Chapter 212

"Young man, you can come out now."

Watching Duanmu humbly accept the instruction, Zhongqiu couldn't help but smile on his face, and then shouted into the distance.

Huan Chang didn't hide anymore, he jumped down from the big tree, and landed beside the two dexterously.

"Mister is really a teacher."

Huan Chang once again bowed to Zhongqiu and praised him heartily.

Duanmu saw that Huan Chang's body was like a light swallow, but his age was younger than himself, and there was a deep envy in his eyes.

Although Duanmu likes martial arts, he doesn't have a famous teacher to teach him.

Even though he spent a lot of money, he can only stop at the top of the hall now, and it is extremely difficult to cultivate true energy.

"Sir, who is this young hero?"

Duanmu looked at Zhongqiu and asked in a low voice.

Huan Chang clasped his fists and said, "I'm at Yang Yue, I met Brother Duanmu."

Duanmu didn't dare to neglect the slightest, and hurriedly returned the gift.

After the ceremony, the three sat down.

Faced with Duanmu's doubts, Zhongqiu smiled and said nothing, but Huanchang narrated the matter.

Hearing that Zhongqiu found a reason to push him away in order to protect himself, Duanmu was even more moved, knelt down on the ground again, earnestly admitting his mistake.

After hearing what happened, Duanmu knew Zhongqiu's intentions.

"Mr. teaches earnestly, with good intentions, and my disciples will never forget it in this life!"

Zhongqiu smiled slightly, and ordered Duanmu to get some tiger meat for barbecue, but he sat and discussed with Huanchang.

"Young hero Yang Yue, are you planning to travel around the world in pursuit of a breakthrough in martial arts?"

Huan Chang nodded slightly.

Seeing this, Zhongqiu sighed.

"I think Yang Yue is young, but he has already read a lot of books, and his chest is full of gaps."

"If you are willing to study Confucian classics with the aptitude of a young hero, your achievements will be limitless, but why do you insist on practicing martial arts to waste your aptitude?"

Huan Chang smiled and said: "If the warrior is strong enough, he can rule the states and counties, beat the princes, and decide the rise and fall of the princes and kingdoms."

"This kind of hero is what I pursue."

But Zhongqiu shook his head and said, "No, no."

"The so-called powerful warriors have the power to govern states and counties, and to defeat princes with all their strength is nothing more than the courage of ordinary men to make people submit."

"If a young hero puts his heart into his studies and educates the people, wouldn't he be making great achievements in this world and benefiting the future?"

The two sat and discussed.

Zhong Qiu kept persuading Huan Chang, hoping that he would abandon martial arts and follow literature.

However, Huan Chang has a firm heart towards martial arts, no matter what Zhongqiu advises, Huan Chang still insists on practicing martial arts.

"It's a pity."

Until Duanmu finished roasting the tiger meat, Zhongqiu still couldn't persuade Huanchang, so he couldn't help but sigh slightly.

In Zhongqiu's eyes, very strong complex emotions also flashed, and the atmosphere was inexplicably depressed.

"Why does sir insist on persuading me to abandon martial arts and follow literature?"

Zhongqiu's performance made Huanchang feel puzzled, so he couldn't help asking.

Zhongqiu was silent for a long time before he sighed slightly.

"Since the decline of the royal family, the princes of the world have risen together, and the Zhou regime has survived in name only, resulting in the collapse of ritual and music, and endless wars."

"If there is no strong rise of warriors, although the princes will fight in chaos, the world will eventually be unified."

"However, the prosperity of warriors and sects has formed a constraint on the princes. The princes dare not act rashly, causing the world to split for a long time, and there is still no sign of unity."

"If things go on like this, there will be more and more kingdoms within kingdoms headed by Zongmen, and a terrifying war will break out in the end. At that time, people will surely be devastated."

Speaking of this, Zhongqiu stared at the flames of the barbecue, his eyes were a little erratic.

Huan Chang pondered for a long time, but he didn't know what to say.

"Then, according to your opinion, is there a good way to deal with it?"

Zhongqiu said: "The development of the current situation can be traced back to the fact that rituals and music were broken, and the princes fought endlessly and forced the people to serve."

"If it weren't for this, there wouldn't be so many people who were forced into the mountains and forests back then, so that warriors and sects began to prosper."

"Even in today's world, everyone wants to become a warrior, isn't it ridiculous?"

"At the end of the day, it is necessary to trace the root of the disease to cure it."

"When rituals and music collapse, we will teach the people the way of etiquette. If everyone in the world knows etiquette, sons are filial, ministers are loyal, and the monarch is benevolent, why worry about the world not being safe?"

When Zhongqiu spoke eloquently, Huan Chang and Duanmu listened sideways.

Hearing his teacher explain the theory, Duanmu was immediately obsessed with it, nodding like a chicken pecking at rice.

Huan Chang frowned slightly and didn't say a word.

"In this troubled time, when a large number of Confucian scholars rise up, they will ask their hearts to seek the way, and seek strategies to save the country and the people, so that the situation in Kyushu can be changed."

"Doesn't Ayue want to plunge into the torrent, become the founder of theories, and lead the development of the times?"

Today's Kyushu is indeed broken due to the sudden emergence of warriors. Most people abandon their traditions and want to practice martial arts.

In this era, the rise of a large number of Confucian scholars is indeed needed to change people's thinking.

However, Huan Chang was a little noncommittal about Zhongqiu's thoughts.

"Sir's words are reasonable, but they are too rational. How can this kind of thinking be accepted by the princes?"

Zhongqiu narrowed his eyes slightly, and said, "I would like to hear more about it."

"Nowadays we are in troubled times, and it is time for the feudal lords to rise up. 'Government with propriety' and 'government of benevolence' can calm the people and stabilize the rule, but they seem too moderate to strengthen the country and the army in the short term."

"The world of great contention is like a boat going backwards. If you don't advance, you will retreat."

"While you are advocating the rule of courtesy and benevolence, the other princes are reforming their internal affairs and advocating martial arts. What will happen?"

Although the tiger meat was roasted, neither of them had any desire to eat.

Zhongqiu made an in-depth analysis of "Rule of Rites" and "Government of Benevolence", and it can be seen that Zhongqiu's theory is indeed quite perfect.

Not only that, Zhongqiu also expounded many ideas such as scholarship, education, morality, and conduct.

Regarding Zhongqiu's erudition, Huan Chang was also amazed by heaven and man, but thought that Zhongqiu's central idea was unrealistic.

According to the current situation, Huan Chang euphemistically expressed the "government by ritual" and "government by benevolence", which is not suitable for this era.

The two insisted on each other's words, and finally spit all over the place, and they were actually arguing with red faces.

Even so, both of them failed to convince each other, but in this kind of debate, they have a more thorough understanding of Tao.

Duanmu looked at the scorched tiger meat, and at the two people who were spitting, feeling a little dizzy.

"After the next point is explained, what else do you want to say, sir?"

After Huan Chang had a long speech, he stared at Zhongqiu with piercing eyes, wanting to hear the other party's reply.

In this kind of debate, Huan Chang could feel that he had also learned a lot, and many ideas flashed in his mind.

Even though he was a warrior, he was still a Confucian scholar before, so he naturally had a strong thirst for knowledge.

For Huan Chang's rebuttal, Zhongqiu was not angry, but continued. .

This era is so strange.

Confucian scholars discuss Taoism with each other, and they can disagree with each other's views, but they will not deprive each other of their right to express their views.

Seeing this, Duanmu hurriedly persuaded: "Sir, young man, you should stop arguing, drink some water and eat something first."

When the two heard this, they felt thirsty and hungry.

They looked at each other, and then laughed out loud, without saying a word.


Suddenly, Huan Chang's face showed joy.

He said apologetically, "I have something urgent to say goodbye to, and we will see you later!"

(End of this chapter)

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