Laughing and Proud's Life

Chapter 136 Mr. Yue, eat it

Chapter 136 Mr. Yue, eat it

Lin Pingzhi felt that Yue Buqun's oath was absolutely unbelievable, and Yue Buqun's personality had been distorted since the palace, who knew what he would do!

That being the case, and things have come to this point again, if you beat a snake to death, you will suffer from it instead!
Just take advantage of the fact that if you don't do anything, you will not stop, and Yue Buqun's life will be ended tonight, and it will be over once and for all!
Even if Linghu Chong was here, he would definitely do his best, but that didn't matter, he would definitely not be able to stop him.Moreover, Linghu Chong also knew that Lin Pingzhi was not responsible for this matter. Maybe Linghu Chong would be angry with Lin Pingzhi today and break up with Lin Pingzhi.

But in the future, he may not avenge Yue Buqun, after all, Lin Pingzhi is still one of the few people in Xiaoao's world who still has the standard of right and wrong, good and evil.

Taking a step back, even if Linghu avenges Yue Buqun, how can he compare with Yue Buqun in terms of scheming and ruthlessness?Who is afraid of him when he fights openly and aboveboard!

"Brother Lin Xian, it is absolutely impossible. There is no room for change in this matter. I also ask Brother Lin to look at Linghu Chong's face. Even if he doesn't look at Linghu Chong's face, he should also look at Feng Taishi's face. We all have the grace of passing on the sword, not to mention Lin Xiandi and Uncle Feng Taishi can be said to be the descendants of Dugu. I hope that Lin Xiandi will not look at the monk's face to see the Buddha's face, and not look at the fish's situation to see things, and then discuss and discuss. Linghu Chong is grateful If I do, I am willing to work hard for Lin Xiandi in the future, and I will die!"

Linghu Chong spoke this passage extremely fast, faster than some brilliant comedians can speak through Guankou!
Because Linghu Chong knew very well that once Lin Pingzhi entangled him, he could instruct Lin Liyun to kill Yue Buqun, Feng Buping, and Cheng Buyou.

Although the master expelled himself from the master's school, he couldn't just watch the master being killed by others in front of his own eyes!
Hearing what Linghu Chong said, Lin Pingzhi's heart skipped a beat.Since his debut, he has taken in disciples from Hengshan Liu Zhengfeng's lineage, Tong Baixiong, the former elder of the Sun Moon God Sect, and Chen Qingxiao, a former disciple of the Wudang Sect.They are all good players in the Jianghu, some can help themselves manage the bodyguard bureau, some can sit in one side, and some can be said to have unlimited potential.But none of them could compare with Linghu Chong.

If Linghu Chong is brought under his command again, even if he can't use his arms and fingers, but Linghu Chong can grow into the world's number one master in the original book, it will also be of great benefit to the development of the Fuwei faction!
Lin Pingzhi thought again, no, it is absolutely impossible to let Yue Buqun go.It would be the best if something could be used to control Yue Buqun.

Hey, there is a way!

"Brother Linghu, since this is the case, I, Lin Pingzhi, will spare the lives of Mr. Yue and the three of them this time for your sake. Of course, Mr. Yue must agree to my conditions. Brother Linghu, you Don't forget what you said just now. I don't want you to be an ox or a horse, I just want you to be a guest of the Fuwei faction for ten years, and promise that you will never be an enemy of my Fuwei faction in the future, what do you want?"

"It's so good, so good!"

Regarding Lin Pingzhi's attitude, Linghu Chong had nothing to do with it.

Seeing that Linghu Chong agreed, Lin Pingzhi walked up to Yue Buqun, "Mr. Yue, after this incident, there is no longer any trust between you and me. I was going to kill you today, but brother Linghu said, I can only agree. After thinking about it, there is only one way. This is the "Three Corpse Brain Pill" that I made myself after imitating the "Three Corpse Brain Pill" of the Demon Cult. You eat it.

As long as you don't do anything unfavorable to my Fuwei faction, you come to Fujian once every Dragon Boat Festival, and I'll give you the antidote. This antidote can only suppress the corpse insects for one year, ensuring that you will have no worries throughout the year.If you miss it, corpse insects will enter your brain, and you will die of madness, and you will be extremely painful before death.I can rest assured only if you take this medicine. I wonder if you agree? "

"Brother Lin Xian, can this medicine..."

"Linghu Chong, Mr. Lin retreats again and again, don't you think your request is too much?"

Hearing Lin Pingzhi's reprimand, Linghu Chong blushed, and felt that Lin Pingzhi had already made concessions, but he was making progress.

"Brother Lin Xian, how does this medicine affect people? In addition, can you guarantee to give me the master's medicine on time every year?"

"You don't have to worry about this. If the medicine doesn't take effect, it will naturally have no effect. As long as Mr. Yue guarantees that he and his forces will not be directly or indirectly harmful to my Fuweipai, I will give him the antidote every year."

"Master, the disciple is incompetent and cannot protect the master. I hope the master can take this medicine!"

Linghu Chong knew that Lin Pingzhi had the prescription of "Three Corpse Brain Pill" in Meizhuang, and he was also researching the antidote of "Three Corpse Brain Pill".He had stayed in Heimuya for a long time before, and he had seen many people take this medicine, and he didn't have any objection in his heart.

Worried that Lin Pingzhi would change his mind, Linghu Chong borrowed the pill and handed it to Yue Buqun himself.Yue Buqun hesitated for a while, then opened his mouth and swallowed the medicine.

Lin Pingzhi did not let him go, but after confirming that Yue Buqun had swallowed the "Three Corpse Brain Pill", Feng Buping and Cheng Buyou also took the "Three Corpse Brain Pill".

"Three Corpse Brain Pills, corpses are different, and the antidote is naturally different. These pills of mine are refined by myself. If Mr. Yue wants to use other antidote to solve it, I am afraid that he will hurt himself first. , and if this happens, I will no longer provide Mr. Yue with an antidote!"

"Master Lin, Yue has made a note!"

Yue Buqun was dazed for a while, and then answered with cupped hands.I think I regret today's failure to steal the chicken and lose the rice. I didn't kill Lin Pingzhi, and my reputation is in Lin Pingzhi's hands;

"Mr. Yue, I will naturally keep my mouth shut about the matter of you practicing swordsmanship from the palace. After all, it is also related to the reputation of my Lin family. Please rest assured, Mr. Yue. After returning, it is best to integrate the Five Sacred Sects, and don't just think about playing some tricks It is not a trick to eliminate disobedient forces, but to attract them with benefits and make them work for you, so as to enhance the strength of the Five Sacred Mountains faction."

Yue Buqun cupped his hands, nodded, and left with Feng Buping and Cheng Buyou.

"Brother Lin Xian, since you have let my master go, I will naturally not break my promise, but I don't know what orders you have?"

"Brother Linghu, you have always been unrestrained, and you like to be unrestrained the most. Today, you said something like being a cow and a horse for me, Lin Pingzhi, for Mr. Yue. When it comes to Brother Linghu, your sincerity to Mr. Yue is nothing more than your unwillingness to hurt your relationship with Brother Linghu. I just hope that Mr. Yue can understand your kindness."

Linghu Chong only said: "Linghu Chong thanked Lin Xiandi for his kindness. If it wasn't for Master and Mistress, I would have died at a long time ago. Although I know that today is the master who made mistakes first, but I can't be indifferent."

(End of this chapter)

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