Chapter 22
Coming down from Xuanshan Mountain, they rushed directly to Gangxi Town, where Shen Qi and the others rented three horses.

Well, this time it's not mules, but three real horses.

By the time the three of them rode steeds and galloped along the official road of Pengqiu Mansion, it was already dusk when they arrived outside the city of Pengqiu Mansion.

Although it was still two or three miles away from the Fucheng, the official road was full of people, and it was not suitable for horseback riding, so all three of them got off their horses and walked slowly towards the Fucheng with the flow of people.

Shen Qi looked at Pengqiu Prefecture and the surrounding scenery while walking, quite surprised.

The original body has never been to Pengqiu City, so this is Shen Qi's first time seeing Pengqiu City.Originally, he thought that Pengqiu City was similar to the ancient big city in the previous life, and even because it had been peaceful for thousands of years under the rule of the Wumeng, there was no city defense at all.Now that I see it, I realize that I was wrong.

I saw that the city wall of Pengqiu Prefecture was ten feet high, about five or six miles long in the south, and there was an arrow tower at a distance of about one mile on the city wall, standing tall, at least fifteen or sixteen feet high on the foundation of the city wall. !

Whether it is the city wall or the arrow tower, they all exude a simple and desolate atmosphere, as if they are telling people the blood and disasters that this big city has experienced, which makes people feel awe.

Even if the prefectural city is like this, Shen Qi estimates that the prefectural city will only be more majestic.

Seeing Shen Qi looking at the city wall, Chu suddenly took a sip of wine and said, "It is said that the Pengqiu Mansion City was built in the early days of the Wumeng's rule, and it has been two or three thousand years ago. At that time, strange beasts and all kinds of ferocious beasts There are many, like water and bloodthirsty and ferocious, and there are not as many warriors as there are now, so they can only build strong cities to defend and resist. In addition, the Wumeng also has regulations, whether it is a county, a prefectural city, or a state city, it must be regularly repaired, so Even after thousands of years have passed, it is still so majestic."

Hearing what Chu Suran said, a sentence that Shen Shimang repeated before his death suddenly appeared in Shen Qi's mind.

"Geniuses are like stars, appearing and disappearing; strange beasts are flooding, bloodthirsty like crazy! When the spiritual tide rises, all living beings go crazy!" Shen Qi muttered subconsciously, and then asked: "Master and uncle, have you heard such words? "

"I've heard it." Chu Suanran took another sip of wine, squinted his eyes slightly and said, "It's like 'when the spiritual tide rises, the cave is revealed, and the fairy road opens', or it's like '3000 years of reincarnation, the color of blood is one hundred years'" , etc., are all handed down verses from ancient times, how much credibility is in them, and what is the specific meaning, not many people know. So just listen to it, there is no need to think about it."

Shen Qi felt that things were by no means as simple as what Chu Suran said, but now that he knew too little information, he really couldn't figure it out, so he stopped thinking about it.

"At this time, the inns in the city are probably full, so let's stay in the inns outside the city." The area two or three miles outside the city is also densely built, so when it was about a mile away from the south gate, Chu suddenly They stopped in front of an inn called Yuelai.

Immediately, the waiter who greeted the guests came up to say hello: "Are the guest officials staying at the hotel or eating?"

Seeing Chu Suran drinking, Shen Qi said, "Stay in the hotel."

Xiao Er smiled and said: "It's like this. The Fucheng Martial Arts Conference is coming, and the original guest rooms are all full. If you don't mind, there are still a few folk houses under the name of our inn, which are in the alley behind. Inside, it is quiet, elegant and spacious, but the price is a bit more expensive, what do you guys think?"

Shen Qi looked at Chu Suanran, saw Chu Suanran nodded, and said, "There are only three of us, we just need a small yard. By the way, what's the price?"

Xiaoer said: "There happens to be another small courtyard in the two wings of the main house, three taels of silver a day, if the guest officer is interested, I can take the guest officer to see the house."

Three taels of silver a day?Why not grab it?
Shen Qi really wanted to ask this question, but seeing that Chu Suran didn't express his opinion, he knew that the price didn't deceive him, so he nodded and said, "Okay, let's take us to see the house."

"Okay! Guest officer, please follow me!" Xiaoer happily responded, and then walked into the alley next to him.

After seeing what Xiaoer said about the folk house, Shen Qi was quite satisfied, so he followed Xiaoer back to the front inn to register.As for the horses, they were kept in the stables of the inn to avoid trouble.However, the money for fostering horses like this is also expensive, which made Shen Qi secretly sigh: It is really not easy for a Xuanmen family to stay in Fucheng for a long time with their current wealth.

By the time everything was arranged, it was already dark.But the inn arranged for a middle-aged woman to boil water, and the meals were also ordered from the inn, which was convenient.

After galloping on horseback for a long time, even Shen Qi and the three of them were accomplished warriors who had established their foundations, and they were quite tired, so they didn't go to the city for a tour after dinner, so they went back to their rooms to rest.

Shen Qi sat cross-legged on the bed, trying to figure out the prescription of Peiyuan Pill rewarded by the system.

This prescription not only contains the proportions of various medicines, but also the method of refining.Because some medicinal materials must be specially treated before they can be used as medicine, and they can be fused with other medicinal materials to exert the required medicinal properties.

In short, it is not so easy to obtain Peiyuan Dan. Not only are there several precious medicinal materials in the medicine, but refining is also a skill.If he was distracted to refine the elixir, he would definitely take away the time and energy from practicing kung fu.From this point of view, in order to make Peiyuan Pill a money-raising product of the Taoist sect, in addition to requiring a considerable amount of capital, it is also necessary to find a pharmacist.

Then, Shen Qi's attention shifted to sect points and Yanwu Pavilion.

Originally, because the strength of him, Ye Hongmei, and Guo Zhong had improved a lot a few days ago, plus the ferment of the event of eliminating the bandits in Baifengling, the sect points had increased by more than 300; ", and obtained a prosperous shop in the town and 300 taels of silver from Zhenjianmen through trading, and the school's points increased by more than 200!
So, now the faction point data is as follows——

School points: 1130 (total points)/620 (available points)
Considering the importance of winning or losing a martial arts competition in the Martial Arts Conference, Shen Qi did not plan to use this points to perfect the "Longevity Kung Fu", but chose to perfect the "Spring Sword Jue".After all, "Longevity Kungfu" is a pure internal energy technique, without the assistance of good external skills, it is difficult to effectively form combat effectiveness.

Whether in the world of martial arts or in previous lives, true warriors pay attention to both internal and external cultivation.The so-called internal strength refers to strengthening one's body, whether it is refining qi or body, it can be classified as internal strength.As for external skills, it refers to applying the power of a warrior to the outside world to display combat effectiveness.

Internal strength and external strength complement each other, if one is missing, the combat effectiveness that can be exerted will be greatly reduced.

After these thoughts flashed through Shen Qi's mind, Shen Qi had already chosen to perfect the "Spring Sword Jue", and the school points were consumed rapidly, and pictures and words related to "Spring Sword Jue" also continuously appeared in Shen Qi's mind .

Spring is the beginning of the creation of heaven and earth, the head of health preservation, and the appearance of Dharma.

This is the general outline of the "Spring Sword Jue".

And the Dharma phase derived from this mental method is the six-style sword moves, which are Lichun, Yushui, Jingzhe, Vernal Equinox, Qingming, and Grain Rain, which correspond to the six solar terms in spring among the 24 solar terms.

Such a sword move can be said to be natural.Perhaps because of this, after the improvement of the system, the concept and mentality of "Spring Sword Jue" have not been changed, but some adjustments have been made to the sword moves to make them more concise and more subtle.

After going through the "Spring Sword Art" that was perfected once in his mind countless times, until the memory no longer changed, Shen Qi couldn't help but get up and hold the sword, and went to the yard to practice.

The moonlight and starlight, reflecting each other, sprinkled into the courtyard like silk and water, making Shen Qi's figure and sword light extraordinarily mottled.In the end, Shen Qi practiced faster and faster, and Jian Guang almost merged with his figure.


When Shen Qi practiced "Spring Sword Jue" more than ten times in a row, drew his sword and stood up, exhaling a long mouthful of hot air, his eyebrows could not help but frown slightly.

After practicing the "Spring Sword Jue" which has been perfected more than a dozen times, Shen Qi always has a feeling that he is still unsatisfied. It seems that there should be other sword moves behind the six-style sword moves, so that it can be considered complete.

"Perhaps, next time I should choose to deduce this "Spring Sword Art"..."

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(End of this chapter)

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