The boss is going against the sky

Chapter 33 The first battle and another battle!

Chapter 33 Fight Again!
The first one to register to challenge Xuanmen was the Iron Palm Gang, the second most powerful one-star sect in Gangxi Town.

The Tiezhang gang advocated that Zhuben could win the 249th place for the Qishan faction, but the Iron palm gang could not even make it to the top [-]. Now seeing that Xuanmen can beat the Qishan faction in the challenge of the ring, Even more dissatisfied.

Although he thought Xuanmen's victory was a fluke, Zhang Zhu did not underestimate the enemy. He did not watch other competitions in the ring at noon and kept recharging his energy. provoke.

According to the martial arts competition rules of the Martial Arts Conference, the Iron Palm Gang can only challenge Xuanmen in a one-vs-two manner.What surprised everyone was that Xuanmen didn't arrange for Chu Suran to take the stage, but Ye Hongmei, who was previously unknown.

Originally, Zhang Zhu was planning to catch Shen Qi first while guarding against Chu Suran's hidden weapon, but he immediately changed his mind when Ye Hongmei came on stage...

"The contest begins!"

Following the referee's loud announcement, Zhang Zhu rushed straight towards Ye Hongmei!

Zhang Zhu is nine feet tall, quite burly in build, but extremely fast, charging like a dragon horse!There are a pair of dark iron armguards on his arms, which are hard to hurt by swords; while his hands are glowing with blue-black light, which looks like cast of steel, which is quite terrifying!

A distance of several zhang was taken by Zhang Zhu within two breaths. He didn't have any fancy moves. An iron palm ignored Ye Hongmei's sword and went straight to her chest!

With Shen Qi at his side, he naturally wouldn't just sit and watch Ye Hongmei get hurt, stabbing Zhang Zhu's iron palm with a straight sword in the spring equinox style!

In the month of mid-spring, Yang is in the east and Yin is in the west, which is called the vernal equinox.On the vernal equinox, yin and yang are half and half, so day and night are equal and cold and heat are even.

Therefore, Shen Qi's sword separated Zhang Zhu's iron palm from Ye Hongmei, ensuring Ye Hongmei's safety.

However, Zhang Zhu showed a sense of ridicule when he saw this, because he directly attacked Ye Hongmei was a false move, he only used three points of strength, and his original intention was to strike east and west, and attack Shen Qi!

I saw that Zhang Zhu's iron palm retracted the moment it encountered Shen Qi's pine-patterned sword, and with the other palm left and right, they attacked Shen Qi fiercely!

clap clap clap!
The air was blasted, which shows how strong Zhang Zhu's set of iron palms are.However, Zhang Zhu's expression turned ugly, because his set of iron palms was all empty!

In martial arts competitions, the outcome can be determined in an instant.

After Shen Qi narrowly dodged Zhang Zhu's set of iron palms by relying on his nimble body skills, he retracted the Songwen sword in his hand and stabbed again—it was Jing Zhe again!
Zhang Zhu only felt that this sword was really carrying wind and thunder, and it was irresistible, so he retreated involuntarily, and he was also horrified: Is this Shen Qi so strong? !

Seeing Shen Qi's right hand holding the sword glowing purple, Zhang Zhu couldn't help but suddenly realized - it turned out that Shen Qi's cultivation had reached the acquired fourth level!
Frightened, although Zhang Zhu narrowly escaped Shen Qi's Jing Zhe's sword, he had no time to take the next step, Shen Qi's ordinary sword lay across his neck, and he didn't dare to move an inch!
In such a situation, the outcome has already been decided.

The referee on the stage announced the result of the competition without any emotional fluctuations, while the martial artists who watched under the stage were in an uproar——

"Iron Palm Zhang Zhu lost in three moves?!" Some people couldn't believe their eyes.

"The victory or defeat is within a hair's breadth. It's not uncommon to win or lose with a few tricks. The key is that Shen Qi is clearly at the fourth level of acquired cultivation!" Some people were surprised by Shen Qi's exposed cultivation.

"Cultivation is not the key." Someone had a different opinion and followed up: "The most important thing is Shen Qi's "Spring Sword Art". Moreover, his agility is also extremely sensitive, otherwise he would not be able to avoid Zhang Zhu's set of iron palms... how could this Shen Qi have such a high fighting power?!"

Most of the onlookers in the audience are martial artists who have registered to challenge the Taoist sect, and there are also some martial artists who are interested in the 249th position.No matter who it was, they were all amazed by Shen Qi's fighting power in this battle.

Because, if Shen Qi's [-]v[-] victory over the Qishan faction was a fluke, the battle with Zhang Zhu relied on real combat power.Although Ye Hongmei made it to the competition, it didn't play a positive role, so everyone estimated that Zhang Zhu would still lose to Shen Qi even if it was one-on-one.

Thinking of this, several sects who registered to challenge Xuanmen hesitated—should they revoke the registration to challenge Xuanmen?Not to mention the embarrassment of being defeated by a young master after entering the arena, it would be a waste of an opportunity to challenge a famous sect, it's too stupid.

Just like that, when Shen Qi came down from the arena, he was actually notified by a disciple from the outer court of Penglai Pavilion that the number of sects challenging Taoist sects had been reduced from ten to three, and the previously set time for the competition had also changed!
Seeing this, after Shen Qi returned to his seat, he smiled and said to Chen Baiya in front of him: "Master Chen, you see that all sects in Bihai County who challenged my Taoist sect have canceled their registration, why don't you cancel their registration too?"

"Beautiful idea!" Chen Baiya was so angry as soon as he talked to Shen Qi now, he said angrily: "Boy, even if other sects don't challenge Xuanmen, my Qishan sect will also challenge! I will win the bet, Avenge the previous hatred!"

Shen Qi sighed after hearing this, and said: "Well, since Sect Master Chen likes to make troubles for nothing, then go for it. Anyway, if you challenge one more time, my Taoist sect will earn 100 taels more."

After speaking, he smiled and closed his eyes.

Seeing this, Chen Boya's face was livid with anger, and his big disciple Chen Zhihuan next to him said even more angrily: "Master, I invited this fellow to a life-and-death fight, just to risk my life to let him know how powerful my Qishan sect is!"

Chen Boya's expression changed for a while, and finally he took a deep breath, and said: "Forget it, you are not his opponent in the life and death competition, let me finish him in the ring competition."

Obviously, although Chen Boya still hated Shen Qi, he had to admit Shen Qi's strength.

Soon, it was half past midnight (four o'clock in the afternoon), and the third martial arts competition of Xuanmen began.

This time the one who challenged Xuanmen was the Fuyu Pavilion of the One Star Sect in Tingtao Town, Longtou County. Longtou County is not adjacent to Bihai County to which Gangxi Town belongs, so the three of Xuanmen knew nothing about this Fuyu Pavilion.After many inquiries in the middle, I learned something about Fuyu Pavilion.

It turned out that this Fuyu Pavilion was actually a one-star sect established last year. The martial arts inherited by its owner Luo Fanyun was originally passed down in a single line of the family. There was not even a single one who could cultivate to the fifth level of the day before, but it was his turn. In Luo Fanyun's body, I don't know if it's his true talent or some kind of adventure, but he has cultivated to the acquired sixth level at the age of 26!
Afterwards, Luo Fanyun founded Fuyu Pavilion, because the sect was founded only two years ago, with no background, not many disciples, and their cultivation bases were only at the first or second level of the acquired day, so even if Luo Fanyun had the sixth level of acquired days, Fuyu Pavilion still failed to be selected among the top [-] one-star sects.

Looking at it now, Fuyu Pavilion is interested in the fame of Xuanmen, and wants to use Xuanmen as a stepping stone to become famous.

Luo Fanyun entered the sixth level of Houtian two years ago. With his cultivation speed, even if he has not reached the seventh level of acquired day, he is probably in the middle and late stages of the sixth level of acquired day.No matter whether Shen Qi, Chu Suran, or Ye Hongmei knew that this time the Taoist sect had encountered a strong opponent, so this time Chu Suran replaced Ye Hongmei.

After the two parties took to the stage, Shen Qi observed Luo Fanyun, and saw that his expression was calm, neither arrogant nor impetuous, as if he didn't care about the outcome of this competition, and his heart sank slightly - this person must be more difficult to deal with than expected!

"The contest begins!"

When Shen Qi looked at Luo Fanyun, the referee shouted, and the third martial arts competition of Xuanmen in the Martial Arts Conference began...
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(End of this chapter)

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