Great Song catcher

Chapter 391 Reappearance

Chapter 391 Reappearance
for the rest of the time.

Wang Banshan told Nie Feng and others what happened to him without reservation, and let them know the specific ins and outs of the matter.

that day.

After Nie Feng gave Wang Banshan the Qiushui Dao and sent him down the mountain, Wang Banshan left the Tianshan Mountains directly with the bodyguard team.

Wang Yue was worried that Nie Feng would run into trouble at Yulong Peak, so he notified Ye Yunxiao with the secret sword orders of the Tianshan Sword School. Originally, Ye Yunxiao's seniority was much higher than Wang Yue's, but Ye Yunxiao's nature was free and easy, and he didn't The airs of the elders are deeply loved by all the disciples in the Tianshan Sword Sect, and among the younger generation of disciples of the Tianshan Sword Sect, Wang Yue is the most suitable for his temper, so he handed over the sword order to Wang Yue.

This sword order can only be activated with the internal force of Tianshan Mountain. Once the sword order is activated, Ye Yunxiao can sense it immediately.

Therefore, it happened that Ye Yunxiao kissed Yulong Peak and blocked Murong Chen.

And Wang Banshan led the escort team day and night, but on the second night, he had already returned to the small town he passed by when he came. The brothers of the Chang family, the black and white double snakes, and the ghost eagle, Lei Nujiang, were waiting for them there. Banshan didn't tell them what happened at Yulong Peak, as if nothing happened, and planned to leave for Chang'an the next morning.

But that night, something unusual happened.

Chang Miao, the black snake, was the first to discover something was wrong. The black snake swordsmanship he practiced was yin-cold, and his internal strength and sense sensitivity would be greatly improved at night, so Chang Miao often practiced internal strength at night.

He was practicing luck in the house at that time, and suddenly felt that there were more than ten powerful auras in the town for no reason. Among them, even the weakest aura was comparable to his own, and the strongest auras, He was stronger than any master he had ever seen.

This surprised Chang Miao.

The other party didn't seem to have any intention of hiding, as if they were afraid that others would not find their traces, so they spread out their aura unreservedly, and the deadly silence enveloped the whole town. After Chang Miao discovered this, he immediately He told his elder brother White Snake Chang Teng, and then the two told Wang Banshan and Lei Nujiang about it.

In fact, Wang Banshan and Lei Nujiang also felt this energy, especially Lei Nujiang's meridians were reversed by Nie Feng, and all their thoughts were immersed in the cultivation of inner strength, and the sensitivity of their five sense organs was far higher than before. It can be seen from the aura shown that the old man is definitely not a kind person.

A fierce fight is probably inevitable.

Just when everyone was ready to respond to the unexpected.

A killing has already started in the small town.

But before Wang Banshan led the people out, the other party came to the door. There were only three people who came, and their whole bodies were covered in black robes. Even their faces were tightly covered by the black robes. The weapons they used They are also all different.

Hearing this, Nie Feng and the four of them looked at each other.

The group who slaughtered the town, as well as the people who attacked and killed Murong Chen, should all be from the same faction.

Wang Banshan continued: "Although there were only three of them, the cultivation they showed was extremely terrifying, and the speed was also very fast. The brothers didn't even have time to unsheath their weapons, so they died on the spot."

"The brothers of the Chang family have two swords, and even under their hands, they can't do three tricks, and they all end up with the sword breaking."

"We fought and retreated all the way. Dozens of brothers all died at their hands. Even Elder Lei died tragically at the hands of the other party. If it weren't for Tiansheng and Tianyang who gave their lives to save him, the old man would not just lose an arm. gone."

When saying these words, Wang Banshan's expression was extremely complicated.

There was anger, there was fear, and there was panic.

I think Wang Banshan made his debut at the age of a weak crown. It has been decades since he has seen so many storms and experienced many difficulties and obstacles. one dart.

In the past, even when facing the Taihang Sword God, he didn't take half a step back. He took 37 knives from the opponent, and finally delivered the escort to the place designated by the escort, but now he has become like this, losing all vigor , no more fighting spirit.

The only explanation is that those people are terrible.

It was so terrifying that he couldn't resist.

"Old Escort, did you escape the opponent's clutches in the end?"

Jiang Xingyun hesitated for a moment, as if he had some scruples, but finally asked.

"It was the people from Tianjilou who saved us."

Wang Banshan sighed: "Just when I thought I was about to die at the hands of those people, the people from Tianjilou suddenly appeared and trapped those people with a strange method of armor, which saved the lives of my father and son. Then they escorted us back to Chang'an along the way, and specifically told me to tell Bu Zong to arrest these things."

Bu Nantian nodded slightly, and said: "I already know about this matter. The people from Tianji Building came yesterday, but they don't have a clue now. It seems that this group of people appeared suddenly, without any warning in advance. I don't know where they came from."

Nie Feng was thoughtful when he heard the words.

Tianjilou is the number one wind agency in the world, and it also has close cooperation with the six doors of the imperial court. Every year, new eagle dogs will enter the Tianjilou for training. Only after passing the assessment of Tianjilou can they return to the six doors.

This is why the news of the six-door eagle dog is so well-informed.

It can be said that the big and small things in the world cannot be hidden from the eyes of Tianjilou. There are some things that the six doors don't know, but Tianjilou must know.

But now even they can't find out, which is already very explaining the problem.

Either the gang fell from the sky suddenly,

Nie Feng remembered that the black beads in the Heavenly Secret Ring had been blocked by Bai Choufei with the true energy of the Northern Darkness. When he was on the Yulong Peak that day, he still remembered that Bai Choufei had said that these black beads were the crystallization of the power of the extraterrestrial demons and contained extremely powerful Strong magic and power, once it enters the human body, it will quickly erode the person's mind, bring him great power, and at the same time turn him into a demon.

Could that group be martial arts masters whose minds have been corrupted by the demon crystal?

of course.

This is just Nie Feng's suspicion.

He's not sure yet, but he thinks it's very likely.

While everyone was thinking about it, a middle-aged man suddenly ran in in a hurry.

"Sir, something happened!"

The person who came was none other than Shen Qiubai, the deputy chief arrester of the East Road at the six gates of Guannei Road, with the soul-locking gun.

Seeing the dignified look on Shen Qiubai's face, Nie Feng's heart suddenly sank. Shen Qiubai has always been calm and sophisticated, and he belongs to the kind of master who does not change his face when Mount Tai collapses in front of him, but now he has lost his composure. Think about what he said Must not be small.

"what happened?"

Bu Nantian asked immediately.

"Just now someone from Quyang County came to report that Quyang County was suddenly attacked by masters in black robes. There were heavy casualties in the county. , now Qu Yang is estimated to have..."

Shen Qiubai didn't continue to say the following words, but everyone present knew what he didn't say. With the behavior of that group of people, since they have decided to enter a town, the possibility of the people in this town surviving is very small .

"Catcher Shen, you just said that the golden-clothed catcher from the Ministry of Punishment is also here. How many people are there?"

"The visitor said there are only three." Shen Qiubai replied.

The headhunter in golden clothes from the Ministry of Criminal Justice.

The prefecture-level headhunters equivalent to six doors, most of them are warriors in the realm of heaven and man, and there may be only a few deputy commanders who are masters who have half-stepped into the realm of gods. After retiring, it seems that the Ministry of Criminal Justice has never produced a master of ecstasy.

After half an hour.

Nie Feng and the others have arrived in Quyang County.

Quyang County belongs to Fengyu County under the jurisdiction of Chang'an City, and it can be regarded as a place where people's livelihood is rich.

But now it is devastated, the streets of the county town are stained with blood, and many houses have collapsed and shattered.

Bu Nantian said to Shen Qiubai who was behind him: "Qiubai, you take people to appease the people first, find a place for them to stay, gather together and don't disperse, and then wait for our people to come."


Shen Qiubai responded, carrying his famous soul-locking gun, and left with more than 20 policemen.

And Nie Feng and the others walked directly towards the county government.

Along the way, the sound of crying and crying can be heard endlessly.

Everyone's faces were very ugly, especially when Jiang Xingyun saw the corpses of several four or five-year-old children, he couldn't hold back the murderous aura on his body.

"These bloody bastards!"

Lu Qingfeng's face also turned livid.

Wu Chen also lost his indifferent expression, the compassion between his brows faded, and a cold look of killing appeared.

After arriving at the county government office, dozens of corpses were covered with white cloths and placed side by side on the ground. The surviving master and the housekeeper were dealing with the funeral. When they saw Bu Nantian and the others coming in, they immediately came over and bowed to salute.

"Greetings, Bu-sama..."

The master's eyes were red, and he choked up and said: "Master Bu, our master..."

"I know it all."

Bu Nantian walked to the corpse with a solemn expression, and lifted the white cloth on him, revealing the corpse below. The corpse was still holding a broken sword in its hand. part of the blade.

"Master Liu who died in the line of duty is the county magistrate of Quyang, a disciple of the Kongtong Sect."

Bu Nantian looked at the corpse in front of him and said in a deep voice.


Wuchen recited the Buddha's name in a low voice.

A faint golden light gradually lingered, first filling the entire county office, and then spreading outwards, and finally the entire Quyang County was shrouded in a faint golden light, and the grim faces of those miserable corpses gradually faded away .

Wuchen saved these unjustly dead souls with his own practice of Buddhism.

"These two corpses belong to the two adults of the Ministry of Criminal Justice."

The butler walked to the two corpses lying next to him.

Nie Feng looked over and saw familiar faces.

One is the "Blood Arrow Golden Dart" Fang Hongliang, the head catcher of the Ministry of Criminal Justice.

The other is Kong Xiang, the "Moyun Hand" of the Ministry of Punishment.

"Didn't you say that there are three people from the Ministry of Punishment?"

Nie Feng looked at the butler and asked, "What about the rest?"

"The adult was seriously injured and is resting in a room in the backyard..."

The butler's voice remained silent.

A pale figure came out from behind with the support of the servants.

"Master Nie?"

The visitor was taken aback when he saw Nie Feng.

"Qi catcher!"

Nie Feng was also taken aback when he saw him.

This person was not familiar to him, but he was not unfamiliar either.

Several major cases were solved in the Ministry of Criminal Justice more than ten years ago, and people in the world called him "Eight-winged Cloud Dragon".

His surname is Qi and his first name is Changwei.

These gold-clothed headhunters of the Ministry of Criminal Justice are all old men of the Ministry of Criminal Justice. Everyone is a strong man with strong bones, and they are on par with the six doors. Yi Butou retired and returned to foster care, and replaced himself with his cronies.

After Ding Wei's downfall, the newly appointed head of the Ministry of Criminal Affairs personally invited all the arresters back in golden clothes. It is said that even the chief arrester of the Ministry of Criminal Justice who had retired for many years seemed to have returned to the Ministry of Criminal Justice.

Nie Feng quickly walked over to help Qi Changwei's arm, frowned and said, "Qi Butou, how is your injury?"

"If Kong Xiang hadn't risked his life to block the fatal blow for me, I'm afraid I would have gone with them now."

Looking at the bodies of the two brothers, Qi Changwei's eyes turned red.

"As long as people are alive, there is hope for everything."

Bu Nantian came over and said.

"Who is this……"

Qi Changwei looked at Nie Feng.

"I'll give you a seal..."

Nie Feng said: "This is Bu Boss arresting the head."

"Boss arresting the head?"

Qi Changwei thought for a while, and suddenly realized, he clasped his hands and said, "It turns out that it is Boss Nantianbu who trampled thousands of mountains, so be polite."

"Qi Tutou doesn't need to be too polite."

Bu Nantian waved his hand.

Qi Changwei cupped his hands to Wu Chen and the others again, "I've seen three of you."

"Qi catcher is polite."

The three of Wu Chen also returned a gift.

At this time, the master came over and said: "My lords, what should I do with the bodies of my lords and brothers? Should they be buried directly, or..."

"Can't be buried!"

Bu Nantian and Qi Changwei spoke at the same time.

"Lord Liu and you brothers can't just be buried like this. I want to capture those murderers with my own hands, and then sacrifice their blood in front of their spirits!"

Qi Changwei said bitterly.

Bu Nantian also nodded, with a strong chill exuding from his body, he said: "All the corpses in Quyang County cannot be buried. If Bu can't bring back those people who killed innocent people indiscriminately, it will be in vain for everyone to call me the chief arrester." head."


The master responded.

Fortunately, the weather is still cold, and the corpse will not rot and stink.

Everyone came to the backyard of the county government again.

There are ruins as far as the eye can see, and only a few houses are still intact.

"Qi Butou, did that group go directly to the county government office?"

Looking at the scene in front of him, Wu Chen frowned.

Qi Changwei nodded and said: "That's right, brother Liu sent us a letter a few days ago, saying that many experts have sneaked into Quyang secretly recently, but they are still not sure of their purpose, so they can't intervene as an official, so use Privately invited us over for the unexpected.

(End of this chapter)

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