Great Song catcher

Chapter 393 Revenge

Chapter 393 Revenge
Ghost Shadow was hit suddenly.

Shocked by Nie Feng's skill, a hole suddenly appeared in his chest, and Nie Feng slapped out with his palm, which just hit Gui Ying's chest.

However, Nie Feng's palm with seven successes did not have that kind of carefree feeling when he hit Gui Yingying's body. Instead, it was like hitting cotton. The power contained in the palm was transmitted by Gui Ying. The soft force melted away completely, and it didn't hurt him at all.

"The shadow magic technique really has some tricks."

Nie Feng was slightly surprised when he saw the ghostly figure, which seemed to be false but not real.

There are thousands of miraculous skills in the world, and the skills that can be cultivated to the state of ecstasy all have their own uniqueness.

In addition to being able to blend one's body into the darkness, this shadow magic skill has the biggest feature that it can dissolve the opponent's skill, which is similar to the Qingcheng School's energy transformation magic skill.

And Gui Ying escaped from the hands of Nie Feng, and his heart was shocked.

In his eyes, Nie Feng is just a brat. Even if he practiced in the womb, he only has more than 20 years of cultivation, but he has nearly a hundred years of cultivation. Even among all the masters in the world, He is also confident that he will be at the forefront.

In particular, his unique shadow magic skill can be said to be unrivaled in the world.

But who would have thought that this seemingly young kid would have such a cultivation level, not only able to see through his own shadow magic skills, but also possess a physique that is invulnerable to all poisons, even his own highly refined poisons can't help him.

In fact, this is also because Gui Ying is too conceited.

Nie Feng has a physique that is invulnerable to all poisons. This matter is not a top secret. When he was in Guanjiazhuang that day, many people knew about it. As long as Gui Ying took a little time to inquire about it, he could easily find out about it. , and there will be no unforeseen consequences.

The reason for this is, in the final analysis, that Gui Ying believes too much in his own ability.

There are not a few masters who have died at his hands in the past hundred years, and there are many people whose cultivation base is much higher than his, but in the end they cannot escape the assassination of the shadow magic art. Even if they can see through the mystery of the shadow magic art, they cannot escape his attack. Break the organ on the knife.

So over time, he developed a disposition to look around the world, and when he learned that the target was only a young man, he didn't take him seriously.

Unexpectedly, this time it suffered a big loss.

Lost three moves in a row.

For an assassin, this assassination has become a defeat.

And if a killer is completely exposed to the enemy, it means that he is not far from death.

So after the ghost shadow melted Nie Feng's palm power, it quickly moved towards the Bian River in the distance like a ghost, trying to escape with the help of the undercurrent at the bottom of the river.

"It's not that easy to leave!"

Nie Feng saw that the ghost wanted to run away, so he chased after him in a blink of an eye.

If you beat a snake, you will not die but suffer from it.

If a killer of this level can't keep him completely, then there will be no peace in the future. Maybe he will pop out at any time and give you a fatal blow at a critical moment, and Nie Feng still wants to kill you. From his mouth, he knew exactly who wanted him to kill himself.

The two are in tandem.

The unique feature of the shadow magic is that it is strange and invisible, so it is not easy to be light. It was quickly chased by Nie Feng. The distance between the two was less than five meters. The ghost shadow felt the wind coming from behind , Looking back, I was shocked, and immediately urged the power in my body to the extreme, and the speed increased a lot.

But Nie Feng always kept the distance between the two of them within five meters, no matter how the ghost shadow urged his skills, he couldn't keep the distance between the two of them apart.


Nie Feng let out a soft drink, and immediately stretched out his right hand forward. The Beiming True Qi in his body quickly condensed in the palm of his hand, and the flying figure of the ghost shadow also froze, and then he found out in horror that his His figure was gradually receding, not only that, but also the power in his body was also sucked away.

"Beiming Tiangong!"

Ghost Shadow let out a strange cry.

He never expected that Nie Feng would know Beiming Tiangong.

Of course, he didn't know that Nie Feng's Beiming Tiangong was a bluffing Xibei product. Although his internal energy was sucked away, it would take a long time for him to recover, but under the horror in Guiying's heart, where could he be? Being able to find out these things, I only think that I have been poisoned by Beiming Tiangong.

At this time, Nie Feng and Gui Yingying had also arrived on the Bian River.

With the two of them's cultivation level, crossing the water is no problem, it's no different from being on flat ground.

But just when Nie Feng was about to catch the ghost shadow, the water surface of the Bian River suddenly rose sharply, and the water waves all over the sky condensed into a big hand, which slapped Nie Feng fiercely, and at the same time, another wave condensed into a whip, entangled It grabbed the ghost shadow's waist and dragged it underwater.

Nie Feng didn't expect this kind of thing to happen suddenly. He didn't care about continuing to catch the ghost shadow, and suddenly slashed out with his left hand. Chance escaped from Nie Feng's grasp.

"Who? Get out of here!"

Nie Feng was furious.

Clenched a fist with his right hand and blasted out!

Swallow the sea!

Ever since Nie Feng took over the position of Heavenly Catchment of the Six Doors, Lu Chengfeng has passed on all his boxing techniques to Nie Feng. In addition to the Mountain Breaking Boxing and Earth Splitting Boxing he had practiced, there are also Zhenyue, Duanjiang, Swallowing the Sea, Broken Star, and Zhushen's five major boxing techniques.

Among the seven moves, there is only the last move to kill the gods. With Nie Feng's current cultivation base, he cannot practice it. He must wait for him to advance to the realm of destiny before he can practice. The other six moves have been deeply rooted by Nie Feng, and this move is swallowing the sea. Just like the name of the boxing, it has the power to swallow mountains and rivers.

The fierce fist strength is like a river bursting its embankment, and it rushes away with the momentum of swallowing mountains and rivers. The mighty fist strength spreads rapidly along the water surface, stirring up the Bianhe River in the blink of an eye, shocking the people hiding below out of the water.

And after that figure surfaced, it spurted out a mouthful of blood, with an expression of disbelief in its eyes.

"Come on!"

The voice of the ghost shadow came from a distance.

The man was startled when he heard the shadow of the ghost, and he struck the water with his hands in a chain. Each blow contained a powerful force, even three points stronger than the shadow of the ghost. Obviously, this person is also a master of the state of ecstasy.

"Dragon swims in the sea!"

With a long whistle.

The water of the Bian River suddenly set off thousands of waves, and then turned into a dozen wild dragons with fangs and claws, entwining towards Nie Feng, while he himself turned around and galloped towards the ghost shadow, watching the two people gradually go away. Nie Feng wanted to chase after the figure and kill the two of them, but the all-out attack of a master of magic is really no small matter. After he smashed the mad dragon formed by the dozens of water waves, the ghost shadow and that person had long since disappeared. disappeared.

"It's cheaper for you!"

Nie Feng frowned and could only turn around and go back to the shore.

the other side.

Ghost Shadow and the person injured by Nie Feng rushed out for more than 20 miles and detoured several roads before stopping in a forest. Fortunately for the rest of my life, they were the ones who watched others flee for their lives in the past. They never thought that such a thing would happen to them one day.

"What the hell..."

The person next to Guiying leaned against the tree trunk and coughed up a few more mouthfuls of blood. Looking at Guiying, he said, "What is the origin of your goal this time? How could you have such a strong cultivation? How could you blow my viscera with one punch? Injured by the concussion, almost died at his hands."

"He is a person with six doors..."

Gui Yingying also said with lingering fear: "However, I never thought that he would have such a cultivation level, and even know the secret of the Vulture Palace's Beiming Tiangong. If it weren't for your help, I'm afraid I would really have to do it this time." turned into a ghost."

"It's not that you are too conceited!"

While the two were talking.

A hollow voice suddenly sounded in the woods.


Ghost Shadow and the man immediately stood up and looked around vigilantly.

"Don't waste your energy, I'm right in front of your eyes."

Just when Guiying and the two of them were looking for each other's traces, two icy cold palms suddenly pressed on their shoulders.


The two instinctively wanted to fight back.

However, he found that his gas door had been imprisoned, and all his skill was wandering in the meridian, unable to release it at all.

This terrified the two of them. The other party could come behind them in an instant, and to do so without letting them notice beforehand. It can be said that the cultivation base far surpassed them. bitter.

It's really unlucky to come out and meet a master, and they are all young people. From the voice of this person, it can be heard that he is about the same age as Nie Feng. Let them who have practiced for decades, and What kind of face is walking on the rivers and lakes.

"Both are injured, it's better to sit down and rest for a while."

After the words fell, the two sat down involuntarily.

"Both of you are killers who have been famous for many years, but until now you have even forgotten the most basic principles of killers, and you did not investigate the details of the target. You are lucky that you two came back alive today, but it may not be the case next time. Good luck."

The voice of the speaker seemed to be right next to their ears, but it seemed to be far away from both of them.

"You still have two chances. If you don't kill the target three times in a row, according to the rules of Tiansha, I don't need to say more about your results, right?"

Ghost Shadow and the companions beside him suddenly turned pale as paper.

If they failed to kill the target three times in a row, then according to the rules handed down by Tiansha, they must cut off their limbs in front of everyone at the main rudder, abolish their martial arts, and then kill themselves by biting their tongues, even though Tiansha is gone now. Yes, but listening to the meaning of the speaker's words, if they didn't kill Nie Feng within three times, they would be punished according to the rules of Tiansha back then.

As for whether the opponent has this strength, the two have no doubts in their hearts.

After all, being able to subdue the two of them easily invisibly is enough to explain the problem.

"I...we need time..."

Ghost Shadow said tremblingly.

"I'll only give you one month. If you don't kill him before the fifth day of May, you two will be dealt with by the sect!"

After saying this.

The palms on the shoulders of the two of them disappeared instantly, and the power in their bodies returned to running freely.


The zhenqi in Guiying's body circulated for two weeks, and a look of suspicion suddenly appeared on his face.

"what happened?"

asked the man next to him.

"Tanhua, about [-]% of the power in my body should have been sucked away by Beiming Tiangong, but now it has recovered without any loss."

Ghost Shadow also looked at his companion suspiciously. At that time, he could clearly feel that Nie Feng had sucked his skill away. How could he come back in just half an hour now?

"Could it be that his Beiming Tiangong is fake?"

The person known as Tanhua thought of a possibility.


Ghost Shadow nodded, "Anyway, it's a good thing that his skills come back, otherwise he has Beiming Tiangong, I really don't have the courage to find him a second time."


Hearing this, Tan Hua said coldly: "But this time I was hurt by you!"

"If it wasn't for helping, I wouldn't have been drawn into this muddy water, and now I can't get out even if I want to."

But Guiying shook his head and said, "Tanhua, I suspect that the person just now is the same person as the person who paid me to hire me, and... I also suspect that the whole thing is a conspiracy..."


Tanhua frowned slightly, as if thinking of something, "You mean, someone wants revenge..."

Ghost Shadow nodded and said: "Think about it, it took hundreds of years from the establishment of Tiansha to its demise. During this period, it has accumulated countless wealth, which can be said to be richer than the national treasury, but where this treasure is hidden, only the Tang family People in the direct line know. But in order to appease the hearts of the people in the organization, the leader didn't kill the members of the Tang family."

Tanhua said disdainfully: "It was just to appease people's hearts. Afterwards, the leader secretly sent people to arrest them all and tortured them to find out the whereabouts of the treasure, but they died without telling the whereabouts of the treasure. "

"That's right, so the leader deliberately framed the Tang family, saying that they betrayed the location of Tiansha's main helm, and sent people to kill the entire Tang family, leaving only a disabled person with disabled legs. I suspect that he or It is his descendant..."

When Ghost Shadow said this, his body trembled.

Tanhua was also silent for a while, and said: "I heard that he later married a wife and had two sons, one of whom was sent to the Lingyun Temple in Southern Shaolin, and later won the title of the number one killer in the state of ecstasy. I wanted to kill them all, but Tiansha has already perished, so I don’t have to worry about them retaliating, so I didn’t kill them.”

"It seems that he really came back to take revenge on us?"

Ghost Shadow said in a very bitter tone.

"It won't be him, because he's dead."

Tan Hua shook her head and said, "He died at the hands of a man named Nie Feng from Six Doors."

"Who did you say he died at?"

Ghost Shadow asked tremblingly.

"Nie Feng, the fast catcher of the Six Doors of Youzhou." Tan Hua frowned and said, "Is there any problem?"

(End of this chapter)

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