Chapter 152 Qingyangzong

Jiang Chen's words directly made them dare not increase the price.

What they are afraid of now is not Jiang Chen, but these four middle-grade spirit stones.

For these sects, not to mention a middle-grade spirit stone, even a low-grade spirit stone is a vital resource.

As for chambers of commerce like Wanbao Pavilion, most of the transactions here are still based on money.

It is also very rare to use Lingshi as the standard for trading this time, not even once in ten years.

"Four hundred squares of spiritual energy, the third time!!"

Tian Yuyin looked at the other people in the box, but it was a pity that no one called the price at the end.

But on the whole, Jiang Chen had already used nearly [-] square meters of spiritual energy, and a big monster in the spiritual energy realm was indispensable.

It's a pity that I don't have any extra original things in my hand, otherwise I can exchange for more corpses of great monsters in the spiritual realm.

However, he was already very satisfied with being able to exchange for the corpses of the two great aura monsters with his Essence of Wutu.

After all, although the Essence of Wutu is rare, he got it by accident. Apart from providing his basic aura, he didn't know how to use the rest. He didn't expect to meet Jiang Chen this time.

"Congratulations Mr. Jiang, congratulations Mr. Jiang."

As soon as he came up, Tian Yuyin kept shouting congratulations.

"I should really be congratulated."

Jiang Chen also smiled slightly, this time he just heard that there is an auction here, and he just wanted to meet fate.

I didn't expect that this fate was really broken. Not to mention the essence of Wutu on Tian Yuyin's body, the Lei Yuan and Feng Ling at the auction were all a huge harvest.

As long as he refines them, his Eight Desolation True Qi can take a big step forward.

"I don't know if you have any good spirit stones that can be exchanged???"

When I think of the corpse of a monster in my aura realm, it is always a waste of space to put the corpse of a monster in Heli's Xumi space, so I might as well change it for something more practical.

Especially once I break through the other sources of true energy, I need to cultivate a lot of energy.

You can't always rely on the nutrients absorbed by your body to supplement it, it depends on when you practice.

So the fastest way is to absorb spirit stones.

The best is the corresponding Lingshi.

There is no need for spiritual energy like the original spirit stone, just ordinary attribute spirit stones.

Of course, spirit stones with this attribute can only be absorbed by spiritual masters.

Ordinary innate masters would only absorb non-attribute spirit stones like the ones in this auction.

This kind of spirit stone is naturally weaker than the upper attribute spirit stone.

After all, the aura master has determined the attributes of his body. If he absorbs the aura without attributes, he has to be ahead of his own original transformation attribute, which is just like a middleman.

"You mean attribute spirit stone???"

Tian Yuyin immediately guessed Jiang Chen's intention.

"That's right, bring me some earth spirit stones, thunder spirit stones, and wind spirit stones, the more the better."

"If there is no such thing, the non-attribute spirit stone must have a high concentration."

Jiang Chen's purpose is very strong, that is to push these zhenqi to the peak.

"That's it!!!"

Tian Yuyin glanced at the interspatial bag on Heli's waist, so at least 70 yuan of spirit stones should be prepared for him.

And there still needs to be attributes, go there and find it yourself! ! !

"If not, forget it."

Seeing the other party's appearance, Jiang Chen knew the value of the corpse of the spiritual energy monster, so He Chou couldn't exchange the spirit stone.

"Don't worry, there must be."

Tian Yuyin didn't want to lose such a big client, so he quickly smiled and said, "However, it will take a few more days. I don't know if Mr. Jiang has time to wait."

At this point, Tian Yuyin was afraid that Jiang Chen would be impatient, so he said hastily, "Soon, it will only be a few days."

Jiang Chen thought for a while, his channels were really limited.

Rather than looking for it again, it is better to wait a little longer.

"Three days, I will wait for three days in Qingyang City."

Three days is enough for Jiang Chen to refine these three original spirit stones.

Similarly, if you can't get the spirit stone you want in three days, then you don't need to wait here any longer.

"That's enough, Young Master Jiang just wait for the good news!!"

Three days was indeed enough, but Tian Yuyin was also worried about whether Jiang Chen could survive these three days.

As the saying goes, if you don't show your wealth, what you show your eyes is not your own wealth.

And now it is in Wanbao Pavilion, with its own forces suppressing order, what if it goes out?
So Tian Yuyin didn't go to the top to ask for the spirit stone immediately, but was also waiting.

"Everyone, thank you very much for your participation. This auction is over."

Tian Yuyin was thinking a lot, and at the same time secretly mobilized her strength.

"It's finally over!!"

That Xu Wanqing was in the private room, but looked at Jiang Chen with bare eyes.

"Qingyang City is too peaceful, it's time for him to move."

Zhang Jingyang, the Patriarch of the Lie Huo Sect, also stood up, forming an angle with Xu Wanqing, locking Jiang Chen in the middle.

"He Li, we seem to be treated as persimmons."

Jiang Chen glanced at the two of them, but finally turned his gaze to Cao Shuran.

Unexpectedly, the other party turned around and left the box without the slightest delay.

"You look at people, it doesn't seem to be very good!!"

He Li sneered and said, "Could it be that you really fell in love with that little girl, so you're willing to borrow your spiritual energy."

"It's just a few spirit stones. Isn't it worth it to recognize a person?"

Jiang Chen shook his head, for the woman who sent the IOU, he had long forgotten what the other party looked like.

"You are really proud. You spent a few middle-grade spirit stones just to recognize a person."

"And, what's your tone, just?"

"You should know that the body of this aura monster is in my collection."

Hearing Jiang Chen's prodigal words, he was out of breath.

"Yes, yes, I am blind."

Seeing He Li go crazy, Jiang Chen immediately laughed and said, "But what's yours is mine, what's mine is yours, why should we share so much with each other!"

"When I came to Cheng County, you didn't treat me like this."

Seeing Jiang Chen's face, He Li felt sweet in his heart, but he didn't show it on his face.

And what happened at that time, she still remembers clearly.

"Isn't that too abrupt?"

Jiang Chen, who knew he was wrong, said embarrassedly: "It's different now, we have a life-threatening friendship."

"Besides, you are all mine..."

At this point, Jiang Chen quickly stopped.

"What's yours???"

Instead, He Li looked at Jiang Chen expectantly.

The atmosphere suddenly became subtle, and Jiang Hu on the side didn't even dare to take a breath.

I was afraid that if I moved myself, it would affect the atmosphere at this time.

dong dong! !
"I'll open the door."

At this moment, there was a knock on the door of the box.

Before Jiang Hu moved, Jiang Chen rushed to open the door.

"You bastard!!!"

Seeing Jiang Chen who turned his head and walked away, He Li was so angry that his teeth itched.

"I'm here to collect the bill, but it's still timely!!"

Seeing Tian Yuyin at the door, Jiang Chen was very happy.

"Well, Mr. Jiang, our Wanbao Pavilion stipulates that the settlement must be settled before leaving."

Tian Yuyin didn't know what Jiang Chen meant, but he explained it.

"It's okay, come here, I'll settle it for you right away."

The door was opened, but Jiang Chen shouted: "He Li, pay the bill!!!"

"Buy the bill???"

Tian Yuyin looked at Jiang Chen puzzled, but He Li instantly understood Jiang Chen's thoughts.

The two had been together for a while, and she probably knew Jiang Chen often said strange things.

"Hey, this is a big monster with spiritual energy level, plus this big monster with true energy level, it should be enough to pay the fee!!"

Looking at the corpses of the two monsters that appeared out of nowhere, they turned out to be the corpses of the very rare horned python and white deer tiger.

"Enough, enough."

Although Tian Yuyin is a businessman, he is also a master of spiritual energy.

But looking at the corpse on the ground, he was still very shocked.

After all, monsters and humans are irreconcilable, and it is not easy to kill them.

Could it be that they entered the tombs of monsters to steal so many corpses?

Ignoring the dumbfounded Tian Yuyin, Jiang Chen left the box with He Li, the only one following behind him was Jiang Hu.

Looking at Jiang Chen's back, Tian Yuyin opened his mouth, but wanted to keep Jiang Chen behind.

After all, the other party possesses so many aura big monsters, if he is snatched away like this, it will be thanks to him.

But if he calls him by himself, it means that he has completely provoked all the snakes in Qingyang City.

Of course, I have another choice, and that is to be that oriole.

When he thought that if he could obtain the corpse of the remaining aura monster, wouldn't he have the resources to attack the realm of the master.

Desires together cannot be suppressed at all.

After all, it was just a matter of professional ethics, and you can't slaughter your own guests in your own territory.

But what if it goes out this door?
All those things have nothing to do with me.

"Boy, I'm willing to come out, I thought you would hide in it for the rest of your life."

Looking at Jiang Chen who came out, Xu Wanqing couldn't help sneering as he touched the three-inch golden beard.

"Just by you, is it worth letting me hide for a lifetime?"

Jiang Chen sneered, not to mention Xu Wanqing in front of him, even Zhang Jingyang behind him, he didn't pay attention at all.

"Good boy, the strength is not very good, but this tone is very loud."

As the suzerain of the Raging Fire Sect, the red-haired Zhang Jingyang said disdainfully: "I just don't know if the tone of waiting will be so stubborn."

"I know my strength very well, but your strength dares to be arrogant in front of me."

Jiang Chen looked at the two of them with disdain and said, "I don't know who gave you the guts to growl in front of me."

"Stop talking nonsense, hand over your things, and I'll give you a whole body."

Xu Wanqing couldn't wait to do it, so let's try not to talk nonsense.

After all, the current him is eager to get the treasured mirror of that day.

After all, there is his opportunity there, if he gets it, then the whole Qingyang City is not his yet.

Even this Chanzhou, he can take the Tiangang faction instead.

"It's up to you!!"

While speaking, Jiang Chen's body had already appeared in front of Xu Wanqing.

In an instant, Xu Wanqing's eyes were as huge as copper bells.

A majestic spirit master with such an expression is enough to show that he is quite frightened.

Unfortunately, before he could react, Jiang Chen punched him down.

Simple dragon fist, without the slightest bells and whistles.

But Xu Wanqing exploded from behind, and even the clouds in the sky disappeared.

"So strong!!"

Xu Changzhong, who was at the side, couldn't help stammering.

After all, he didn't even know how strong his father was.

He only knows that one day with his father, he can run rampant in Qingyang City.

But Xu Wanqing, who was as strong as his father, was also punched and knelt down.

One must know that Xu Wanqing is the patriarch of Qingyuan Sect, and if he knelt down in front of Wanbao Pavilion, his face would be completely lost.

"Fire Palm!!!"

At this moment, the only one who could react was Zhang Jingyang, the Patriarch of Raging Fire Sect.

I saw that he slapped out a palm, but it formed a huge flaming palm.

The palm is extremely real, and even the lines on the palm are clearly visible.

Facing this palm, Jiang Chen snorted coldly, and two streams of air flowed from his nostrils.

In the unbelievable eyes of everyone, the weak and small air current cut off two air currents.

"This, this, this????"

Patriarch Raging Fire also looked at Jiang Chen strangely.

In his impression, such a young person with a beautiful woman by his side is just a dude from a certain family.

But the strength Jiang Chen displayed now simply subverted his three views.

This is not a dandy, it is completely a strength.

It seems that he has hit the iron plate. As a person who has been in the field for decades, he is ready to leave this place without saying a word.

Boom! ! !

At this moment, there was a loud noise, accompanied by a huge fiery red lotus flower.

"Red Lotus Flame, Xu Wanqing, you really succeeded in your cultivation."

Looking at the huge flaming red lotus, Zhang Jingyang, who was about to run, stopped in his tracks.

"Raging Flame Red Lotus, Xu Wanqing is really deep enough to hide."

Even Cao Shuran, who was hiding in the dark, was taken aback.

And the people watching around were even more amazed.

"Raging Flame Red Lotus, this is the signature of Qingyang Sect."


"I don't even know, you are still from Qingyang City."

"300 years ago, it was said that there was only one sect here, and that was Qingyangzong."

"I don't know why, Qingyang Sect disappeared, and Qinghe, Qingyuan, and Raging Fire Sect came later."

"So that's the case, then how did this flaming red lotus become the signature of Qing Yangzong?"

"Qingyangzong claims to practice a flame technique, and this flaming red lotus is the legendary karma red lotus."

"Brother, are you kidding me, Ye Huo Hong Lian, the one used by Xu Wanqing doesn't look like the fire of hell."

"Listen to me slowly, the legendary Qingyangzong's fiery red lotus is only the basis for cultivating the fire red lotus."

"Don't underestimate this foundation. If Xu Wanqing can achieve the realm of a master, it proves that he has successfully cultivated Hell Red Lotus Karmic Fire."


The voice in the ears did not escape Jiang Chen's ears.

Seeing the scorched black palm, Jiang Chen recovered with a light shake.

However, Jiang Chen was also interested in the fiery red lotus in front of him. After all, his current body could still be injured, which only proved that the flame was really good.

But it doesn't stop at good.

After all, I haven't used my Dragon God skill yet, and I haven't even used [-]% of my strength now.

(End of this chapter)

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