Chapter 302 Illusion


Just when Huan Chang's right hand was about to touch Piaoxue Sword, there was an inexplicable fluctuation in the air.

Huan Chang stood on the spot blankly, falling into an endless illusion.

At this time, Huan Chang has forgotten all his memories, and he can't remember that he is on Niu Shou Mountain, but he is in the vast battlefield instead.

"Who am I, and where is this?"

Hearing the earth-shattering shouts of killing, Huan Chang's eyes were a little dazed.


At this moment, a general in black armor brandished a spear in his hand, his true energy surged out like a tidal wave, and stabbed fiercely at Huan Chang.

"General be careful!"

Seeing Huan Chang in a daze, the soldiers beside him stood in front without the slightest hesitation, allowing the general in black armor to pierce through his body with a long spear.


The blood splashed, just sprayed on Huan Chang's face, and Huan Chang's confused eyes suddenly became clear.

At this time, the flood of memories suddenly flooded into Huan Chang's mind.

"My name is Wu Sheng, and I am General Wu!"

Wu Sheng was born in a poor family, but he had great ambitions since he was a child. He not only tried his best to learn Chinese characters, but also secretly learned martial arts.

Due to Wu Sheng's extraordinary aptitude, even if his family is poor, he can still achieve success in martial arts.

Wu Sheng did not step into the rivers and lakes, but joined Wu's army. He escaped death on the battlefield and accumulated a lot of fame.

In fact, there are not a few people like Wu Sheng in the army.

But Wu Sheng was lucky. He got to know Prince Wu who had experienced in the army, who is now King Wu.

Prince Wu concealed his identity for the sake of training, but he met Wu Sheng by accident, and the two eventually became life-and-death friends.

Later, when the prince's identity was exposed, Wu Sheng naturally rose to the top. After the prince took over the throne, Wu Sheng spent decades becoming the general of Wu.

Today's Wu Sheng has a prominent status, it can be said that one person is under one person and above ten thousand people.

It is undeniable that Wu Sheng himself is indeed capable, but without the prince's kindness, he would not be where he is today.

However, now, Wu State is already facing the danger of subjugation because of repeated defeats in wars with Qin State.

King Wu was born in the army. In order to restore Wu's decline, he even led the army to conquer himself, but he was still defeated by the powerful Qin army.

The remnants of Wu's defeated generals had already escaped with the protection of King Wu, but Wu Sheng, who was a great general, stayed behind.

"I am Wu Sheng, I am General Wu!"

After wiping away the blood splattered on his face, Wu Sheng's eyes suddenly showed a crazy light.


Wu Sheng shouted violently, the spear in his hand turned into a silver flood dragon, swung away the spear that the black-armored general was attacking, and then swept across, directly smashing the general's head.

"The general is invincible!"

Seeing Wu Sheng's bravery, Wu Jun, who was retreating steadily, naturally boosted his morale and shouted sharply.

"Brothers follow me to kill the enemy. As long as we are alive, we will never let the Qin army step into the country!"

"The fight to the death will not retreat, the fight to the death will not retreat!"

Although the Wu army was defeated, no one retreated because the general Wu Sheng was still there.

Wu Jun was sticking to the traffic arteries, and Qin Jun attacked like a tide. The two sides fought for a long time, and the number of soldiers around Wu Sheng became less and less.

If this continues, Wu Jun will all die in battle before long.


Suddenly, the sound of Mingjin sounded, and the Qin army retreated like a tide.

"Tap Tap!"

The sound of orderly footsteps sounded, and many black-armored Qin soldiers surrounded King Qin and galloped towards Wu Sheng.

"General Wu, I'm being polite!"

The king of Qin, with a heroic posture and bright eyes, got off his horse and bowed to Wu Sheng from a distance.

"The two armies are fighting, you and I are enemies, why is the King of Qin so polite to others?"

Wu Sheng, on the other hand, was expressionless, staring at King Qin with squinted eyes, and his loud voice spread throughout the battlefield.

The generals of the Qin Kingdom were filled with righteous indignation, but the King of Qin didn't take it seriously. Instead, he said sincerely: "I have heard of the great general's reputation for a long time, and today I see the general's demeanor, and I am even more envious."

"Now that Wu's defeat has been decided, 10,000+ great Qin warriors will be able to defeat Wu in an instant."

"A good bird chooses a tree to live in, and a virtuous minister chooses a master to serve. Since the king of Wu did not cherish the general's life and sent the general to kill the queen, why would the general be foolish and loyal to this person?"

"As long as the general is willing to surrender, I can choose the official position of my Daqin. Money, beauty, status, and glory, as long as the widow has it, I can give it with both hands!"

King Qin opened his arms, his eyes full of sincerity.

It can be seen that King Qin really cherished Wu Sheng, so he did not hesitate to recruit him.

Wu Sheng was taken aback for a moment, and then looked up into the distance, with a tired look in his eyes, which was also mixed with a little struggle.

Surrender, prosperity and wealth are at your fingertips.

Recalcitrance, the shroud of horse leather is inevitable.

Ants are greedy for life, so what about human beings?

Faced with this choice, even Wu Sheng, a battle-tested general, would be moved.

Silence, dead silence.

It took a long time before Wu Sheng looked away, but his face was determined.

"Thank you King Qin for your great love. However, the King and I have the kindness to know each other. Even if I die in battle, I will never betray the word loyalty!"

When the King of Qin heard the words, his face became gloomy.

Even if the King of Qin has a heart of cherishing talents, he will not lose the big because of Wu Sheng, an enemy who is unwilling to surrender.

The drums roared, the iron cavalry charged, and the shouts of killing shook the sky.

Wu Sheng kept fighting, until all the robes around him fell to the ground, he still fought desperately.

In the end, Wu Sheng died in battle, and the first illusion experienced by Huan Chang also collapsed.

Soon, Huan Chang's identity changed again. This time, Huan Chang inherited the memory of Shen Hao, a native of Song Dynasty.

Shen Hao's family is poor, he lost his father when he was young, and he lives with his mother.

But Shen Hao is hardworking and has an extraordinary appearance. When he was working in a rich family, he was actually valued by the lady of that family.

Bai Fumei fell in love with the poor boy, Shen Hao was naturally ecstatic, and soon fell in love.

Although they were obstructed at various levels during the period, the lovers finally got married and married into a rich family. However, the status was obviously not high, and the wife was also very powerful.

After Shen Hao got married, he took his mother in, but the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law was not good, and the mother could only swallow her anger for the sake of her son's future.

In the end, the wife actually wanted to drive the mother back to her hometown.

It wasn't until this time that Shen Hao realized how fierce the conflict was between his mother and his wife.

Shen Hao tried his best to keep his mother, but his wife insisted on driving her away.

Later, the wife even said: "If you want to stay in this family and inherit the family property in the future, you must send your mother back!"

"Otherwise, take your mother and get out!"

On one side is the fine clothes, food, and possible family property in the future; on the other side is his mother, but Shen Hao took his mother away without any hesitation at all.

Thousands of gold have a price, but filial piety is also priceless.

(End of this chapter)

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