Spring and Autumn Confucian Heroes

Chapter 166 Three Lightness Skills

Chapter 166 Three Lightness Skills
"This, this, how is this possible?"

Huan Chang's sudden change left everyone dumbfounded, the old man was even more disbelieving.

It took the old man more than ten years of hard work to stand on the penny pole and cross the Qinghe River with a pole.

But now Huanchang, in just two days, was able to cross the Qinghe River directly without using his true energy or poles.

At this moment, even Qing Deng's face was full of solemnity.

Wang Lingling was so shocked that she almost lost her center of gravity and fell into the river again.

Fortunately, she came back to her senses and hurriedly stabilized her figure, so she didn't become a drowned rat.

No wonder everyone was so shocked.

Among the three, even Qingdeng, who has the most solid basic skills, can only stand on the penny and control the penny from being washed away by the flood.

In fact, it is not difficult to do this, even Wang Lingling, who has the lowest martial arts, can barely do it.

However, it is not an easy task to let the penny cross the Qinghe without using the true energy and without using any external objects.

Huan Chang didn't pay attention to the reaction of Qing Deng and others.

He put all his mind into the penny, as if he had turned into a penny and had life.

The turbulent river constantly washed the penny, trying to let it drift with the current.

But the penny moved forward bravely, resisting the impact of the current, and ran straight towards the other side of the river.

"It turns out that you can perform lightness kung fu without using true qi."

At this time, Huan Chang seemed to have a glimmer of understanding.

Even a martial artist in the ascendant realm can practice some light-weight techniques.

After practicing this martial art, although it is not possible to be as light as a swallow like an intruder, you can also walk like a fly.

Of course, the so-called light body technique does not really make the weight lighter.

This martial art is only for martial artists to learn how to prevent their weight from affecting things under their feet.

After using the lightness technique, people can stand on tree trunks that cannot bear the weight of human beings, as if the body of the person on the tree trunks becomes lighter.

Therefore, this martial art is called light body art.

Huan often used the light body technique to reduce his body as much as possible and put pressure on Penny.

He then exerted a little more force to control the direction of Penny's movement to achieve this level.

But compared to the old man, Huan Chang still played tricks.

In fact, most of the warriors in the mainland of Kyushu will use lightness kung fu after they have cultivated their true qi.

As everyone knows, if a martial artist has sufficient physical fitness and can master certain skills, it is not difficult to learn lightness kung fu in the realm of ascendance.

Huan Chang felt that although with skill, he could cross the river on a penny.

But in this way, a lot of physical strength is consumed every moment, and it also consumes a lot of energy.

"Only relying on skills, this kind of light work may not last long."

With a movement in Huan Chang's heart, he slightly stimulated some of the true energy in his body, which combined with this technique.

"That way, it will be a lot easier."

The penny, which was originally crossing the river slowly, suddenly became very fast, and Huan Chang's body remained motionless.

"If this kind of lightness skill is perfected, it will definitely save a lot of true energy when confronting people in the future."

In the past, Huan Chang could also perform lightness kung fu.

But every time it is used, it will more or less consume some true energy.

Before reaching the point of refining the emptiness and combining the Dao, the true qi cannot be endlessly generated, if you fight with people for a long time, the consumption of qinggong will not be a small amount of true qi.

"Maybe the master sees that I specialize in this, and I'm afraid I'm not doing my job properly."

Thinking of Xu Huang, Huan Chang smiled wryly in his heart.

In the eyes of those powerful fighters, lightness kung fu is nothing more than heresy.

As long as martial arts can reach the peak of entering the house, no matter how exquisite the lightness kung fu is, it will become useless.

Therefore, many warriors with ideals don't pay too much attention to lightness kung fu.

Generally speaking, only those warriors who have limited aptitude and feel that they can't reach the peak of entering the house in this life will study these things.

Kyushu Continent's light kung fu is relatively backward, which is also an extremely important factor.

"Master once said that everything has its own way."

"Even if Qinggong is left-handed, it is actually a kind of way, so why should I think so much?"

Huan Chang restrained his mind and stopped thinking about other things.


The true energy in Huan Chang's body gushed out, and Penny's speed doubled again, cutting through the waves and sailing to the opposite bank.

At the same time, Qing Deng and Wang Lingling looked at each other, and they stopped paying attention to Huan Chang.

They are all arrogant people, so they naturally don't want to fall behind, and began to study carefully the skills taught by the old man.

In fact, the skills taught by the old man are just a catalyst.

After all, there is a big gap between ordinary people and warriors.

What the old man can do with more than ten years of practice, Huan Chang and others only need to concentrate on it, it will not take long at all.

Of course, it is not easy to fully integrate this technique into the body's instincts.

All three of them are creating their own lightness skills.

Since everyone's own conditions are different, the lightness kung fu comprehended by the three of them is destined to be impossible to be the same.

What Huan Chang didn't know was that the comprehension of the three of them during this period of time left behind three exquisite lightness skills for future generations.

Later generations, the book records that Huan Chang was in the extreme north, walking in the ice and snow.

He obviously didn't use his true energy, and his feet stepped on the snow, but they didn't leave any traces.

Perhaps in this era, lightness skills are not valued by warriors.

But one day, when martial artists have difficulties in cultivation and the peak of entering the house becomes a legend, this kind of light work will be envied by people.

And Taxue Wuhen became synonymous with the top lightness kung fu in that era.

As for Qing Deng, he is a rare genius in the Buddhist sect. He created 72 unique skills, and later generations have become a mythical figure.

According to the unofficial records of later generations, Qingdeng was on his way one day and encountered a big river, but there were no boats.

He broke a reed casually, threw it into the river and jumped on it. The reed slowly crossed the river carrying the blue lantern.

In this era, there are definitely not a few masters who can achieve this level.

After the decline of martial arts in later generations, due to the legendary experience of Qingdeng, later generations regarded this record as a miracle.

Crossing the river with a reed has also become one of the 72 stunts of the Buddhist sect.

As for Wang Lingling, although she is only a girl, she is also very talented and has a character that does not admit defeat.

She integrated what she had learned today into her best skill of empty hands and empty space, and created a unique art that combines lightness kung fu and body skills.

Because Wang Lingling likes to go out at night, and she is a woman, she still has the fragrance of a girl on her body.

Wherever Wang Lingling walked, there would be a faint fragrance, and this unique technique was later called "Dark Night Fragrance".

Time can bury everything, and historical records cannot be complete.

Stepping on the snow without a trace, leaving a fragrance in the dark night, crossing the river with one reed.

In this era, the three young people created the Sanmen Qinggong just on a whim.

In the end, it can become a martial arts stunt, and even be mythologized by later generations.

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(End of this chapter)

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