The boss is going against the sky

Chapter 320: The Devil's Embryo of Nine Lives!

Chapter 320: Nine Lives Demon Embryo!

In the beginning, Li Wenxi and Shen Qi were together with the idea of ​​being lovers, because at that time Shen Qi's martial arts realm had not even reached the innate level, but she was a traitor of Baihualou, and was wanted by Baihualou in 23 states.

She knew very well that even if she fell in love with Shen Qi, she could only taste it briefly, and she couldn't let each other fall too deeply, let alone form a husband and wife.

But as the days with Shen Qi got longer and longer, she couldn't help falling in love more and more, and finally fell deeply into that love net, unable to extricate herself.

Fortunately, Shen Qi's martial arts practice has been progressing rapidly, and he reached the fourth level of congenital in just two or three years, and even led Xuanmen to develop from a small one-star sect to a four-star sect, Pengqiu Fuzong.

At this time, as long as her identity is not discovered by Baihualou, she can live with Shen Qi forever.As for the past hatred, it may be hard to forget, but it is definitely not enough to make her abandon her current happy life.

Even if the development momentum of Shen Qi and Xuanmen is not interrupted, in another ten or eight years, even if her identity is discovered by Baihualou, Baihualou will have nothing to do with her.

However, just when she was ready to let go of her previous hatred and follow Shen Qi wholeheartedly, she found out that she was pregnant.

Pregnancy is a happy event, but on the day when she was confirmed to be pregnant, Li Wenxi found a mysterious red and black rune on her stomach—she didn't know this rune, but she was familiar with it, because it was Baihua Lou's sect logo!

The irony of the world is that what you finally let go is always entangled, but the happy event that should have been happy is shrouded in haze.

At that time, Li Wenxi touched her belly and could clearly see that the mysterious rune seemed to be on her belly, but it was actually in her belly, to be precise, it was entangled in the nearly two-month-old fetus!
There is no doubt that this matter has something to do with Baihualou.

But ever since she hid her identity and entered Taoism, she had never met anyone from Baihualou.And if someone from Baihualou knew that she was hiding here, with the strength of Baihualou, they would definitely not be concerned about Shen Qi and Xuanmen, and would directly lock her back and deal with it according to the sect's rules.

She also thought that there was something else about her that had something to do with Baihualou.

She failed in the internal selection when she was a child, and was raised as an oiran because of her beauty, so she can only be regarded as the outermost disciple of Baihualou.As for the martial arts learned, it was learned by chance and has nothing to do with Baihualou.

If there is anything about her that has something to do with Baihualou, it is that she has practiced "Xuannu Yin Talisman".

The "Xuannu Yin Talisman" that she practiced in Baihualou back then was actually only a layer of paper away from entraining qi into her body. The elders of Baihualou washed away this memory and put it outside as an ordinary oiran to cultivate.

Later, although she recovered that memory by chance, she had already failed to meet the cultivation requirements of "Xuan Nu Yin Talisman".

However, when she met Shen Qi later, when she passed the "Xuannu Yin Talisman" to Qin Xiang'er, Shen Qi had revised the "Xuan Nu Yin Talisman" in the middle, and it was obviously more concise than the one passed down by Baihualou. And even more mysterious.

Later, she even discovered that when she was familiar with the content of the new version of "Xuannv Yin Talisman", there was a mass of Yuan Yin in her body that had been stored for many years affected by it, and she uncontrollably practiced according to the method of "Xuan Nu Yin Talisman" !

Later, this group of primordial yin was refined, and the obtained zhenqi merged into the original zhenqi and did not cause any bad effects on the body. Li Wenxi gradually forgot about this time, and did not mention it to Shen Qi.

But when she was pregnant, she found that the fetus was wrapped with the mysterious runes of Baihualou as the symbol of the sect, and after many investigations to find the reason, she finally suspected the "Xuannu Yin Talisman".

Think about it, since the establishment of Baihualou, it has been searching for young girls with excellent qualifications for many years to try to practice "Xuannu Yinfu Jue", but it has failed repeatedly, but never gave up. This is a very strange thing.

Therefore, after confirming that the abnormality of the fetus was related to Baihualou, Li Wenxi made up her mind to ask the owner of Baihualou or important elders to find out.

Before leaving the letter and leaving Xuanmen, she hesitated for a long time, and thought about telling Shen Qi about this matter, and let Shen Qi share it with herself.

However, in the end she decided to handle the matter alone - although she wanted to give birth to the child healthy and healthy, she loved Shen Qi more.Although at this time Shen Qi's cultivation has reached the fourth level of innate level, and he is capable of fighting against the sixth level of innate level, she doesn't think that Shen Qi can beat all the innate masters in Baihualou.

As for waiting, she has been pregnant for nearly two months and has no time to wait.

The only thing she was lucky about was that she did not tell Shen Qi about her pregnancy, and she never showed any intention of letting go of her marriage.

Come to think of it, even though Shen Qi would be sad and depressed for a while after reading the farewell letter from the hatred he had fallen into in the past, in the busy development and construction of the Taoist sect, after a long time, he would eventually let go of this relationship, and then Start a new relationship at a suitable time...

After letting go of the last hesitation and asking what she wanted to ask, Li Wenxi stared closely at Elder Li's eyes.

The eyes are the windows to the soul, unless Elder Li is the kind of liar who often lies, as long as he tells a lie, he will be able to see something strange from his eyes.

Hearing Li Wenxi's question, First Elder Li was stunned for a moment, then his eyes became brighter and ecstatic, and his eyes fixed on Li Wenxi's belly, trembling with a smile that was not a smile, he said: "You are pregnant ? Is there a magic tire mark on your fetus?!"

Elder Li's behavior was obviously not pretending. Li Wenxi's eyes became even colder when he heard this, and he snorted, "You really know the reason! Tell me, what is the reason?!"

"Let me see your belly first." Elder Li said after calming down a bit, his tone seemed to be indifferent to his life being threatened by Li Wenxi.

Li Wenxi frowned slightly, but still turned slightly sideways, so that Elder Li could see the belly that was originally exposed because of the tattered clothes.

Although there was dust on it, the red and black staggered and shimmering mysterious runes were particularly eye-catching. Elder Li only took one look, then giggled strangely: "God! It's God! My Baihua Building has not been able to do it for nearly a thousand years." The thing that was completed was actually completed at the time of this great change when the spiritual tide rose! Heaven favors me, Baihualou, hahaha..."

There is a problem with her fetus, but Elder Li smiled so happily. Li Wenxi couldn't help but feel angry in her heart. She pinched the other party's throat with her fingers and snorted, "Shut up! Tell me what's going on!"

In fact, with the force of Li Wenxi's finger, Elder Li's breath was out of breath, and he couldn't laugh at all.When Li Wenxi relaxed her fingers a little, she said, "You should be familiar with this rune, right?"

Although he didn't like Elder Li's way of rhetorical questions, Li Wenxi was eager to know the cause and effect of the matter, so he frowned and replied, "Of course I am familiar with the school logo of Baihualou."

"Do you know why my Baihualou uses this as a school symbol?" Elder Li asked again, but this time she continued without waiting for Li Wenxi's answer: "Because this rune symbol is the core of my Baihualou inheritance. The dream that Baihualou has pursued for thousands of years and has never given up!"

"Get to the point! What does it represent?" Li Wenxi urged.

"You mentioned "Xuannu Yin Talisman" before, so if I guessed correctly, you should have recovered the memory that was washed away after the failure of the internal election? The secret technique of erasing memory is not only difficult to practice, but the effect is not very good. There are quite a few people who have recovered their memories after being washed away for thousands of years. However, those who escaped our pursuit alive and possessed innate martial arts skills, you It's the first one." Elder Li said with a weird smile on his lips.

Li Wenxi's face was ugly - she could imagine how many girls were separated from their parents at a young age by Baihualou in order to find suitable people to practice "Xuannu Yinfu Jue" for thousands of years, and even became missing. In order to keep this secret, many poor women who recovered their memory like her were killed.

It is an unforgivable crime for Baihualou to act like this!
Elder Li didn't seem to care about Li Wenxi's emotional changes, and continued: "You have recovered that memory, you should know that the core martial arts inheritance of my Baihualou is "Su Nu Wen Qing Jue" and "Xuan Nu Yin Fu Jue" ". Among them, "Su Nu Wen Qing Jue" is the martial arts practiced by us inner disciples, and "Xuan Nu Yin Fu Jue" is for some girls with special aptitude to practice."

"What you don't know is that when I obtained these two extraordinary skills in Baihualou back then, I also obtained a big secret, that is, a secret of the inheritance of the kind of magic way. Although the kind of magic way is not as good as Qingcang way and illusion killing way Such a powerful inheritance of martial arts is famous, but it is also a great way of martial arts cultivation after all. Therefore, for thousands of years, what I have done in Baihualou is to fulfill one of the conditions in the secret of this kind of magic inheritance."

"What conditions?" Li Wenxi was attracted by the secret story told by Elder Li, and subconsciously urged her to ask.

"Nine Lives Demon Embryo!" Elder Li spat out four words with strange eyes.

"Nine Lives Devil Embryo?"

"That's right. According to the inheritance secrets I obtained from Baihualou, as long as I find a woman who can practice "Xuan Nu Yin Talisman" to successfully induce Qi into the body, and then conceive her, the fetus will be the Nine-Life Demon Embryo." Speaking of the four words "Nine Lives Demon Embryo", Elder Li's eyes were very hot.

Thinking that the thing in her stomach might be the Nine-Life Devil Womb, Li Wenxi felt very bad, and hurriedly asked, "What exactly is the Nine-Life Devil Womb?"

Elder Li smiled and said, "The Nine-Life Devil Embryo is naturally a fetus, but to be more precise, it is a fetus affected by supernatural powers. It can also be said that the Nine-Life Devil Embryo is actually a supernatural power. Oh, maybe you Don’t you know what supernatural powers are?”

Elder Li gave a sneering look. In her opinion, it is impossible for Li Wenxi, a sect traitor who lacks martial arts inheritance, to know what supernatural powers mean.

Li Wenxi snorted, and said, "Of course I know what supernatural powers are. Say, what effect does the Nine-Life Demon Embryo have on the fetus?"

"Really." Elder Li raised his eyebrows, but her dusty face raised eyebrows was really ugly, "The reason why the Nine-Life Devil Fetus was named this is because the fetus will have nine lives. Hearing this, Are you surprised?"

Li Wenxi was not surprised, but was surprised.

If it's just that the fetus has nine lives, this is naturally a surprise and a great benefit.But Baihualou acted so strangely, the Nine-Life Demon Embryo might not be so simple.

Sure enough, Elder Li said again: "The more surprising thing is actually still to come. As the Nine-Life Demon Embryo gradually matures, the Daoist Daoists who practice this supernatural power will be more and more sensitive to it, and then they will rush over , when the magic fetus is giving birth, use the primordial spirit to perform the most perfect seizing of the body, and achieve the great supernatural power of "Nine Lives of the Devil"!"

Hearing this, Li Wenxi's face turned pale.

Although she didn't know what kind of martial arts realm the kind of demon daoist person Elder Li was talking about was, since she had a primordial spirit, she was at least in the supernatural power realm.

Such a strong man wants to take away her child, just thinking about it makes her collapse!

Elder Li didn't seem to notice the change in Li Wenxi's expression, or she didn't care when she noticed, so she kept her eyes from becoming more fanatical, and continued: "Li Wenxi, I have to say that you are really lucky! You only need to raise this fetus well, Then you can become the mother of a Daoist Daoist! Even if he doesn't recognize you, he will give you enough benefits for the sake of helping him develop this great supernatural power!"

"Why do I, Baihualou, look for someone who is suitable for practicing "Xuannu Yin Talisman"? Isn't it just to do my part for the real person who cultivates the magic way to practice this supernatural power. If this matter is completed, the real person who planted the magic way will give us Baihua casually A little benefit from Lou will benefit us endlessly!"

"What's even better is that when the spiritual tide is rising, not only the chances of a demonic real person coming will be greatly increased, but they may even take us to the legendary spirit world! How about it, do you feel like you're walking away? shit···"

"To shut up!"

After the initial panic, Li Wenxi became more and more angry as she listened. After shouting angrily, she squeezed Elder Li's throat tightly, making Elder Li giggling speechlessly.

In anger, Li Wenxi originally wanted to strangle Elder Li to death, but finally controlled it, relaxed her fingers again, and asked in a cold voice: "Say, is there a way to remove the effect of the magical power of the Nine-Life Demon Embryo? If you don't make it clear, I will kill you!"

Elder Li followed suit, then stared at Li Wenxi with extremely puzzled eyes, and said, "Li Wenxi, are you stupid? I've said so much, but you still don't understand what it means? With these nine lives, You will no longer be a traitor to my Baihualou, but will become the most precious treasure of my Baihualou! With it, I can exchange you and my Baihualou for a bright future! Even benefiting from it, peeping into the road to longevity in martial arts is not a bad idea possible!"

Hearing these words, Li Wenxi's murderous intent was surging, and she almost condensed into reality. With red eyes, she shouted at Elder Li hissingly: "This is not the Nine-Life Demon Embryo! This is my child!!!"

[Although the grades are extremely poor, since it is a good story that has been conceived long ago, I have to write it out for self-cultivation.As Li Wenxi said - this is my child! 】

(End of this chapter)

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