The boss is going against the sky

Chapter 404 Chu City, Overlord

Chapter 404 Chu City, Overlord

Half a month later, with the spread of another piece of news, the entire 23 states of the Wumeng League were almost shocked——

Ziwei Pavilion and Qingyang Sect jointly recommended Xuanmen to be directly promoted to the Seven Star School, directly leading the seven prefectures such as Pengqiu and Jiyin.At the same time, the Ziwei Pavilion forces withdrew from the competition in Yuzhou, and Qingyangzong occupied the northern, eastern, southeastern, and southwest parts of Yuzhou in one fell swoop.

In the whole of Yuzhou, apart from Yunmeng Palace, which still occupies part of the southwestern area, only Baihualou occupies the area of ​​Fuguang City, which is independent from the Qingyang Sect.

This time, the northern structure was almost re-divided, and the various sects were naturally shocked, and they also paid special attention to the Xuanmen that turned out to be born.

In this way, the aura giant appeared in Yangshan, the capital of Weishan Prefecture, and Wen Ruyu and Kong Shen successively stepped into the Void Realm, but they were all defeated by Shen Qi's hands.

Jingzhou, Yunmengze.

Yunmeng Ze is a vast swamp that is as vast as an inland sea. There are only a few places here that are suitable for ordinary people to live in, but they are full of aura. Therefore, there are many rare herbs growing in many places in the swamp, and there are also many natural materials and earth treasures.

There are rumors among ordinary people and low-level warriors that there is a moving city in Yunmeng Lake, which is the residence of the gods. It is called Chu City, and it was established by a martial arts country named Chu in ancient times.

But any warrior with a little knowledge knows that the so-called Chu City is actually the dojo of Yunmeng Palace. 3000 years ago, when the spirit tide rose, this city of Chu was born as a relic of martial arts, and then it was occupied by Yunmeng Palace.

Therefore, Yunmeng Palace can be regarded as one of the seven-star sects with the longest inheritance.It is one of them, but it is because there is another seven-star sect with a longer heritage, and that is the Lingyin sect.

At this time, in a large meeting hall in Chu City, the great elder of Yunmeng Palace and the other nine elders were sitting in separate positions, each of them was silent, making the atmosphere in the hall quite oppressive.

After the volcanic eruption in the ruins of Shendu that year, Zhong Limeng, the owner of Yunmeng Palace, won two False God Pills and came back, and retreated with the old palace master Zhong Limei, preparing to use the power of False God Pills to break through to the Void Realm.Therefore, now Yunmeng Palace is in charge of the eldest husband Sun Jing.

There are both male and female disciples in Yunmeng Palace, but the yin is prosperous and the yang is weak. Not only the palace masters of the past dynasties can only be women, but also the elders and true disciples are mostly women.In addition, Yunmeng Palace attaches great importance to seniority because of its long inheritance. For example, at this time, there are only the top ten elders in the palace, and there are no true disciples.

As for the silence of the elders, the atmosphere was oppressive, but it was because Gongsun Jing announced a series of related news that Xuanmen was jointly recommended by Ziwei Pavilion and Qingyangzong as the Seven Star School.

After a while, it was Gongsun Jing who broke the silence first.

"The situation in the north has changed in such a short period of time, and there is an additional Seven-Star sect. Let alone the impact on the world structure, what is worrying now is what kind of agreement these three parties will reach in private. It would be a little troublesome for the Lord to come together to harass him before he left the customs."

Gongsun Jing finished speaking, and the second elder PY Ying said: "It's just a little troublesome. This Chu city is not only protected by ancient formations, but also burdened by spirit beasts. They can't move around in Yunmengze. Whether you find it or not is two things.”

Hearing this, an elder couldn't help sighing: "It's a pity that the saying that Chu City is under the tyrant of spirit beasts is just a saying handed down from ancient times. I, Yunmeng Palace, have lived in Chu City for so many years, and I haven't confirmed it. Below is Ba Xia's back, and no one has ever seen Ba Xia's true face. Otherwise, if there are spirit beasts to help Ba Xia, not to mention just a few imaginary attacks, even real people from the supernatural realm will not dare to be presumptuous .”

"What's the use of saying this?" Wen Renhuan, the only male elder among the ten elders, said, "Just in case, we'd better seal off Chu City completely and prohibit entry and exit until one of the two palace masters breaks through. Let’s talk about leaving the virtual realm.”

"Elder Wenren said it well."

"It is indeed a safe strategy."

After Wen Renhuan finished speaking, several elders immediately expressed their support.

Elder's husband Sun Jing also nodded and said: "We can only do what Elder Wenren said first. Let's pass on the order to close Chu City immediately, activate the outer protective formation, and prohibit anyone from entering or leaving!"

The rest of the elders immediately stood up when they heard the words, and bowed their hands respectfully in unison: "Follow the order of the Great Elder!"

Not long after the order was delivered, a halo of light flashed over the city of Chu, which seemed to be built on an isolated island, and then it was covered with a hazy layer of mist.

Originally, Yunmeng Lake was surrounded by middle-aged mist, and it was difficult to see what was going on below from the sky.At this time, the fog on Chu City was thicker, and it completely submerged Chu City, and it was difficult to see even if it was quite close.

Among the strange peaks and mountains at the junction of Xiangzhou, Jiangzhou, and Minzhou, dozens of peaks are shrouded in clouds and mists all the year round. Since the rise of the spiritual tide, this place has become even more like a fairyland in legends.

Here is the most mysterious and oldest sect among the original six seven-star sects of the Wumeng, the location of the Lingyin sect.

On this day, a strange beast, Ling Yunhe, flew down from the clouds in the distance. On the back of the crane, a middle-aged man in a black and white Taoist robe stood with his hands behind his back, letting the strong wind blow, but the aura around him was circulating incomparably Stablize.

Ling Yunhe flew directly to the sky above the peak in the middle of the group of peaks, and then the middle-aged man in the Taoist robe stepped out, took a few steps in the air, and landed on the open space on the peak like a fairy.

This open space is not only flat, but also lush with green grass, surrounded by various exotic flowers and trees.But on the edge of the cliff, there is a strong old pine, twisted and twisted, like a dragon.

Just beside the old pine, a man in a white-haired Taoist robe was sitting cross-legged in front of a short table and pouring tea. When the middle-aged man in the Taoist robe fell to the ground, he said leisurely without raising his head: "Early this morning, a few of them opened. The clever magpies were screaming non-stop on the old pine branch, and when I saw it, I guessed that Junior Brother Qingkong was coming back."

The middle-aged man in the Taoist robe smiled slightly when he heard the words, came to the white-haired man in the Taoist robe, sat down cross-legged, drank a cup of tea, and said, "Unfortunately, I brought back a bad news."

"Oh?" The white-haired Taoist robed man finally raised his head, his eyes were as bright as stars, his expression was surprised but still calm, and he said, "What news does this Yuanwu star have for my Lingyin Taoist?" ?”

If it was someone else, they would definitely be surprised by the words "Lingyin Dao" in the words of the white-haired Taoist robed man, but the middle-aged man in the Taoist robe seems to be used to it.

He drank another cup of tea just poured by the white-haired man, then frowned slightly and said, "More than half a month ago, there was an aura giant heaven and earth phenomenon on the border between Weishan Mansion and Yimeng Mansion in Qingzhou."

Hearing this, the white-haired man stopped pouring the tea, and the tea spilled out, but before it fell on the low table, it was swept back into the pot by the pale aura.

The white-haired man put down the teapot, and said: "The spiritual giant is a vision that only appeared when the Void God pill was completed. Now the Sanmiao God Stele is buried in the ground together with the Tongtian Pagoda. How can there be anyone in this world who knows how to refine Void God? Divine pill?"

The middle-aged man in the Taoist robe said: "I was also curious when I heard the news of the aura giant's appearance, so I rushed over. Unfortunately, at that time, the Void God Pill had already been released, and it had already belonged. And the person who refined the Void God Pill also stepped into the void. I also defeated the other two Void Realms in a row. I have only stepped into the Void Realm for a few months, so I rushed back to ask Senior Brother Qingyun to decide this matter."

 I went to another place, and I may be on the road recently, so the update is basically a small chapter.


(End of this chapter)

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