Chapter 298
When Huan Chang once again looked at the cavalry who were full of evil spirits and left in the dust, he had already changed into an expression of awe.

This group of troops who have been stationed on the northern border for a long time, making the grassland aliens dare not go south, will be respected by every commoner in Kyushu.

Although Kyushu has been divided for a long time, and wars often broke out among the princes, it cannot be denied that the people of Kyushu have the same blood, and they are all descendants of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

From the bottom of their hearts, the people of Kyushu have a kind of arrogance of the heaven and the kingdom. Even if the style of the Great Zhou is no longer, but only by relying on those frontier princes, they can beat the aliens so that they dare not invade.

Huan Chang is also a native of Kyushu, even if he is not a national of Zhao, he still respects these wolf riders very much.

It wasn't until the wolf rode away and Huan Chang thanked the warrior that there was a puzzled look on his face.

"There seems to be something wrong."

Huan Chang led Xiao Hei to walk forward, but he felt that something was wrong.

"For more than a hundred years, Zhao Guolang has been stationed on the northern border, and has never participated in the internal disputes of Kyushu. Why did you come to Niu Shou Mountain this time?"

After thinking about it for a long time, Huan Chang realized what was wrong after thinking of this.

"Also, I heard that Wei and South Korea also sent domestic elite soldiers here. What happened?"

Huan Chang frowned, puzzled.

"Another person died on Niu Shou Mountain just now!"

Just when Huan Chang was thinking about the problem and moving forward unconsciously, he suddenly heard some warriors talking about it, and then he came back to his senses.


Huan Chang slowed down and began to listen to the conversation of several people.

"The person who died just now was still a strong man at the peak of entering the house, and he seemed to be a genius disciple of a certain big sect."

"It took him three days and three nights to reach the top of the mountain, but he still wanted to forcefully go forward and pull out the divine sword. Even if he died, no one else could be blamed."

"You can't say that. This person is able to climb to the top of the mountain, but he is also an amazingly talented person. Even if he is killed by sword energy, we should still respect him."

After Huan Chang listened to everyone's conversation, his expression became serious.

The monstrous genius of the Great Sect, who had already reached the peak of entering the house in less than thirty years, fell on Niu Shou Mountain like this, which is really embarrassing.

It should be noted that even in the entire Kyushu continent, people like this are amazingly talented and brilliant, and they are very likely to become strong in the metamorphosis state in the future.

After the great sect got the news of the fall of such a talented warrior, one can imagine the anger.

"Is sword energy really that scary?"

While Huan Chang was shocked, he felt a strong curiosity in his heart, wanting to go and see the divine sword in person.

The black donkey neighed, and Huan Chang soon came to the foot of Niu Shou Mountain.

As the name suggests, the terrain of Niu Shou Mountain looks like a bull's head, and the towering peaks on both sides are like two horns.

The area of ​​Niu Shou Mountain is not too large, and it is quite outstanding in the case of the plain terrain all around.

The altitude of Niu Shou Mountain is not too high, only more than 500 meters. If it is an ordinary mountain, even ordinary people can easily climb it, let alone many warriors.

But at this time, this mountain made many warriors flinch.

Huan Chang looked intently and found that the entire mountain was covered with heavy snow, but strangely, there was no snow outside the range of Niu Shou Mountain.

"This kind of sword energy really seems to belong to the master of Piaoxue Peak!"

Huan Chang stood at the foot of the mountain, carefully feeling the chilling sword energy, and his expression couldn't help becoming very excited.

"It can't be wrong, it can't be wrong!"

Huan Chang was already sure that the divine sword on the mountain was the sword of the master of Piaoxue Peak, and it possessed great power.

But soon, Huan Chang's brows were wrinkled again, a little confused about the meaning of Piaoxue Peak's master.

"Why did senior stick his sword on the top of the mountain?"

"It doesn't matter that much, I want to go up the mountain to have a look!"

Although he knew that climbing the mountain was dangerous, Huan Chang had also heard that as long as he didn't force himself to climb the mountain, he would at most suffer some physical pain, and there would be no danger of his life at all.

"It's such a pity for such an amazingly talented young disciple!"

As Huan Chang walked forward, he heard many warriors shaking their heads and sighing, some were pretending, some were sincere.

Most of the warriors who came here have climbed Niu Shou Mountain, but no one has ever been able to reach the top of the mountain.

Some people even couldn't hold on for half a day, so they hurried down the mountain.

And the warrior who entered the peak realm who fell into the house just now stayed on the mountain for three full days, and the time he stayed on the mountain was enough to make everyone far behind.

It wasn't until this time that Huan Chang knew that the talented warrior who fell just now came from the top sect of Wei State - Broken Sword Sect.

This genius disciple, whose fighting power was not inferior to Qingdeng, Cheng Tianze, Zuo Qingcheng, and Zhang Longxiang, and even had hope of inheriting the head of the Broken Sword Sect, fell here.

After figuring out the identity of the person who fell just now, Huan Chang couldn't help but pick up.

All the top sects have been passed down for thousands of years, and outsiders simply don't know how terrifying the background is.

But the talented disciple of Broken Sword Sect fell here, and Huan Chang was very worried whether Broken Sword Sect would find trouble with the master of Piaoxue Peak.

Although the master of Piaoxue Peak is not afraid, there are unwritten rules in the Kyushu Continent, that is, senior masters cannot attack juniors at will.

If Duanjianmen really wanted to make trouble, even if he couldn't blame Piaoxue Peak's master, he could still discredit Piaoxuefeng's master.

"What is the intention of the senior?"

Huan Chang couldn't figure out the intention of the owner of Piaoxue Peak, and finally thought nothing else, and walked directly towards Niu Shou Mountain.

"Xiao Hei, you stay here first, I'll take a look on the mountain."


Xiao Hei snorted, signaling Huan Chang to go back quickly, then found a clean place, and lay down lazily on the ground.

Huan Chang did not hesitate, and walked directly towards the mountain.

"Little brother, wait!"

Just when Huan Chang was about to step into the range covered by the sword energy, he heard someone calling him and stopped immediately.

"Dare to ask Your Excellency, what are you calling me for?"

The martial artist who called Huanchang was about 30 years old, with a square face and righteousness between his brows.

"Little brother, there are not only sword energy blocking this mountain, but also various strange things happening. It may be dangerous to climb the mountain rashly."

It can be seen that the warrior has a better heart, seeing that Huan Chang is so young, so he tried to persuade him.

Huan Chang smiled slightly and said, "Thank you for reminding me, I just want to climb the mountain to experience it, and I have no intention of climbing to the top of the mountain."

Although Huan Chang was smiling, his eyes were very firm.

Seeing this, the martial artist didn't want to persuade him much, he just told Huan Chang to go down the mountain quickly if there was nothing to do.

After thanking the warrior, Huan Chang stepped directly into the area covered by the sword energy, and immediately felt a strong pressure.

(Merry Christmas everyone!)
 Merry Christmas everyone!

(End of this chapter)

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