Chapter 71

Changle Gate.

It can be regarded as a first-class sect in Jianghu.

Few of the major sects in Huainan Road can compete with them.

However, Wu Nanyun, the sect master of Changle Sect, is an ambitious man. He wholeheartedly wants to make Changle Sect flourish in his hands, push it to the same position as Nine Swords and Eight Sects, and become the ninth sect in the world.

However, the background is too shallow, and the martial arts Changle Heart Sutra passed down in the door can only be cultivated to the innate state. If you want to break through to the state of the gods, it is more difficult than ascending to the sky.

Only the founder of the Changle Gate, the Patriarch of Changle, stepped into this realm, but in the end he died inexplicably, and the chapter of the Changle Heart Sutra has not been handed down.

Therefore, this time when he learned that the ruins of Wuchang Villa appeared in the world, he immediately led his elite disciples to Youzhou without hesitation, and rushed to Youzhou without hesitation, hoping to find the martial arts in the ruins that can lead directly to the gods, so as to revitalize the world. His Changle Gate.

And his luck was really good, many masters who were as strong as him or surpassed him died, but he was alive and well, not even injured, and let him take advantage of the chaos to win two martial arts.

"Broken Jade Palm"

"Golden Finger"

They are all the unique skills of the demon sect outside the Great Wall. These two martial arts are gradually cultivated from the outside to the inside, allowing practitioners to directly enter the realm of ecstasy. After Wu Nanyun obtained these two martial arts, he is already full of infinite hope for the future.

He seems to have seen that in the near future, he will become a high-ranking ecstatic venerable. Relying on these two martial arts and many treasures, Changle Gate is also famous all over the world in his hands. sect.

From then on, his name, Wu Nanyun, will forever be engraved in the annals of martial arts history.

Thinking of this, Wu Nanyun's heart became more and more excited, and the smile on his face became bigger and bigger...

The disciples of the Changle Sect next to him looked at him, and they didn't dare to speak. They could only wink at each other, secretly guessing in their hearts, whether the Sect Master was in the ruins, and his brain was broken by someone...

At this time, many disciples of Changle Sect had already walked under a mountain range, and the mountains on both sides stretched and majestic, as if two giant dragons lay across here.

Wu Nanyun himself is also a master of congenital transformation, with extremely keen senses, he quickly noticed something was wrong.


Wu Nanyun waved his right hand slightly and shouted softly, "Everyone, be vigilant!"

"Brother, what's wrong?"

Zhang Xiaofeng, Wu Nanyun's senior brother, suddenly walked over from behind. He naturally couldn't understand why his senior brother was so happy.

This time they got two martial arts in the ruins, as long as they are given enough time, both of them can become masters in the state of ecstasy.

"Junior brother, something is wrong, I'm afraid someone is looking for trouble."

As he spoke, Wu Nanyun slowly took off the deerskin pouch on his back, which contained his unique weapon, the six-edged diamond blade.

The icy hexagonal blade flashed a cold light under the moonlight.

Zhang Xiaofeng also pulled out his Lei Gongduo, and looked around. He saw strange rocks in the woods on both sides, and there was no other sound except the "sough" sound of the leaves blown by the wind.

"Could it be someone from the White Lotus Sect?"

Zhang Xiaofeng concentrated and calmed down, a faint purple light flashed across the Lei Gongduo in his hand.

They did not forget what Nie Feng had said to everyone before entering the ruins.

The opening of the ruins this time is actually a conspiracy of the White Lotus Sect. The purpose is to let them enter the ruins to seize treasures, and then the people of the White Lotus Sect will take advantage of their exhaustion to come and eat black.

"pretty close."

With a heavy heart, Wu Nanyun nodded.

"There must be no one who has six doors..."

Before he could finish his words, dozens of torches suddenly lit up on the surrounding mountain peaks, surrounding the people of Changle Gate, and the night sky reflected was as bright as day.

A burly man in a well-dressed figure came out of the darkness slowly with a huge Guan Dao in his hand, followed by a dozen figures behind him.

"Master Wu, it's been a long time!"

Although the burly man had a rough appearance, he was upright and dignified. After walking out of the woods, he clasped his fists to Wu Nanyun and Zhang Xiaofeng, and said in a serious voice.

"White Lotus Sect, Nine Guardians, Iron King Dai Fei!"

Looking at this person, Wu Nanyun took a deep breath.

When he was in Huainan Road, he had dealt with this iron king, Dai Fei, but at that time, Dai Fei was not a member of the White Lotus Sect. After breaking the precepts, he was expelled from the teacher's school with grievances in his heart, and has since disappeared from the rivers and lakes.

After three years, Dai Fei reappeared in the arena, but at this time Dai Fei had joined the White Lotus Sect.

Relying on his invulnerable hard qigong and chopping sword technique, he became one of the eight great protectors of the white lotus. He also had to fax the blank lotus scripture, and his martial arts improved greatly.

"Master Wu, I don't want to do anything to you, hand over what you have in your hands, and I promise I won't hurt any members of your Changle family." Dai Fei said in a deep voice.

Wu Nanyun looked around, there were no less than a hundred members of the White Lotus Sect on the mountain peak, all of whom were well-cultivated masters, plus Dai Fei, who was the master of both sects, and a dozen innate masters behind him, knew that he was Unable to escape, Wu Nanyun couldn't help heaving a long sigh, "It's been hard work, but in the end, I still make wedding dresses for others."

"Master Wu, I only want what you have in your hands, and I will keep nothing for the rest of the treasures, they all belong to your Changle Sect!" Dai Fei said again while the iron was hot.

"Guardian, this..."

The subordinate behind Dai Fei stepped forward, with a hesitant expression.

"It's okay, I will go back and explain, it has nothing to do with you."

Dai Fei waved his hand.

Wu Nanyun took out the two martial arts books in his arms and said, "Brother Dai, you and I are old friends, I hope you will keep your word."


Zhang Xiaofeng's complexion changed, and he was about to speak to stop him, but Wu Nanyun had already thrown the cheat book over.

But who would have thought that Dai Fei turned a blind eye to these two secret books, instead he frowned and said, "Master Wu, that's not what I want!"

"Then what do you want?"

A flash of horror flashed in Wu Nanyun's eyes, but it was fleeting, and he also made a surprised expression.

"Master Wu, don't pretend to be confused, what I want is the ring on your hand."

Dai Fei pointed to the seemingly ordinary white jade ring on Wu Nanyun's hand.

"This... this is just an ordinary ring, what do you want it for?"

Wu Nanyun's face was a little uncomfortable, and he forced a smile.

This time, even a fool would know that this white jade ring is unusual.

"Ha ha……"

Dai Fei laughed and said: "Master Wu hides it deep enough. You can find this secret ring that has been lost since ancient times. Dai also admires it very much."

"Heavenly Secret Ring? What is it?"

Zhang Xiaofeng looked at Wu Nanyun with a puzzled expression.

Not only him, but even Nie Feng and Peng Tao who were hiding in the dark were at a loss.

What kind of ring is this?
Can Dai Fei ignore two top martial arts cheats?

(End of this chapter)

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