Laughing and Proud's Life

Chapter 72 I am Ban Dingyuan

Chapter 72 I am Ban Dingyuan

Thanks to the running dogs of the sage for the rewards and support of recommendation tickets, and thanks to tudui, HC master, pig who became diligent, Sansan and other book friends for recommendation tickets and support.Thanks to every reader for reading, commenting, and collecting.

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Cheng Buyou is much more stable, although the sword is vertical and horizontal, but there is always three points of power left, and he has seen from the sword qi battle that Jianzong's internal strength is weak and the stamina is insufficient, so he has also worked hard on the internal strength , naturally do a job with ease.

Linghu Chong didn't use the Dugu Nine Swords at the beginning, but the sword technique taught by Yue Buqun, or the sword technique he saw in the cave, but he was always at a disadvantage.Fortunately, Linghu Chong is very talented in swordsmanship, and after dozens of moves, they are basically evenly matched.

Now that he was able to deal with it, Linghu Chong became more and more confident in his mind, and his moves became more confident. According to the concept of "no move wins, there is a move", he integrated his own swordsmanship, and wonderful moves emerged one after another. Let Cheng Buyou become more and more restrained, if he continues like this, he will definitely lose within twenty moves.

"Brother Linghu, as a disciple of the younger generation, you are able to match up with Senior Cheng, which is gratifying!"

Seeing that Linghu Chong was going to win again, Lin Pingzhi cursed inwardly, Linghu Chong is so simple-minded that he can't extricate himself from swordsmanship, he even forgot the purpose of coming this time, if the senior of the sword sect loses two games in a row, how can you let him come back? Huashan, do you want to lose face?

Hearing Lin Pingzhi's words, Linghu Chong came to his senses, hurriedly made a feint, jumped out of the battle circle, and bowed his hands, "Seeing the two masters' master moves today opened my eyes, I never thought Huashan has such exquisite martial arts! "

The next thing is a business exchange, hello, hello, hello, everyone.


"Uncle Feng Tai is in good health, with unfathomable skill"


"My master has changed the Zhengqi Hall back to the Sword Qi Chongxiao Hall!"

"Then if we return to Mount Hua, won't we be under Yue Buqun, and the evil qi sect still dominates!"

Cong Buqi broke the harmonious and beautiful atmosphere with a single sentence, Linghu Chong was even more stunned, and suddenly didn't know how to answer.

"Hahahaha. The "Poetry" says: 'Stones from other mountains can be used to attack jade.' Jianzong Qizong, all of them are Huashan exercises, forging each other and making progress together. How can there be a theory of good and evil?"

Lin Pingzhi first laughed strategically to ease the embarrassment, then he affirmed both parties, and then he repeated what he had said to Feng Qingyang and Yue Buqun.Who is more authentic and who is evil in Shaolin Temple's 72 stunts?Could it be that the Qingcheng School's Lei Gong Bang and other weapon skills are the Qingcheng School's martial arts treasures?Wudang School's Taijiquan and Taijijian are well-known all over the world, but Tiger Claw Juehushou is known for its weird and fierce moves. Hasn't Wudang School regarded it as an evil skill?The Huashan faction was originally a branch of the Chongyang Palace, and it used to be the leader of the Jianghu. It seems that it has never been heard that it only ruled the roost with swordsmanship, but why should the Huashan faction be restricted by the sword faction and limit its own development?
Lin Pingzhi's Four Questions of the Soul can hit people's hearts more directly than Master Ma's Lightning Triple Whip.After hearing this, Feng Buping and the others were extremely shocked. After all, their vision was still too small.

Linghu Chong was also surprised, why didn't you follow the original statement, didn't you agree to shock him with swordsmanship first, then subdue him with Uncle Feng, and finally convince him with this theory.

However, fortunately, the effect is not bad.

"Senior Brother Feng, Zhongtiao Mountain is really lively today!"

Just when Linghu Chong was about to propose specific resettlement measures for his return at this time, an untimely voice sounded.This made Linghu Chong feel that when he and the girl were about to enter the house together, the girl's parents came!

"Senior Brother Feng, Yue Buqun appears to be a gentleman on the surface, but in fact he is insidious and cunning, and is used to playing tricks. Naturally, he cannot compare with Senior Brother Zuo in terms of strength. You can compare the sects. You have to think clearly!"

After listening to Ding Mian's words, Cong Buqi hurriedly said: "Senior Brother Feng, Brother Lu is right, the situation is irreversible!"

"Hahaha, senior Cong, there is no time in the mountains, and the rivers and lakes have changed. I don't know anyone else in the [-]th Taibao. The hero Fei Bin was defeated twice by his subordinates, and he died in Moda together with Zhao Sihai and Lu Bai a few months ago. Master and senior Liu Zhengfeng, the thirteenth Taibao has gone to the third! Speaking of Liu Zhengfeng's family, young and old, almost died at the hands of the Songshan sect, but I don't know why the famous golden-eyed Eagle Lu hero is still with the Songshan sect. Do you want to learn from Gou Jian and wait for the right time to attack the left head of the Songshan School like Zhang Liang?"

After Lin Pingzhi finished speaking, regardless of Lu Lianrong's helpless and embarrassing explanation, he gave Linghu Chong a look, "Come on, brother, hate Ding Mian, and attack the Songshan faction."

"Uncle Ding, you just insulted your family teacher, how could Linghu Chong disregard the dignity of the teacher and offend him!"

Before the words were finished, the long sword was already at Ding Mian's throat, Ding Mian hastily fought, and had lost the upper hand.Although Ding Mian's Songshan swordsmanship is also very powerful, his highest level of kung fu is still in palm technique.Compared with him, Linghu Chong's internal strength is far from him, and his palm skills are even more incomparable, but now it happens to be a swordsmanship competition, and Linghu Chong, who has learned Dugu Nine Swords, is far superior to Ding Mian.In addition, Yu Chengbuyou, a first-class master, has practiced a lot of tricks.

But Ding Mian seemed to be injured, and within a few rounds, there was a lot of danger. Taoist Tianxing and Lu Lianrong rushed forward to help.It is a good opportunity to weaken the strength of the Songshan faction.

"Three seniors, teaming up to bully a junior, it's really a grassy sky, and the sky is boundless!"

Lin Pingzhi shouted angrily and was about to strike, but Linghu Chong yelled, "Brother Lin Xian, I can handle it!"

It turned out that Linghu Chong also noticed that these three people were the three men in black who attacked him last night and were injured. Not to mention the other two people who were mediocre in martial arts, Linghu Chong was naturally not afraid.

Ding Mian was overjoyed, he finally recovered.But before he was happy for a long time, he heard Taoist Tianxing scream and died under Linghu Chong's sword.

It turned out that Linghu Chong had been wary of the two of them for a long time. Looking at an opportunity, he deliberately pretended to avoid Ding Mian's epee and then guarded against Lu Lianrong's long sword, ignoring Taoist Tianxing.Taoist Tianxing saw that the opportunity had come, and pierced Linghu Chong's back with his sword.Seeing that Taoist Tianxing was really attacking, Linghu Chong stepped back with his right foot, temporarily getting rid of the attacks of Ding Mian and Lu Lianrong, and lowered his body into a lunge with his legs, his head was almost touching Taoist Tianxing's sword, avoiding it After receiving this blow, the long sword in his right hand swung back.At this time Taoist Tianxing stabbed out with his long sword, and he walked with the sword, his body was rushing forward, his entire chest was full of holes, and he directly hit Linghu Chong's long sword.

Ding Mian also pointed at Taoist Tianxing to instigate rebellion against Yujizi, but he died here, how could he not be angry!With a swing of the epee, he slashed at Linghu Chong.Linghu Chong retracted his bent left leg to avoid Ding Mian's epee, kicked his right leg to the right and back, his body drew an arc and turned to the left front, and at the same time the long sword in his right hand also slashed to the left.Lu Lianrong backed away in fright, Linghu Chong's sword continued to move to the left, cutting off Ding Mian's thigh about one stroke above his knee.

All this happened so fast that Feng Buping didn't have time to stop it.

"Linghu Chong stop!"

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(End of this chapter)

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