The boss is going against the sky

Chapter 353 Congenital One Qi Great Capture!

Chapter 353 Congenitally captures in one go!

"Wang Wang Wang!"

Fu Dou screamed three times in a row, like thunder falling to the ground, rolling and exploding.

All the azure blue fist shadows that Yu Daozhi hit in front were all blown to pieces, scattered like smoke blown by the wind.And Fu Dou was covered in flames, bared his teeth, and rushed fiercely!
Fu Dou only cared about one side, and the attacks from other directions, Lu Tianye and the three innate quadruple warriors naturally fell on Fu Dou without any surprise.Originally, Fudou was beaten to pieces in the previous battle, but now without the defense of fur, he suffered even more damage, blood and flesh splattered when the true energy and spiritual energy exploded, and Fudou's tendons were even broken!
However, these attacks not only failed to stop Fu Dou's pounce on Daozhi, but also increased his speed in vain. Because Daozhi didn't dodge in time, he fell under him, and his ferocious canines clenched Yu Dao Its body, the impact of being bombarded by other people and its own flying inertia, wiped out a long gully on the solidified magma ground, and went straight to the crater!


Yu Daozhi let out a miserable cry.

The Weishan School didn't also practice any way of body training, so Yu Daozhi's physical strength was only nourished by true qi, which was equivalent to the muscle training period of the way of body training, how could he withstand the bite and terror of Fudou? Drag, rub?
Leaving blood and flesh all the way, when the screams finally weakened, there was only one breath left.


Seeing this, the expressions of the two Weishan sect elders who cooperated with the attack changed drastically, and they hurriedly approached and chased with all their strength, trying to save Yu Daozhi.

Lu Tianye was also taken aback, he didn't expect that Huo Dou would fight so fiercely; then he secretly rejoiced that he was not standing on the side of the crater, otherwise he might be the one who would die now.

After these thoughts came to mind, Lu Tianye had already chased after him, overtaking two Weishan sect elders in an instant, and rushed towards Fu Dou and Yu Daozhi who was bitten by his right shoulder.

The Langya faction and the Weishan faction are neighbors, and the death of Yu Daozhi is certainly beneficial to the Langya faction, but now the two factions work together to get rid of Huo Dou. .And if the news got out, it's not certain what the people in the world would say about him conspiring against Dao.

Langya sect takes selling information as one of the foundations of the sect, and they are most concerned about reputation. If this reputation is ruined, he may lose his status as the head of the preparatory school.

However, Lu Tianye was the last to catch up, and when he was about to catch up with Fudou, Fudou had already reached the edge of the crater, sprinkling hot blood and jumped straight to the crater!
"Huh? Xiantian grabs it all at once!"

Seeing this situation, Lu Tianye stopped suddenly, and used a magical skill of Langya School that can only be practiced at the sixth level of Xiantian, "Xiantian One Qi Great Capture".

I saw the qi surged all over his body, and with a wave of his hand, a huge palm-shaped aura with arms appeared in mid-air, grabbing towards Huo Dou and Yu Daozhi!

This is the performance of the seventh level of congenital "hardness and softness, agility and agility", but now Lu Tianye insists on relying on the cultivation base of the sixth level of congenital to use martial arts with the same effect, relying on "Xiantian One Qi Great Capture" mysterious.

Huo Dou was caught off guard, and was caught by a huge blue palm above the crater, unable to fall for a while.

One blow worked, Lu Tianye had no time to rejoice, and was circling his whole body of true energy to pull Fu Dou back, but he saw Fu Dou suddenly opened his mouth, and Yu Daozhi, who was bitten by it, fell straight into a volcano!

If Yu Daozhi was not injured, or if the injury was not serious, he would not die after such a fall. At least there are several ways to survive.But now he has only one breath left, even if he has the means, how can he use it?Can only helplessly fall down!

"Master!" Two Weishan faction elders exclaimed again.

Lu Tianye's complexion also changed suddenly, and the movement of his true energy was sluggish.

And Fu Dou felt the huge palm holding it loose slightly, and immediately raised his head to the sky and howled—"Wow——!"

Amidst the long howling of Fudou, the flames around it suddenly blazed, and at the same time, there was a rolling sound from the volcano, as if the water in the pot had been boiled, and even the ground trembled.

"Not good! The volcano is about to erupt!"

Lu Tianye was startled, and clenched his huge blue palm again, grabbing Huo Dou firmly and trying to pull him back.

However, the magma in the volcano has already erupted with a bang, smoke, dust, and magma soared into the sky. Not only is Huo Dou in the middle of it, but the flames around him are even more violent, faintly turning into a nearly ten-foot-large flame void in the continuous howling. Shadow, look at that phantom image, it is an enlarged version of the fight!

"Oops! This Huo Dou's strength is going to break through to the seventh level of innate!"

The Langya School also has a profound heritage, and has done research on the strength levels of alien beasts. They know that for such alien beasts with certain talents, changes in their ability to control talents often represent changes in their strength.Although the previous Huo Dou was powerful, he could only be regarded as the peak of the sixth level of innateness, and would be able to reach the seventh level of innateness.

And now, if his strength reaches the next level, it will be a proper innate seventh level.At that time, even human warriors with the eighth level of innate ability may not be able to get rid of it.What's even more worrying is that after the power of the disaster fight has increased to a higher level, the fires brought by the places it passes will become more terrifying. I am afraid that as Ji Changsheng said before, both Weishan and Yimeng will suffer from it!
Realizing the seriousness of the matter, Lu Tianye didn't dare to think about pity on his body any more. The air around his body turned into an air shield to protect the flames. While pulling Huo Dou over with his giant blue palm, his left palm was filled with true energy. Not leaking, leading but not sending out, it seems to hit Fu Dou's head in a normal way.

Huo Dou was pulled over by Lu Tianye's innate force, and the gushing magma and blazing flames were also pulled over, submerging Lu Tianye all at once.

But in the magma and flames, when Lu Tianye's left palm was about to imprint on Fudou's forehead, he saw that Fudou shook his head suddenly, and many phantoms were thrown out of his ferocious head, and he bit Lu Tianye back. left hand!
The innate zhenqi compressed in Lu Tianye's left palm exploded suddenly. Although it did not imprint on Fu Dou's forehead as he wished, it blasted Fu Dou's ferocious mouth to pieces, and even several canine teeth fell off. where to go.

However, Lu Tianye was also very miserable. He also didn't practice the way of body training, and his physical strength could only be considered average. Once he walked in the mouth of Huo Dou, he was directly separated from his flesh and bones, his tendons were broken and his bones were broken, and half of his left arm was gone!
Stimulated by the pain of the broken arm, Lu Tianye almost went mad, but he knew better that now was the last chance to kill Fu Dou, and if he missed it, he would never have another chance.So, ignoring the broken left arm, he circulated his true energy to his right hand again. After landing, his body flickered, and he wanted to fight again between the magma and the flames to kill him!

However, after Huo Dou landed, he set off a wave of lava that was ten feet high and hit him. At the same time, he jumped back into the volcano with his strength...

[Second update. 】

 Thanks for the reward and support of the boss [Liberation [-]D]!

(End of this chapter)

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