The boss is going against the sky

Chapter 192 Please continue your performance

Chapter 192 Please continue your performance

Although Shen Qi was anxious to know what happened down the mountain, he knew that he could not be urged at this time, so he said in a gentle voice, "Speak calmly when you calm your breath."

The disciple from the outer court took a deep breath and let it out slowly, then said anxiously: "Master, a group of menacing Penglai Pavilion masters came down from the mountain, and they also brought Senior Brother Jiang Huan and Senior Sister Xiao Qianli, and Senior Brother Jiang Huan and Xiao Qian Senior Sister Li seems to be seriously injured and unconscious!"

Hearing this, Shen Qi couldn't help but change his expression.

The other Taoist disciples at the back also buzzed when they heard it——

"How could this be?"

"Penglai Pavilion is here to find fault?"

"This is how to do?"

"What can we do? It must be that Penglai Pavilion saw that our Taoism was developing too fast and came to find trouble. Hmph, with the laws of the Martial League, our Taoism is also not weak, so we can't let them bully us!"


Hearing the disciples' discussions, Shen Qi couldn't help shaking his head.

Since Penglai Pavilion came to him, the matter is of course not that simple.Then contacted the other party to arrest Jiang Huan and Xiao Qianli who were supposed to escort the original Lingyu stone back. It is likely that they knew about the Taoist robbery of the Lingyu mine.

Moreover, the matter might not be as simple as stealing the Lingyu mine, otherwise, it would be enough for the county governor to come forward to question and punish him. How could there be a need for Penglai Pavilion to send experts to Xuanshan?

Thinking of the time when the Xuanmen destroyed the Sanjuezong and brought a group of people directly to the Sanjuezong's lair, Shen Qi couldn't help but his heart sank, and thought to himself: This Penglai Pavilion also wants to seize a clue and directly destroy the Xuanmen Bar?

Don't be afraid of [-], just be afraid of what happens.

Shen Qi knew that he had to prepare for the worst.

These thoughts flashed through his mind in an instant, Shen Qi called Chen Qiong who was also practicing in the martial arts training ground, and ordered: "Quickly assign people, and call the true disciples and inner court disciples who are left on the mountain to the martial arts training ground!"


Seeing that Chen Qiong responded, and hastily dispatched people to call for someone, Shen Qi couldn't help but think: Maybe Taoism should also get a big clock or something, so as not to have to call for disciples one by one when it is urgent to summon disciples.

The disciples in the martial arts rehearsal field took their weapons and stood up, Shen Qi stood on the top step of the mountain path, and after a while, he saw a group of people dressed in the costumes of Penglai Pavilion disciples walking up the mountain. .

And Han Yue, who was walking in front and dressed in white, made Shen Qi's pupils shrink even more.

Han Yue, who is the master of the pavilion, has personally stepped out. From this point of view, today's affairs will never be good.

And thinking about it further, even if it was discovered that the theft of the Lingyu mine was discovered, Han Yue shouldn't have rushed to Xuanshan with the masters of Penglai Pavilion before he got the news.Unless there is one possibility, that is, Han Yue knew about Xuanmen's stealing of the Lingyu mine long ago, but he didn't let it go, until everything was arranged, he suddenly launched it, and he was caught off guard if he wanted to attack Xuanmen!

If this is the case, I am afraid that Penglai Pavilion will really deal with Xuanmen in the same way that Xuanmen dealt with the Three Juezong back then.

Is this considered retribution?
Shen Qi laughed at himself in his heart, and immediately clenched the evil sword at his waist.

If Penglai Pavilion is really going to push Xuanmen to a dead end, today it is impossible to say that this evil sword will be killed...
As more and more Taoist disciples gathered on the training ground, Han Yue and his party finally walked the mountain path and came to Shen Qi.

"I don't know what is the reason why Pavilion Master Han suddenly visited my Xuanmen?" Glancing at Jiang Huan and Xiao Qianli who were sandwiched between the two elders of Penglai Pavilion, Shen Qi was relieved to see that they were obviously still alive and not dead, and straight to the point ask.

Han Yue waved his hands with a cold face, and a true disciple of Penglai Pavilion put a corpse in front of Shen Qi.

Shen Qi's eyelids twitched when he saw that the corpse was wearing the clothes of the inner courtyard disciples of Penglai Pavilion.

Han Yue didn't mean to talk nonsense, and said directly: "Today, I traveled to Bihai County with a group of elders and Zhenchuan. I, a disciple of the inner courtyard of Penglai Pavilion, as the inspector of Bihai County, patrolled the law in front. When I met a group of people who slaughtered the common people, they failed to punish them, but were killed instead."

While speaking, the two elders who sandwiched Jiang Huan and Xiao Qianli placed the unconscious two in front of Shen Qi.

Immediately, some pure-minded disciples behind could not help exclaiming: "Senior Brother Jiang Huan! Senior Sister Xiao Qianli!"

The sneering smile on the corner of Han Yue's mouth disappeared for a moment, and then he said with a cold expression: "These two are the murderers, I don't think Master Shen doesn't know each other?"

Not to mention that some disciples have already revealed the identities of Jiang Huan and Xiao Qianli, even if they don't, can Shen Qi say that they don't know each other?If he said it, don't care if Taoism can survive this test, people's hearts will be scattered.

Who would follow a sect leader who abandons his disciples when encountering problems?

After a little silence, Shen Qi suddenly laughed.

"What is Master Shen laughing at?" Han Yue was upset.

She felt that even if Shen Qi wasn't panicked at this moment, he should have a sad face. What does it mean to laugh?Scorn her?

"I'm not laughing at anything." After saying that there was nothing to laugh at, Shen Qi's smile didn't diminish at all, and he looked at Han Yue mockingly and said, "Pavilion Master Han, please continue your performance."

"Continue with my performance?" Han Yue was stunned for a moment, and then he came to his senses. His eyes, which had always shown only indifference and domineering, burst into anger, and his mature and beautiful face elongated leisurely. He shouted: "Shen Qi ! Your Taoist sect steals the Lingyu mine, and you allow your disciples to kill the people and the inspector of the town governor. You have committed a crime of exterminating your family. How dare you be so rampant in front of this pavilion master?!"

"Hahaha!" Shen Qi couldn't help laughing three times, continued to look at Han Yue mockingly, and said, "You said you were going to destroy my Xuanmen, so what if I ran wild in front of you once?!"

Seeing that Shen Qi was neither submissive nor fearful, Han Yue couldn't help but shrink his pupils, and said, "You want to disobey the martial arts laws?!"

"Martial League regulations?" Shen Qi laughed again, and then said angrily: "Martial League regulations are good, but some people want to use them to frame my Taoist sect, is it possible that my Taoist sect still wants to admit it?!"

Shen Qi knew that the Martial League had ruled the world of martial arts for 3000 years. Although the longest seven-star sect had been changed several times, the rules of the Martial League had never been subverted, and they had already been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.Therefore, Xuanmen cannot be untenable in principle, so it is necessary to tell the story of Penglai Pavilion's framed Xuanmen.

In this way, no matter what the facts are, Taoism has a reason to say, and it will not lose people's hearts.

After listening to Shen Qi's words, Han Yue's complexion completely sank.

Although looking at the past, there were few sects that resisted and were exterminated by high-ranking sects, but it still made Han Yue very upset to be sure that Xuanmen would resist to the end.

Fortunately, she has made enough preparations, let's see how much strength this Xuanmen has to resist today.

Thinking of this, Han Yue also laughed, very coldly: "It seems that Xuanmen is destined to be bloody today."

Shen Qi glanced at the masters of Penglai Pavilion, his voice completely cooled down, and said: "The blood of ten people can't make a river, it's just a stream at most."

"It's useless to talk too much, what about the innate talent behind you? Do you still want to hide it?" While speaking, Han Yue couldn't help but glance at the hundreds of Taoist disciples gathered in the training ground.

She is not afraid of being born, but what she is afraid of is being attacked by nature.

Shen Qi pulled out the Disha sword, and said with a sneer, "To deal with you, you still need innate talent? You think too highly of yourself!"

After finishing speaking, he jumped up and swung his sword in the air to take a direct disciple of Penglai Pavilion who was standing at the end by the side of the mountain road!

Originally, Shen Qi might have joined the Three Elders of Penglai and the Four Great Innates of Han and Yue, so not only would Li Wenxi have to make a move, but he would also have to activate the evil sword energy to have a chance of winning.

But now that Han Yue is entrusted with the big one, he brought a group of elders and true disciples from Penglai Pavilion and ran over to destroy Xuanmen. Even if he didn't use his sword energy, he could still teach her to be a human being!
[First update. 】

 Thanks to the [Heart Breaking Tears, No. [-] in the World, Ultimate Vegetto, Xia Qinghe] four big guys for their support!

(End of this chapter)

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