Spring and Autumn Confucian Heroes

Chapter 199 Spring and Autumn Brushwork

Chapter 199 Spring and Autumn Brushwork


After the Spring and Autumn Tripod shattered the eight trigrams sword formation, it was preparing to use its supernatural power to kill all those shedding mortals.

However, how could the Eight Diagrams Sword Formation gain its name in vain?
Even if Xu Wang's cultivation is as thorough as the sky, at this time, he is a little weak in succession.

He spat out a mouthful of blood, and the cauldron transformed with sword energy suddenly shattered in the void.

After the cauldron collapsed, Xu Wang's face turned paler.

"The Eight Diagrams Sword Array really deserves its reputation."

Holding the sword hilt, Xu Wang wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and couldn't help admiring.

If he didn't have the Eight Trigrams Sword Formation, even if he gathers all the powers to transform him, he wouldn't be able to push Xu Huang to this extent.

It's just that the eight divine swords are really evil, and even Xu Wang can't figure it out.

"Boom boom boom!"

At the same time, there are only five shattered beings left, and their bodies are like shooting stars, smashing towards the ground fiercely.

These sloughs collided with the mountains and made a dull sound, which looked rather bleak.

"Choo Choo Choo!"

However, at the next moment, many sloughs who were smashed into the rocks flew into the sky again and surrounded Xu Wang.

The Great Elder of Famous Sword Villa is already on the verge of collapse.

But the light in his eyes became more and more intense, because he knew that Xu Wang was not much better now.

Magic weapons can enhance the combat effectiveness of warriors.

However, those truly peerless powerhouses are no longer limited to weapons.

That is to say, to achieve Xu Wang's level, even if you hold an ordinary iron sword in your hand, you can still rule the world.

Just now, the iron sword in Xu Wang's hand was shattered, leaving only the hilt in his hand.

The Great Elder knows.

If it weren't for Xu Wang's exhaustion, he was already a little weak in succession, it would be impossible for this kind of thing to happen.

The gossip sword array was broken.

Due to the powerful impact, the bodies of many sheds fell directly to the ground, looking very miserable.

In fact, the many transformations that collided with the mountains only looked a little embarrassed.

At this time, the Great Elder was already close to running out of fuel.

However, compared with Xu Huang's state, those foreign aid's metamorphosis is still much better.

Therefore, now is the best time to kill Xu Wang.

"Let's go together, don't give him recovery time!"

After surrounding Xu Wang, the Great Elder ignored his own weakness and yelled loudly at the crowd.


To be able to reach the realm of metamorphosis, no one is easy to deal with, and the fighting consciousness is also amazing.

It is impossible for them not to think of things that the Great Elder can detect.

Fifteen metamorphosis powerhouses, regardless of the injuries in their bodies, tried their best to exhaust Xu Huang to death here.


Liu Yezong Gu Xicheng crossed his hands, the willow leaf sword in his hand was actually split into two, and then spun to kill Xu Wang.

The Nine Rings Splashing Wind Demon roared up to the sky, his body suddenly grew a lot taller, he brandished the big knife in his hand, and displayed the Nine Rings Splashing Wind Saber Technique.

The Huaifan of the Qiankun Sect collided the two Qiankun circles on his arms, and powerful sound waves rushed away.


At almost the same time, the fifteen succumbs attacked Xu Wang again.

"I don't believe that you can still use the trick of Spring and Autumn Peak!"

Lei Hu of the Five Tigers Severing the Door sect roared loudly, his voice was like a tiger roaring in the forest, and the broken knife in his hand was also hidden in the void.


Huan Chang, who was still standing on the mountain watching the battle under the protection of Jin Linwei, was shocked when he saw this scene.

Although he has not reached that level, he also knows that Xu Wang's current state is very bad.

Facing the fatal blow of fifteen mortals.

Many of them were burning their own lives, trying to kill Xu Wang.

Can Xu Wang, who is exhausted too much, be able to stop him?

Seeing the fifteen succumbs coming towards him from all directions, the smile on Xu Huang's face grew stronger.


The broken sword with only the hilt in his hand flew over a long distance and stuck next to a quack.

Xu Wang borrowed this iron sword from this quack at the beginning.

It's just that the iron sword that once exuded a cold light, now only the hilt remains, and there are clear five finger prints on the hilt.

When the quack saw the hilt, instead of showing any dissatisfaction, his eyes were filled with joy.

Even if there is only a hilt left of a weapon used by a peerless powerhouse, it will be the capital that this person will boast in the future.

He even wanted to use this sword hilt as a family heirloom and pass it on to his descendants from generation to generation.

But now, this quack is somewhat worried about Xu Wang's safety.

Although he had fled to the bottom of the mountain, he could feel that the battle on the top of the mountain was very tragic, and Xu Wang would not let it go easily.

At the same time, Xu Wang finally took out the magic brush of spring and autumn.

Shujiange's famous stunt is not only the Spring and Autumn Nine Swords, but the most frightening thing is the Spring and Autumn Brushwork.

Xu Huang activated the true energy in his body and poured it into the magic brush of spring and autumn.


The magic pen of Spring and Autumn, which received a huge amount of true energy, suddenly emitted a strong brilliance.

There is a little golden light in the glorious blackness, like lightning falling from the sky, condensing a huge "fixed" character in the air.


At this moment, it seems that the world is frozen.

Those weapons that were originally attacking Xu Huang also stayed in mid-air, and even the movements of many transformed warriors also stopped.

"Cough cough cough."

In Xu Wang's current state, it is not easy to write this big character that can withstand the void.

He was coughing up blood, but the smile on his face grew stronger.


The black light on the Spring and Autumn Magic Brush became more and more intense, and another large character appeared in the sky.

At this time, those who had been temporarily immobilized also regained their mobility.

It's just that in the next moment, they felt a little confused again.


The Willow Leaf Flying Knife spun in the void, suddenly piercing Leihu's body beside him.

"I, what's wrong with me!"

The next moment, Gu Xicheng came back to his senses, and looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief.

He didn't understand why his body was out of control just now, and he directly attacked his companion, and even killed him by surprise.

"Ho ho!"

Lei Hu, who didn't pay attention to his companions at all, opened those blood-red eyes, which were full of disbelief.

"Puff puff!"

The shocking changes continued, Qixing Sangmenjian and Qun Kunquan were caught off guard and killed by their companions.

There were still a few people who were determined, and when their companions attacked, they had already woken up and managed to hide.

If so, the fifteen out-of-mortal warriors lost two people again in an instant.

As for the joint attack of everyone, because the mind was temporarily taken away, it lost the source of strength and became useless.


Xu Huangda spat out blood, but the smile in his eyes grew stronger.

"I really didn't expect that after 300 years, you have already forgotten that what I, Shujian Pavilion, is not afraid of is group battle."

Xu Wang laughed.

The laughter was so hearty that it didn't look hurt at all.

(End of this chapter)

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