Spring and Autumn Confucian Heroes

Chapter 309 Natural Sword Bone

Chapter 309 Natural Sword Bone

The Piaoxue sword trembled slightly, and countless sword lights condensed in the void, Senhan's sword light was daunting.

Even if Huan Chang's martial arts are extraordinary now, if he encounters this kind of sword light, he will definitely die.

What's more, Huan Chang didn't have the slightest ability to resist at all, and would be smashed to pieces by this kind of sword light, leaving no bones left.

After all, that is the sword of the master of Piaoxue Peak, and it contains the sword intent of the master of Piaoxue Peak. Not to mention Huan Chang, a warrior who has just entered the realm of cultivating the gods and returning to the void, even those who have transformed themselves into the mortal are not at all. Can't resist.

The master of Piaoxue Peak, that is the top existence in the mainland of Kyushu, used to have sword light for tens of miles, shining a cold light on Kyushu.

The beauty of that sword, the fear of that sword, even after 300 years, is still a lingering nightmare in the hearts of many people.


Huan Chang was horrified, and while Jian Guang was still gathering, he picked up A Niu and prepared to go down the mountain, with an eager look on his face.

He couldn't resist, and Huan Chang didn't dare to resist, so the only plan for now was to escape as soon as possible.

Although the possibility of escaping is very low, Huan Chang still has to try and cannot sit still.

If the master of Piaoxue Peak was here, with the friendship between Shujiange and Piaoxuefeng, Huan Chang would definitely not be in danger of his life.

However, there is only Piaoxue Sword on Niu Shou Mountain, but the owner of Piaoxue Peak is nowhere to be seen.

The Piaoxue Sword has a strong murderous aura, although it contains the sword intent of the Piaoxue Peak Master, it will not talk about human feelings like the Piaoxue Peak Master, but will only follow the rules.

Huan Chang helped A Niu on the mountain, which violated the rules of the trial and could only be ruthlessly obliterated.


There were more and more sword lights gathered, and everyone down the mountain turned pale with horror, knowing that the people on the mountain were going to suffer.

There are still some people who are gloating at other people's misfortune, wishing Huan Chang would die.

At the same time, Xiao Hei, who was lying on the ground and yawning, stood up abruptly, with the hair on his body standing on end, and ran towards the mountain with his hooves spread.

Xiao Hei also discovered Huan Chang's crisis, and knew that if he didn't take action, Huan Chang would definitely die.

Those condensed sword lights were about to fall down, but Xiao Hei's sudden climb up the mountain caused the Piaoxue sword to emit a crisp sword cry.

At the same time, all the sword intent shrouded in Niu Shou Mountain gathered towards Piaoxue Sword like a tide, and heavy snow fell in the sky.

A huge sword light appeared in the air, and it was about to fall towards Xiao Hei.

Xiao Hei's eyes finally revealed a look of horror, even his body trembled a little, and hurried to Huan Chang's side, the speed was extremely fast.




Xiao Hei let out an anxious neigh, and Huan Chang's heart shook. Looking at the huge sword light in the sky, his face became extremely pale.

No matter in the past, Xiao Hei always looked calm and unhurried, but Xiao Hei's abnormal behavior today made Huan Chang sure that life and death are on the line.

Before he had time to think about it, he rode on Xiao Hei's back with A Niu on his back, and Xiao Hei suddenly turned into a black lightning bolt and rushed down the mountain.

However, at this time, the sword light in the air had completely formed, and then chased Xiao Hei and chopped away.

Even though Xiao Hei's speed was extremely fast at this time, even far surpassing many metamorphosis warriors, he still couldn't get rid of that sharp sword glow.

Xiao Hei had already arrived at the foot of the mountain just as he started, at the same time, the bright sword light also attacked, and Xiao Hei immediately let out an angry neigh.

The little black hair stood on end, and its four hooves stepped on the ground, shaking the mountains.

Xiao Hei seemed to know that he couldn't dodge that sword light at all, so he simply turned around and went straight to meet it.

"Let me go, you guys go!"

At the same time, A Niu, who had rolled down the mountain, finally came to his senses. When he saw the sword light, he knew what happened, and hurriedly shouted loudly.

However, as soon as Ah Niu finished speaking, the huge sword light had already chopped down.


A huge roar sounded, and the huge sword energy caused a deep pit with a radius of more than ten meters to be formed on the ground.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

The ice and snow debris dissipated, finally revealing the figures of two people and a donkey. Huan Chang coughed violently while clutching his chest, and his clothes were stained red with blood.

Even Xiao Hei, who was always radiant, had dim eyes at this moment.

As for Ah Niu, he was lying on the ground motionless.

"Little black!"

Huan Chang clutched his chest in pain, but didn't bother to check his injuries, so he threw himself on Xiao Hei, with a look of self-blame in his eyes.


Xiao Hei chirped a few times, although his voice was weak, but to Huan Chang's ears, it was like the sound of heaven.

"Xiao Hei, you're fine, it's great that you're fine!"

Huan Chang hugged Xiao Hei's neck, and couldn't help the tears streaming down, just now Huan Chang deeply felt the threat of death.

Under the shroud of that wisp of sword light, Huan Chang had the illusion that he, A Niu and Xiao Hei would all be blasted into pieces.

"Ah Niu, Ah Niu, Ah Niu!"

It wasn't until this time that Huan Chang thought of A Niu, and hurriedly turned around to check on A Niu's situation, but he didn't see the strange look in Xiao Hei's eyes.

"A Niu, what's wrong with you?"

When he came to A Niu's side, Huan Chang was a little shocked.

A Niu, who was supposed to be the heaviest injured, without the slightest knowledge of martial arts, was actually unscathed at this time, but passed out in a coma.

What shocked Huan Chang the most was that he could feel an extremely fierce sword intent from A Niu.

This kind of sword intent is very pure, somewhat similar to the sword intent of the master of Piaoxue Peak, but not exactly the same.

"How could this be?"

Huan Chang couldn't figure out why A Niu, who didn't know any martial arts at all, had such a pure sword intent.


At this moment, the Piaoxue sword that had been stuck on the top of the mountain suddenly soared into the air, and then turned into a stream of light, galloping towards A Niu.


The speed of Piaoxue sword was extremely fast, and it was inserted beside A Niu in the blink of an eye, and then the blade exuded a piercing sword intent, directly repelling Huan Chang.

At the same time, under the shroud of the sword intent, the unconscious A Niu's bones resonated with it, making continuous clanging sounds, the sound was like metal intersecting, and it was like the sound of swords.

"This, this, this..."

When Huan Chang saw this scene, he thought of some possibility, his mouth grew very big, but he couldn't say a word.

"A natural sword bone, this is a natural sword bone!"

After a long time, Huan Chang swallowed his saliva, and looked at A Niu who was enveloped by the sword intent with a complicated face, with envy and relief in his eyes.

"No wonder, no wonder, no wonder!"

At this time, Huan Chang finally figured out why two people and one donkey were able to survive the attack of Jianmang.

It wasn't because of Xiao Hei, it wasn't because of Huan Chang, and it wasn't because of Piao Xuejian's mercy.

It's because Ah Niu was born with sword bones!
(End of this chapter)

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