Chapter 369

Hear Da Wu's words.

Two young men in black came out of the crowd.

These two people, like Da Wu and Xiao Wu, are twin brothers, and their looks are seven or eight points similar.

Among them, the slightly older man was holding a four-foot-long sword in his hand.

The other, who was a little younger, carried a short sword more than two feet long behind his back.

"who are they?"

Xiao Wuming on the stage saw these two people and asked in a low voice.

"Twin Swords, brothers from the Gao family, elder brother Gao Shijie, is the one with the long sword in his hand, and younger brother Gao Shixiong, the one with the short sword on his back." Nie Feng looked at the two young men, "They are all Kunlun swordsmen. The disciples of the faction once wanted to compete for the heir to the head of the sect, but they were defeated by Qing Tian in the end. Combining the positive Liangyi sword and the anti Liangyi sword, you can explode with strength several times that of your own body."

Gao Shijie shook the big sword in his hand, and said: "We brothers have heard the names of the brothers of the Wu family for a long time. I heard that the magical skills of the two of you are similar to my Kunlun's positive and negative Liangyi sword. We Brother, I just want to see and see, if you lose to the hands of the two, we will naturally support the two of you to take over the position of Tianhun, but if the two of you lose to us, then please do what you have to do."


The younger brother Gao Shixiong also said: "The sky arrester of the six doors is not something that anyone can take on. Although our brothers are not talented, we are willing to be this test stone."

In the words of the two, they did not pay attention to the brothers of the Wu family at all, and they were full of ridicule.

It wasn't just Wu Tianya who showed displeasure.

Even the major sects below were talking about it, including several elders of the Kunlun sect, who frowned when they saw the Gao family brothers.

The purpose of this sword test is to choose the successor of the Six Doors to be the Sky Arrest.

And the Wu Family Brothers are one of them,
But the words of the two brothers of the Gao family offended them severely. Even if they could beat the brothers of the Wu family, they would not treat the Kunlun faction well when they succeeded. It is not wise to fight against the six sects, but Now that the words have been spoken, there is no way to take them back, so we can only take one step at a time.

Fortunately, Guan Qingtian will not have a complete stalemate with the six doors.

The Gao brothers didn't know that their arrogance had caused dissatisfaction among various factions, and they were talking there triumphantly.

"Since the two of you are willing to teach me, it's hard for us brothers to refuse, so let's fight!"

Xiao Wu's temperament is the most calm.

But after hearing Gao Shijie and Gao Shixiong's words, anger also rose in his heart.

A battle between two pairs of siblings.

This is still rare in martial arts.

In particular, the martial arts they practice need to be connected with each other and cooperate with each other to exert the highest power. If someone has selfishness or a messy mind, then they will not be able to exert the highest essence of their own kung fu.

Gao Shijie slowly took off the big sword behind his back. This sword is more than four feet long, thick and blunt. It is more appropriate to call it a stick rather than a sword. Gao Shixiong's sword is just the opposite, thin and sharp, no more than two feet long , half shorter than ordinary swords.

This is the mystery of Kunlun's both positive and negative Liangyi swords, both offensive and defensive.

Based on the positive and negative two forms, it evolved from the four images and eight trigrams, which differentiated into 64 changes, and then evolved into the number of stars in the sky. Jianlu's Qianfengwuying swordsmanship is inferior in this respect.

Moreover, once the sword movement is unfolded, it will be like the torrential water of the Yangtze River, continuous and violent, and the sword energy will trap the opponent like a prison, sweeping from all directions, making the opponent hard to guard against and difficult to resist.

It is said that there was a patriarch of the Kunlun School who realized the method of "one mind and two purposes". He could use this set of positive and negative swords at the same time. For those who are above him, it is difficult to escape the attack of this set of swordsmanship

Gao Shijie waved the big sword in his hand, his figure was as fast as a gust of wind, and he came to the brothers of the Wu family in the blink of an eye. The big sword in his hand seemed slow but fast, and the light of the sword was like a silver waterfall falling from the sky, cutting towards the bodies of the brothers of the Wu family. On the contrary, the movements seem to be quick but are actually slow, and the sword is powerful and inexhaustible, sweeping towards the bottom of the martial arts brothers.

"Exquisite swordsmanship."

Nie Feng nodded again and again.

Although the character of these two people is a bit poor, their skills are really not weak.Especially in this positive and negative swordsmanship, the way of attack is often unexpected. Gao Shijie, who originally wields a giant sword, should have a powerful and fierce swordsmanship, and use the power of the giant sword itself to unleash a powerful attack.

But he was the complete opposite, and even used a giant sword to display a swift move.

His younger brother Gao Shixiong used a thin and sharp short sword to display a fierce and domineering sword.

If it was a martial artist with insufficient cultivation or inexperience, with this move alone, he might be killed on the spot or lose the opportunity.

But the Wu family brothers didn't panic at all, and the division of labor between the two was clear.

Da Wu deals with Gao Shijie's giant sword, while Xiao Wu deals with Gao Shixiong's short sword.

And the true power of the Rebellion Divine Art was finally revealed at this time.

Two vortexes exuding black light appeared in front of him, and then instantly merged into one.The erupting power seemed to tear through the space, and the black light swallowed up the sword energy of the two in an instant, but the Gao brothers seemed to have expected it, and when they turned around, the sword posture of the two changed again .

Gao Shijie's swordsmanship became as thick as a mountain, and Gao Shixiong's swordsmanship became as fast as lightning.

The boundless sword qi traps the Wu family brothers in it like a mountain and sea. Gao Shijie and Gao Shixiong's swordsmanship changes continuously.

Sometimes they attack at the same time, sometimes they retreat at the same time, and sometimes they attack and defend at the same time.

The change of Yin and Yang has evolved to the extreme.

Although the brothers of the Gao family did not practice the pros and cons swordsmanship to the highest level, they can evolve the changes of the number of stars in the sky, but they have also practiced the 64 movements derived from the gossip. The combination of the pros and cons is 120 eight moves Variety.

"These two children's temperament is very calm, they are not in a hurry to fight back, but they are ready to see all the changes in the positive and negative aspects first, and then launch an attack, not bad, not bad." Seeing Dawu Xiaowu's move, he nodded very satisfied.

Wu Tianya on the side laughed and said, "You don't even look at whose apprentice it is."

"Crazy Wu, are you still shameless?"

Shen Han glanced at him, and said: "You, a new master, taught them kung fu for a few days, and it took less than ten days to do all the calculations. You can really put gold on your face."

"So what? They are all my apprentices anyway, do you still want it!" Wu Tianya smiled indifferently, "The apprentice won, and I, as a master, will be honored!"

Shen Han was so blocked by him that he couldn't speak, so he could only laugh and scold him a few words.

At the seat where the Kunlun faction was, Guan Qingtian frowned slightly when he saw the brothers of the Gao family, then shook his head and said, "The brothers of the Gao family lost."

"how come?"

The young disciple next to him asked strangely: "Brother, I think Brother Gao and the others have gained the upper hand."

"They seem to have the upper hand now, but in fact they have let out all their trump cards. Originally, the martial arts brothers' cultivation base is no worse than them, and the martial arts they cultivate are also similar to the positive and negative Liangyi swords. If they had earlier Knowing the truth of this, they forced the Wu family brothers to fight with them. The outcome is still unknown, but now they are proud and arrogant, and have told them all about the changes in the positive and negative sword techniques, but they have no clue about the opponent's cards. I don’t know, it’s even more difficult to win.”

"Unless they can comprehend the highest state of positive and negative swordsmanship, and develop three thousand and 650 changes in positive and negative swordsmanship, but if they have that attainment, they won't be struggling now."

Several Kunlun elders on the side listened and nodded frequently.

In fact, in any sect in the world, you are not afraid of bastards, nor are you afraid of arrogant people, but you are afraid that there are no people with long-term vision, good temperament, and people who can take on great responsibilities. The masters of Kunlun in the past may not necessarily belong to the sect The strongest person in the world, but often the most suitable person to be in charge of the sect.

However, the Gao brothers were far from Guan Qingtian in every aspect.

Therefore, the future head of Kunlun must not be handed over to them.

Even if there is support behind them.

"The heat should be about the same."

Nie Feng, who was watching the excitement, thought about it.

at the same time.

The situation on the field has also changed.

The zhenqi of the Rebellion Divine Art swirled around, and the invisible force seemed to be pulled by turbulent currents, tearing up all the sword qi, and then Dawu waved his hands, and a blue vortex appeared in front of him immediately, exuding the power of reversal, Include all the sword energy that Gao Shijie cut out, and use the power of the vortex to turn the sword energy into pure spiritual energy.

At the same time, Xiao Wu's hands were flickering with black lights, and he forced Gao Shixiong and Gao Shijie to stagger their sword moves, and then used the chaotic formula in the Rebellion Magic Art to force Gao Shixiong's figure into the distance. The power of the Liangyi sword dropped a lot in an instant.

Gao Shijie also noticed the abnormality, but it was too late for him to withdraw his move. If he suddenly withdrew his move at this moment, then he would be exposed and seriously injured by Dawu's rebellious magic skill, so he could only go one way At the end of the day, he used the supreme internal force to urge the sword energy to continuously cut down, trying to break Dawu's reversal power, so as to restore the decline.

"It's not rude to come and go!"

Da Wu shouted loudly: "You gave me a trick, and now I will pay you back!"


A light drink.

The vortex in front of Dawu exudes a deep luster, which is intimidating, like a black hole in the starry sky, and immediately a tyrannical force emerges from it, even twisting the space within a radius of three feet, and finally This force combined with the sword energy that Gao Shijie slashed out earlier, and the black brilliance suddenly enveloped Gao Shijie, as if it could swallow everything.

Seeing the black light rushing towards his face, Gao Shijie was terrified and frightened, and retreated. At the same time, the big sword in his hand kept waving in front of him, and the sword became as thick as a mountain, and the sword condensed into a Tai Chi shape. The air mass stood in front of him like a shield.

A loud bang came.

The true qi of the Rebellion Divine Art smashed through ten layers of gang qi in a row, until the last layer of gang qi, the power collapsed by seven or eight points, and Gao Shijie shook the sword and split Dawu's true qi, and the two of them came together In the past, it seems that no one has the advantage, and it is an even ending.

But in the eyes of those masters, it was Gao Shijie who suffered a disadvantage. Although there was no winner, they had their own opinions.

the other side.

Gao Shixiong swung the dagger in his hand, the green awn on the tip of the sword faltered, and there was a chichi piercing wind sound, and the sword technique also transformed extremely quickly, but without Gao Shijie's support, Gao Shixiong's sword technique could not display its true strength. Mighty, although the two of them practiced both the positive and negative swords at the same time, they didn't know how to separate the mind and use them for two purposes. One breath, for ordinary masters, this stagnation doesn't affect anything, they can't even notice it.

But for a master like Xiao Wu who is also proficient in the Tao of Chaos, it is a big flaw, and Xiao Wu's Chaos Art is also extremely mysterious. Often Gao Shixiong's sword is close at hand, but he is caught by the Chaos Art. The strength staggered the sword's edge, and it couldn't hurt Xiao Wu at all.

Just when Gao Shixiong was transforming from Zhengliangyi to Antiliangyi, Xiao Wu suddenly caught this flaw, and thrust out his right hand like a sword. Wu quickly tapped Gao Shixiong's body a few times, then withdrew and stepped back, standing beside Dawu with his hands behind his back.

Gao Shixiong didn't feel anything unusual, truthfully continued to attack, but Gao Shijie stopped him.

"Second brother!"

"Big brother!"

"Look at your chest!"

Gao Shijie said in a low voice.

Gao Shixiong looked down, his face suddenly became very ugly.

There were seven holes in the front of his chest, and only the coat was damaged, and the inner was not damaged at all, which fully demonstrated the opponent's control over power, if it hadn't reached the state of being as light as weight, as ingenious as clumsy , How can the power be controlled so finely.

If the other party is not merciful, just now he only needs to pour out his fingertips, and his life will be lost.

"we lose!"

Gao Shijie was able to hold it and let it go, he put away his long sword and bowed his hands at the Wu family brothers.

In front of the heroes of the world, it would be a shame if he refused to admit defeat.


Da Wu clasped his hands and said: "Kunlun's positive and negative swordsmanship is indeed infinitely mysterious. If the two subordinates were not merciful, our brothers might not be able to bargain for it."

"If you lose, you lose. It's just that your skills are not as good as others." Gao Shijie said expressionlessly: "It's just that our two brothers are not good at learning skills, it's not that the Kunlun Pros and Cons Liangyi Sword is not as good as the Niluan Divine Art, we will naturally ask for advice again in the future. "

"You are always welcome!"

(End of this chapter)

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