Chapter 74
Among the many states in the Great Zhou Dynasty, the state of Lu was the clan state with the surname of Ji, and it was the state of the princes.

Therefore, Zhou's closest relative is Lu, and Lu's suitable wing wearer is better than Zhou.

The Great Zhou survived in name only, and the State of Lu has become the preserver and implementer of the Zhou rituals. People in the world say that 'the Zhou rituals are all in Lu'.

Huanchang traveled all the way, passing through several cities, and saw the customs and customs of the State of Lu.

He suddenly discovered that what he saw and heard was quite different from what he had guessed in Pingyang City.

In the territory of Lu State, the officials strictly abide by Zhou etiquette, and the people do not live in hardship like the frontier, but seem to live and work in peace and contentment.

"It is better to travel thousands of miles to read thousands of books."

Having met all kinds of people, Huan Chang suddenly felt an inexplicable sigh.

"It looks like there are a lot of pedestrians here."

Huan Chang looked around and saw the people flowing continuously on the spacious official road.

Turning over and getting off the donkey, Huan Chang stopped an old man.

He asked slightly apologetically, "May I ask Grandpa, which county is under the jurisdiction of this place?"

The old man sized Huan Chang up and said with a smile, "You must have come from afar."

Huan Chang nodded and said, "Exactly."

The old man raised his head and said proudly, "This place is under the jurisdiction of Qufu. If you walk a little further, you will be able to see the capital of the State of Lu."

Huan Chang was overjoyed, and after thanking the old man, he rushed towards Qufu.

After entering the city, Huan Chang found out that Qufu is much more prosperous than Pingyang City.

On the streets, there are farmers carrying poles, businessmen driving ox carts, and scholars in green shirts and crowns.

If you are lucky enough, you can still see a few gray-haired gentlemen.

No matter who they are, when they see these old gentlemen, they will get out of the way and salute slightly.

Along the road, there are children playing.

Sometimes they don't pay much attention, and when they meet passers-by, the passers-by will not be angry, but smile kindly at the children.

"The State of Lu is really a state of etiquette."

It wasn't until this time that Huan Chang opened his eyes a little and realized that this is the real Lu country style.

"Selling candied haws, sweet and sour candied haws, two cents each!"

Huan often saw a vendor hawking, and found a child staring at the candied haws intently, drooling from time to time.

Although the child's clothes are clean, the clothes have been filled with patches, and the little face is flushed from the cold.

Huan Chang stepped forward, bought a bunch of candied haws with two cents, handed it to the drooling child, and left without looking back.

"I am too weak to help everyone, but I can help the people I see."

Huan Chang didn't notice that his actions just now were seen by a man with disheveled hair and poor clothes, and the man's eyes lit up immediately.

Qufu city is bustling with people.

Huan often led the black donkey, but he didn't dare to walk too fast, lest he hit pedestrians.

"Donkey meat, authentic black donkey meat, I will never forget it once I eat it!"

At this moment, a shout came from the next room.

Xiao Hei, who was walking slowly on the street with graceful steps, suddenly bristled all over his hair.

Huan often felt the black donkey's abnormality, and he knew what it was thinking after a little thought.

"Xiao Hei, do you want to eat donkey meat?"

Huan Chang stared at the black donkey with a wicked smile on his face.


The black donkey raised its head, neighed angrily, and kicked Huan Chang's ass hard with its right front hoof.


Even though Huan Chang was already a martial artist in the realm of refining qi and transforming into gods, he still couldn't escape the kick from the black donkey's god, and lay on the ground like a dog eating dung.

Pedestrians backed away one after another, looked at Huan Chang who had fallen to the ground, and pointed.

Huan Chang got up from the ground, brushed the dust off his body, gave the black donkey a vicious look, and hurried away.

"Xiao Hei, how dare you kick me in the street!"

Facing the angry Huan Chang, the black donkey was not afraid at all. He raised his head proudly and let out a proud cry.

"A good man doesn't fight a donkey!"

Huan Chang gritted his teeth, finally dropped a word, and walked forward in a huff, unexpectedly ignoring the black donkey.

The black donkey was at ease, still walking gracefully, following behind Huan Chang without haste.

"Oops, oops, my leg is broken!"

Huan Chang had just walked forward for a certain distance, when he heard a scream from behind, he turned around immediately.

In front of the black donkey, a ragged man was lying on the ground, hugging his left leg and howling loudly.

"what happened?"

Huan Chang's eyes flashed, he hurriedly went up to meet him, and said, "Dare to ask this brother, what happened?"

Seeing Huan Chang, the man said angrily, "Why didn't you lead your black donkey, it broke my leg."

"Oh, oh, it hurts so much!"

Huan Chang was taken aback for a moment, and then realized that he had met the person who touched Porcelain.

Huan Chang knew what the black donkey was capable of.

If it wants, it can run in the bustling city without bumping into any pedestrians.

Moreover, although the black donkey is naughty, it will not intentionally hit people.

Therefore, Huan Chang can conclude that the man lying on the ground crying in front of him is trying to blackmail money.

Seeing more and more people gathered around, although Huan Chang had a guess in his heart, he remained calm on the surface.

"Hm Chi, Hm Chi, Hm Chi!"

The black donkey stared at the man, its huge donkey eyes seemed to be able to shoot out fire, and its front hooves kept pawing on the ground.

"Xiao Hei, be quiet!"

Feeling that the black donkey was already a little angry, Huan Chang hurriedly spoke to comfort him.

He knew the temper of this black donkey, if it got angry, it might really kick the man's left leg off.

"Oh, my leg is broken, you have to pay me for medical expenses!"

Among the people who gathered around, some of them recognized the man lying on the ground, and their eyes could not help showing disdain.

Huan Chang squatted down, and said apologetically to the man: "I'm really sorry, my Xiao Hei has a bit of a temper, if there is any offence, please look at Haihan."

The man stared wide-eyed, and said, "Kick my leg off, and just apologize and get it over with?"

Huan Chang took out a money bag, weighed it in his hand, and said, "Of course I won't treat you badly, and the money that should be compensated will not be less."

Seeing the heavy purse, the man couldn't help showing a hint of joy in his eyes.

He was about to reach out to take the money bag, but Huan Chang put it away.

"But right now, brother's injury is the most important."

"I am not a talented person, but I have a superb family medical skill, and it has an extraordinary effect on the treatment of fractures."

"Now, let me take a look for Xiongtai."

Huan Chang's fists were clenched, and there was a half-smile expression on his face, which made the man's expression slightly change.

He knew that the person he met today was not only not a winner, but also a difficult opponent.

The man got up from the ground and patted the dust off his body. He looked as if nothing had happened, but he didn't feel any embarrassment at all.

"I was just joking with you just now. It is fate to meet Xiongtai today. Why don't you invite me to the restaurant to talk about it?"

Huan Chang looked at the man with such a thick skin, but he was amazed, and readily agreed.

(End of this chapter)

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