Chapter 131 Dragon Claw
"Fifty times the supersonic sword drawing technique!!"

If he didn't move, Jiang Chen had already made up his mind to kill the other party.

"Needle Jizo!"

Facing Jiang Chen's life-for-life style of play, the hedgehog gave a strange cry, but quickly opened the steel needles all over his body.

With a single slash, the opponent's barrier was not broken, and Jiang Chen was even more surprised that the opponent's barrier was still flexible.

Rather than saying that his own knife failed to split his barrier, it is better to say that the hedgehog relied on its own steel needle to bounce off the attack.

This is a bit similar to the iron frame of the bicycle wheel. Although it is full of iron, it is full of elasticity with the help of rubber tires.

"Emperor Canopy!!"

Seeing that he missed a single shot, Jiang Chen hastily pulled his hand, and countless dragon energy gathered, temporarily forming an enchantment.

However, Hedgehog Wolf is a monster with great vitality, and the temporary emperor canopy can't stop this attack.

"Blood coat."

Seeing this, Jiang Chen manifested Qi and blood outside his body, forming a dragon-shaped coat to wrap around his body, and finally blocked the flying needle.

"Wo Cao, this steel needle can be recycled??"

Just when Jiang Chen was about to attack the hedgehog wolf again, all the steel needles that fell on the ground around him flew back into his body.

"Gajia, this is my magic weapon for dual cultivation of life and life."

Looking at Jiang Chen's surprised expression, the hedgehog wolf was extremely proud.

After all, whether it is the old centipede or the rhinoceros spirit, they are all stronger than themselves.

But when they put on their masks, they were pressed and beaten by Jiang Chen, and even killed.

Now I not only let this hateful human suffer a dark loss, but even vaguely gained the upper hand.

Especially when it comes to his steel needles, that's what he likes to talk about.

After all, he used to be a monster despised by everyone, and there was no one else, because he was a bastard born of a hedgehog spirit and a wild wolf.

But to everyone's surprise, he was lucky and got a scroll.

There are not only cultivation methods, but also a set of magic weapons for dual cultivation of life and life.

"I see, I underestimated you."

The demon knife in his hand was throbbing, but it shone with a golden light.

"Let me see if your needle is harder or my Vajra Spear is harder."

Facing this feminine needle, Jiang Chen directly took out his Vajra Spear to deal with it.

"Vajra Spear Break!"

With a swipe of the long knife in his hand, the golden knife energy filled the sky, stabbing the hedgehog wolf like spears.

"Needle Ksitigarbha Enchantment!!"

Seeing such a quick saber energy, the hedgehog wolf screamed, but it was too late to hide, but it directly opened the barrier.

Although Jiang Chen is only at the level of the Eight Meridians Master, but with the double blessing of the Eight Desolation Western Gengjin Qi and the Demon Sword, the power of this Vajra Spear is definitely not much worse than Yuan Qi, otherwise this hedgehog won't use the knot. circle to escape.

In Jiang Chen's eyes, his Vajra Spear landed on the barrier, which immediately aroused the steel needles in the hedgehog wolf's barrier.

Looking at the steel needle crazily spinning in the barrier, it's like the wheels of a bicycle are turning to relieve the pressure from the outside world.

"Now it's my turn!!"

Blocking Jiang Chen's Vajra Spear Qi, Hedgehog Wolf immediately counterattacked: "Flying Needle Sky Wing Slash!"

The enchantment spread out, and countless flying needles formed a pair of huge wings around it.

The hedgehog wolf screamed strangely, but the whole person flew up.

Appearing in front of Jiang Chen in an instant, the flying needles with the left and right wings turned into two huge knives and slashed at Jiang Chen.

"Three qi hide, Geng Jin cut."

Wielding the huge demon knife in his hand, the flying needle could not penetrate an inch within three meters.

"It's useless, my flying needle penetrates everywhere, if you drag it on, you will die."

The hedgehog wolf Jie Jie laughed strangely, his body was in the air, and he even flew up and down, turning left and right.

The wooden mandrill and the iron-colored chicken who were watching there looked at each other, since when did this hedgehog become so fierce.

You must know that the stronger the monster, the more arrogant it is.

But in their impression, the strength of this hedgehog is not to mention compared with the knife mantis and the old centipede, it may not even be as good as the rhinoceros.

But now looking at the hedgehog wolf who was fighting with Jiang Chen, could it be that this human being is exhausted?
"It's a pity that the hedgehog picked up such a good bargain."

The iron rooster saw it in his eyes, but it made him feel itchy.

If that was the case, he would have known that he would have done it first, otherwise it wouldn't be the hedgehog's turn to be cheap.

"No, if my thorns were not slow, this human would be mine."

The wooden mandrill was also full of pity, and even quietly, he had already prepared a conspiracy underground.

what! !

Just when the two were discussing, one person and one demon, who were originally equally divided, had results in an instant.

"Impossible, impossible, just now he was clearly not the hedgehog's opponent, why is he strangling his neck now."

The iron rooster's corns were wide open, as if it had seen a ghost.

"Cunning human beings, they must have been pretending just now."

The wooden mandrill did not say anything, but acted decisively and directly.

It's a pity that the ground is full of thorns, it's still too late.

"Suffer to death!!"

Using force in his hand, Jiang Chen directly tore off the hedgehog wolf's head.

At this moment, Jiang Chen's body was surging with qi and blood, and there was a keel above his head.

It turned out that the hedgehog wolf wanted to fight Jiang Chen in close combat, but unexpectedly fell into Jiang Chen's arms.

As soon as he got close to him, Jiang Chen merged his sword with his human body, and even pushed the human dragon body to the extreme.

Turning his body into a knife, and then attacking at a hundred times the speed of the innate knife drawing technique, he grabbed the hedgehog wolf's neck in an instant with lightning speed.

Although Jiang Chen's own sword-drawing skill can't reach a hundred times, but with the dragon veins and his body guaranteed, Jiang Chen can let the innate sword-drawing skill possess his body at will.

Otherwise, how could Jiang Chen kill so many great monsters with vitality, and even up to now, he didn't feel the slightest bit of fatigue. It wasn't all due to the internal exercises controlling each other's body, so that Jiang Chen could have a chance to rest.

As for the body? ? ?

Because it is above the dragon veins at this time, and Jiang Chen is practicing the Dragon God Art.

Tiredness does not exist, it will only make his body more and more diligent.

You must know that Jiang Chen at the beginning was only able to condense the dragon horns, but now the condensed keel has reached the neck, and the shaping of the collarbone is about to be completed.

The hedgehog wolf couldn't believe it until he died, after all, he practiced the flying needle.

To advance can be attacked, and retreat can be defended.

Although the strength is not the most prominent among the great demons of vitality, it is the most average.

Facing Jiang Chen who broke out one after another, Hedgehog Wolf felt that Jiang Chen was exhausted.

But in the next second, he was strangled by the neck.

Even before he realized it, his consciousness had completely dissipated.

"Now it's your turn!!"

With Jiang Chen who is one with human and sword, plus half a step of Heavenly Sword realm, the whole person is simply full of sharpness.

"The tree world is coming!!"

The wooden mandrill, who had been preparing secretly for a long time, suddenly slapped his hands on the ground.

Suddenly, the ground shook, followed by countless trees growing crazily.

In less than ten breaths, towering giant trees have grown all around.

Just when Jiang Chen felt the surprise, the towering giant tree suddenly came alive.

Countless huge rattans whipped towards Jiang Chen like whips.

There are also many thorns, like pythons, but they swim towards Jiang Chen.

There are even many towering trees that automatically turn into bows and arrows.

All of a sudden, thousands of arrows were fired, and the only target was Jiang Chen.

But at this time, Jiang Chen was one with the sword, the person was the sword, and the sword was the person, his whole body was full of sharpness.

Whether it was rattan, thorns, or even wooden arrows, once they approached his body, they all turned into sawdust.

"That's all?"

Jiang Chen, who is a human and a knife, can't see the slightest emotion in his eyes, just like a cold knife.

"Now it's just the beginning, look at my flower tree world."

The wooden mandrill shuttled among the trees, releasing sorcery in its hands.

Seeing that the trees around him actually bloomed, countless pollen spewed out from the flowers.


Looking at the sky and the earth is gray, but it is shrouded in pollen.

Especially when the pollen touched his whole body, it actually aroused sharpness around him.

"Yes, my pollen is not ordinary pollen!!"

The wooden mandrill is hiding in the woods, but his voice can be heard from all directions.

"Eat my knife!!!"

At this moment, the iron rooster that had been hiding for a long time suddenly jumped out from the tree canopy.


Seeing that the opponent retracted the pair into the left and right wings, the whole person shot at him like a kitchen knife.

Jiang Chen couldn't help but sneered, he probably forgot how the rhinoceros died.

Regardless of whether this knife is a real knife or an iron knife, as long as it is made of ore or the like, it will definitely be restrained to death by his Western Gengjin Qi.

He stretched out his hand and slashed in the same direction, but to Jiang Chen's surprise, the opponent's slash was not affected by him at all.

"Hey, my magnetic knife is not effective for you??"

Tie Rooster looked at Jiang Chen puzzled, obviously the other party was a swordsman, logically speaking, he should be able to suck away his swords.

"It turned out to be a magnetic knife. How can I say it feels different."

Jiang Chen narrowed his eyes slightly. If he had known this earlier, he shouldn't have used Gengjin Qi.

"Since you can't suck your knife, then bear my magnetic force!"

The iron rooster flapped its wings, and then shouted: "Five times the gravity"


Feeling the gravity on his body, Jiang Chen narrowed his eyes slightly.

It's a pity that this iron rooster doesn't know that his innate supersonic sword drawing technique can already exceed a hundred times the speed of sound.

But he uses five times the gravity to deal with himself. Doesn't it mean that he is standing on the [-]th floor and he is only on the fifth floor.


Iron Rooster looked at Jiang Chen inexplicably, what he cultivated was gravity.

"That's it? What can it do to me?"

Jiang Chen pulled his hands, but it directly broke the five times the gravity of the iron rooster.

"It's just an appetizer. I'm going to be serious next time."

The iron cock was underestimated, and his eyes turned cold.

"Thousands of arrows are fired!!"

At this moment, the wooden mandrill attacked again.

What surprised Jiang Chen was that the opponent did not give up and used the wooden arrow again.

"Hey, it turned out to be a wooden arrow made of pollen. How should I say it?"

As the blade kept chopping down the wooden arrows, Jiang Chen felt that the poison of the pollen was really very strong.

"Thirty times the gravity knife!!"

At this moment, the iron rooster took the opportunity to slash at Jiang Chen.

Click! !
Before the knife arrived, the floor around Jiang Chen cracked uncontrollably.

Immediately afterwards, the surrounding trees fell down in an instant, and even the poisonous mist sank rapidly.

"This thing can!"

Feeling the double oppression, even Jiang Chen, who is a man and a knife, can feel the pressure.

But that's just okay.

"Dragon Claw!!"

Stretch out five fingers, visible to the naked eye on the qi and blood coat, but five bones have grown again.

The bones are facing the sky, but it is like a machete.

It is full of mysterious lines, and there is a dazzling light shining between the fine lines.

Click! !
Pressing his fingers into the void, Jiang Chen squeezed hard, and the sound of crushing glass sounded.

"My thirty times gravity was actually crushed by you??"

Iron Rooster turned pale, but it was because of backlash.

Jiang Chen didn't answer, the dragon's claws opened, and the poisonous mist around him quickly gathered.

In the blink of an eye, a poisonous ball was held in the palm of Jiang Chen's hand.

"The poisonous fog in my flower and tree world!!!"

The wooden mandrill hiding in the woods also showed an incredible expression.

You must know that this time, he summoned a forest ten miles away, and the flower and tree world spent a lot of effort to summon the evil spirit from another world.

But in such an instant, it was gathered up by him, and this efficiency was faster than that of a spellcaster like him.

"Dragon, rule the world."

"A little bit of gravity and poisonous fog, it counts!!"

Playing with the poisonous mist in his hand, Jiang Chen's figure disappeared in an instant with a swish.

"No, iron cock, run!"

The wooden mandrill was hiding in the woods, but he was the first to spot Jiang Chen's target, which was the hairless iron rooster.

"Chaotic Space!!"

The screaming iron rooster knew that he couldn't run away, but directly opened a barrier.

"Your enchantment is like paper in front of my dragon claw."

Jiang Chen's voice sounded, followed by Tie Rooster's chest hurting.

At some point, Jiang Chen had already pierced his chest, and even stuffed the poisonous mist into his stomach.

"Do not!!!"

The iron rooster screamed, and under the action of the poisonous mist, its body was wiped out in ashes.

Jiang Chen's human-dragon body has gone a step further in the state where the human and sword are united.

Directly from the collarbone of the neck, extending to the arm grows a dragon claw.

With a hundred times the supersonic speed, coupled with the indestructible dragon claws, this iron rooster has no chance of resisting.

"Tsk tsk, the power of your poisonous mist is really good."

Jiang Chen sneered, and locked on the location of the wooden mandrill at a glance.

Not to mention ten miles of woods, even if it is a hundred miles or a thousand miles, as long as there is a place where his own dragon veins are, he has nowhere to hide.

"You actually found me???"

The wooden mandrill shuttled through the woods, roaring inwardly.

Because his wood escape technique is not much worse than the gopher's ground escape technique.

But what he couldn't understand was that Jiang Chen actually ignored his own Mudun and locked onto his figure almost all the time.

"If I find out what you are, I will kill you!!"

An icy voice sounded, and Jiang Chen had already appeared less than three meters away from him.


The frightened wooden mandrill directly used his escape method of pressing the bottom of the box.

All the forests he summoned can be used as substitutes by him, and they can even change positions instantly.

Ten miles away, Mudrill appeared with a lingering fear.

"This human being is too scary, how could it be so strong, it can't be faked by a spiritual master!!"

Ten miles is the farthest place I can summon the woods, and it is also the farthest place I can replace.

"That's it!!"

But before he could catch his breath, Jiang Chen's voice descended like a god of death.

(End of this chapter)

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