The boss is going against the sky

Chapter 345 Two Years, Martial Arts Freshman Recruitment Conference

Chapter 345 Two Years, Martial Arts Freshman Recruitment Conference

Knowing how important pills are to Taoism, Shen Qi spared no effort in supporting Mu Que. He not only listed the rules for the new disciples from the outer court to be selected and accepted as apprentices, but also spent a lot of money on the secret books sent from various sects with sect points. Pick out cheats related to pills and use Yanwu Pavilion to perfect the derivation, then write it into a booklet and give it to Mu Que.

Before Shen Qi retreated, Mu Que had hundreds of alchemy cheats in his hands!

Shen Qi and Xuanmen have paid so much, Mu Que did not live up to his expectations, and the rewards are also generous. Basically, the pills are in Mu Que's hands, and there is no medicine that he can't refine.Mu Que even said that as long as he finds the earth fire used as the pill fire, he can also refine the virtual god pill!

Therefore, for today's Xuanmen, there is no shortage of alchemy recipes, no shortage of alchemists, what is lacking is just enough medicinal materials and good enough medicinal materials.

As far as Taoist disciples are concerned, after relying on pills to assist in their cultivation, it is not impossible to consolidate their foundations.Today, Shen Qi has built four soul-suppressing pagodas relying on the blueprints obtained from the monthly system lottery, among which three are dedicated to the trials of disciples in the acquired realm, and the other one is dedicated to disciples in the innate realm. From the second floor to the fifth floor of the soul-suppressing tower for the trial, the souls of the beasts from the first level to the fifth level were also suppressed.

In addition, the two peaks of Yuanci and Hanbing among the six peaks outside the Nine Peaks ruins are also rare auxiliary training places.Coupled with the various master tasks issued by Xuanmen to the disciples, it is not afraid that the disciples will not have the opportunity to get exercise.

As for Shen Qi himself, naturally he didn't need to train deliberately, but lived on Wuyun Peak while studying the cheats sent by various sects while practicing, his strength and combat effectiveness were increasing day by day at a not slow speed.

Two years later.

Pengqiu Mansion, Jin County, where Qinglong Gate is located.

On the arena, after a martial arts competition, Zhao Li, who was watching the competition, couldn't help frowning deeply.

Next to him, Zhao Er also frowned, and noticing Zhao Li's expression, he said in a low voice: "Master, the reason why the aptitude of our Qinglongmen's newly recruited outer court disciples is not as good as each year is because the martial arts general is good at practicing martial arts. The seedlings have all been recruited away."

"How could I not know?" Zhao Li frowned even deeper, "Martial apprentices in martial arts are actually the preparations for the disciples of the outer court of Taoism. Martial arts practitioners, who doesn’t want to worship the Taoist sect? Qinglongmen is suppressed by the Xuanmen, so far they can’t even get the name of the Fuxian sect, so naturally they can’t compete with the Xuanmen in terms of recruiting disciples.”

Zhao Er nodded when he heard the words, but said again: "Sect Leader, in fact, we don't expect too much from the disciples we recruit, but in the past two years, my Konoha clan has also had a few young people with good qualifications who have entered martial arts. If things go on like this, I'm afraid the people in the clan will lose their hearts, and they will no longer be as easy to manage as they used to be in the wilderness. This matter, the head has to guard against."

After hearing Zhao Er's reminder, Zhao Li couldn't help but secretly sighed.

Their Konoha clan originally lived on a large island in the East China Sea, which was originally a wild land, almost cut off communication with the mainland.

There are many tribes living on the island, some of which have lost their roots, and some have evolved from the mainland to become wild tribes on the island.Originally, although life on the island was difficult, the people in the clan could fish and hunt, and even knew some farming methods, so they could live on.

But since ten years ago, because the big fish and sea beasts in the sea have become more and more ferocious, and even terrifying strange beasts have appeared more and more, it has become more and more difficult to go fishing in the sea.As a result, the tribes on the island have become more and more fierce in their struggles with each other in order to compete for the tight survival resources, and the Konoha clan is gradually at a disadvantage among them, and is in danger of extinction.

It was under such circumstances that Zhao Li, the head of the young patriarch, ventured across the sea and sneaked into Qingzhou, where he established a foothold for the Konoha clan, and then sent a large ship to sea to take the rest of the clan over.

At that time, the patriarch Konoha, that is, his father, had died, so he inherited the position of patriarch, leading the remaining thousands of clan members.In order to allow the clansmen to better integrate into the life of Qingzhou, he reformed the clan, basically abolishing all the rules of the clan in the past, trying to make the clansmen no different from ordinary Qingzhou people.

Unexpectedly, after a few years, many clan members have actually left the clan, and even he, the clan leader, doesn't care about it.

If the rules of the Konoha clan were used in the past, those young people who entered martial arts could be executed by him, and their family members would also be kicked out of the tribe and exiled in the wilderness.However, according to today's rules, if a teenager has not joined Qinglongmen, he is not bound by the school rules, and naturally he does not need to be bound by him as the head of the sect. He has no right to punish him at all.

After secretly sighing in his heart, Zhao Li could only say: "Strictly restrain the youths of other clans, as for those who have joined martial arts, let them go."

"Patriarch, if you don't punish them..." Zhao Er was anxious and wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Zhao Li.

Zhao Li said emphatically, "Why punish them? When the Xuanmen perishes, they will regret it!"

"Xuanmen is in full swing now, how could it perish?" Zhao Er asked puzzled.

"Hmph," Zhao Li sneered, "So what if they are at the height of the sun? Their actions have aroused the vigilance of the Qingyang Sect. As long as the Qingyang Sect pulls out its hand, it will be easy to destroy the Xuanmen!"

The western suburbs of Jin County.

Outside the gate of a building complex covering an area of ​​several hundred acres, thousands of teenagers aged twelve or thirteen lined up in several long lines, slowly moving forward.

And between these long lines, there are hundreds of teenagers wearing blue-gray exercise uniforms walking back and forth with red armbands to maintain the order of the lines. Once they see anyone who jumps in the line, they will be immediately expelled from the line and taken to the back to rearrange .

At the back of the line, there are also a large number of adults. These people are basically the family members of the teenagers who are queuing up.

Looking ahead, there was a striking banner on the wall of the Martial Arts Academy—"Jin County Martial Arts Freshman Recruitment Conference!".

Since the establishment of Wuxue in Jin County, this freshman recruitment meeting has been held every year for three consecutive years, and each time is bigger and lasts longer.Like today, it was the fifth day of the recruiting conference.

For such a grand event, there are naturally many discerning people who can see the business opportunities, so there are many stalls and shops outside Wuxue, and even big merchants directly bought the land to set up shops here. In two or three years, it has become a faint Quite a bustling street market.

Because this street market is right in front of Wuxue, people in Jin County call it Xueqian Street vividly.

In a teahouse directly opposite the Wuxue on Xueqian Street, an old man and two young men were drinking tea while looking at the team of teenagers in front of them. Then they heard the faint sound of humming and exhaling from the Wuxue. The old man couldn't help but put down the teacup and asked: " Can you tell how many people there are in the Jin County martial arts school?"

Hearing the words, the left-handed young man immediately said respectfully: "Elder Qi, if we only talk about the number of martial arts apprentices, there should be more than 1000 people now, but it is estimated that after the enrollment and registration meeting is over, it may reach 300. For teachers and handymen, [-] must be added.”

"Warriors? Teacher? This is the name of the Pengqiu Mansion, right? Listen to what you mean, there are 300 martial artists who are responsible for teaching martial arts in this martial arts?" The old man snorted first, and then asked again.

The young man obviously had a good understanding of the situation of martial arts, and immediately explained: "Only teachers are martial artists who teach martial arts, and handymen are just handymen hired by the common people. It is said that Jin County martial arts is quite short of money, so teachers There are only more than 100 people."

The younger youth on the opposite side couldn't help talking, and said in surprise: "An inexplicable martial arts, with such a large building, and 200 handymen, is it still said to be short of money?"

"Senior Brother Wen, this is indeed what the people in the county are talking about." When he answered Senior Brother Wen, the young man's tone was not so respectful.

The old man frowned and asked, "Do you know where the money for martial arts comes from?"

"There are three sources." The young man said in an orderly manner, "The first is the allocation of funds from the Martial Arts Division in the Zhenfu Division, which is actually a direct dial from Xuanmen; the second is the allocation of funds from the Jin County Government; the third is the self-obtained benefits of martial arts. And this Self-obtained benefits also roughly include three sources, the first is the income from selling land, it is said that when the martial arts school was first established, it occupied this thousand acres of land; the second is the tuition fees donated by some freshmen; the third is the It is the proceeds from drug sales in the medicine garden that the students took care of."

After listening, the old man frowned even deeper, and said: "I never thought that a mere Jin County martial art would plan such a detailed and far-reaching plan together with money."

"Elder, this is not the case in Jin County, but the ten counties under Pengqiu Mansion!" The young man couldn't help reminding.

The old man nodded, and asked again: "What's the matter with the new student's tuition fee you mentioned? But like those small sects, apprentices have to pay a lot of money to get the entrance wall?"

The young man got up and said, "The elders follow me to the front to see how they enroll students, and then we will understand."

"Okay, let's go and have a look."

The old man stood up, and the other young man also stood up, and the three of them walked towards the line formed by several registration points for martial arts, that is, the wall of the martial arts academy.

On the way, the young man who was in charge of reporting the situation said again: "Elder, there are 500 martial apprentices who graduated from martial arts this year, and 56 of them were admitted to the Taoist outer court, ranking fourth among the ten counties. Besides, some time ago, Jin County Wuxue even put up banners on several streets in the county to declare, and the people of the whole county celebrated for it for more than three days, and the scene is something that disciples have never heard of before!"

"Hmph!" The old man snorted coldly after hearing this, "Martial arts is actually a part of Xuanmen, and this Xuanmen is very good at attracting people's hearts!"

Then he was puzzled and said: "No. 4 among the ten counties only has 56 people. If you calculate it, don't the ten counties add up to only 200 people?"

"According to the analysis of the disciples, this year the Xuanmen Outer Court actually recruited 300 disciples. It has been the same for the past three years."

"Recruiting new disciples every year?!" The elder was astonished. The general sect at most has a move every three years, but a super sect like their Qingyang Sect basically does not recruit disciples from outside, only the internal ones are reserved. There is still a fierce battle between each family.Qingyang Sect will make an exception and enter the gate unless they find some young man with great talent.

"Exactly." The young man affirmed.

While speaking, the three of them had arrived near the registration point.

I saw four people busy at each registration point. Looking at the signs set up in front of their desks, they were "Student Assistance", "Model Maps", "Xiewen", and "Test Force".

In front of the "student aid" sign, a fat boy took out a hundred taels of silver bill, the martial arts man looked at it, nodded and put it away and recorded his name in the book.

In front of the "Model Picture" sign, the martial arts examiner took out a piece of paper, but on the paper was a drawing of a practice picture for the boy to imitate.After the young man imitated, the martial arts examiner frowned slightly, wrote something in the book, and signaled the young man to leave.The teenager was a little frustrated.

In front of the "Xiewen" sign, the martial arts examiner also took out a piece of paper, but there were a few words written on it. The old man and the two young people had excellent eyesight and could see clearly from a long distance. They recognized that it was just a basic sentence. Boxing theory.The examinee boy smiled and said a few words, the martial arts examiner nodded in satisfaction, wrote something in the book, and motioned the boy to leave.

The situation in front of the "Test Force" sign is even more clear. A row of stone locks were placed, indicating 50 catties, 70 catties, 100 catties, 200 catties, and 300 catties respectively.A tall boy stepped forward, first let the martial arts examiner look at his teeth, and then went forward to lift the stone lock.The young man directly chose a 70-jin stone lock and lifted it up, causing a little commotion in the queue behind.After finishing, the boy hesitated a little, and went to lift another 100 catties of stone locks, but halfway through the lifting, he lost his strength and let it go.

"This method of recruiting martial arts freshmen is so meticulous? Aiding students to discuss financial resources, imitating pictures, explaining literature to discuss comprehension, and testing strength to discuss physical talent. It is simply trying to catch all the outstanding youngsters!" After reading these, the old man asked again. Can't help but be surprised.

The young man in charge of the report said: "If you want to become a martial arts scholar, you can take part in all four items. In the end, martial arts will select qualified freshmen based on the comprehensive results of the four items."

"Awesome!" The old man first praised, then sighed, "It's a pity that my Qingyang Sect can't use this method."

After finishing speaking, the old man took a closer look at those martial arts examiners, seeing that none of them looked five or six times the day after tomorrow, so he didn't look any more.

Turning around to signal the young man to lead the way to Jin County, the old man asked other questions.

"Listen to you, only 500 of the 56 apprentices who came out of the Jinxian martial arts school in the past few years were recruited into the Taoist outer courtyard, so where did the rest of the apprentices go?"

"These warriors all have acquired three or even four levels of cultivation. A considerable number of them were recruited by the security teams of the township governors, and a small number were recruited by the county government departments. The rest naturally did not go home. He just went to fend for himself.”

Most of these teenagers were 13 years old when they entered school, and they would be 16 years old three years later. They are considered adults in the world of martial arts, and it is not surprising that they make a living by themselves.

The old man pondered for a while, and said: "After all, learning martial arts is a matter that consumes resources and money. Even if there are various preferential treatment in martial arts as you said before, it will cost a lot to study for three years, right? I think the people who signed up today There are so many, and the duration lasts for several days, why are there so many rich people in Jin County?"

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 Thank you big brother [Liberation [-]D] for your reward and support!The author will work hard!

(End of this chapter)

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