Great Song catcher

Chapter 23 Corpse

Chapter 23 Corpse
"Lingnan Yue Family's Heart-Piercing Sword!"

"Jinling Hu family's cirrus knife!"

"White Horse Temple Iron Sand Palm!"

"Kunlun Wuding pushed the mountain seal!"

"Although martial arts are good, your internal strength is too shallow..."

The old man was very familiar with the three people's martial arts, and while speaking, he waved the cigarette stick in his hand lightly, like a move from the sky, and lightly broke the attack of the three people.

This scene shocked the three of them. Even Guan Jiugong, who just walked out of the villa, was shocked when he saw that he broke the four unique skills so easily.

Fortunately, the little old man didn't mean to hurt anyone. Although he broke the moves of the three, he didn't attack further. He just tapped the chest of the three with the cigarette stick in his hand.

Looking at his chest, Nie Feng smiled wryly in his heart. The difference in strength is too great. This little old man's control of strength has reached the level of lightness. Shattered, revealing the white underclothes.

If the little old man wanted to kill them, the three of them would be killed by the smoke rod if they didn't even have the strength to fight back.

The three of them looked at each other in blank dismay. Two innate warriors, one half-step innate, couldn't resist even one move. One can imagine the frustration in their hearts.

"Thank you for your mercy, senior!"

Gao Song put the knife back into its sheath, and cupped his hands at the little old man.

"Hey hey hey..."

The little old man didn't speak, just laughed strangely a few times.

Seeing the little old man's appearance, Guan Qingtian trembled his hands and was about to pass again. Guan Jiugong was afraid that his son would suffer, so he hurried over to stop Guan Qingtian, then cupped his hands at the little old man and said, "Friend, where is Xianxiang?"

The little old man took a few puffs of cigarettes, then tapped the cigarette rod under his feet, and said, "You are Guan Jiugong, the iron palm shaking mountains?"

"That's right, the next one is..."

Before he could finish his sentence, the tobacco stick in the little old man's hand suddenly stabbed Guan Jiugong's chest, three points faster than Nie Feng's heart-piercing sword.

Guan Jiugong had been on guard for a long time. The moment the little old man made a move, his right palm also swung out.

Iron Sand God Palm, the unique skill passed down from the White Horse Temple. Guan Jiugong has been immersed in this set of palms for decades, and has already reached the peak. Under the fiery internal force, the palms become Like a soldering iron, the palm wind directly set off a layer of heat waves, rolling away in all directions.

The iron sand god palm collided with the little old man's tobacco rod, and there was a clanging sound of gold and iron. The two of them took two steps back at the same time, and then they stabilized their bodies. They also had a preliminary understanding of each other's skills in their hearts. estimate.

"There are no worthless men under the great name, and the name of Iron Palm Zhenshan is indeed well-deserved!"

The little old man let out a long breath and put away the cigarette rod.

"To be able to receive my iron palm head-on, this person must not be an unknown person!"

Guan Jiugong also dissipated his internal energy, and said: "Your Excellency's internal energy is really pure, Guan is deeply impressed."

"Guan Daxia is too modest, and the iron palm shakes the mountain is worthy of the name, the little old man is willing to bow down!" The little old man said very politely with a smile on his face.

At this time, Immortal Tiejian from Emei came over suddenly, looked at the little old man, and asked with some doubts: "May I ask what is your relationship with Sikong Can?"

"It's the old man!"

When the people around heard that the little old man had admitted his identity, there was an uproar in the crowd.

"It turns out that your Excellency is the hero Sikong!" Guan Jiugong was even more surprised.

"Don't dare to be a hero, I'm just a crazy little old man."

Sikong Can chuckled, and said to Nie Feng and the three of them: "Little baby, I just made a joke with you, don't take it offence."

"The old man is too polite!"

Sikong Can, a crazy old man and a strange hero, is known to everyone in the martial arts world.

As the saying goes, there are wrong names, but no wrong nicknames.

This old man is known as a crazy old man, and he never acts according to the norms of ordinary people, but only follows his own mind. In his eyes, good and evil have another set of concepts.

Moreover, this person's seniority is extremely high. To a certain extent, everyone present is his junior, including Guan Jiugong and Shi Shouyi, the martial arts seniors.

"Hero Sikong, why are you free to come to my Guanjiazhuang today?" Guan Jiugong asked again.

"Little old man just said that he is here to give you a gift for Hero Guan, but..."

Speaking of this, Sikong Can grinned, looked at Guan Jiugong, and said, "This gift..."

Guan Jiugong didn't understand what he meant, so he said with a smile: "The old knight is someone who I can't even invite. Today, I condescend to come here, even if I don't have a gift, I will be my guest!"

"Old chivalrous man, please enter Zhuang Xu..."

Sikong Can sighed, and said: "Guan Daxia, you'd better see this gift in public..."

At this moment, Guan Jiugong finally felt something was wrong, and turned his attention to the carriage.


"Little old man, this is also borrowing flowers to offer Buddha, and snatching this gift from someone."

Sikong Can walked to the back of the carriage and was about to remove the white cloth when he suddenly looked back at Guan Qingtian and said, "Little baby, who are you to Guan Daxia?"

"This is Quanzi Qingtian." After finishing speaking, Guan Jiugong said: "Qingtian, you still don't pay respects to the old man!"

"Junior Guan Qingtian, pay my respects to Senior Sikong!" Guan Qingtian cupped his fists and saluted.

"Okay, baby Qingtian, go to your father's side first." Sikong Can said.

Guan Qingtian went in without knowing it, but walked to Guan Jiugong's side according to his words.

Only then did Sikong Can nod, he lifted the white cloth and threw it aside, revealing what was underneath.

Just as Nie Feng had guessed earlier, the carriage was covered with a two-foot-square mahogany box, but when the box was revealed, Nie Feng and Gao Song, who were standing on the side, shuddered at the same time.


The blood on the car board was already dried up, it was black in color, and it gave off a disgusting smell.

But Sikong Can had already opened the box at this time, and a stronger smell of blood permeated the air. Guan Jiugong felt uneasy, and hurried forward a few steps. When he saw what was inside the box, he gasped for blood Squirting out, the whole person fell backwards.

Guan Qingtian and Guan Ruyuan hurriedly supported his body, and a burst of true qi penetrated into the back of his heart, dredging the stagnant qi and blood in his body.

"Fifth brother!"

After waking up, Guan Jiugong let out a heart-piercing cry.

Hearing Guan Jiugong's cry of pain, Sword Master Qianli, Fire God Lord Liao Tianyang, and Qiankun Duan Feihong all joined the carriage.

"Fifth brother!"

There were three more cries of pain, and the bodies of the three were shaking. Fortunately, the people around them supported them.

Nie Feng and Gao Song looked at each other, then leaned over and looked into the box.

I saw a burly old man lying in the box, but the hideous wound at the throat and the missing parts below the waist all told them that the old man had already died.

(End of this chapter)

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