Chapter 163
Huan Chang was full of genuine energy, and he didn't use too many skills.

Relying on his powerful cultivation, every time his body was about to fall into the water, he would drop a piece of bamboo as a foothold.

The old man who was originally leisurely and leisurely crossing the river on a penny was stunned when he saw Huan Chang's actions.

It's no wonder the old man reacted like this, he had practiced for more than ten years before he had this ability.

But the boy behind stepped lightly on the broken bamboo on the water with his toes, and his body immediately rose into the air.

This kind of performance, the old man who has never practiced martial arts, naturally feels unbelievable.

Slightly absent minded, the old man failed to maintain his balance.

The penny was washed away by the turbulent river, and the old man fell directly into the water, disappearing completely.

"not good!"

Huan was startled when he saw this, and his true energy became more and more surging, and he quickly rushed towards the old man who fell into the water.


Before Huan Chang flew over, the old man's head had already come out of the water, and his face looked a little pale.


Although the old man was over sixty years old, he still looked old and strong. He flapped his arms and started swimming, and soon caught his penny.


Although the penny was caught, the paddle used for paddling was gone, and the old man couldn't help feeling annoyed.

Fortunately, he has lived by the river for many years, and his water quality is very good. He dragged the penny and swam towards the river bank without feeling the slightest effort.

"Old man, I'll take you ashore."

Just as the old man was swimming towards the river bank with his penny, he suddenly heard a young man's voice.

The old man felt himself being lifted up, and then began to fly into the air.

Holding the broken penny in one hand and the old man in the other, Huan Chang flew towards the river bank as before.

However, due to the addition of one person, Huan Chang's body's true energy consumption rate is also much faster.

"Hey, my penny!"

The old man was lifted up by Huan Chang, but the penny was still floating in the water, which made the old man feel very sad.

Huan Chang couldn't laugh or cry at this time, he didn't expect that at this time, the old man was still thinking about his penny.

But now that Huan Chang took the old man with him, it was already very difficult, and he didn't have the energy to take Penny away, so he ignored the old man.

Taking one person to move about in the river, after Huan Chang came ashore, he was a little out of breath.

After looking inside, Huan Chang couldn't help but secretly smiled bitterly.

He didn't expect that when he crossed the river with Duanzhu in his arms this time, he almost used up all his true energy.

"Old man, are you alright?"

Looking at the wet old man, Huan Chang couldn't help asking.

"My penny."

The old man didn't care about his body, but looked at the penny that was washed away by the river, feeling a little distressed.


Just after finishing speaking, the old man sneezed.

"Old man, sit down first, and I'll dry your clothes for you!"

A martial artist who has cultivated true qi can already be invulnerable to cold and heat.

Huan Chang put his hands behind the old man's back, pumped up the remaining true energy in his body, and transferred it to the old man.

As the true energy entered the old man's body, the old man's face, which was originally blue, also turned a little rosy.

The wet clothes also began to emit a lot of water vapor, and it didn't take long for it to dry.


After the cup of tea time, Huan Chang received his energy and let out a long breath of foul air.

At this time, Huan Chang felt empty in his body, and a tired look appeared on his face.

"Old man, are you okay?"

"The old man is fine, thank you young hero for saving me."

Although the old man still felt sorry for his penny, he also knew that the young man was doing it for his own good, so he hurriedly thanked him.

After chatting with the old man for a while, Huan Chang sent him home.

The old man is an old man who lives alone, and his family seems a little poor, and the house is also very shabby.

Bringing Huan Chang into the room, the old man cherished it very much, took out some tea leaves, squeezed a little and put them into a bowl.

After brewing with boiling water, there is a faint tea fragrance lingering immediately.

But Huan Chang knows that this is only the roughest tea, and the quality is even a bit low.

But judging by the old man's demeanor, these tea leaves should be very precious.

After tasting it carefully, Huan Chang praised, "Good tea."

Even though he didn't think the tea was good, Huan Chang still praised it.

Sure enough, when the old man heard Huan Chang's praise, he immediately grinned, revealing two rows of big yellow teeth.

The two chattered for a while, and Huan Chang suddenly asked: "Old man, I don't think you have practiced martial arts, why can you cross the swift river directly with two bamboo poles?"

When the old man heard Huan often asked about this matter, he immediately lifted his spirits and explained his great achievements with joy.

After listening to it, Huan Chang realized that the old man was a fisherman when he was young, and he was very good at water.

Whenever the weather is hot, the old man will jump into the Qinghe River to take a bath.

Later, inadvertently, I found that I could stand on a bamboo pole and slowly go down the river. The old man often played this when he had nothing to do.

As time passed, the old man's technique of drifting on a bamboo pole became better and better.

Later, the old man had a whim, standing on a bamboo pole and holding the bamboo pole in his hand, he could actually move in a certain direction like rowing a boat.

Perhaps in the eyes of others, this ability is useless at all.

But the old man likes to do this. It took more than ten years to cross the wide Qinghe River with two bamboo poles easily.

What the old man didn't say was that others thought he was not doing his job properly and often laughed at the old man in private.

The thing that he is most proud of, but cannot be recognized, the old man naturally feels very regretful.

"The old man is really a strange person."

After hearing the old man's experience, Huan Chang couldn't help but praise him heartily.

The old man was overjoyed when he heard the words, his eyes narrowed into crescent moons.

Huan Chang secretly thought: "The current lightness kung fu relies on powerful true qi as the driving force, so that one can be as light as a swallow and walk as fast as flying."

"If you can learn this kind of skill from the old man, and then integrate it into martial arts, can you create a lightness kung fu that can be activated without using true energy?"

Huan Chang fell into deep thought.

After a long time, he stood up and bowed solemnly to the old man.

"Old man, I want to learn from you the skill of stepping on bamboo poles to cross the river. I wonder if the old man is willing to teach you?"

When the old man heard the words, he was stunned on the spot.

Huan Chang thought that he was unwilling to teach, so he hurriedly said: "I don't study in vain, and I am willing to pay the tuition fee."

The old man waved his hands hastily, and said: "Although my family is not rich, there is only one person, and life is safe. There is too much money and no place to spend it."

"It's just that it took the old man more than ten years of hard work to slowly comprehend the skill of pole-holding on the water."

"You have a bright future, kid, why waste your time learning such useless skills from the old man?"

The old man was kind-hearted, and he didn't want to delay Huan Chang, so he spoke like this.

Huan Chang said sincerely: "I am a martial arts practitioner. I feel that the old man's skills can be integrated into martial arts, so I will ask the old man for advice."

Hearing the words, the old man couldn't refuse, so he agreed.

(End of this chapter)

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