The boss is going against the sky

Chapter 449 Two kinds of supernatural powers! 【Part 2】

Chapter 449 Twelve magical powers! [fourth more]

Shen Qi was in retreat, while browsing the newly acquired martial arts cheats of Yunmeng Palace and Wanjianmen, while sorting out his own martial arts.

Now, what he cultivates in the way of refining Qi is the "Longevity Sutra", which can be directly cultivated to the supernatural power level, which is derived from the original "Longevity Jue".

Its characteristic is that not only the quality of true energy cultivated is extremely high, it is also strong in injuring the enemy and nourishing the body, and it can also increase the success rate of breaking through various realms to a certain extent, including achieving the primordial spirit from the virtual realm, Break through to the realm of supernatural powers.

And the primordial spirit trained through the "Longevity Classic" is quite powerful once it comes out. In popular language, the primordial spirit's mana is much stronger than that of warriors of the same realm.And just as the name suggests, the soul is extremely tough, which will make the natural lifespan of the warrior reach the limit of the same realm.

The body training practice is "Sanjiu Xuan Gong", which is perfected and derived from "Ming Xin Ke Bone Magic" combined with other body training methods.You can practice directly to the stage of seeing the gods, achieve the great supernatural power of indestructible diamonds, and achieve the primordial spirit in one fell swoop!
However, cultivating the "Three Nine Profound Arts" consumes a lot of resources, and it also requires a high level of talent, so Shen Qi has only cultivated to the late stage of transformation, and he is still one step away from seeing God.

Refining the gods is to modify the "Three Eyes and Supernatural Powers Viewpoint" which is a retreat from the "Shenmu Viewpoint" combined with other spiritual cultivation cheats. The effect is indeed obviously better than the Shenmu Viewpoint. It is estimated that it will still take a long time.

The above is internal strength.

Let's talk about external skills.

With Shen Qi's current level of martial arts, what he uses is either magical powers, or top-level magical skills.

At present, he has quite a lot of supernatural powers. According to Li Xueye's memory fragments, he has several supernatural powers than the ordinary supernatural powers disciples of the evil extreme way.

First of all, Ji Changsheng brought out the "Heart Refining and Demon Feeding Dafa" from Qingcang Dao. And other Xuanmen disciples are very busy.

"Invisible Sword Gang" is a supernatural power he practiced earlier, and he uses it very skillfully. Now, as his way of refining Qi has reached the late stage of the second stage of the virtual realm, he is about to break through to the third stage of the virtual realm, and the invisible sword gang is also close to a great achievement .

"Small and small as one wishes", this supernatural power involves the law of space, and it is quite profound, so Shen Qi still only has a superficial grasp at present, and has not even reached Xiaocheng.

"Blood escape", this is a life-saving supernatural power, because it takes a lot of blood to use it, so even if Shen Qi has achieved a small success, he will only use it in critical moments when he needs to escape.

"Shangqing Shenguang Talisman" is said to be a supernatural power, but in terms of power, it is a relatively strong secret technique.But it is very useful, as long as it is carved on the body or spirit jade in advance, it can be passively activated when needed.

"Thousands of Silk Nets, Emotional Silk Knots", a very easy-to-use supernatural power of control, although Shen Qi has only reached a small level of success, but in the process of dealing with Li Xueye, its power has already been revealed.

Shen Qi also only practiced the "Three Yin Slaughtering Sword" so far. It can inspire the fourteen basalt star demons to refine the profound sword. It can cut the soul and hurt the soul. It is quite easy to use.

"Wuji Step", a body-like supernatural power derived from "Wanxiang Senluobu" combined with other body skills, also involves the law of space, but it is far less profound than "Small and Small Ruyi", so Shen Qi has already practiced it. small success.It is quite easy to use in combination with lightness skills and body skills such as the Vientiane Senluo Step and Dragon Swing Flying Technique.

Although Shen Qi has a perfect memory of Yanwu Pavilion for the external skills of "Wan Jian Gui Zong", he can only be regarded as just beginning to practice. At present, he can only say that he understands a little superficially, not even a small one.

"Three-eyed Divine Light" was perfected and deduced based on the "Three-Eyed Demonic Love Curse", and the "Shenmu Contemplation" that Shen Qi had practiced before was part of the "Three-eyed Demonic Love Curse". After he had the memory left by the Yanwu Pavilion of supernatural powers, he practiced quickly, and he reached a small success in a few days.

However, due to the limitation of the realm of the soul, if you want to practice to a great success, it is estimated that you have to wait until you have achieved the primordial spirit.

After sorting out his martial arts, Shen Qi saw that the points should be enough, so he took out the lightness kung fu "Dragon Swing Flying Technique" to deduce it.

If lightness kung fu is not enough, it will be very useful when encountering an enemy in the future, whether it is losing the opponent and fleeing or chasing after him.

It didn't cost many points to deduce "Dragon Swing Flying Technique", and the result was a flying supernatural power that was directly strengthened-"Dragon Stilt Divine Walking Technique"!
Although the difference is only one word, the average speed of the latter long-distance flight can reach thirteen times that of the former!
Then, Shen Qi went through all the titles of swordsmanship cheats that he remembered in his mind, and planned to deduce the "Samsara Sword Manual" as well.Unexpectedly, Yanwu Pavilion is still unable to deduce it because of insufficient accumulation!
Obviously, "Reincarnation Sword Code" wants to push forward, but there are still some things missing.

What is wrong?

Shen Qi couldn't understand it.

All in all, he now has twelve supernatural powers in his body.

However, through Li Xueye's memory fragments, Shen Qi learned that the cultivation of internal strength has actually reached its peak after the achievement of Yuanshen, and the subsequent pursuit of martial arts is that internal strength has also become external strength.

For example, training the physical body into a vajra indestructible body, or training the primordial spirit into a three-eyed primordial spirit with vertical eyes, are just some changes on the primordial spirit and the physical body.

In the future martial arts practice, one can only use supernatural powers to comprehend various laws, understand the nature of the world, and then master a certain law, or even master a variety of similar laws.

Because Li Xueye is only in the Supernatural Realm, the concept he understands ends here, which is quite vague.

But this undoubtedly shows that the more magical powers you learn, the better is not the more you seek in martial arts.

In fact, most of the disciples of Xieji Dao's supernatural powers that Li Xueye was with only practiced a handful of supernatural powers. It wasn't that Xieji Dao didn't have enough supernatural powers for them to choose from, but there were other important reasons.

For one thing, it takes a lot of time, energy, and even precious resources to practice a single supernatural power. Although the supernatural power realm has a longer natural lifespan than the virtual realm, with 800 to [-] years, it is not longevity after all, and it still has a lifespan limit.

Second, if you want to break through the realm of supernatural powers and reach a higher level, you must use one kind of supernatural power that has been cultivated to perfection as the foundation, and then practice at least two related supernatural powers to great success. To build a stable structure around it, it takes a huge amount of primordial mana to condense into a supernatural seed, and then it can break through to the next realm—the Jindan realm!

Therefore, according to the common sense of martial arts practice in Li Xueye's memory fragments, most of those who practiced supernatural powers in the supernatural power realm did not have good results—most of them could not condense the supernatural power seeds in their lifetime, and could not achieve golden core, and were trapped in the supernatural power realm until Life is exhausted.

Shen Qi knew that he had the Yanwu Pavilion to help him. Although the time for others to practice supernatural powers that would take a long time was greatly reduced by him, but he also needed a core supernatural power if he wanted to achieve the golden alchemy from the primordial spirit.

Among the twelve kinds of supernatural powers he knows now, except for the Wuji step and the dragon sway flying technique, which were deduced from the original Xuanmen martial arts, the other nine were obtained from other places, almost completely unrelated to each other.

Although these supernatural powers made him so powerful that he had the confidence to challenge the supernatural power level in the Void Realm, but when he entered the supernatural power level in the future, these supernatural powers might become an obstacle to his progress in martial arts, or at least they would become tasteless.

Because there is a huge difference in the power of the magical powers that have been integrated into the golden core and those that have not been integrated into the golden core!

For a long time, the various sword techniques deduced from the original and crude "Spring Sword Jue" of Taoism have been the core of Shen Qi's external martial arts.

Therefore, when it comes to which supernatural power to use as the core of the condensed golden core in the future, the first thing he thinks of is the sword technique inherited by Xuanmen itself.Only the swordsmanship inherited from the Taoist sect can reassure him the most.

Now, he even obtained many swordsmanship secrets of Wanjianmen, the number one school of swordsmanship in Yuanwuxing, but he still couldn't make Yanwuge derive higher-quality martial arts or supernatural powers from "Samsara Sword Manual", which made Shen Qi very sad. uncomfortable.

Thus, Shen Qi really retreated.

He has to think about it carefully, what is wrong there, what is missing, so that the golden finger of Yanwu Pavilion can't play a role.

And Shen Qi's retreat lasted for a month.

Perhaps it was because in his previous martial arts training, he relied too much on Yanwu Pavilion and lacked real training. A month of hard thinking and meditation almost drove him crazy.

Just when he felt that his spirit and will had reached the limit of his endurance, he had a dream that night...
[Fourth update.Thank you for your subscription and reward support during this period of time!Thanks! 】

 Thank you [Liberation 1000D] for the support of [-] starting point coins!
  ~~good night~~
(End of this chapter)

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