Chapter 47
Nie Feng turned around and saw that it was Fang Xiao who came.

Not far behind him, there were dozens of figures, all of them were six-door arresters, and two prefecture-level arresters were leading the team.

Meng Qianhe, the impermanent iron fan.

A knife is a thousand miles away.

Both of these two are masters in the extreme congenital realm, and they have shocked the six prefectures of Youzhou in both black and white.

It seems that what Yu Feihu said is true, he really informed the six gates about King Chujiang, otherwise Lu Chengfeng would not have sent two prefecture-level headhunters here.

"Brother Feng, who is this person?"

Fang Xiao came to Nie Feng's side and saw the corpse on the ground at a glance.

"Yu Feihu, the head of Tiger Village!"

At this time, Meng Qianhe and Duguyuan also walked over.

Nie Feng stepped forward and cupped his fists to salute: "I have seen you two adults!"

"No need to be polite."

Meng Qianhe waved his hands amiably, and asked curiously, "Is this guy Yu Feihu?"

"That's right, he is Yu Feihu, the head of the Tiger Village, and one of the main culprits who killed Butou Wu."

As he spoke, Nie Feng opened the black cloth, revealing Yu Feihu's head.

"Sure enough, life is terrifying. Even if our brothers make a move, we may not be able to keep Yu Feihu. I didn't expect him to die under your hands." Du Guyuan said with emotion.

"My lord, there is no need to delay. King Chu Jiang of the Hades Gate is still in Menghu Village. If we delay any longer, I'm afraid he will escape!" Nie Feng has always been thinking about King Chu Jiang in his heart. Both he and Yu Feihu killed Wu Lin None of the murderers can be let go.

Sure enough, after hearing this, Meng Qianhe's expression changed slightly.

"King Chujiang, this is a big fish, you must not let him go, you must find a way to catch him!"

"Fang Xiao!"

Dugu Yuan suddenly shouted.

"Subordinates are here!"

Duguyuan took out his token and said, "You should lead someone to send Yu Feihu's body back to Youzhou immediately."

Fang Xiao was taken aback for a moment, and said, "Take everyone away?"

"Take it all away!"

Meng Qianhe said in a deep voice: "King Chujiang and his guards should all be innate masters. Even if the brothers pass by, they will just die in vain."

"Remember, there is still a big secret about this Yu Feihu, and his body must be sent back to Youzhou safely!" Nie Feng said seriously.

"Don't worry, with so many brothers, nothing will go wrong!"

After Fang Xiao took the order, he had someone carry Yu Feihu's body to Youzhou.

As for Nie Feng and the others, they used lightness kung fu and body skills, and rushed towards the tiger village at the fastest speed.

After about a cup of tea, the three of them had returned to the outside of Tiger Village.

But at this time, Tiger Village has been reduced to a Shura hell.

The fire was burning in the village, corpses littered the field, and there were screams and wailing everywhere.

"No, it's still a step too late!" Nie Feng's expression changed suddenly.

But at this moment, a gust of wind suddenly swept over.

In the flames, a gleaming iron halberd pierced through the air, aiming at Nie Feng's chest!

Nie Feng drew his long sword out of its sheath, turned his wrist slightly and stabbed obliquely, and touched the crescent blade of the black light iron halberd.

In an instant, an unstoppable force came along the blade, Nie Feng felt his arm numb and convulsed, and he couldn't help but took two steps back.

But the opponent kept on coming, and after knocking Nie Feng away with one move, he jumped up in the air, twisted the iron halberd in his hand, and it was like a black thunder flashed in the firelight.

Sen Han's halberd pointed straight at Nie Feng's chest!

Nie Feng stepped on the Liuyun step, and did not confront it head-on, and narrowly dodged the halberd's edge, but the front of his clothes was shattered by the fierce wind swept by the iron halberd.

The second halberd failed, the opponent did not allow Nie Feng to breathe, and the third halberd followed.

The cold light on the black light iron halberd soared, and the edge of the halberd was like a torrential rain in the Milky Way, covering all the vital points of Nie Feng's body, forcing him to face it head-on.

Nie Feng's heart was awe-inspiring, and he swung the long sword in his hand, using the most basic way of transformation in swordsmanship, to gradually remove the power from the iron halberd.

He knows that anyone who is good at using weapons like the iron halberd has the utmost strength and strength in martial arts. If he confronts him head-on, it will be difficult to take advantage of it. Only by using the method of softness to overcome strength, may he be able to find a gap And enter.

But this man is clearly a master at using halberds. A black-gloss iron halberd weighing more than a hundred catties was opened and closed in his hands, like a gust of wind, and no water could enter. Overwhelmed by strength, it is difficult for anyone to make an inch of progress.

Nie Feng is like a flat boat in the raging sea, which may be overturned by huge waves at any time.

"Great Wind Iron Leaf Halberd Technique!"

At this time, Nie Feng had already recognized the origin of the opponent's halberd technique.

It is said that this set of halberd techniques was created by the bearded man among the Three Heroes, and later passed on to his sworn brother, Li Jing, the founding general of the former Tang Dynasty.

Li Jing relied on this miraculous power to cross the battlefield, rehabilitated the king, defeated the Turks, conquered Koryo, defeated Tubo, wiped out the heroes, and made great contributions to the Tang Dynasty.

The raging wind curled the leaves and did not move!
These seven characters are the essence of Dafeng Iron Leaf Halberd Technique!
Moreover, Nie Feng also found that the opponent's aura was getting stronger and stronger. If he dragged on and waited until his aura was fully developed, then what was waiting for him was a shocking blow.

Be sure to interrupt his energy storage!

Thinking of this, Nie Feng swung the long sword in a circle, and a mass of yin and yang energy appeared in front of the sword tip.

The two yin and yang fish swam non-stop, and the overwhelming power on the iron halberd was completely absorbed by the energy of yin and yang, like a sea of ​​mud and cows.

"Your Majesty, what kind of martial art is this? It can actually remove the power of the Gale Iron Leaf Halberd Technique!"

Seeing this scene, the guards behind King Chujiang asked in surprise.

"Could it be the Great Shift of Yin and Yang of the Ming Cult?" Someone speculated.

"No, the great shift of yin and yang is so inscrutable, and besides the leader, no one can practice it. How could he, a small policeman, understand the mystery of the great shift of yin and yang!" The guard who just spoke, directly rejected his statement.

"Could it be the Murong family's change of time?"

"Could it be that this little catcher is really from the Murong family?"

Hearing what his subordinates said, King Chujiang couldn't help muttering in his heart.

The Murong family is known as the No. [-] family in the martial arts, with generations of outstanding talents, and the supernatural power of "Dou Zhuan Xing Yi" is even more powerful in the martial arts, and it is inextricably linked with the Vulture Palace in Tianshan and the Beggar Gang in Dongting Lake.

Although the Hades Sect has great power and many masters, they don't want to offend the Murong family unless necessary.

"Break it for me!"

At this moment, the situation on the court has reversed.

Nie Feng turned against the guest. Although the iron halberd was still in the man's hand, it became uncontrollable and difficult to use. All the power was like a mud cow falling into the sea, and it could not hurt Nie Feng at all.

At this time, Bi Liujian flashed a flash of sword light, and directly slashed on the pole of the iron halberd!

There was a clanging sound, sparks splashed under the blade, and the blade of the iron halberd completely sank into the ground.

But Nie Feng seized this opportunity, and the long sword flashed a stream of clear water, piercing the night like a flying rainbow and thunder!
(End of this chapter)

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