The boss is going against the sky

Chapter 422: The Seed Demon Arrives!

Chapter 422: The Seed Demon Arrives!

When Ni Ruo heard this, she was about to run out, but Ye Hongmei stopped her again: "You stay here and look after me, I'll call the midwife!"

Obviously, Ye Hongmei is the calmest at this time. She knows that Li Wenxi has been served by Ni Ruo for the past few years, and it is best to stay here to deal with urgent matters. Just ask the midwife to go.

The midwife was arranged to be near the small courtyard where Li Wenxi and Shen Qi lived on Wuyun Peak, so she arrived in a short while with a set of delivery tools and helpers.

What happened next was not something that a man like Shen Qi could intervene in - in his past and present lives, he had no experience in coping with women's childbirth, nor had he studied it.

When Li Wenxi was brought to lie down in the bedroom, the house and the yard were busy, but Shen Qi could only stand in the middle of the yard like a sword, staring straight at the faintly clear halo of the divine light around the yard...

Nine rings of the galaxy, inward across ring after ring of small galaxy belts, on the only living planet in a small galaxy on the fifth ring, in a palace built entirely of blood-red spirit jade, a pair of ghostly Hei Ruyuan's eyes suddenly opened, exuding a haunting evil light.

"Is this the magic tire calling?!"

As soon as the strange and charming man's voice appeared, the vision in the hall, which seemed to be flooded with blood, began to return to normal.At this time, it is possible to see that the owner of those eyes and voice is a handsome and charming white-faced beardless man.

He changed from a lazy sleeping position to a reclining position, but a blood-colored figure suddenly sat up from him, sitting cross-legged, blood-colored radiance emanated from his body, runes shuttled back and forth, mysterious and strange.

"Judging from the induction strength of the summoning, this time it's only a three-life magic fetus, and it's still in the remote nine-ring galaxy belt. In that kind of place, the general supernatural powers don't know how to come back after going there, right?"

"And I happen to know that Lingyin Dao has already managed two spiritual tides on that living planet, and must have established a teleportation formation. Other members of the sect may not know about this. Maybe, this time, I can fight for the three lives of the devil. Qualifications for coming!"

Zhongmo Dao was created by True Monarch Zhongmo. Although it has occupied several living planets in the five-ring and six-ring galaxy belts, the competition within Zhongmo Dao is still fierce.All kinds of cultivation resources need to be fought for by disciples and disciples themselves. If they do not fight, they will never make progress.

The Nine-Life Devil Embryo Supernatural Power is a famous life-saving supernatural power in the Demonic Dao. As long as there is an opportunity, all disciples in the supernatural power realm will choose to practice.

But even though the cultivation of the magic way has been operated for tens of thousands of years, the resources of the magic embryo are still scarce, and now only some disciples of the supernatural powers have the opportunity to practice.Therefore, even for the lowest-level Three-Life Devil Embryo, cultivating the magic way is a resource that is fiercely contested.

In order to reduce the consumption of internal scrambles, the Way of Seeding Demons has established many rules.

For example, the living planets that may be born with magic embryos are divided into various branches of the magic way, and the disciples of each branch are only eligible to choose the living planets led by this branch to be born with magic fetuses.For another example, when competing for a qualification for the arrival of a magic embryo in the branch, based on the treasures each contributed to the magic way, whoever contributed the most would be eligible.

The treasures of all kinds of demonic disciples are not for nothing. Even if they are willing to make sacrifices for the qualification of a demonic embryo to descend, there is a limit.Therefore, how much to fight for, whether this magic tire is convenient to come, and whether follow-up matters are easy to deal with have become important references.

Because of these, even though he knew that he was not ranked high among the disciples of the supernatural power realm in this branch, and could only be regarded as the middle class, the man was still thinking about the qualifications for the arrival of the devil's embryo.

While the man was thinking about these things, a lazy, familiar yet somewhat unfamiliar voice appeared in the man's ear.

"In the southwest of the main dojo, the nine-ring Yuanwu star's first and third life demon fetus is about to be born. Which disciple of the supernatural power realm wants to win the birth qualification, please bid."

The man knew that the owner of the voice was his titular master, Qian Yuzi, the ruler of this branch.And this voice is not only heard by him alone, but also heard by all the disciples of the supernatural powers on this living planet.

The man thought about it for a while, and reported the treasures he was going to offer according to the value of the treasures offered by his fellow disciples who were qualified to be born every time there was a third-life devil fetus in the past, and then waited patiently.

He believed that because of Yuan Wuxing's remoteness, there was absolutely no one in the same sect who offered a treasure with a higher value than him.

Sure enough, after a while, the lazy voice sounded in my ears again: "Li Xueye made an offering of ten star sand, one of the top-grade spiritual jade, the most valuable of all competitors, and was qualified to be born with the three-life demon fetus of Yuanwu star. "

"Thank you, Master!" Although he had considerable confidence beforehand, Li Xueye couldn't control his excitement when he really got the birth qualification.

Lazy voice said: "Thank you for the treasure I offered. I know that Lingyin Dao has a teleportation array on Yuanwu Star. Come back as soon as possible after you are born. Don't be in that stupid place." A waste of time."

Hearing this, Li Xueye was taken aback for a moment, then his heart, which had been as cold as ten thousand years of iron, warmed slightly, and bowed again and said: "Disciple, I would like to obey the teachings of Master!"

The lazy voice didn't respond to anything, as if it had never appeared before.

Li Xueye didn't think about it anymore, but sat down cross-legged, ready to use the secret technique, and through the induction of the magic embryo imprint, he directly pulled the primordial spirit through the void and descended on the distant Yuanwu star.

It should not be too late for this matter, but he has heard that some seniors in the supernatural power realm are finished because of their descent, and the magic fetus was either born so that they returned without success, or lost a life in the womb, which is a pity.

The treasure offered this time for this birth qualification accounted for one tenth of his savings, and he didn't want any accidents.

The Nine-Life Demon Embryo is the supernatural power that Zhenjun Zhongmo became famous in the past. It is really mysterious. After performing the secret method of the descending of the primordial spirit, Li Xueye only felt that the primordial spirit floated out, as if turning into a ray of light, and shuttled at an incomparable speed After passing through countless stars, he entered a strange planet of living beings within a breath.

When he felt free enough to control his soul, he suddenly found that there was a hazy light in front of him, which made his soul very uncomfortable.

Li Xueye was a little surprised by the existence of this layer of clear light, but he was only taken aback for a moment, then he came back to his senses and hummed softly: "The mere Dharma Protector Divine Light also wants to prevent my coming?"

Immediately with a wave of both hands, a bloody light shot out from the primordial spirit, turning into a bloody blade about ten feet long, and slashing down towards the misty clear light in front of him!

Under the blood-colored blade, the halo layer formed by the misty clear light was cut open like a rag, and then rippling to both sides, and then saw a square of Lingyu carved with runes arranged in the dark around the courtyard below It was blasted into a piece of powder with a bang!
Li Xueye didn't pay much attention to this scene—if it wasn't for the fear of hurting the pregnant woman who was pregnant with the third life in this courtyard, he would use all his strength to chop down the mountain with the "Blood Refining Demon Knife". Not impossible.

Yuanshen entered the courtyard like light and wind, and Li Xueye saw a busy and flustered scene.He glanced around, and he ignored all the congenital and acquired mortal transformations except for pregnant women, and he was only a little surprised when he saw a virtual realm warrior.

Although it was his first time to come to this living planet in the nine-ring galaxy belt, he also knew that it was not easy for this kind of spiritual wave to appear in a place where spiritual energy was scarce.Of course, it's another matter now when the spirit of righteousness rises.

And there is a void, and the jade talisman array that provides the guardian light outside the courtyard has an explanation.

Seeing this Void Realm warrior looking over in horror and doubt, as if he couldn't figure out his appearance, Li Xueye couldn't help showing evil charm but also with a cruel and cold smile, and flew over every now and then, ready to strike this man with a palm. It may be that the Void Warrior of the devil's father killed him first.

This ignorant and ignorant Yuan Wuxing Void Realm, I am afraid that he will die in the hands of the future "son", right?

Hehe, this feeling of "killing my father" is really wonderful, maybe it will give me some kind of enlightenment, and it may not necessarily make a breakthrough in the realm of martial arts.

Before Yuanshen's palm was about to fall on the Void Realm Warrior, Li Xueye couldn't help thinking this way.

[The third update. 】

(End of this chapter)

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