Chapter 133 Shura Reincarnation

"It's too late to escape now."

Shura's male voice said with a sneer: "The corpse god curse!!!"

Everything just now was just a prelude to what he did.

The real means start now.

"No, Jiang Chen must not let this blood enter your body."

The Dragon God Art is circulating the dragon energy crazily, and the emperor's canopy outside the body is layer by layer.

But in the face of this bloody water that seemed to have life, black smoke continued to rise above the barrier.

"Where my weeping rain covers, you can't hide."

The Shura male demon grinned, he could already see the scene of Jiang Chen dying in his hands.

And the Shura banshee was also licking her lips, after all, she was the first human being to enjoy after breaking the barrier, and she even couldn't wait any longer.

"Jiang Chen, summon the dragon veins!"

Under the restriction of the spiritual energy of the Shura demon, even Youlong Qinggong couldn't leave here with the help of dragon energy.

"If you summon the dragon veins now, the entire barrier will completely collapse!!"

Now it's just a hole in the barrier, just like the hole in front of you.

As long as there are human monks, this hole can be completely blocked.

But if the remaining dragon veins were moved, it would simply expose the secret realm to the world.

After communicating with the Dragon God Art, Jiang Chen knew that the dragon veins were the fetal membranes of the secret realm.

However, some masters arranged an enchantment, used monsters to stabilize the secret realm, and even squeezed out spirit stone products.

So if the barrier is not broken, sooner or later, these monsters will be squeezed to death by the secret realm.

"If you die, they will still open the secret realm."

Long Shengong was also full of anxiety, watching the two breakthroughs in the supersonic sword drawing technique.

Even the inner qi of the four poles and the true qi of the eight wilds are seamlessly connected, and now the dragon veins are even more broken.

Not talking about evolution, just talking about the secret realm in front of him, this is his mission.

So he will definitely not watch Jiang Chen die like this, who knows how long he will have to wait for the next one to practice Dragon God Art.

And what made him not want to give up on Jiang Chen was that, apart from the strong man who created him, only Jiang Chen could communicate with him normally, which had to be said to be a miracle.

Even within Jiang Chen's body, he could communicate with any cultivation technique.

He absolutely couldn't bear to lose such a good environment.

So he suggested to Jiang Chen that he should envoy the Dragon Vein.

As long as it is combined with the dragon veins under its feet, not to mention its full strength, I am afraid that even a little bit of it can directly kill the Shura demon.

"Heavenly King Demon Suppressing Formation, isn't there a Heavenly King Demon Suppressing Formation?"

Instead of pulling out the entire dragon vein, it is better to borrow the power of the dragon vein again.

Although it's a bit much, it's better than extracting the entire dragon vein and then dissipating it uncontrollably.

The dragon vein is embedded in the core of the earth vein, which is the core of the continental plate.

If there is a problem with the dragon vein, it will definitely cause a natural disaster.

Although Jiang Chen could not be said to be a good person, he would not do such insane things.

So on balance, he immediately gave up the idea of ​​extracting dragon veins.

"Bloody storm!!"

The Asura Snake Demon saw that the rain of blood was about the same, but immediately made another seal.

Under his control, the rain of blood actually blocked the water around this place, forming a water barrier in an instant.

"Jiang Chen, what are you waiting for!!!"

Seeing that Jiang Chen was about to die here, that Dragon God Art was also in a hurry! !

"Heavenly King Demon Suppressing Formation, rise up!!"

Seeing this, Jiang Chen also gave a loud shout.

Following the control of the formation, the big foot on the top of the hole stepped down in an instant.

"What is this??"

The group of Tiangang faction who just came here were also taken aback when they saw this big foot that covered the sky.

"No, Jiang Chen must be in danger."

Governor Luo Binwang and champion Hou Xu Fang looked at each other, but instantly understood that Jiang Chen was in trouble down below.

"You stay here, I will go down with the big feet of the king of heaven!!!"

That He Li didn't hesitate at all, but directly hitched a ride with Dazuo.

In her hand, there is a large array of Hundred Arrow Talismans that has been prepared.

"what happened?"

A group of Tiangang faction looked at King Luo Bin and Xu Fang in puzzlement.

The two shook their heads and sighed, but told the story.

"Master, hurry up and save Jiang Chen!!!"

After listening to King Luo Bin's narration, the white lotus in white looked at her pleadingly.

Xu Jiangnan at the side also looked at the gray-clothed old man in front of Bai Lian with eyes full of expectation.

"You guys!!!"

Master Xu looked at his two disciples, if it wasn't for the great changes in the Tiangang sect, he would never have come out of the mountain.

But now that the beasts are in trouble, the Tiangang faction has no capable people.

"Master Xu, I'll go down with you."

Elder Zhang with white beard and hair came over.


Master Xu glanced at Elder Zhang.

"The purpose of my going down here is to save people!"

After being caught by his juniors, Elder Zhang couldn't help but say what he didn't know.

"Then what to do here?"

Looking at the place outside the hole, Master Xu asked.

Master Xu is of the same generation as the sect master and hall master, but he is one generation behind Zhang Zhang.

But with his cultivation base, he really wouldn't take this seniority seriously.

"All the disciples listen to the order and set up a large formation to exterminate demons in ten directions."

Elder Zhang proved it with actions.

"Since the uncle wants to go down, let's go together!"

Master Xu nodded when he saw this.

"Humans are going to die for me!!!"

Seeing that the barrier was [-]% complete, the Shura male demon immediately tried to kill Jiang Chen with all his might.

"You lied to me???"

The Shura female snake demon instantly understood that this was her male pet, and the male demon who was one with her now did not want to let Jiang Chen go.

"Don't worry, as long as we leave the barrier, there will be many human males outside."

The Shura male demon laughed loudly, and directly perfunctory the female demon.

"It's not that easy to kill me!!"

Seeing that the blood-red rain barrier was about to press against him, Jiang Chen's big feet of the Heavenly King Formation drove him off.

"what is this???"

With all the strength of the big feet, it was like stepping on a balloon to instantly crush the bloody barrier of the Shura snake demon.

"Why did you come down!!!"

The Heavenly King Formation was controlled by Jiang Chen, but He Li who was attached to it sensed it immediately.

"Come down, naturally to save you."

He Li chuckled, and then with a slightly cold expression, she released the Hundred Rune Archery Technique she had prepared for the Shura Snake Demon.

"No, this is a human spell."

The Asura Snake Demon wanted to retreat when he saw He Li's water arrow technique.

"Dare to lie to me, I will make you pay the price."

He wanted to quit, but the Shura Banshee quit at this time.

He even blocked him directly behind him, allowing him to attack the Water Arrow Hundred Talisman.

"We are one heart, I am hurt, you can never get better."

The Shura male monster screamed, but it was a warning to the Shura female monster.

"Shut up for my old lady, this is the end of lying to me."

Although the Shura female snake demon is a monster, she is also a female. Once she loses her mind, she can do anything.

"Blood Water Realm Light!!"

Seeing that the water arrow was coming, but he couldn't move his body, he had no choice but to rely on the power of the remaining blood and water.

Blood and water rolled in front of him, instantly turning into a smooth round mirror.

呲! ! !

The water arrow shot at it, but it made the blood-red round mirror tremble.

This is the strength of the Shura male demon without the cooperation of the banshee. If it is separated alone, Jiang Chen may even be able to turn the tables, let alone He Li, who is also a spiritual master.

"Water Sword!!"

He Li, who was holding the talisman, couldn't help but yelled coquettishly, but the water arrows all over the sky instantly fused together, turning into a towering giant sword.

Holding the hilt of the water sword, He Li slashed down without saying a word.

"Snake girl, if you don't cooperate anymore, I will give up resistance directly, and we will die together."

The Shura male demon was originally struggling to resist, but as a last resort, he could only threaten the Shura female demon.

"You dare to threaten me, do you really think I don't know what you're thinking?"

The Shura Banshee is also a ruthless person, at this critical moment, she is absolutely unwilling to back down.

"You crazy woman!!!"

The Shura male demon hated him greatly. If the Shura banshee was blocking in front at this time, he would not be worried at all, but it was him who was blocking the water sword at this moment.

"You still dare to scold me. My old lady has long disliked you. Today, my old lady will swallow you."

The Shura banshee's eyes gleamed with a blood-eating light.

It's one thing to hate the male demon Shura for being capricious, but the real purpose is only known to the banshee Shura.

In fact, when they broke through the aura monster, the method of how to separate the body had already been awakened in their blood.

But the price of this is that the strength of the two people will drop by two levels. Simply put, if the two are separated after breaking through, then the level will directly drop to the level of innate true energy.

This is simply unacceptable for them who are pursuing power.

So they would rather continue to share the same body like this, than directly fall into the realm and become a monster of true energy, who may be killed by other monsters at any time.

But now the opportunity has come, that is, at the moment when one of them dies, use the secret method to absorb it, and then they will perfectly become a real person.

At this moment, the real purpose of the Shura banshee is to make the Shura male demon die under He Li's sword.

"You are so despicable, you actually want to swallow me!!"

The Shura male demon turned pale with shock, at this moment he finally understood the inner thoughts of the Shura banshee.

"I know now, it's too late."

The Shura Banshee gave a cold smile, and then shouted: "Circle Light, solve it!!"

Following her seal formula, the mirror in front of the Shura male demon instantly shattered.

While He Li was puzzled, his water sword instantly slashed the Shura male demon.

"what happened?"

Jiang Chen, who was manipulating the Heavenly King Demon Suppressing Formation, was about to make up for it, but he didn't expect He Li to succeed.

"There is a problem, be careful!!"

Although the communication between Shura Yao and the two was done in their hearts, He Li felt that something was wrong.

After all, she is also a spiritual master, especially she has a certain understanding of Shura demon.

"Sura Reincarnation!!!"

At this moment, a cold female voice came from within the watery sword light.

Immediately afterwards, a blood-red light wave directly submerged the water sword.

"not good!!"

Seeing the blood-red light, He Li was shocked and said: "This is Shura's blood light, you must not get half of it!!"

"Heavenly King Demon Suppressing Barrier!!"

Seeing this, Jiang Chen quickly turned his big feet into an emperor's canopy and covered the two of them.

"Haha, after so many years, I have finally become myself."

In the blood-colored mysterious light, a graceful figure gradually appeared.

"Are you a Shura banshee???"

Looking at this 'person', Jiang Chen was shocked, only because the Shura snake demon still had a snake tail.

The appearance is as beautiful as a fairy, coupled with the current bee waist and long legs.

The whole body is covered with red silk mesh, which feels like a uniform temptation, absolutely sexy.

"Hey, no man is a good thing!!"

Looking at Jiang Chen's staring eyes, He Li spat.

"Hee hee, the little girl is jealous."

"But I don't mind, brother, if you want to fly together, then I am willing too!!"

The Asura banshee still has no memory of Jiang Chen, even though she is now a separate entity, she is still greedy for Jiang Chen's body.

"Bah, shameless monster."

Upon hearing this, He Li became furious, and threw the talisman in her hand without saying a word.

"My sister is a good talisman, but I haven't thanked you yet?"

The Shura Banshee is now integrated with strength, but she broke He Li's talisman technique in the blink of an eye.

"Thank me, then stretch out your head and let me chop it off."

Heli, who is fighting against each other, doesn't have so many flirts.

"Don't worry, you will definitely cut it if you cut it."

"However, it was yours that was chopped off!!"

At the end of the conversation, the Shura banshee pulled at the void.

Amidst the shocked expressions of everyone, a hole was torn open in the sky, and all the water inside poured out.

"Not good, this is the filthy water in the river of blood, it must not be stained in the slightest."

Seeing the blood, He Li quickly reminded Jiang Chen.

"I know now, it's too late."

"I will send you to Shura Hell, so that he can be with me forever."

The Asura Banshee giggled, her eyes were full of Jiang Chen.

At this moment, a sword energy descended from the sky above the sky.

In Jiang Chen's eyes, the sword energy was invincible, and any blood that blocked it disappeared immediately.

"Tiangang Sword Qi, who are you from the Tiangang Sect??"

Seeing this terrifying sword energy, the Shura banshee also let out a strange cry.

It's a pity that it was too late, the sword energy came too fast, and directly cut her in half with a single sword.

"What a terrifying sword energy!!!"

Seeing that the Asura Banshee was dealt with so easily, Jiang Chen also opened his mouth with a look of shock.

"Tiangang Sword Art."

He Li narrowed his eyes slightly, but looked at the sword energy with some worry.

"Jiang Chen, are you okay!!"

At this moment, several figures descended from the sky.

Among them, there were two Jiang Chen was very familiar with, they were Bai Lian and Xu Jiangnan.

"Why are you here??"

Jiang Chen looked at the two women in surprise.

In his prediction, no one would come to these two women.

After all, the disaster of wild beasts is too dangerous, and with their cultivation base, I am afraid they won't be able to survive here for a long time.

"Of course we are here to save you, why do you dislike it!!"

Bai Lian pouted, but her expression was displeased.

"It's too late to be grateful, how could I dislike it."

Jiang Chen smiled wryly, feeling that dealing with these women was even more troublesome than dealing with the great vitality monster.

(End of this chapter)

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