Laughing and Proud's Life

Chapter 70 Sword Sect Disciple

Chapter 70 Sword Sect Disciple (1)

Heroes, see you Dongdong, I beg you heroes to vote for recommendation and monthly votes, I am very grateful!

Starting from Huayin, Shaanxi, go east all the way and turn north.Along the way, Linghu Chong, Lin Shiwu, and Lin Pingzhi testify their martial arts to each other. Linghu Chong is the most agile, Lin Shiwu is the most pure, and Lin Pingzhi is the most extensive. Each has his own strengths and can inspire each other.

And Liu Jing is like a little tail, following Lin Pingzhi all the time, he is their best audience.Lin Pingzhi gave her the moves he had seen in Siguoya Mountain Cave, and also shared some of his experiences with her. Along the way, Liu Jing's internal strength, swordsmanship and knowledge all improved rapidly.

"Brother Lin, we drove a little longer today. I'm afraid we won't be able to go to the village or shop, so we can only find a place to sleep overnight."

Liu Jing said words of complaint, but she didn't mean to complain at all.

"It doesn't matter. We will sleep in this woods tonight. According to the businessman, we will be able to reach the place where Senior Feng and the others live in seclusion in an hour tomorrow. Going early in the morning shows that we are sincere. Unexpectedly In August in Shanxi, the night is so cold."

In fact, Lin Pingzhi and Lin Shiwu were fine, they had deep internal strength, Linghu Chong was almost there, and Liu Jing was far behind.

"Brother Linghu, you and Fifteen are going hunting, and Liu Jing and I will light a fire and build a shelter for everyone."

When the fire was ready, Liu Jing looked after the fire and kept adding firewood. Lin Pingzhi quickly built four hammocks around the fire with branches and rattan.After a while Linghu Chong and Lin Shiwu came back, carrying a pheasant, a hare and two big fish in their hands.Lin Pingzhi originally wanted to show off his barbecue skills, but Liu Jing disagreed, saying that it was not a job that a man should do.

"Brother Lin Xian, I have been honored by you to eat such delicious rabbit meat, my brother and sister are really virtuous!"

Lin Shiwu didn't speak, but watched the fun from the sidelines.

Liu Jing immediately blushed.

"Brother Linghu, what are you talking about!"

"Brother Linghu, you and I might as well discuss each other after eating. I have improved my internal strength recently, and I have eight extraordinary meridians all over my body, except for the second meridian of Rendu..."

"Then no need, meat is delicious, everyone eats meat, eats meat..."

Lin Pingzhi lay on the rattan bed, closed his eyes and fell asleep.Since practicing Jiuyin internal force, Lin Pingzhi no longer moved Zhou Tian like he practiced Han Bingjin at night.As an authentic Taoist martial art, it can run automatically while sleeping.

Suddenly, Lin Pingzhi sensed that three people were slowly trying to approach him. Lin Pingzhi turned over to look at Lin Shiwu, and he felt it too. The two looked at each other, nodded, and then closed their eyes.But Liu Jing and Linghu Chong were both sleeping soundly, and didn't notice it at all.

Lin Pingzhi couldn't help thinking secretly that even though Linghu Chong's swordsmanship had reached the top-notch level, his lack of internal strength and lack of experience made his sensitivity still a bit inferior to that of a real top master.

About 30 meters away from Lin Pingzhi and the others, the three people stopped.After a while, there was a strange fragrance in the wind. The place where they stopped was upwind. It seemed that they released the poison through the wind, intending to poison Lin Pingzhi and others before attacking.

After a while, seeing that there was no movement from Lin Pingzhi and the others, the three rushed over quickly, raised their swords and slashed.At this moment, the four of Lin Pingzhi moved away, and Lin Pingzhi, Linghu Chong and Lin Shiwu each stabbed one person.When the three people saw that the other party was not poisoned, they were very surprised, and tried to escape with a feint. One of them shouted loudly: "Everyone, don't show up yet, prepare to attack!"

Lin Pingzhi said in his heart: "There are other people ambushing not far away, the enemy's situation is unknown, and on my side there is Liu Jing who is a motivator. In the dark night, don't act rashly, so as not to fall into an ambush."

So it stopped others from chasing.But after that, no one came out to meet them, and after a long time, he was deceived.Thinking about the current level of internal strength in the entire Jianghu is also a first-class existence, how can I not notice if there is anyone?The main reason is lack of experience, and in a hurry, I didn't react!And Linghu Chong, Lin Shiwu, and Liu Jing were also rookies, so after taking Jiuhua Yulu Pills, they didn't keep those three people behind.

Alas, everyone's eruption requires deep accumulation...

In the early morning, the sun shines on Zhongtiao Mountain, and there are a few birdsong from time to time, and a few red leaves fall.

Lin Ping and his party were still walking and inquiring about the residence of Jianzong's disciples, but at this time, people from Songshan School were already in Jianxiaotang, the main hall of Jianzong's lineage.

"Three senior brothers, Zhongtiao Mountain is located in a remote place, and the cost of food and clothing is average. It's a bit slow, so please don't blame me!"

The person who spoke was in his forties, full of energy, with piercing eyes, and obviously had a good internal strength. His scorched yellow face was very rough, and his standard Chinese character face showed determination.The two people behind him also bowed their hands to the three people on the opposite side.

"Where is Senior Brother Feng, people in the Jianghu, why would they care about this! But then again, the scenery of Zhongtiao Mountain is indeed a bit less interesting than that of Huashan Mountain!"

The speaker had gray hair, a dark face, prominent cheekbones, and a sudden thinness at the chin, resembling a spinning top.What attracted the most attention was this person's eyes, not to mention black and yellow pupils, even the whites of the eyes were glowing yellow.

"Junior Brother Lu, although what you said is the truth, it is not appropriate to say that in front of Junior Brother Feng." Turning his head, he said to Feng Buping again, "Senior Brother Feng, don't take it to heart. It’s also for you to complain. Presumably, if Junior Brother Feng is willing to return to Huashan and take charge of the sect, then I believe that the leader of the left alliance will definitely speak up for you, and my Taishan faction will also stand up and cheer for Senior Brother Feng, so that Junior Brother Feng’s authentic Huashan swordsmanship can be carried forward .”

Lu Lianrong also hurriedly apologized to Feng Buping and the other three.

"That's reasonable. We came here this time because of the leader of the Zuo League. He doesn't want to see Yue Buqun, a hypocrite who cultivates qi, occupy Huashan, while the authentic Huashan swordsmanship will be lost in the bitter cold of the northwest. .This is really Huang Zhong destroying and abandoning, and Wa Ke thundering!"

Ding Mian saw that the two of them brought up the topic and that the groundwork was done, so he continued.

"It's so good, I would like to thank the leader, Senior Brother Zuo." The one who spoke was a short man sitting next to Feng Buping, he blushed happily when he heard Ding Mian's words, and blurted out words of thanks.

"Brother Cong, Brother Feng hasn't spoken yet, how could you be so presumptuous!"

Hearing the senior brother's reprimand, Cong Buqi smiled embarrassingly and said no more.

Feng Buping had a calm expression on his face, and said calmly: "Thank you for the kindness of Brother Zuo and all the senior brothers. Feng has nothing to do with the world here, and it is enough to pass on my sword sect's lineage. But it would be great to be able to return to Mount Hua However, it’s just that this matter is not trivial, and it still needs to be discussed in the long run, and Rong Feng can think about it again.”

Seeing this, the three had no choice but to leave temporarily.

"Brother, why don't you agree to go back to Mount Hua?" Cong Buqi was puzzled.

"Junior Brother Cong, it's certainly better to go back to Huashan, but it's not so easy to go back. First of all, we have to face Yue Buqun. He has deep inner strength, and I have no certainty of winning against him."

"Then there are Songshan, Hengshan and Taishan factions to help?"

"Junior brother, you don't know something..."

Heroes, meet Dongdong, please recommend, ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a recommendation, ask for a monthly ticket!
(End of this chapter)

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