Chapter 21
I don't know how this kid was able to grow his beard back in ten days.

Seeing each other seems to have to finish the whole table without waiting for them.Su Ren came to the table in one step.Picking up his chopsticks, he sighed and said, "This monk is eccentric. Obviously, everyone is invited. But let a 'rice bucket' come and eat first."

Layman Gu Song said with a helpless smile: "He insisted that we go to take a bath with incense, but this guy seems to have just rolled out of the mud!"

Master Bitter Gourd laughed and said: "The monk is indeed partial, but he is only partial to him. It is useless for you to be angry."

While speaking, Su Ren put a plate of vegetarian ham in front of him, and said while eating, "Why are you partial to him?"

There is one thing to say.It was the first time for Su Ren to eat such a delicious vegetarian dish.Compare with the food.What I ate before was simply pig food.

After a few bites, he finished the vegetarian ham in front of him.At this time, in the eyes of outsiders, the chopsticks in the hands of the always old-fashioned wooden Taoist were simply much faster than his sword.

And Lu Xiaofeng just extended his chopsticks to a plate of fish-flavored eggplant.Su Ren stretched out his hand like a juggler.

Everyone was stunned when they saw this.Then he laughed out loud.

"This old Niubi doesn't even want any face just to eat?" Lu Xiaofeng said rather annoyed, "He actually used the kung fu of 'Liuyunfeixiu'."

Su Ren didn't even raise his head at this time.With his mouth full, he said vaguely: "You can use it if you have the kind!"

At this moment, Master Bitter Gourd looked at Su Ren who was arguing with Lu Xiaofeng and frantically stuffing dishes into his mouth without showing anything.He said with emotion: "In the past, I always felt that when I met this person, even I couldn't do anything about it. Only now do I realize that even Mr. Mu, a generous person with thick eyebrows and big eyes like you, has become like him."

Su Ren stuffed a sweet and sour eggplant box into his mouth at the moment and couldn't help but smile and said: "There is no way to do it. Let's say someone. A few days ago I went to Wudang and buried me in Wudang while I was away. Du Kang dug out the two altars in the kitchen and drank them all by himself."

In his previous life, he also liked to do nothing at home and think about it by himself.After inheriting Taoist Mu's memory, he naturally knew where Taoist Mu's 'private collection' was stored.

Who would have thought that Su Ren had just returned to the Wudang faction from Zhuguang Baoqi Pavilion to explain that the grievances with the Emei faction were over.

From the mouths of the disciples, I learned that Lu Xiaofeng went to his room to 'search' while he was not there.Wherever he went, he ate, drank, and used up.

"Tell me. Is this something normal people can do?" Su Ren looked at Lu Xiaofeng with a bit of complaint.

Layman Gu Song also laughed when he heard the words, and said: "I don't blame you, last time this person drank two jars of old Fen wine from me, I just stared at him!"

At this moment, Huamanlou also remembered the days when he was dominated by Lu Xiaofeng.He couldn't help but smiled wryly and said, "When I meet this person, I'm afraid even a Bodhisattva can't do anything about it."

"But what bothers me even more is that now there are two people like this." Hua Manlou looked in Su Ren's direction and smiled.Of course he is invisible.However, he could clearly feel Su Ren's heartfelt joy when he ate delicious food.Seeing people happy, Hua Manlouyuan felt much happier than herself.

And Su Ren acted as if he hadn't heard, after killing two plates of eggplant boxes, one plate of vegetarian ham, and some vegetarian ducks and chickens by himself.He wiped his mouth and said with emotion: "It's a pity. This person wants to work when he is full."

"Work? What work do you have to do?" Lu Xiaofeng watched with a black face at the moment, most of the eggplant boxes had gone into someone's mouth. "Except for the sect leader, no one seems to be able to shake you, right? You're done with Emei's grievances. Now, at best, eat and sleep and drink when you're full?"

"Alas." Su Ren sighed helplessly when he heard the words, and said, "Do you really don't know or you don't know."

"Know what?" Lu Xiaofeng looked at him with some doubts. "I made a bet with Sikong Zhaixing to dig earthworms. We have been digging for several days. We don't know anything."

"Chang Mantian, Hua Yifan, and Jiang Chongwei, do you know these three people?" Layman Gu Song asked.

"I know." Lu Xiaofeng nodded.It's no wonder he didn't know, he is the only one who has the most friends in Lu Xiaofeng.These three are no exception.

"Their eyes are..." Layman Gu Song said here, as if to prevent Hua Manlou from being paranoid, he pointed to his own eyes as a signal.

Master Bitter Gourd said: "In addition, we have to add the seventy volumes of priceless calligraphy and paintings collected by Hua Yuxuan, 80 taels of dart silver from Zhenyuan, a batch of red goods from Zhendongbao, 9 taels of gold leaves from Jinsha River, and The Eighteen Dendrobium Pearls of the Palace!"

He sighed, and continued, "It is said that this man has done sixty or seventy major cases within a month, and he has done all of them by himself. Do you think Mr. Mu can finish his meal and make preparations?" Do you want to work? I'm afraid that the next one will be the bottom-of-the-box cheats from the major sects."

At this moment, Lu Xiaofeng couldn't eat anymore.This person can steal things from the heavily guarded palace, which shows his strength.

Jin Jiuling, who had been silent all this time, couldn't help sighing at this moment: "In the world, maybe only one person can solve this case."

Lu Xiaofeng's eyes are brighter. Who else can solve this kind of problem?

But he deliberately asked: "I don't know who you are talking about?"

"Sikong Zhaixing."

"Ah?!" Lu Xiaofeng was startled, and said, "What the hell?"

Su Ren seemed a little uninterested at this time, and then said: "Sikong Zaixing is known as the 'King of Stealing Kings'. He is indeed a rare genius in the world. If only one person in the world can find out who the embroidered thief is... The person who entered the royal palace's treasure house must be Sikong Zhaixing."

Lu Xiaofeng couldn't help but said eagerly at this moment: "Why can't it be me?"

"You can't!" Su Ren shook his head without thinking.

Lu Xiaofeng jumped even higher: "Who says I can't?"

Jin Jiuling said indifferently: "Because this case is too difficult, and you don't want to take care of it at all!"

Lu Xiaofeng shouted loudly: "Who said I don't want to take care of it? I just want to take care of it for you."

Su Ren smiled and said, "I still bet you can't solve this case!"

Lu Xiaofeng patted the table and said, "Okay, whatever you want to bet on, I'll bet with you!" Before he could finish his sentence, he found others were laughing.Everyone is laughing.

At this moment, Lu Xiaofeng already felt that he was being fooled.But still bit the bullet and looked at Su Ren and said, "How do you want to bet?"

I saw that what shocked everyone was.Su Ren rolled his eyes when he heard this.Looking at him, he smiled and said: "Let's do this. If you can solve this case within seven days, I will give you the Taijiquan scriptures written by our ancestor Sanfeng. Similarly, if you lose, You have to give me the secret script of your intuition. How about it?"

(End of this chapter)

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