Great Song catcher

Chapter 250 Pause

Chapter 250 Pause
The Liuyun Sword fell into the hands of Taoist Pleiades.

The Hongchen sword is temporarily kept by Jian Liuli.

So far, only three of the seven swords remain.

Next is the Tianhai sword that is filled with purple dragon aura.

According to the third elder, this sword was originally melted and cast from the ancient remnant stele. According to the material of that stele, the forged sword can only be said to be sharper, and there is still a considerable distance from the sword. , but the inscription on that stone tablet was engraved by the great Confucianism himself, so it was naturally tainted with the majestic spirit of Confucianism.

However, this sword can only display its power in the hands of Confucian disciples. If you don't know the Confucian martial arts, even if you get the Tianhai Sword, you will not be able to display its true power.

In addition, the influence of the Confucian sect spreads across the government and the public, so no one competes with the Confucian sect for this sword, even those from other countries. The reason why this Tianhai sword is precious is because it can resonate with the Confucian sect disciples. For outsiders, it's like tasteless.

It is a pity that it is tasteless.

Moreover, they will also fight against Confucianism, and in the end the gains outweigh the losses.

"Sky Sea Sword belongs to Canglong Sword Mr. Rusu!"

Seeing that no one was competing, the third elder directly announced the winner of the Tianhai Sword.

And Canglong Sword Confucian Su Longxiu cleaned up his clothes, and walked to Tianhaijian with the Confucian rituals of ancient times. Perhaps Tianhaijian also sensed the Confucian aura of Su Longxiu. The purple dragon on his body flew up, and finally poured into Su Longxiu's body.

"Disciple will live up to the entrustment of the sages, hold this sword to eliminate traitors, kill young people, uphold justice in the world, and restore the universe!"

A thunder flashed in the sky!
All the Confucian disciples present felt the changes between heaven and earth.

"My Confucianism sect has finally produced another great Confucianist in martial arts!"

The Confucian masters on the field saw this.

Some people burst into tears.

There are also people who are full of joy.

But without exception, almost all Confucian masters came to Su Longxiu's side to protect him.

Canglong Jianru let out a long roar, and the purple dragon energy that filled the sky unexpectedly condensed into a purple dragon battle armor, which was worn on Su Longxiu's body.

"As soon as he stepped into the gods, he faded away from the mortal world. There is another supernatural power in this world. I didn't expect Su Longxiu to have such a chance. It is really a blessing." Zhu Yan sighed beside him.

At the same time, a trace of loneliness flashed in his eyes.

If it was said that Su Longxiu was promoted to the God Realm, among the people present who felt the most uncomfortable, it was undoubtedly Zhu Yan.

Chen Kong also naturally knew the details of his old friend, and wanted to comfort him, but he didn't know what to say, so he just patted him on the shoulder in the end.

But in terms of talent background, Zhu Yan is actually far better than Su Longxiu. If he hadn't hurt his roots back then, judging from Zhu Yan's cultivation base, he might have become a warrior in the state of gods by now.

It's a pity that God is jealous of talents.

Zhu Yan hurt his own essence. If there is no accident, Zhu Yan can only stay in the half-stepped god realm throughout his life, even if he is only a thin layer of window paper away from the god realm, but for him It is no different from a natural moat, which cannot be crossed for eternity.

Purple dragon aura filled the sky.

This vision lasted for half an hour before it gradually dissipated.

Su Longxiu opened his eyes, the purple dragon armor on his body was drawn into his body, and he cupped his hands to Nian Wuji who was sitting on the chair: "Master Nian, thanks to the might of the Excalibur, Su was able to break through to ecstasy today, and I will repay it in the future." Ender."

"Congratulations to Mr. Su for his achievement. I forged the sword city, but it's just going smoothly. How can I say thank you."

Nian Wuji also stood up and returned the salute.

Different from other sects, Confucian disciples are usually divided into two lines, civil and military.

The Confucian disciples of the Wen lineage practice the strategy of governing the country and maintaining the country. Although they also practice martial arts overnight, they are only used to strengthen their bodies and prevent accidents. They are second-rate masters in the arena.

But the disciples of Confucianism who practice martial arts are just the opposite. They practice Confucianism, Taoism and martial arts, and use the sword in their hands to stabilize the universe.

Now the Song Dynasty is in its heyday.

There are countless great Confucianists in literature and Taoism in the court, but there are only a few great Confucianists in martial arts. It is difficult to support the prestige of Confucianism in the Jianghu, but now with the new force of Su Longxiu joining, the situation is very different.

The Tianhai sword just happened to be its master, and only the second of the seven swords remained.

But Nie Feng knew in his heart that the real decisive moment was next.

Half a month ago, Shechenjian survived the nine heavenly tribulations, and everyone in Jianjian City knew how many people wanted to play with that sword. For this reason, the Fourth Elder and the Sixth Elder died and the other was injured.

Although due to the sudden change, the masters of Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism will not be competing for the Shechen Sword, but those masters from foreign lands, and there are many sects that have not made a move, may not sit there with peace of mind.

For example, Jiang Xingyun, the eldest son of the Jiang family, Murong Yan from the Murong family, masters from the far west, and many people from the Western Region martial arts, they all have the idea of ​​using this sword.

There is also the White Lotus Sect that has never shown up. Nie Feng even suspects that people from the Conferred God Royal Court will also come to create side effects. The Famous Sword Conference has only gradually reached its true peak.

The sixth sword is the ancient sword of hopelessness.

Originally, this sword was second only to the Shechen Sword among the seven swords, and it was also the target that many people wanted to fight for, but because of the birth of the three swords Liuyun, Hongchen, and Tianhai, this sword seemed less conspicuous.

Finally, after a fierce battle, the hopeless ancient sword fell into the hands of a swordsman from the Western Regions.

This is the end.

Except for the Shechen sword, the six swords have already got corresponding masters.

Seize the lightsaber, Zhu Yan, the chief instructor of the Six Doors!
Guhong Sword, the Dao Sword of the Diancang School Liu Yue!
Liuyunjian, the Taoist Subaru of the Huashan Sword Sect!

Hongchen Sword, Buddha Heart Sword Sect Sword Liuli!
Tianhai Sword, Canglong Sword Confucian Su Longxiu!

Hopeless Sword, Duanmuyuan, a swordsman from the Western Regions!
At this time.

Nian Wuji stood up suddenly and said: "It's getting late today, please go back to the place to rest for a while, and continue the meeting at Chenshi tomorrow."

The people present gradually dispersed.

Gu Ting said with a smile: "Now we should go and see Yu Wenjue."

"I hope he can think clearly now and tell us directly who is behind the scenes." Nie Feng also said.

After the group of four left the Temple of Refining Heaven, they walked towards the medicine hall.

Yu Wenjue was seriously injured by Nie Feng. Even though he has profound skills, he would not be able to last until now if he did not save him, so Nie Feng simply left him in the medicine hall. He couldn't lose it. As for whether someone would assassinate him again, Nie Feng wasn't particularly worried.

Because at that time he had asked Nian Cangqiong to find a few high-strength disciples from Jiancheng City to guard him, and Tang Xiaoser, Wen Changling and Miao Run were there, and wanted to assassinate Yu Wenjue blatantly. It's not easy either.

(End of this chapter)

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