The boss is going against the sky

Chapter 361 I'm Not Zhong Limeng [Part 4]

Chapter 361 I'm Not Zhong Limeng [Fourth Update]

Chu Suanran's fist drew back slightly, but didn't stop. He slammed on Tang Long's back with a bang, and directly beat him until he vomited blood and fell to the ground.

However, Tang Long was lying on the ground, weeping in surprise, spitting blood and knuckling his head again and again: "Thank you, Great Xia Chu, for not killing me! Thank you! Thank you..."

Tang Long knew very well that if Chu Suran still wanted to kill people and silence him, his head would be smashed into pieces like a watermelon if he punched him on the head, and even the gas shield would not be able to stop it.Now that Chu Suran only seriously injured him, he undoubtedly decided to accept his refuge.

Although it is a struggle to live, it is still alive after all.

After severely injuring Tang Long with a punch, Chu Suoran let him stay where he was, and went after the other disciples of the Mixed Dragon Gang.Tang Long opened his mouth, after all, he didn't dare to ask Chu Suoran to spare the lives of other Chaolong Gang disciples.

But within a cup of tea, all the disciples of the Mixed Dragon Gang who came with him this time were killed, and their bodies were dragged to the side of the road, lined up in two rows.

And at this time, Liang Liang dragged him over like a dead dog.Chu Suran's punch hurt him very badly, to the extent that he was injured while walking.

"All the disciples of the Mixed Dragon Gang who came with you this time are here?" Chu Suran asked.

Tang Long glanced at him, and said hurriedly: "Yes, they are all here. By the way, there was a person named Shan who was with me and Zuo Weiqi before!"

Tang Long hurriedly reported an important news - if he was only controlled by the Taoist sect, he might be hypocritical; but now he thinks that Yunmeng Palace is behind the scenes, and Jiang Dongmeng's original strength is inferior to Yunmeng Palace. I'm afraid it's going to be "a dumb man who eats Coptis chinensis, can't tell if he suffers".

Unexpectedly, as soon as Tang Long finished speaking, Zhong Limeng flew over from the woods, lightly landed beside Chu Suran, and said with a little shame: "That man escaped first, and he seems to be quite good at lightness kungfu, whereabouts, and concealing his breath." , I failed to catch him."

"It's okay. Ask Zuo Weiqi later, and you'll know who that person is." Chu Suran said indifferently.

Seeing this scene, Tang Long was a little dumbfounded.

Although it was only a few lines of dialogue, he could tell that Zhong Limeng was mainly based on Chu Suran's decision—how could this be possible?The majestic Yunmen Palace master actually listened to the words of a Xuanmen grand master uncle? !

A bad premonition floated in Tang Long's mind: he felt that his previous guess might be wrong.

At this time, Chu Suran said to the Taoist disciples again: "The battle just now was quite loud, and it is likely to attract other people to peep. You quickly dispose of the corpses of these Hunlong Gang disciples, hurry up and go on the road."

After finishing speaking, he grabbed the seriously injured Tang Long with one hand, and Zuo Weiqi with the other, and immediately jumped into the sky with his feet on the ground.

After reaching an altitude of hundreds of feet, above the clouds, it landed on a hovering tiger-striped carving.And that "Zhong Limeng" also flew up lightly, and the two of them looked at the Taoist disciples below from a high altitude to search and examine the corpses of the disciples of the Mixed Dragon Gang with corpse powder.

Seeing how close Zhong Limeng and Chu Suoran were, Tang Long suddenly had doubts about his identity.Immediately, his heart moved, and he bowed down to "Zhongli Meng" on the back of the broad tiger-pattern carving, and said: "Tang Long has seen Palace Master Zhongli."

"Zhong Limeng" smiled sweetly and said, "I'm not Zhonglimeng, your eyes are just blurred."

After finishing speaking, his slender hand passed over his face, and when Tang Long looked again, he could only see a hazy mass.

Seeing that the woman directly admitted that she was not Zhong Limeng, Tang Long became even more suspicious—the reason why he directly identified the visitor as Zhonglimeng was not only because the visitor was very similar to the Zhonglimeng he had seen once, but also because her cultivation level was higher than that of Zhonglimeng. Zuo Weiqi is obviously a bit taller, and it is very likely that he has entered the ninth level of innate.

With such a cultivation base and so similar to Zhong Limeng, it's not Zhonglimeng? !
Tang Long felt that he was caught in a whirlpool of mystery, but he didn't dare to ask any more, for fear of causing another murderous disaster.

At this time, the woman who was similar to Zhong Limeng patted him on the shoulder lightly, and an incomparably weird qi invaded his body, heading straight to his dantian, and he found that he couldn't mobilize the zhenqi in his body!

As a congenital master who has possessed genuine energy for decades, Tang Long panicked all of a sudden, thinking that his martial arts had been abolished, looked at Chu Suran and the woman in horror, and said in a trembling voice: "Hero Chu..."

"Don't panic." Chu suddenly frowned, seemingly unhappy, took a sip of wine and said, "This is my Xuanmen's secret technique 'Innate Imprisonment', which only temporarily seals your cultivation. When you return to Xuanmen, It depends on how the master handles you, and he will naturally release you from the imprisonment."

Tang Long couldn't help heaving a sigh of relief when he heard that his cultivation was only temporarily lost. After all, for a warrior, martial arts is equal to his second life.If he lost his cultivation base and his martial arts were almost useless, then life would be worse than death.

Then, he couldn't help but feel a deep fear of all kinds of Taoist methods.

There is Chu Suoran who has trained his body until he reached the legendary state of qi and blood turning into gangsters, not to mention a master who is equivalent to the seventh level of the innate, and there is even a super master whose cultivation base is likely to reach the ninth level of the innate. , The secret technique of imprisoning the cultivation of innate warriors, it is unbelievable for a four-star sect!

"Four-star sect? Hehe, it's just a false name. Even if I only talk about the strength of the Taoist sect that I have glimpsed, is it comparable to a six-star sect?" Tang Long suddenly realized something in his heart, and finally realized the martial arts. This system of distinguishing the strength of sects by star rating has existed in name only in this troubled world.

Then he showed a bitter smile.

He realized it too late.

Shan Yunlei concealed his breath all the way, used his lightness skills to gallop, avoiding the direct direction from Xuzhou to Qingzhou, and made a big circle to the west of Yuzhou before entering the Qingzhou prefecture.At this time, he was still tense and did not dare to slack off in the slightest, and he was not relieved until he entered the city of Quanfufu.

Like Qiu Baitong, Shan Yunlei is nominally a guest minister of the Qingyang Zong, but in reality he is a member of the Yuan family.So he didn't directly report what he saw and heard during this trip to the suzerain Kong Shen. In fact, Kong Shen was in retreat at a critical moment at this time, and he didn't care about things.Instead, let people from the Yuan family notify Yuan Li in Pengqiu Mansion to come back as soon as possible.

After receiving the news, Yuanli rushed back from Pengqiu Prefecture on the same day.

Seeing that Shan Yunlei had tidied up, but his face was ugly, Yuan Li knew that things were not going well, and his face sank first, then changed into a calm expression, and said: "But this trip has not reached the goal. The purpose? It was originally a trick arranged by the old man, and the people of the Jiangdong League are not stupid, and it is normal not to fall for it. Mr. Shan doesn’t have to take it to heart.”

As soon as Yuan Li finished speaking, Shan Yunlei shook his head again and again, and said, "No, no, no, Elder Yuan, although Zuo Weiqi of the Jiangdong League knew my identity as Qingyang Sect's guest minister, he still took action against Xuanmen, but... ·”

"Just what?" Yuan Li asked strangely.

[Fourth update, thanks to all the friends who voted and commented during this period, every vote and comment is an encouragement for self-cultivation, thank you very much! 】

 Thanks to the boss [book friend 20180207155948297] for your reward and support!

(End of this chapter)

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