Great Song catcher

Chapter 309 Return to Beijing

Chapter 309 Return to Beijing
These thunderbolt bullets are all firearms specially made by Jiangnan Thunderbolt Hall for the imperial military department. They are much more powerful than those circulated in the rivers and lakes. Even in various armies, only a few generals are qualified to use them.

When Nie Feng and Gu Ting came this time, Wang Longchuan specially gave them seven Thunderbolts, just in case.

Even just one thunderbolt of this level is enough to kill an unsuspecting innate expert, not to mention that there are seven consecutive thunderbolts, even a ecstatic expert may find it difficult to resist in a hurry.

Especially now, Gong Changyu was injured by Monk Xiangming's Da Guangming palm in advance, and it took a lot of effort to get rid of the palm strength in his body in the past few days. Another [-]% was spent.

In normal times, with Gong Zhangyu's cultivation base, even if the seven thunderbolts exploded beside him, they would not cause fatal damage to him, but now he is suffering from serious internal injuries, and he also He didn't expect someone to shoot a thunderbolt at him suddenly, so he was a step late in hiding.

The shock waves generated by the explosion of the seven thunderbolt bombs directly wiped out all the houses in the entire small village, Gong Zhangyu's figure also flew more than ten feet away, and fell heavily from midair to the ground.

After Gong Changyu struggled to stand up, the Lin brothers and Nie Feng and Gu Ting, who had sneaked up on him, had already disappeared without a trace. Feeling angry and anxious, Gong Changyu spurted out a mouthful of blood.

"I will definitely kill you!"

The tyrannical zhenqi spread out, and the small village that was already in ruins completely became history under his zhenqi.

At this moment, Gong Zhangyu still had that detached and refined look, his face was as pale as paper, with red and black blood oozing from the corner of his mouth, and the blue shirt on his body was also tattered.

After venting the anger in his heart, Gong Changyu calmed down and quickly thought about what to do next.

Now that the secret base inside the mountain cave has been destroyed, everything is exposed to the eyes of the world, especially Fang Zhou was also rescued by Nie Feng and the others. As long as they return to Beijing, the poison on the prince's body can be detoxified. With the means and prestige of the prince, plus the assistance of the six doors, they have no chance to stand up.

Therefore, the only chance to turn things around is to send experts to forcibly plunder Nie Feng and the others on their way back to Beijing. If they are not solved, they are not considered a loser.

Thinking of this, Gong Changyu immediately turned into a blue light and disappeared into the sky.

the other side.

Nie Feng and Gu Ting took advantage of the moment when the thunderbolt exploded, unfolded their own lightness kungfu and rescued the Lin family brothers as quickly as possible, and then ran straight to Huaizhou City without looking at the outcome of Gong Changyu direction.

Although Nie Feng was temporarily unable to use Liuyunbu because of his meridians, Hong Sihai passed him the Dragon Walking Technique. With the blessing of Yang Shen Gong's true energy, the speed is even faster.

Needless to say, Gu Ting, his nickname Fengshen is enough to prove his lightness kung fu.

Moreover, all the masters who are good at legwork in the world are definitely not far behind in their lightness skills.

Lin Po and Lin Bai didn't expect Gong Changyu's cultivation to be so high, and they thought he was only a master who had stepped into the realm of gods, so they might not be their opponents with their brothers' martial arts, but when they The moment I fought against Gong Changyu, I knew I was wrong. Gong Changyu's cultivation was not at all the half-stepped into the divine realm as they imagined, but a real master of the divine realm, who was at the same level as their master. exist.

Perhaps their master could defeat Gong Changyu, but with the strength of the two brothers, that was absolutely impossible.

They were all ready to die. After all, the difference in cultivation between the two sides was too great, but when they were waiting to be killed, they found that someone suddenly appeared in front of them and rescued them from Gong Changyu's hands.

Nie Feng and Gu Ting were like two gusts of wind, leaving no trace on the snow. They were relieved until they returned to Huaizhou City.

"Fortunately, he didn't come after him."

Gu Ting said out of breath.

Nie Feng's chest was also heaving violently. Although the two of them are not weak in cultivation, the energy expended to perform lightness kung fu by themselves and the energy consumed to perform lightness kung fu with one person are completely different concepts.

"He wants to chase him, and none of the four of us can escape today."

This is not because of Nie Feng's admiration, but because the fighters in the Condensed Gang Realm are completely incomparable with the fighters in the Divine Realm. Even if Zhu Yan and the others are fighting against the Divine Realm, they are still half-stepping into the Divine Realm, and they can kill relatively well A weak warrior.

But Gong Changyu is a veteran master of ecstasy, and is proficient in the Qing Gang Qi of the ancient Taoist sect, which has nothing to do with the word weak.

"Yes, it's you!"

At this time, Lin Po and Lin Bai came back to their senses, and seeing that the person who saved their lives was actually someone they had conflicted with before, they didn't know what to say.

"Thank you both for your help!"

Lin Po stood up from the ground, and solemnly bowed to Nie Feng and Gu Ting.

"Okay, don't be polite, let's go back first."

Gu Jin waved his hand.

The four walked along the long street towards the government office.

The journey from the gate of the city to the government office took about a quarter of an hour. Nie Feng and Gu Ting once again saw the strength of Bai Xu's remnant body. It's almost done.

"It's really rare to have a ruined body."

Gu Ting shook his head and said, "After you have advanced to the Divine Realm, there are only a handful of people who can kill you. If you have the chance to reach the Destiny Realm, then external forces will basically have nothing to do with you."

"Our brothers haven't even understood [-]% of the essence of this set of martial arts. Even the old master said that he has only understood [-]% of the essence of this set of exercises, and he has never understood [-]% of the essence of this set of martial arts. Otherwise, it would have been a long time ago It has been promoted to the realm of destiny." Lin Po said.

"Fate Tribulation..."

When Nie Feng was in Zhujian City, Xiao Hongchen, the suzerain of the Buddha Heart Sword Sect, once said that if a master of ecstasy wants to advance to the realm of destiny, he must break his own destiny. Lian Jiuxiao realized the No. 13 inner strength mental method, Therefore, if he breaks through the realm of Destiny, then the fate of the dilapidated old man will most likely be this ruined body. As long as he thoroughly understands the essence of this kung fu, then he will be promoted to Destiny.

However, the distance of this step is like a natural moat. It may be passed tomorrow, or it may not be passed for more than ten years or even a lifetime.

After returning to the government office, Nie Feng briefly explained what happened, and Lin Po and Lin Bai thanked everyone again and again.

Zhu Yan asked at this time: "What plans do you brothers have in the future?"

"We..." Lin Po didn't speak yet.

Lian Chengfei suddenly said: "I think you will join the imperial army and be my personal guards. Your kung fu can also be useful."

Then, he stared at Zhu Yan again and said, "Don't try to take advantage of it, you can't get all the good things in the world alone, there are three young people like Nie Feng, Xiao Wuming, and Gu Ting, and Xiao Wangyue from Jingzhou In the future, just a few of them will be enough to support the beams of the six doors. However, there have not been many outstanding young people in our imperial army in recent years. The pillars of the Custodian."

Bai Wuchou also said at this time: "Actually, we..."

But when Bai Wuchou saw Lian Chengfei's eyes, he shrank immediately.

And he also knew that what Lian Chengfei said was right. The Forbidden Army has indeed been a little out of date in recent years. It’s okay in a short time. These old masters are enough to support the Forbidden Army. For young generals, it's hard to say. Although it is not possible to revoke the Forbidden Army, the name of the Forbidden Army, the number one army of the Song Dynasty, may not be preserved.

Lin Po and Lin Bai looked at each other and said, "But we don't want to deal with people in the court."

"The Forbidden Army only obeys the orders of the Holy Majesty, and its duty is to guard the safety of the capital. It has nothing to do with the intrigues in the court. As long as you don't take the initiative to approach, those messy things will not touch you."

Lian Chengfei was uncharacteristically like a storyteller, there he taught the Lin brothers carefully, and told them all the pros and cons.

In the end, the Lin family brothers finally made up their minds, and at the same time said to Lian Chengfei: "In this case, thanks to the love of the commander, my two brothers will be the swords in the general's hands from now on. As long as our brothers don't die, no one can hurt the general."

"Good, good, good!"

Seeing that the two agreed to join the Forbidden Army, Lian Chengfei couldn't help saying hello three times.

Of course, he didn't mean to simply trust the Lin brothers.

The reason why he wanted to call the Lin family brothers as his personal guards was, on the one hand, it was really for the sake of the imperial army, and on the other hand, he also admired the martial arts and character of the two, since they dared to take a big shame in order to repay the kindness of the palace chief Yu It can be seen in public that the nature of these two people is not bad, they are both the kind of straightforward guys who will repay their grudges. As long as this kind of people are well trained, they will definitely become the pillars of the country in the future.

And following him, he can also observe the actions of the two of them at any time to see whether they are pretending to be this kind of person, or whether they are really like this. It is easy for a person to temporarily disguise his nature, but if he wants to grow up It will not be easy if the time is disguised, and sooner or later there will be flaws.

If the Lin family brothers were really Ding Wei'an's spy in the imperial army, then he could also monitor the two of them at any time and ask for their names.

Lian Chengfei was able to become the deputy commander of the Imperial Army, not only relying on his own martial arts, but also his extraordinary strategy and wisdom, because the deputy commander is basically the next generation commander, and the current commander of the Imperial Army is the martial arts master of the Holy One , who holds the position of Taiwei in the current dynasty, if it is based on seniority, Lian Chengfei and the current emperor are still brothers.

He was raised by the commander of the imperial army himself, and taught him martial arts. He was often accompanied by the emperor when he was a child, so he was able to hold the position of deputy commander, and he was very trusted by the emperor.

Seeing that Lian Chengfei snatched the Lin brothers over, Zhu Yan shook his head slightly.

At this time, a loud noise suddenly came from behind, which startled everyone.

"What happened?"

Gu Ting coughed for a long time before he recovered, and hurriedly put down the teacup in his hand and asked.

"do not know."

Nie Feng shook his head.

On the contrary, Bai Wuchou's expression changed a little, and he said, "I remember that Fang Zhou seemed to be tinkering with something in the back, so something happened to him, right?"

Everyone changed their colors when they heard this, and hurriedly ran to the back.

Fang Zhou's safety is now related to Jiangshan Sheji, if he has an accident, it means that the prince's injury is incurable.

But when they ran to the backyard, they realized it was a false alarm.

The room Fang Zhou was in was billowing with black smoke, but there was no trace of a fight, and there was no smell of burning smoke in the air. Two dark figures ran out of the room, squatted on the ground and coughed non-stop. .

" are Fang Zhou?"

Xiao Wuming looked at the man on the right with some astonishment.

Nie Feng looked at the figure on the left, and he could vaguely see the scorched beard under his jaw. It seemed that he was not young.

"You are...Mr. Medicine King Shi?"

Nie Feng asked with some daring to admit it.

"Cough cough..."

The old man was stunned for a moment, then he stood up, coughed twice, and said to everyone, "I'm just Shi Tianyang, I haven't thanked you for saving my life."

At this time, Han Guang leaned over and said, "Mister, what are you doing? Barbecuing in the house?"

"Don't talk nonsense!"

Shen Bai knocked on his head, and then said: "The two gentlemen are both national players in Xinglin, and they are studying something related to pharmacology."

"Yes, yes."

Shi Tianyang subconsciously wanted to reach out his hand to stroke the long beard under his chin, but his beard had already been burned away. The action looked quite funny, and everyone was embarrassed to laugh. Only Qian Feng asked with restraint: "Well, Mr. Sir, have you researched anything?"

At this time, Fang Zhou said beside him: "Senior Shi and I are researching the poison planted by the crown prince, and we have achieved quite a lot now. Give us a few more days, and we should be able to research the antidote, even if we can't completely remove the poison. , at least it can suppress the toxicity, leaving us enough time."

"With senior Shi and my master here, plus what we found, the poison on the prince should be no problem."

"That's good."

Zhu Yan bowed his hands to Fang Zhou and Shi Tianyang solemnly: "You two gentlemen, the safety of the crown prince and the stability of the country are all in the hands of the two of you. If everything is safe, if not, I'm afraid Da Song will die." will descend into chaos.”

"I will definitely do my best."

"Three days! Another three days should be enough."

Shi Tianyang and Fang Zhou also bowed their hands in return and made promises.

For what they needed, Qian Feng also sent people to bring the best.

Back in the front hall, Nie Feng learned from Zhu Yan that although there was no turmoil in the court hall, secretly the crown prince had prepared for the worst, and the imperial decree had been issued to the four frontier troops to prepare them for battle.

Khitan and Xixia have been coveting the land of the Central Plains for a long time. Now that the Holy One is in seclusion and ignoring the state affairs, if the prince really dies, it will definitely cause turmoil in the court. At that time, several princes will secretly use each other to fight for the crown prince. The method, the turmoil in the court will inevitably affect the stability of the people, how can Khitan and Xixia let go of this excellent opportunity.

At that time, with large soldiers pressing down on the border, strong enemies from outside approaching, and the internal court being unstable and the army's morale slackened, the Great Song Dynasty would definitely end up in a disastrous defeat.

So Zhu Yan's words were not exaggerating at all.

"Wait another three days, as soon as the antidote is researched, we will immediately get up and rush back to the capital. Then let the crown prince take the antidote directly, and the court will naturally stabilize." Lian Chengfei said.

"Why don't you get up now?"

Bai Wuchou said: "We can develop the antidote on the road, and it will save time."


Zhu Yan said: "There can be no mistakes in the matter of the antidote, and the capital is unstable. No one can guarantee that there will be no Ding Wei around the prince. At least in Huaizhou City, our hearts are all for the prince. Although the princes are not mediocre, they are still far behind the princes, if they are allowed to ascend the throne, the people of the Song Dynasty may not have a peaceful life."

The current crown prince, Zhao Rui, is the eldest son of Emperor Renzong Zhao Zhen, and his martial arts and martial arts can be regarded as top-notch. Bai Xiaosheng once said that the current crown prince can be compared with Emperor Taizong, and everyone in the court knows that It is clear that if the crown prince ascends the throne and proclaims himself emperor, with his strategy and skill in governing the country, the territory of the Great Song Dynasty will never stop there.

So not only the prince's younger brothers didn't like him, but even the foreign enemies around the Song Dynasty yearned for his death all the time. Yanyun sixteen prefectures, which is now the prefectures and prefectures of Youzhou.

But it's a pity that Emperor Taizong passed away early, which gave Khitan and Xixia a chance to breathe. Otherwise, the Great Song Dynasty in this world might be able to overcome the shame of the Great Song Dynasty in the world where Xue Niefeng lived in his previous life, and make the entire territory of Shenzhou the territory of the Great Song Dynasty.

And the current prince, Zhao Rui, has the demeanor of his great-grandfather.

"I really don't know what those people think?"

Xiao Wuming said in a puzzled tone: "Could it be that the supreme position is really better than the love of flesh and blood? You have to know how many people in this world wish to exchange their lives for the relatives around them. Why can't they see through this?" What about one o'clock?"

"If everyone thought as thoroughly as Miss Xiao thought, there wouldn't be so many troubles in the world." Long Qingfeng sighed leisurely.

"In any case, as long as we fulfill our duties as courtiers, that's enough."

Lian Chengfei took a deep breath, and a killing intent flashed in his eyes.

He has been practicing literature and martial arts with the current sage since he was a child, and he also watched the prince grow up. In his eyes, the prince not only has the status of a monarch, but also has the status of a nephew. If anyone dares to touch the prince, then Lian Chengfei will be the first Do not agree.

Time flies by.

three days later.

Fang Zhou and Medicine King Shi Tianyang finally researched the antidote, and the strange fragrance immediately permeated the entire government office.


Following the source of the fragrance, everyone found the room where Fang Zhou was.

For the past few days and nights, Fang Zhou and Shi Tianyang had been working almost non-stop and spent a lot of energy researching the antidote. After the antidote was released, Zhu Yan and the others immediately made preparations for their return journey back to Beijing.

But just to be on the safe side, Zhu Yan decided to make a play when he returned to Beijing.

Because accompanied by the escort of money and food, there were five thousand forbidden troops. These five thousand forbidden troops were led by Han Guang, Shen Bai and several lieutenants. At the same time, they escorted Qin Wu and Duan Sisi back to the capital. He and Lian Chengfei's appearance came to deceive Ding Wei's subordinates, and Long Qingfeng, Duan Zhengyang, Gu Ting, and Bai Wuchou secretly protected him.

However, Nie Feng, Xiao Wuming, Zhu Yan, Lian Chengfei, and the Lin brothers escorted Fang Zhou and Shi Tianyang back to the capital, so that Ding Wei's subordinates could be confused, and they could not Know which party has the antidote.

The five thousand forbidden troops left Huaizhou in a grand manner, and a spy immediately notified the palace chief Yu secretly.

Gong Changyu returned to the capital with internal injuries that day, and told Ding Wei everything. Ding Wei immediately sent the most elite Xuanwu guards under his command to follow Gong Changyu back again.

There are two purposes.

The first one is to find a way to rescue Qin Wu and Duan Sisi.

Second, if Fang Zhou died on the way back to Beijing, Fang Zhou must not be allowed to return to Beijing safely.

Gong Changyu asked people to monitor the four gates of Huaizhou City day and night, and immediately went back to report if there was any movement.

"Are you sure they went in two ways?"

Gong Changyu looked at the spies and asked.


The spy nodded.

A young man in iron armor came: "Those forbidden soldiers escorted Qin Wu and Duan Sisi, and Zhu Yan and Lian Chengfei personally led the formation. I think they are taking them as evidence to bring down the Prime Minister, and Nie Feng and the others are behind the scenes. , guarding Fang Zhou and Medicine King Shi Tianyang to return to Beijing by water, they split into two groups to confuse us and disperse our strength, my lord, what should we do now?"

"Should we save Qin Wu and Duan Sisi first, or intercept Fang Zhou and Shi Tianyang first?"

"If we choose one of them, then the other party is likely to take advantage of this time and get out of our control."

The palace chief frowned.

Of course Qin Wu and Duan Sisu wanted to be rescued, but they were escorted by five thousand forbidden soldiers and two and a half god-like masters. If they forcibly rob the prisoners, let alone whether they would succeed, once they were surrounded by the forbidden soldiers, it would be difficult to escape.

On the other side, pack lightly and travel by water. Once you cross the Yellow River, you will be at the feet of the Son of Heaven, and it will be troublesome if you want to do it again.

But if Qin Wu and Duan Sisi were not rescued, their fathers would not be able to explain it.

After thinking about it, Gong Changyu finally made up his mind and said: "Go and kill Fang Zhou and Shi Tianyang first, and then do it on the Yellow River, without leaving traces for others. As for Qin Wu who sent people to watch, as long as our side After you succeed, immediately go to rescue the two of them."

"Yes, I will arrange it."

The young man turned and left.

Nie Feng and the others soon arrived at Huanglong Ferry.

This is already the base of the Huanglong Gang, and it is also the largest ferry on both sides of the Yellow River, where there is an endless stream of business travelers.

(End of this chapter)

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