Spring and Autumn Confucian Heroes

Chapter 246 Yin Yang Spring

Chapter 246 Yin Yang Spring

Huan Chang felt that he was refreshed at this moment.

Huanchang was already exhausted after practicing martial arts in the sea during the day and running around with the golden python for a long time at night.

However, at this time, Huan Chang was full of energy, not only filled with true energy, but also in good spirits.

Not only that, Huan often felt that his eyes could see far away at night.

"The ten thousand snake fruit is really miraculous!"

All of the above are just the incidental effects of taking Man Deli Fruit.

The real function of ten thousand snake fruit is that it can cultivate a body that is invulnerable to all poisons. In the future, Huan Chang will not be afraid at all when encountering poison masters.


When Huan Chang crossed his knees to refine the medicinal power of the ten thousand snake fruit, the golden python was always by his side.

Seeing that Huan Chang was awake, the golden python immediately urged him up.

"Thank you, I know."

Smiling at the golden python, Huan Chang picked up the remaining ten thousand snake fruit and carefully put it in his arms.

"When you go back, you must find a jade box to hold the ten thousand snake fruit, otherwise the medicinal power will slowly dissipate."

After putting away the remaining ten thousand snake fruit, Huan Chang didn't stay any longer, and immediately used lightness kung fu to sweep towards the front.

The golden python dived into the water again.

After a cup of tea, Huan Chang finally walked out of the dense forest, but looking back at the dense forest covered by poisonous miasma, Huan Chang still had lingering fears.

Even though Huan Chang's eyesight has been strengthened, and he still has a body that is immune to all poisons, it is still dangerous to travel through the dense forest.


Suddenly, the river violently churned, and the huge body of the golden python kept twisting.

Huan Chang was startled, and hurriedly looked away.

I saw three huge crocodiles attacking and killing the golden python very fiercely.

The golden python flicked its tail, and directly sent one crocodile flying, then twisted its body, entangled the second crocodile.

The third crocodile bit the golden python's neck, but the golden python suddenly opened its mouth and bit the crocodile's neck back.

This golden python is different from ordinary pythons in that it has grown sharp teeth in its mouth.

The crocodile was bitten by the golden python, struggling desperately, trying to escape.


Seeing the third crocodile rushing towards the golden python again, Huan Chang let out a soft drink, and attacked with Zhan Lu.

"The sword divides into nine waves!"

Flying into the river by stepping on the water, Huan Chang directly used his trick.


The continuous attack made the crocodile dizzy, but the crocodile was not seriously injured because of its rough skin.


When the nine waves were about to disappear, a bright half-inch sword light shot out, piercing the crocodile's neck directly.


Huan Chang took advantage of the situation, and Zhan Lu, with his powerful Qi, directly chopped off the crocodile's head.


At the same time, the two crocodiles that fought against the golden python had also lost their breath of life.

The three crocodiles were killed, but the golden python did not devour their corpses, but instead swam towards the distance quickly.

There are also many dangers in this river.

Along the way, the golden python has been attacked several times, and the opponents are all very fierce sea beasts.

It's just that those sea beasts were all strangled by the golden python in the end.

One person and one python continue to move forward.

It wasn't until the rising sun that the two came to the end of the river - at the foot of the most central mountain of Jinlong Island.

The entire Jinlong Island is like a pyramid, the highest peak in the middle is several thousand meters above sea level, and the mountain is covered with snow.

The white snow melted into streams, which converged into rivers and flowed towards the sea.

"The terrain ahead is so high!"

Huan Chang stood at the foot of the mountain, looked up at the bare mountains, and suddenly felt very small.


The waterfall fell from the mountain, and the icy snow washed on the golden python, but it seemed to have never heard of it.




This waterfall is too fast, falling directly from a high altitude, it is impossible for the golden python to swim up.

It raised its head and neighed at Huan Chang, with a very eager voice.

"what happened?"

Huan Chang looked at the golden python and couldn't help being curious.


The body of the golden python suddenly rushed up the mountain, reaching a height of more than ten meters, and finally had no choice but to fall into the water.


The golden python climbed to the shore, neighed at Huan Chang non-stop, and shook its head up the mountain from time to time.

"You let me go up?"

The golden python nodded its head heavily, and because it was too big and too fast, it actually created a whirlwind.

"Why go up?"

Huan Chang frowned, a little puzzled.

The golden python looked up at the sky, seemed a little anxious, and kept spinning on the ground.

Huan Chang observed for a long time, but he didn't know what the golden python wanted to express, he only knew that the golden python urged him to climb the mountain.

Huan Chang hesitated for a moment, did not continue to hesitate, and immediately performed lightness kung fu and flew towards the steep mountain.


After flying for a long time, Huan Chang's body was about to fall, but Huan Chang was already prepared and thrust Zhan Lu hard into the cliff.

Huan Chang grabbed Zhan Lu with his left hand, and bombarded the cliff with his right hand, soon blasting out two hollows.

He pulled out Zhan Lu suddenly, and his body leaped upwards. His feet just stepped into the two concave holes, and his body took off again.

In the process of climbing the cliff, Huan Chang occasionally encountered vines hanging down, which were all good things to borrow.

After half an hour, when Huan Chang was somewhat exhausted, he finally climbed to the top of the cliff.


Huan Chang jumped up to the top of the mountain, panting heavily, looking down with some fear.

At this time, the huge golden python couldn't see its appearance clearly because the mountain top was too high.

"The golden python asked me to come up, why exactly?"

Huan Chang adjusted his breath for a while before he frowned.

He stood up and looked into the distance. There was snow all around, and the accumulated ice crystals were thick.


Suddenly, Huan Chang saw the fog in front of him, and couldn't help but move slightly.

This is a peak with an altitude of several thousand meters, the temperature is already very low, and any water vapor will freeze instantly.

However, the mist in the distance is indeed steaming water vapor.

"Go and see!"

Huan often walked there.

The further he walked, the colder he felt, even with Huan Chang's current level of martial arts, it was still unbearable.

"It's so cold!"

Huan Chang circulated his true energy frantically, trying to force the cold air out of his body.

"How could this be!"

Finally approaching the place where the mist was steaming, Huan Chang's face was full of shock.

Just in front of Huanchang, there are two pools covering an area of ​​several acres. The two are like twin brothers, and the mist is transpiring.

What surprised people the most was that there was a bone-chilling chill in one of the pools.

However, the water in the pool next to it kept tumbling, sending out billowing heat waves.


When the transpiring pool water meets the cold air, many drops of water condense in the air, and finally turn into drizzle and fall down.

"Yin Yang Spring, this is Yin Yang Spring!"

Thinking of the records in the ancient books, Huan Chang's hands trembled a little, and ecstasy appeared in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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