Chapter 78

Thanks to Laughing Cat for the reward and support of recommendation votes, thanks to the famous copper pea, the person who defies the sky, book friends 140602185347998, sage's lackeys, Huanghuang Mingyang, lloonngg001, book friends 202103110401176320, farmer Zoutianya and other book friends for their recommendation and support , Thank you for reading the recommendations, comments and other support from the book friends such as Sansan and others on QQ, thank you!
There is good news, there will be a strong recommendation from Zhou on the website and Qidian client on Monday!Thank you for your support, tolerance, and encouragement!

Lin Pingzhi's spirit was lifted, and his body seemed to be recovering faster.After feeling that his physical strength had recovered, Lin Pingzhi lifted his breath and leaped upwards. When his body reached the highest point, he didn't wait for his body to fall, and suddenly swung his flying claws with both hands, grabbing on the stone wall.Then use both hands to lift the body upwards, and at the same time pull out the flying claws with both hands.In this way, the two borrowed their strength three times before they found a place where they could use their hands and feet.

By the time we reached the top of the mountain, the sun was already a little south and west.Lin Pingzhi briefly told Liu Jing about his experience, and Liu Jing was very excited, especially when he heard that the climate inside was not much different from that of the Central Plains, and when there were many treasures, she wished to immediately take the barbecue from Lin Pingzhi's hand , Don't let him eat, let him take himself there now.

"When you go down, you must be careful. If you fall, you will be smashed to pieces, bloody and bloody, and you can't pick it up with a shovel."

"I'll be careful, let's go down!"

"Also, your internal strength and lightness skills are relatively mediocre, so you have to be extra careful. You can use the flying claw if you can, because it is not as stable as your hands and feet."

"I see!"

"Don't ask to be fast, but to be stable! You should also pay attention to the following issues..."

"Lin-Ping-zhi, am I bound to die here today? I won't go down, okay?"

While tying a rope around Liu Jing's waist, he told her the precautions, just like a doctor giving a patient various possible unexpected situations before a surgery.Hearing this, Liu Jing's face turned green, so Lin Pingzhi shut up and led Liu Jing down slowly.There was no danger along the way, and we arrived at the platform safely.

Liu Jing should be able to drill through this cave. I remember that in the novel Zhang Wuji got into it when he was 15 years old, and Liu Jing is 17 years old this year. Although she is a bit tall, the skeleton of a woman is smaller than that of a man, and she is thinner. , so there is no problem.The facts were indeed as Lin Pingzhi expected, except that some parts rubbed against the stone wall at the narrowest part of the cave, everything else was fine.

When you get out of the cave, you are only about ten feet above the ground, so there is no problem for martial arts practitioners.The two of them stood on the soft grass again, and their mood suddenly became beautiful.Because there are high mountains all around, it gets dark earlier here than outside.The most urgent task for the two of them is to find a cave where they can live, because the cave at the entrance is too low and small, and they can only lie on their stomachs inside.This also determines that the cave at the entrance is not the cave where Zhang Wuji lived for five years, so the "Nine Suns Manual" will not be placed there.

Fortunately, this basin is not big, with a radius of about two miles, it is not difficult for two people to search for a habitable cave.

"Jing'er, where do you want to search?"

"Go to the left!"

The two of them started to search along the foot of the mountain to the left. On the way, they encountered fruit trees such as flat peach trees and jujube trees, and picked a few ripe fruits.If you meet a hare, grab one.After a while, dinner will be enough.Lin Pingzhi carried all the burdens.Lin Pingzhi took all the food.Liu Jing was bouncing ahead, her arms outstretched, her palms brushing gently on the tip of the grass.When you meet a beautiful wild flower, pick one and put it on your head.He also asked Lin Pingzhi if he wanted it, Lin Pingzhi shook his head with a smile, he was very pleased in his heart, this is the meaning of his coming to this world, he does not want to be famous in the world, he only wants his relatives and friends to be safe.

After walking for a long time, they found a cave that was as tall as one person, and two people walked in.

"Little animal, I'm sorry, we will borrow it for a few days, and then return it to you."

Liu Jing drove out the wild sheep that lived here, and Lin Pingzhi broke off a few branches to make a broom for cleaning.In the process of cleaning, Lin Pingzhi discovered the remnants of the fire stove and the fragments of broken clay bowls.

It is obvious that this is the trace of human beings. Apart from Zhang Wuji, no one else has been to this place, so it is certain that this cave is the place where Zhang Wuji lived back then.

It was completely dark, Lin Pingzhi took out the flint, lit a fire, and the cave was filled with warmth and light.Liu Jing began to prepare the roasted hare.Lin Pingzhi lit a torch and searched inside the cave.

Start from the right side of the cave entrance, search the stone wall little by little until the end of the cave, then turn around and search the stone wall on the left, until behind Liu Jing, who was grilling meat by the fire, Lin Pingzhi suddenly found out, On the stone wall next to Liu Jing, there are six big characters "where Zhang Wuji buried scriptures" faintly visible.

Lin Pingzhi couldn't help laughing wryly, could it be that Liu Jing should have died early and sadly in this world, but now with his own help, she escaped this catastrophe, will she be able to come back to life from now on, come back again, turn around, and become a burden Great luck?Otherwise, how could she have good luck along the way?
What I was looking for required my own reasoning, and then earnestly verified it. It took me a lot of effort to get the answer, and finally I found that the answer was by Liu Jing's side.

"right here!"

Liu Jing also forgot that she was grilling meat, turned her head and stared at Lin Pingzhi intently.

Inserting the torch into the ground, amidst the smell of roasted meat, Lin Pingzhi tapped lightly next to the six characters with his trembling hands. Finally, there was a muffled sound from one place, which was obviously empty. right here.

Zhang Wuji dug a hole in the stone wall, put the scriptures in it, and then covered it with soil. After hundreds of years, the soil was dried and hard as bricks and stones.Lin Pingzhi began to dig bit by bit with his long sword, and then slowly cleaned it up with his hands.

Finally, his fingers touched a relatively soft object.Yes, it's just a rough oiled paper bag.After opening it, Wang Nangu's "Poison Sutra" was on the top, then Hu Qingniu's "Medical Sutra", and at the bottom were the four volumes of the Buddhist classic "Langa Sutra".

Lin Pingzhi felt his heart beating faster and his blood boiling.After wiping the mud off his hands on his clothes, Lin Pingzhi gently opened the "Langa Sutra", flipped through it gently, and finally saw the "Nine Suns Sutra" in the gap between the Buddhist scriptures.

"Hahahahaha...I...found it!"

Lin Pingzhi couldn't restrain his excitement any longer, and let out a roar, which shook the dust from the ceiling of the cave, and the birds on the branches outside the cave fluttered away.

Liu Jing threw away the barbecue and turned around to ask for the scriptures.

"Let me see, let me see!"

Lin Pingzhi was afraid that the scriptures would be torn up, so he hurriedly handed them to her.Liu Jing was so excited that she stepped on the mud dug out by Lin Pingzhi, fell back and fell towards the fire, and the book in her hand also flew towards the fire.

Not to mention warm and hot, if it is not even warm, it will be burned?

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(End of this chapter)

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