Great Song catcher

Chapter 240 Broken Arm!

Chapter 240 Broken Arm!

The dragon-shaped gun is very cold!

Wherever the strength passes, the ground cracks and landslides!
"Kill the dragon and seek the way!"

"It's really him!"

"He really didn't die!"

After seeing Nie Feng's spear move, there was an uproar in the audience.

Because of this trick of killing the dragon and seeking the way, Nie Feng used it at the Chongyang Festival that day.

He also almost killed Prince Gouchen of the Conferred God Royal Court on the spot, the power of which shocked the onlookers at that time, but most of the people present today were those who participated in the Double Ninth Festival that day.


When they saw the familiar move of killing the dragon and asking for Tao, they immediately recognized Nie Feng's identity.

But everything is not perfect.

Some people are happy and others are naturally worried.

Especially in the seats where the Qingcheng faction was sitting, the air was even more dull and suffocating, almost condensed into substance.

"I didn't expect him to be so fateful. He even hit me with two heart-breaking palms, but he didn't die!"

Gao Canghai's heart was full of murderous intent, he wished he could fly off the stage and smash Nie Feng's corpse into thousands of pieces.

That day at the Jiuqu River Ferry, he gathered more than a dozen masters to besiege and kill Nie Feng, but in the end not only were all those masters killed by Nie Feng, but even his own life was almost at stake.

I thought I could kill Nie Feng, but who knew that not only did he not die, but his strength was even stronger than before!
At this time, Gao Canghai suddenly felt a burning pain in his chest.

That scorching finger pierced through his chest that day, and had already hurt his heart. Although he saved his life, the injury was extremely stubborn. recovery.

thought here.

The resentment in Gao Canghai's heart was even deeper.

But under the watchful eyes of everyone, no matter how unwilling he is, he can only knock out his teeth and swallow it.

Especially the direction of the six-door seats.

Zhu Yan's knife-sharp eyes aimed at him from time to time, and the murderous intent in his eyes was not hidden at all.

He knew that the reason why the Six Doors didn't explicitly trouble him was because he thought there was no direct evidence, but if he couldn't help it now and shot Nie Feng on the spot, even if he could get away with killing Nie Feng, the Qingcheng faction's thousand-year-old Forget it, the foundation was completely destroyed in his hands.

"This guy is really not dead!"

A gleam flashed in the eyes of Tang Wanli from the Tang Sect. During the Double Ninth Festival, he was defeated by Nie Feng in his Qiqiao Lianhuan Jue. He always wanted to get back this place, so seeing that Nie Feng was still alive, he was naturally a little excited.

And Tang Ruyi was even more energetic, laughing and said: "I knew this kid was lucky and fateful. He was able to survive in such a dangerous situation in the dead city that day. Naturally, a few low-level thieves can't do anything to him .”

The seat of the Tang Sect is not far from the seat of the Qingcheng Sect, so everyone in the Qingcheng Sect naturally heard Tang Ruyi's voice, and those disciples who didn't know it were better. He could only sit there and hold his breath.

Hear the voices of discussion from all around.

Knowing that his identity had been made public, Nie Feng reached out and took off the mask on his face, revealing his handsome face.

Killing the dragon and seeking the Tao is fierce and fierce!
The Moon Breaking Saber's intent is so powerful that it covers the sky!
Two lore moves collided together!
There was no shocking explosion as everyone imagined!
On the contrary, the gun light and the saber energy devoured each other, constantly sapping the strength from each other.

Only the sound of "Zizi" came from the air...

There was silence all around.

Everyone held their breath and stared at the two of them.

Not far away, Liu Yue wanted to separate them.

But after thinking about it, he finally just sighed, and his figure floated back gently.


Nie Feng didn't want to continue the stalemate with him, so he simply felt overwhelmed, and the cathode of the Xuanbing Hibernating Dragon Kungfu transformed into yang, directly transforming into the domineering Nine Suns Divine Kungfu, and four rounds of brilliant sun appeared behind him.

The tyrannical zhenqi burst like a mountain torrent!

The momentum of the gun shattered Yu Wenjue in an instant, and he slashed out the sky full of sword energy!
Then his figure swirled into the air, turning into a fierce dragon-shaped gun light in the air, following the momentum of the gun, he swooped down towards Yu Wenjue!

If Yu Wenjue hadn't put the Moon Swallowing Saber across his chest in time to block the spear that was stabbing him, he would have been pierced through the heart by now.


But even so, Yu Wenjue could feel the churning within Wu, and a mouthful of blood could not help but flow from the corner of his mouth. He knew that his defeat today was inevitable, but he was unwilling to die under Nie Feng's gun like this. up and running.

Nie Feng fell to the ground.

He also staggered a few steps backwards.

There was a tearing pain in the heart vein.

"not good!"

Nie Feng hastily channeled the true energy of the Black Ice Hibernating Dragon Kungfu to protect his heart and surrounding acupoints, and only then suppressed the heart-shattering palm force that was about to erupt.

And this time.

Yu Wenjue's Moon Swallowing Knife also came in front of Nie Feng!

"go to hell!"

The blade has not yet reached the body.

The sword intent emanating from it enveloped Nie Feng.

Nie Feng only felt as if he was in a spinning mountain of knives, and would turn into powder in an instant.

Between Lightning and Flint.

A spiritual thought flickered in Nie Feng's heart.

A group of yin and yang energy suddenly appeared on the spear!

Yu Wenjue's incomparably domineering knife fell into the sea like a mud cow, completely wiped out by the yin and yang energy on the spear point, and under the involvement of the two forces, his whole body was exposed.


This thought just flashed through Yu Wenjue's mind.

next moment.

I felt like my chest was hit like thunder!

Yu Wenjue's figure flew three feet horizontally, blood gushed out of his mouth, and his chest was sunken.

This kind of injury is still on other people, even if they are not dead, they have no ability to move, but after Yuwenjue landed, his right palm immediately slapped on the ground, and the whole person used his strength to spin up, turned around and ran out with the knife go.

"Leave me!"

Seeing that he was about to run, Nie Feng was as tall as a flying dragon, and he came behind him in the blink of an eye.

Yu Wenjue endured the severe pain in his chest, and slashed at Nie Feng with his backhand, but he was seriously injured again, and his skill was less than [-]%, and he was flustered, so Nie Feng dodged lightly, and avoided the edge of the Moon Swallowing Knife.

at the same time.

The finger of the left hand stabbed out like a sword, and it happened to hit Yu Wenjue's right wrist holding the knife!
The right wrist bone was shattered into powder immediately, and the finger strength was still spreading upwards, but in just a few short breaths, all the bones in Yu Wenjue's right arm had been shattered, and the crackling sound was endless, which was audible. fearful...

If the finger force spreads to the skull, even if a god descends to earth, it will not be able to save Yu Wenjue's life.

Nie Feng still wanted to keep him to ask the mastermind behind the killing of Fang Xiaozhi, so he swung the spear with his right hand and cut off Yu Wenjue's right arm at the root. …

(End of this chapter)

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