Martial arts crossing from Lu Xiaofeng

Chapter 24 The Emperor Wants to See Himself?

Chapter 24 The Emperor Wants to See Himself?

Jin Jiuling felt uncomfortable, but Su Ren felt better.These few times, he didn't know how much money he made, inside and out.

yes.He couldn't take these things with him when he left, but he couldn't stand it. If he, Su Ren, stayed here for a day, he could enjoy the treatment that only the emperor's old son could enjoy for a day.

Just when Su Ren was wondering if Jin Jiuling was going to come to the Black Street to settle accounts with the Snake King.

Layman Gu Song found himself with a sullen face.

When Su Renren saw the other party's appearance, his heart sank. "Gu Song. Could it be that Gu Feiyun escaped!"

"No." Layman Gu Song shook his head and said, "In less than twenty moves, Hai Qikuo broke his throat, and then Gao Tao chopped off his head."

"Then you are..." Su Ren couldn't help asking with some doubts: "Is there anything more important than the things in the villa."

Layman Gu Song couldn't help laughing bitterly: "Guess who I met when I came back?"

"Who? Lu Xiaofeng?" Su Ren ate the food and drink in front of him nonchalantly.If it was just meeting Lu Xiaofeng, Su Ren was quite prepared for this.

After all, these days, those who come out to hang out must pay attention to using their brains. There is a saying, 'If you don't use your brains when you come out to play, you will be an airplane all your life'.

For someone like Lu Xiaofeng, if Su Ren didn't have the identity of a Mu Taoist.In fact, I still appreciate it very much.

Layman Gu Song shook his head and said, "No. Not at all. I met Wei Ziyun, the 'Swordsman of Xiaoxiang'. It's the Wei Ziyun who has been promoted to the number one master in the university."

"What?" Su Ren looked a little surprised.He never expected to meet Wei Ziyun at this time.

Speaking of which, Wei Ziyun is also a swordsman in the Jianghu.Although it can't compare to Ye Gucheng and Ximen Chuuxue.But his swordsmanship is by no means inferior to Fang Wai's Seven Great Swordsmen.

"Besides, there are 'Excalibur of Wealth' Yin Xian, 'Star Picker' Ding Ao, and 'Desert Condor' Tu Fang." After finishing speaking, Layman Gu Song couldn't help sighing slightly and said, "I really didn't expect that. These four guys who were supposed to protect the official family in the Ouchi Imperial Palace actually blocked me. And they seemed to have figured out what I was going to do."

"Tell me frankly who wants to see you." Layman Gu Song said with a serious face: "Brother Dao, do you understand what I mean?"

"Of course I understand." Su Ren sighed slightly.

This time, he has a long memory in disguise.Originally, he subconsciously felt that he had to follow the script, and nothing happened.

But subconsciously ignored a big problem.That is, since I can even encounter such a very unscientific thing as crossing.

It is understandable that this plot task is all stuffed into his mind to disrupt himself.After all, what I am experiencing now is a living person.

They all have their own emotions, joys, anger, sorrows and joys.It is far from being slaughtered like a robot.

Su Ren patted his forehead when he thought of this.Slowly said: "It gave me a memory."

Layman Gu Song at the side glanced at him because he was a little confused.

However, this time did not give Su Ren a long memory.

This is why the emperor didn't attack himself.But if the emperor wants to attack Su Ren.No matter how good Su Ren can fight, he can't beat the essence of an entire empire.Tired and exhausted myself.

But then again.What are the officials looking for?
His identity is just a person in the martial arts world.

Su Ren asked Layman Gusong again.The latter didn't know what happened.Anyway, he just brought Wei Ziyun's message, someone wanted to see him.

He also said that he understood everything when he heard it.

However.Su Ren didn't understand immediately.Other than the emperor, who else can make all the four masters of the Ouchi mobilize to speak out.

Layman Gu Song was also a little confused at the moment, Su Ren had no choice but to resist his doubts when he heard the words.Turn around and walk towards your destination.

As soon as he left the city, Su Ren saw four people, one with a handsome face and a dignified manner; It's like blowing a breeze.

"So it's been a long time since Director Wei." Su Ren laughed and laughed.He asked knowingly, "What's going on? What kind of mistake did the old man make, so that he provoked the four masters of Ouchi to ask Layman Gu Song to help with the conversation?"

Hearing his words.Wei Ziyun and the others understood what Su Ren said both inside and outside.So Wei Ziyun said with a friendly smile, "It's nothing serious. It's just that my 'Master' wants to see Mr. Mu."

"See me?" Su Ren frowned and pondered for a while, "Is it because of something I did recently that displeased 'Young Master'?"

Recently, he just took the inheritance of the Jinpeng Dynasty as his own, and even killed Dugu Yihe.Other than that, he just wanted to capture Jin Jiuling.

Could it be that these things have aroused that His Majesty's heart?
"I can only say it's a good thing. It's not a bad thing." Wei Ziyun smiled.

When Su Renyi heard this, he felt confident.Wei Ziyun is also a good friend of Taoist Mu.Besides, if the emperor was really dissatisfied with the scheme against Jin Jiuling, the other party would have made a move long ago.

Followed the four people to a garden.The moment Su Ren opened the door and stepped in.The four of Wei Ziyun went to their own busy schedules.

I saw a man sitting lazily on a rattan chair in the courtyard looking at the moonlight, feeling very comfortable.

However, the power of the sky is unpredictable, and a companion is like a tiger. A free and unrestrained person like Su Ren can't help being 12 times vigilant at this moment, to prevent a master from suddenly attacking him.

"Mr. Mu, let's eat a bowl of wontons." The emperor said with a slight smile, "I know that Mr. Mu drinks too much, but no matter how good a drinker is, he still needs to eat, right?"

The emperor, who was dressed as a student in Tsing Yi, saw that Su Ren Gangcong seemed to be drinking.Afterwards, Yin Xian offered a bowl of wontons and ate them.

Yin envied the third master Yin, he couldn't help but have good sword skills, and Chaos made delicious food.The skin is thin and the stuffing is delicious. In terms of culinary skills in the world, he is second only to the master of bitter gourd.

Su Ren didn't think too much, picked up the spoon and started sucking slowly.However, he was muttering in his heart, what exactly did he do to attract the emperor to meet him in the end.

I saw a bowl of wontons, even after drinking the soup.Su Ren looked a little respectful and asked, "Dare to ask...Young Master, have you done anything bad recently?"

"No." The emperor smiled and shook his head: "But Mr. Mu is a smart man. I just want to ask Mr. Mu for a favor."

(End of this chapter)

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