely return victorious." Sikong Changfeng said loudly.

Baili Dongjun hurried forward: "I will go too!"

"You have gone, no one will protect Xie Xuan's formation. He will die here." Sikong Changfeng patted Baili Dongjun on the shoulder, "Stay here. When I break the formation, you can directly Go east from here. Ye Dingzhi has already rushed to Tianqi City, and the only one who can stop him under Tianqi City is you!"

Baili Dongjun still hesitated: "But you alone..."

"Don't worry. Before I met you when I was walking in the rivers and lakes, I was always alone." Sikong Changfeng smiled, picked up his spear and walked forward.

"Beili Xingjian, Nanjue uses knives. There are very few people who use guns in the world, but the world has forgotten that guns are the king of a hundred soldiers!" Xie Xuan tapped lightly on the thousands of books, "There are thousands of ghosts in the world!" , the most feared thing is this gun!"

The ray of sword aura that was drawn from the ten thousand volumes of books has been walking in front of Sikong Changfeng, but as Sikong Changfeng went farther and farther, the sword aura became weaker, and the road he opened became shorter. It got narrower and narrower until Sikong Changfeng stopped the spear and stood in front of a secluded spring.He raised his head, in the dense fog, there were many large and small grave mounds, stretching for hundreds of miles and tens of miles, one after another, with no end in sight, and weeds were overgrown on the mounds, it was really scary to look at.

It is the first time that Sikong Changfeng has been in the rivers and lakes for so many years, and it is the first time he has seen so many lonely graves. He couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "I have been here for so long, I only feel that the mountains are abnormally cold, but I didn't expect to be here There are so many lonely graves here. In the past few months, thinking of sleeping beside these lonely graves every day, I am really a little scared."

"To change the dynasty, so much blood needs to be shed and so many people die. But although the change of dynasty is a major event for tens of millions of people in the world, for these soldiers, if they die, then this matter has nothing to do with them. "

"I'm Sikong Changfeng. He was originally a wanderer in the world. He wandered here and saw all the heroes. He didn't bring incense." Sikong Changfeng stuck the spear in the soil, "Then use this spear as a stick of incense. Salute to all heroes."

So Sikong Changfeng really waited for a stick of incense.

After a stick of incense, Sikong Changfeng let out a long sigh: "I forgot to ask that rogue scholar just now, what should I do after I find the eye of formation."

The mountains are misty, and there are thousands of lonely graves.

"I can't dig these graves, can I?"

(End of this chapter)

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