Great Song catcher

Chapter 45 King Chu Jiang

Chapter 45 King Chu Jiang

"You might as well take a guess."

Nie Feng flicked his hand lightly, the sword light flowed like clear water, and the cold sword energy suddenly forced him, trapping his figure in it, making him in a dilemma.

"You... are you an official from Six Doors?"

Seeing the headless body crashing to the ground, Wang Jiang took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down.

At this moment, he already guessed a little about Nie Feng's identity in his heart.

To be able to come to Tiger Village at this time, and to attack so ruthlessly, who else is there besides the six doors who have just become enemies?

"You are indeed a wise man."

Nie Feng nodded and said in a very flat tone.

Seeing Nie Feng admitting his identity, Wang Jiang's face suddenly turned pale.

He knew he was doomed this time!

But Nie Feng's next words rekindled his hope of life.

"Do you want to continue living?" Nie Feng asked suddenly.

"What did you say?"

Wang Jiang was taken aback for a moment, then looked at Nie Feng in disbelief, "You, you won't kill me!"

"It's not a big deal for a small character like you to kill a few less, but if you want to live, you'd better give me a reason to let you go, otherwise it will be difficult for me to convince myself."

Nie Feng put his sword back into its sheath and looked at him with a half-smile.

"it is good!"

Hearing Nie Feng's words, Wang Jiang said without hesitation: "I can tell you whatever you want to know, as long as you let me live!"

"very good……!"

Nie Feng nodded slightly, and said, "First question, who is the murderer who killed my colleagues from the six doors?"

"It's from the Hades Gate!"

Without even thinking about it, Wang Jiang said, "He calls himself the King of Chujiang, and he is a congenital master, so he killed that lord!"

"King Chujiang..."

A flash of murderous intent flashed in Nie Feng's eyes, and as expected, it was the elders of the Hades Sect who made the move.

"Is he alone?" Nie Feng continued to ask.

"No, there are five subordinates who came with him, and they are all innate masters." Wang Jiang said without reservation.

Nie Feng nodded, and said, "Second question, why did the people from Yan Wangmen come to Tiger Village? What is their purpose?"

Nie Feng was hiding in the dark just now, and through their conversation, he learned that the reason why the people from Yanwangmen came to Menghuzhai was because of one thing.

What is it that can actually make King Chu Jiang, one of the Ten Kings of Hades, go out in person?
It really made him a little curious.

"This one……"

A little hesitation appeared on Wang Jiang's face, his expression hesitated to speak.

"Why? Is this question difficult to answer?" Nie Feng said in a cold voice.

"No no no!"

Wang Jiang waved his hands again and again, and said, "Actually, the people from the Yan Wang Sect came here to get something from our master."

"What?" Nie Feng frowned slightly.

Wang Jiang said cautiously: "It's a fragmentary picture that our head family got by chance. Somehow, the people from Yanwangmen knew about it, so they came to ask for it."

Afraid that Nie Feng would not believe his words, Wang Jiang swore: "I have told my lord everything I know. If I hide anything from my lord, I will be struck by thunder!"

"I take your word for it."

Nie Feng smiled and said, "You can go now."


Hearing this, Wang Jiang's face showed the joy of the rest of his life, he turned around and walked down the mountain, but before he walked ten meters away, a blue sword light like rippling water came across the sky.

The sharp breath pierced through Wang Jiang's back in an instant, thus shattering his body into a cloud of blood mist!
"Sorry, I lied to you."

Nie Feng said lightly, and then walked up the mountain without looking back.


Tiger Village.

Inside the main hall, the lights are bright.

Nie Feng avoided all the patrolling thieves, and quietly came to the back of the main hall. Looking in through the window, he saw a tall and rugged man drinking with a middle-aged man.

Nie Feng knew this big man, he was the head of Tiger Village, Tiger Sword Yu Feihu.

However, although he is the head of the family, in front of this middle-aged man, he always has a cautious look on his face.

Nie Feng's heart moved slightly. Judging from Yu Feihu's attitude, this middle-aged man with extraordinary bearing should be one of the ten kings of Hades in the Hades Sect.

——Chujiang King!

Behind him stood five guards, each armed with a strange weapon.

However, at this moment, Yu Feihu suddenly stood up from the tiger leather chair unsteadily.


Yu Feihu reeked of alcohol, hiccupped, cupped his hands at the man in the middle and said, "Your Majesty, my Majesty, I'll go first... I'll make it easier for you... Excuse me..."

As he spoke, Yu Feihu staggered and walked out of the main hall.

King Chujiang made a show of the guards behind him, and one of them immediately followed him out, saying, "Master Dazhai, you drank too much wine, let me go with you."

"'m not drunk..."

After they left, a guard behind King Chujiang frowned and said, "Your Majesty, do you really want to accept him?"

"Ha ha……"

King Chujiang took a sip of the wine in his glass, smiled lightly and said, "If this kind of person doesn't give him some sweets, do you think he will take out the things?"

"The king means..."

"As long as the things are in hand, no chicken or dog will be left behind in the tiger's village!" King Chujiang said slowly with a hint of sinister in his eyebrows.

"So this subordinate understands!"

the other side.

Yu Feihu was escorted to the secluded place in Houzhai forest by the guards of King Chu Jiang, but he never thought that Yu Feihu suddenly exclaimed: "Who is it?"

The guard was obviously taken aback, and hurried over to ask: "Master Dazhai, what's the matter?"

"Brother Soul Chaser, there are people there!"

Yu Feihu pointed at the woods in front of him and said sharply.


Hearing this, Zhuihun didn't dare to be careless, and immediately pulled out the strange weapon from his waist, the ghost claw.

The sharp claws shone with a frightening coldness under the moonlight.

With two claws in hand, he walked cautiously into the woods. The matter is now at a critical juncture, and there must be no other mistakes.

"Where is someone? Isn't this guy blind?" Walking into the woods, Zhuihun kept muttering.

However, when he came out of the woods, he found that Yu Feihu had disappeared.

"No, it's a hit!"

Zhuihun immediately realized that he had been tricked by Yu Feihu's golden cicada to get out of his shell.

"Damn it! This damn guy!"

Zhuihun's face became very ugly, he turned around and ran towards the front hall.

But when he passed a big tree, Yu Feihu suddenly flew down from the tree, and the tiger-headed thick-backed saber in his hand was like cold electricity, and there was a piercing light of the saber, directly piercing the chasing soul. Two halves!
(End of this chapter)

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