Chapter 323 Escape
Huan Chang and Luo Yun stayed in Piaoxue Peak for a few days, and they asked the master of Piaoxue Peak many questions about cultivation.

For the questions they asked for advice, the master of Piaoxue Peak could answer them in simple terms, which benefited them a lot.

At the same time, the master of Piaoxue Peak also began to teach Boyan carefully.

Today's Boyan not only needs to practice martial arts and stabilize his realm, but also to learn cultural knowledge to enrich his knowledge.

Now that Boyan has become the descendant of Piaoxue Peak, he naturally needs to have the knowledge to match him.

On the top of the snow-capped mountain, two figures stood side by side, like an intimate couple. The cold wind blew through and lifted their robes, like a couple of gods.

"Ah Chang, I never expected that you would have such a big change in just two years. It's even more incredible."

"Sister Yun, I haven't seen you for two years, you still haven't changed at all, you are still so charming."

Huan Chang brushed his hair disheveled by the cold wind behind his ears, and instead of answering directly, he looked at Luo Yun with a smile on his face.

"Boy, I haven't seen you for two years, and you have become so glib."

Luo Yun gave Huan Chang a big white eye, and then stretched out his bare hands to grab Huan Chang's ears, but suddenly felt that such an action was too intimate, and then put away his bare hands again.

Huan Chang turned a blind eye to Luo Yun's actions, with a gentle smile on his face all the time.

This smile was very pure, as if he hadn't experienced the bloody storm in the rivers and lakes before, it actually made Luo Yun a little distracted.

"Maybe he hasn't changed, it's just that I didn't understand Ah Chang's true character at the time."

"Sister Yun, are you a disciple of the Ice Sword Sect?"

Just when Luo Yun was a little lost, he heard Huan Chang's voice, and then he came back to his senses.

"Yes, what's the matter?"

Luo Yun looked at Huan Chang in confusion, tilted his head and asked.

"It's nothing."

Huan Chang shook his head, then took a few steps forward and opened his arms, letting the cold wind blow on his cheeks.

"From you, I know what it means to be free and easy."

"Sister Yun can be regarded as the first knight-errant I have ever met. Meeting Sister Yun under such circumstances is also the greatest blessing in my life!"

After a while, Huan Chang turned around, staring straight at Luo Yun's eyes with a serious expression on his face.

There was also a smile on Luo Yun's face.

"At that time, I thought you and I just met by chance, but I didn't expect to meet again."

"But when we met again, you were famous all over the world, but I was still unknown."

Luo Yun blinked mischievously, and then gave Huan Chang a wink, which made Huan Chang's body tremble unexpectedly.

"Ahem, what, Sister Yun, your winking eyes are so lethal, I was almost killed by that coquettish look."

"You don't need a knife to kill people. I really didn't expect Sister Yun to have reached this state."

Huan Chang said solemnly, but there was a smile in the corner of his eyes.

"Brat, how dare you tease Sister Yun, look at my shadowless feet!"

As soon as Luo Yun finished speaking, he kicked towards Huan Chang, but Huan Chang was already on guard, turned slightly sideways and dodged.

"Wow, you still dare to dodge. If I don't teach you a lesson today, you won't know Sister Yun's great reputation!"

After Luo Yun yelled, he actually pulled out his long sword and stabbed directly at Huan Chang with a surge of true energy.

Huan Chang took his time, waved Zhan Lu and fought with Luo Yun.

The two came and went, Luo Yun used the move to smash Huanglong, but was broken by Huan Chang with the iron lock Hengjiang;

In this way, the two actually fought on the top of the snow mountain.

The cold wind howled, the sword energy was vertical and horizontal, and the shouts could be faintly heard. The two fought each other's moves with great joy.

On another mountain, the master of Piaoxue Peak, who was dressed in white, almost merged with Xuefeng.

Beside him, there was also a snow rabbit that grew on the top of the mountain, shaking its head and walking over, as if it didn't see the owner of Piaoxue Peak.

It came in front of the master of Piaoxue Peak, and actually used the legs of the master of Piaoxue Peak as tree trunks, and rubbed the hair on the legs of the master of Piaoxue Peak.

If there are masters here, they will definitely exclaim.

Being able to make the very vigilant Snow Rabbit admit his mistake is enough to see that the master of Piaoxue Peak has truly merged with the heaven and the earth.

This made Xuetu think that the owner of Piaoxue Peak is a big tree.


The master of Piaoxue Peak didn't pay attention to the confused snow rabbit, but quietly watched the two Huan and Chang who were fighting swords, and let out a soft sigh.

Vaguely, he seemed to see himself and the girl beside the thatched cottage.

In order to make her happy, the master of Piaoxue Peak abandoned the reserve of a peerless powerhouse and fought evenly with that little girl.

At that time, the little girl would laugh like silver bells, and would repeat in her mouth: Brother, my martial arts have improved again.

Although the master of Piaoxue Peak asked the little girl to change his words more than once, the little girl always stubbornly called him brother.

That period of time was also the happiest and most memorable time for the owner of Piaoxue Peak.

When that little girl grew into a graceful figure, even the master of Piaoxue Peak didn't know what kind of feelings he had for her.

The master of Piaoxue Peak only knows that he is her elder and her mentor.

Heaven, earth, master and master, and the peak master of Piaoxue Peak already account for two. In the environment of the Kyushu Continent, there is a clear hierarchy between master and apprentice, and it is impossible to have any possibility of being together.

If that kind of thing really happened, even though the master of Piaoxue Peak was not afraid, he was worried that the girl would not be able to bear it.

The mouths of gold, the accumulation of destruction and destruction of bones, are fearsome.

The power of rumors is so powerful that even the Lord of Piaoxue Peak is unwilling to face it.

Maybe because of fear, maybe because of confusion, maybe because of fear, after the girl expressed her heart, the owner of Piaoxue Peak, who has always stood upright and never bowed to any difficulties, unexpectedly escaped unprecedentedly.

This escape lasted for more than 200 years.

Even now, the peak master of Piaoxue Peak can still think of that girl in his mind, and without the other party noticing, he has repeatedly entered the Ice Sword Sect to visit the girl.

But she doesn't know these things, and the master of Piaoxue Peak will not let her know.

"After all, the status is still too different. Such a relationship will be spurned by everyone and will not receive any blessings."

The master of Piaoxue Peak muttered to himself, and there was a slight sadness in his eyes.

"Hopefully the two of them can be together."

After a long time, the master of Piaoxue Peak gave Huan Chang and Huan Chang a meaningful look, then withdrew his gaze and drifted away.

But the master of Piaoxue Peak didn't know that his actions would destroy gold and destroy bones.The snow rabbit that was rubbing its hair was frightened, and the snow rabbit couldn't figure out why the tree trunk that was still here just now disappeared in the blink of an eye.

 I just went back to my hometown last night. The house has been renovated for a year but no one lives in it. The mess inside is predictable, and there is nothing in the house. Today I was as busy as a dog, doing all kinds of shopping. At the busiest time, there were three waves at home People and horses are all installers.

  It’s raining here today, in order to upload the chapters of the code words, I have the cheek to call someone to help me pull the network cable in the rain. In the end, even I am embarrassed, so the update is relatively late. I actually want to fall asleep right now , The legs are almost broken.

  It will be very busy during this time, and the sanitation has not been cleaned yet, but I will try my best to update the two chapters, the time may be a bit late, everyone forgive me.

(End of this chapter)

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