Chapter 120 Save!
Fortunately, this person's lightness skills are average, and it is difficult to catch up with Zhou Lan for a while, so Zhou Lan can leave a contact mark in a hurry on the way.

However, Qinggong consumes the true energy really quickly. After running for more than two miles, the true energy in Zhou Lan's body was somewhat exhausted. Fortunately, she still had a bottle of Lingquan in her hand. keep running.

After running for more than two miles, when they arrived near another castle, Zhou Lan's true energy was almost exhausted, and it was finally hard for him to hold on.

But the man who was chasing her still had enough energy to cheer up and shouted: "Brother in front, don't run away, leave your treasure behind, I can spare your life!"

Although Zhou Lan was not an old man, he didn't believe this, and jumped directly to the valley where the castle was sitting.

After jumping down, seeing several not-deep potholes on the side of the mound, Zhou Lan shrank into the potholes and held his breath.

Sure enough, the man was in such a hurry that he jumped off and went into the castle to search without looking behind him.

Now, Zhou Lan only hopes that this person will go straight forward after searching the castle. If the person turns around and looks behind, she will definitely be found.

As for slipping away while the man was searching the castle, Zhou Lan didn't dare to bet, because she felt that the man's hearing was too sensitive, and although her "Light Body Lifting Technique" was close to the master, it was difficult to achieve it silently.

After a while, Zhou Lan breathed a sigh of relief when he heard footsteps going away from the castle, and walked out of the pothole where he was hiding.

"I don't know if this person has searched out all the treasures in the castle. Forget it, I'd better go in and recover my true energy first."

Thinking of this, Zhou Lan entered the castle.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she entered the castle hall, a person covered in dust appeared in front of her eyes!
"Hey, boy, you are hiding next to the castle. If I hadn't been smart, I would have almost let you escape." The man didn't do anything immediately, but stared at Zhou Lan and said with a strange smile.

At this time, Zhou Lan's true energy was less than one-tenth, and he didn't have the confidence to fight this person at all, and he couldn't escape, so he had to say: "Brother, I only have this bottle of Bigu Dan and a knife on me. I'll give you everything you want, and let me go, okay?"

"Yo, she's still a girl." The man couldn't help being surprised when he heard Zhou Lan's voice, and then sighed: "If it's a beautiful woman, I can not only let you go, but also take you to explore in this fantasy world together." But I can't see your face, what if you are ugly? It's a pity."

Zhou Lan had a feeling of being humiliated. Knowing that he was doomed today, he simply stopped begging for mercy. He pointed the lancet at the man and said angrily, "Okay! Miss Ben will fight you to the death again today!"

"It's up to you?" The man sneered, and attacked Zhou Lan with a sharp sword.

As early as when he was chasing after him, this person could see that Zhou Lan's cultivation was mediocre, and his guilty look could not possibly be a sect disciple, so he concluded that Zhou Lan's martial arts could not be very good, and even if Zhou Lan had to work hard, he would not be afraid.

However, when he actually fought with Zhou Lan, the man was surprised.

He found that Zhou Lan's movement skills seemed to be better than his own, and the swordsmanship made by using a knife was also quite exquisite. If it wasn't for the fact that his cultivation base was obviously inferior to his, and his true energy had been exhausted at this time, I'm afraid he wanted to take it down and give it back. not easy.

Surprised to be surprised, this person still has great confidence to win Zhou Lan, so he still has the mind to tease a few words after the fight: "Girl, martial arts are good, which school?"

Zhou Lan felt that he was chased to the end of the road, and now he was humiliated and "killed", which greatly damaged the reputation of Xuanmen. How could he declare himself as a teacher?Therefore, not only did she not say a word, but she even became more aggressive.

At this time, the benefits of "Longevity Kung Fu" that pay more attention to body training than mainstream martial arts schools are reflected-if the general internal energy training method pays too much attention to true qi and neglects body training, once the true qi is exhausted, the combat effectiveness will be reduced. Immediately, she suffered a great loss, and even had to catch her without a fight; but at this time, although Zhou Lan's true energy was exhausted, her physical strength was not bad, and her physical strength was not small, which could support her to continue to resist.

"You're still so energetic when your true energy is exhausted. Did the girl specialize in body training?" This person had a game mentality, or saw that it was difficult to capture Zhou Lan for a while, and wanted to expose Zhou Lan's flaws through words.

"Even if you have practiced the body training method, it is useless. I think you are at the fifth level of the acquired body. Do you know what my cultivation level is? The seventh level of the acquired body is two big realms higher than yours!"

Hearing this person's self-reported cultivation, Zhou Lan finally felt hopeless, and there was an obvious flaw in his moves.

The man spoke several times, waiting for this opening, and immediately stabbed Zhou Lan's left chest with a sword mercilessly!
"It's a pity that he died before seeing the face of the master."

This was the last thought in Zhou Lan's mind when facing the enemy's deadly sword.

However, the man's sword did not stab Zhou Lan's left chest. Of course, it wasn't that this man suddenly felt sorry for the woman, but a sword came through the air with a whistling sound, forcing him to block it with his sword!

Sparks splashed in the sound of metal and iron clashing!
The sword that pierced the sky was blocked and fell to the ground, but the man was also shocked back four or five steps!
Only through the opponent's hand throwing the sword as a hidden weapon, and the strength attached to the sword, this person knows that the strength of the incoming person is definitely superior to him, so he turns around and runs away without hesitation, not even saying a word.

"My disciple wants to run away after bullying? How can it be so easy!"

He only heard a soft drink, and the man saw a khaki figure flying through the air in front of him, sending him with an empty hand!
This palm seems simple, but it gives people a feeling of overlapping, like a dream, and they don't know how to resist it.

"I am..." The man backed away in a hurry, and at the same time, he opened his mouth to report himself as a master, hoping that the other party would have some scruples.

However, this person still failed to tell which sect he belonged to, because the person who came had already slapped his forehead mercilessly.

Immediately, the man turned into a pool of dust and drifted in the wind, only a wisp of it merged into the body of the incoming man.

Zhou Lan watched the whole process of the visitor destroying her powerful enemy with one move, but still felt unreal. Seeing the visitor pick up a few bottles from the pool of dust and walk towards him, Zhou Lan just When he came back to his senses, he hesitated and said, "Master?"

Shen Qi looked at Zhou Lan who was sitting slumped on the ground with difficulty distinguishing his face, and said with a smile, "That's right, it's me."

Hearing Shen Qi's confession, Zhou Lan came to her senses completely, hurriedly got up and ran in front of Shen Qi, opened her arms to hug Shen Qi, but suddenly stopped, clasped her fists and bowed her waist, and said with tears in her eyes: "Thank you, Master!" Grace for saving lives!"

Shen Qi didn't care about Zhou Lan's strangeness just now, because he knew that people would be more emotional after surviving a catastrophe, and it's normal to do some outrageous things, and Zhou Lan restrained it in time.

He smiled and said, "You called me the head of the sect, do I need to thank you for saving you?"

Zhou Lan remained silent, as if he didn't know what to say, and said after a few breaths: "This disciple has shamed Xuanmen."

Shen Qi said: "This person has the cultivation level of the acquired seventh level, but you are only the acquired fourth level... hey, no, you are the acquired fifth level?"

At the end, Shen Qi couldn't help looking at Zhou Lan in surprise.

If it were an ordinary person, even if Shen Qi's cultivation level was several times higher than that of the other party, it would not be easy to accurately see the other party's cultivation level, but Zhou Lan was as good at "Longevity Kungfu" as he was, so it was easy for him to see that Zhou Lan's internal strength was improving. A big boundary has been reached.

Seeing that Shen Qi was surprised by his improvement in cultivation, Zhou Lan's depressed mood turned around, and said: "Yes. I got a piece of spiritual jade in the first castle before..."

[First update. 】

(End of this chapter)

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