The boss is going against the sky

Chapter 170 Eight Deacons of the Inner Court

Chapter 170 Eight Deacons of the Inner Court

Because there were a total of 200 people participating in the competition, this time the competition in the outer court lasted for two days before it ended.Through the ranks of the martial arts competition and the character assessment of these outer court disciples, Shen Qi selected 20 people to enter the inner court.

However, because there are no Taoist disciples who do not pay attention to character evaluation, the 20 selected by Shen Qi are actually the top 20 in the competition.

Among the 20 new disciples who joined the inner court, the most eye-catching ones are naturally the top three. Among them, No.1 is a girl with a bit of iceberg beauty, named Xiao Qianli, who actually passed the simplified version of "Longevity Kung Fu" in the outer court. The second level directly cultivates to the later stage of the acquired second level.

Shen Qi wondered if she had already broken through to the Houtian third level if there were follow-up exercises.

And through Xiao Qianli's incident, Shen Qi also decided to pass on the first five layers of the second edition of "Longevity Kung Fu" to the disciples of the outer court to strengthen the overall strength of the disciples of the outer court.

No. 2 and No. 3 have also cultivated to the middle stage of Houtian 16nd Layer. They are two [-]-year-old boys named Yan Shuang and Xiang Jian respectively.

Judging from this martial arts competition, the fourth batch of new disciples from the outer court recruited by Xuanmen are all of good aptitude, and those who can be ranked in the top ten in the competition through human inspection are all of them with excellent aptitude.

There are so many high-quality youths in a small county, Shen Qi suspects that it has something to do with the verses such as "Spiritual tide will rise, geniuses are like stars" spread in the world of martial arts.

Otherwise, it couldn't be his luck that Bihai County, a small seaside county, just happens to produce well-qualified teenagers, right?
The inner court competition was followed immediately after the outer court competition.

Inner court disciple Ru Nian is basically assessed once a month, and the real Taoist internal martial arts competition only happens once a year, so both the inner court disciples and Shen Qi and other Taoist elders attach great importance to it.

Counting the 20 people who were just selected, there are now a total of 94 disciples in the inner court (including the paralyzed Jiang Huan).

Among them, the one with the highest level of Qi refining has reached the sixth level of Houtian, and there are 8 people in total, namely Chen Qiong, He Jing, Zhang He, Hu Weiming, Yuan Fei, Liu Qing, Su Mubai, and Li Zonghong, all of whom are number one. Approved as a disciple of Taoism.Among them, Chen Qiong, who was passively designated as the chief disciple of the inner court, even reached the late stage of the acquired sixth level.

There are 24 people whose Qi refining realm is at the fifth level of Houtian, led by Chen Yuan, Tong Jia, and Zou Wuchun. The rest, except for Mei Xiaoqi, Baima Feng, and Ye Jinqian, are the second batch of disciples who joined the Taoist sect .

There are 36 people whose qi refining realm is at the acquired fourth level, that is to say, except for the 20 disciples selected to enter the inner court after the third batch of outer court disciples, 6 of them have not broken through to the acquired fourth level, and the rest of the first three batches entered the inner court. All the disciples in the inner court of Xuanmen have cultivated to the acquired fourth level.

Further down, there are naturally 6 people who are in the third level of the acquired state of Qi refining, and 20 people who newly joined the inner court are all in the second level of the acquired day.

Before the competition in the inner court, Shen Qi called Chen Qiong and other 8 people who had reached the sixth level of Houtian's Qi refining to one side, and said, "You guys don't want to participate in the competition in the inner court today."

Chen Qiong and the others were surprised at first, and then they all looked sad, but no one refuted anything, and they all clasped their hands and said, "Yes."

Shen Qi didn't explain anything, and directly ordered the inner court competition to start.

The 20 newcomers to the inner court naturally did not participate in the inner court competition, so in fact only 67 people participated in the inner court competition (excluding Jiang Huan).

Among these 67 people, only 6 people were in the acquired third level, and the rest were in the acquired fourth or fifth level.Of course, this is just the qi refining realm of the disciples in the inner court. If the body refining bonus is included, it will not be easy to compare.

Therefore, the strength difference between the disciples participating in the Inner Court Competition should not be that great.

However, strength is not entirely equal to combat effectiveness. This competition is to let them show their combat effectiveness.

A day and a half later, the competition in the inner courtyard finally came to an end. Among the top ten, Chen Yuan, Tong Jia, Zou Wuchun, Mei Xiaoqi, Baimafeng, and Ye Jinqian stood out.

Among them, Chen Yuan, Tong Jia, and Zou Wuchun were the first batch of outer court disciples who joined Xuanmen the year before last. It is not unusual to have such fighting power, but Mei Xiaoqi, Bai Mafeng, and Ye Jinqian are from the third batch of outer court disciples, so they can undoubtedly enter the top ten. It shows that their cultivation and combat talents are quite outstanding.

Immediately, Shen Qi rewarded the top ten in the Inner Court Competition, and the top five were rewarded from five to one Wugu Yiqi Pill, plus a bottle of Peiyuan Pill.The sixth to No.10 are one Wugu Yiqi Pill per person, and different amounts of Peiyuan Pill (less than ten).

After distributing the rewards on the spot, seeing that the eight members of Chen Qiong, like the other disciples, all showed envy to the 8 inner court disciples who received the rewards, they said loudly: "This time, the reason why you didn't let your qi refining cultivation reach Houtian six The heavy Chen Qiong and others participated in the Inner Court Competition because I decided to appoint them as the deacons of the Inner Court, their status is only below the elders and true disciples, and they are mainly responsible for assisting in the management of the Inner and Outer Courts, as well as dealing with various matters outside the sect!"

Hearing Shen Qi's words, Chen Qiong and the others were stunned for a moment, then they all showed joy, bowed their hands to Shen Qi together and said: "This disciple will definitely live up to the expectations of the sect master!"

The reason why Chen Qiong and others swept away their previous disappointment was because they understood that the distribution of cultivation resources in the Taoist sect always corresponds to their status in the sect.Since they have become the deacons of the inner court whose status is second only to the elders and true disciples, and whose status is higher than that of all inner court disciples, the monthly supply of cultivation resources will definitely increase in the future.

With more training resources, they can go further in the martial arts.

The Fusi of each town usually opens on the [-]th day of the first lunar month, so there are still a few days left after the Inner Court Competition, so Shen Qi took this opportunity to pass on some of the previously updated martial arts to the disciples who have the authority to learn.

At the same time, it is also an opportunity for disciples who are about to serve in various towns to ask him for advice or communicate with each other to confirm martial arts.And in this process, the relationship between the same family can also be enhanced, which can be regarded as killing multiple birds with one stone.

After the sixteenth day of the first lunar month, more than 100 disciples who had served in various towns left, and Xuanshan resumed its previous rhythm, developing steadily...
On this day, Shen Qi came out of the alchemy room and walked towards the residence of the disciples in the inner courtyard.

The disciples in the inner courtyard are two wooden houses with two bedrooms and one living room. As the number of people continues to increase, the corresponding dormitory wooden houses are also constantly being built.Therefore, Shen Qi went through a lot of newly built wooden houses before arriving at the first batch of wooden houses in the inner courtyard.

Soon, Shen Qi saw a shambling and thin figure in the woods next to the easternmost wooden house.

Seeing the thin figure standing with his legs spread apart, holding a sword very clumsily but stubbornly stabbing forward time and time again, Shen Qi did not rush over, but stood quietly aside.

After stabbing dozens of swords clumsily, the thin figure was out of breath, and with Shen Qi's eyesight, he could even see beads of sweat the size of soybeans falling from his bun, which shows that this man stabbed these few times. Ten Swords took so much effort and endured so much pain.

However, even though he was so exhausted and in pain, the man still had no intention of resting, but took a step forward and slashed down with his sword.

This movement is much better than the previous flat stab, and the figure fell to the ground as if he lacked a balance system.

After the fall, the man was silent for a while as if he was dead, but just as Shen Qi was about to walk over, he saw the man move again, like an earthworm, he struggled to get up, and then supported the tree next to him. Get up little by little.

Seeing that the man was resting for a while and was about to practice chopping with his sword again, Shen Qi sighed softly, walked over, and said, "Jiang Huan, I was worried about whether you could bear the pain of reshaping meridians, but now it seems that I Too much to worry about."

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(End of this chapter)

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