The boss is going against the sky

Chapter 460 Six Armored Spirit Soldiers!

Chapter 460 Six armored spirit soldiers!

Shen Qi's Wuji steps were extremely fast, and he reached the edge of the net in a flash. The invisible sword gang cooperated with the reincarnation slash, and immediately tore a big hole in the big net that was photographed, and then Shen Qi flashed out.

"Huh? Invisible Sword?" The white robe didn't seem to be in a hurry, but was observing Shen Qi's martial arts and supernatural powers, "No, although the Intangible Sword is sharp, it won't break through my 'net of heaven and earth' so neatly. The movement skills are also very good, and it should also be a supernatural power. It is no wonder that all the people who are divided into the dojo are wiped out by him after practicing such a supernatural power in a Void Realm."

While thinking about it, he saw Shen Qi rushing across a distance of nearly a mile, and when he arrived in front of him, the figure in white robe suddenly faded and disappeared in place without a trace.

Shen Qi immediately activated the sky eyes, earth eyes, and human eyes, and scanned the surroundings, but still got nothing, and couldn't help frowning deeply.

He knew that the distance between the two sides was nearly a mile, and if he attacked the opponent first, he would definitely use invisibility to avoid it, and then seize the initiative.It's a pity that the opponent wanted to trap him with the mana net, so he had to make a surprise attack first.

Shen Qi didn't believe that a supernatural power would cowardly slip away when facing the Void, so the white robe must be watching in the dark, to find the right opportunity to defeat him with one blow, or to kill him.

Therefore, Shen Qi narrowed the scope of his divine thoughts to within a radius of [-] meters, and put his whole body on guard.

After the range of spiritual thoughts is narrowed, it will become more sensitive, and with the help of the technique of watching the breath with the eyes of the sky, as long as the opponent makes a move, he can detect and react in the shortest time.

Time passed bit by bit, the other party was obviously a very patient person, and he had been invisible for more than an hour!

Shen Qi knew that he would be the one to suffer if he wasted so much, so he said: "It's ridiculous that a dignified Lingyin Dao supernatural power realm is so timid to deal with me in an imaginary realm. However, you think that if you don't come out, I can't do anything about it." Is it gone?"

After finishing speaking, Shen Qi set off to the dojo of the Lingyin Sect, preparing to threaten the white-robed man by destroying the teleportation array.

As a result, he just moved, back and forth, left and right, heaven and earth, spiritual energy in six directions suddenly surged wildly, and in the blink of an eye, they gathered into six spiritual energy giants of different colors, and they all came to kill him together!
Seeing this, Shen Qi was startled, and immediately understood that the other party hadn't done nothing in the past hour or so, but secretly arranged formations, or in other words prepared for the activation of supernatural powers, and took the initiative.

This made Shen Qi feel a little bit bitter in his heart - it was the first time he encountered an enemy who was obviously higher than him, but still had the upper hand in his actions.

Sure enough, after the six aura giants came to kill Shen Qi, the white robe appeared again, and said casually outside: "Just try my 'Liujia Lingbing' supernatural power."

Shen Qi suddenly realized: this turned out to be a magical power, not a formation, it seems that it is a magical power specially learned by the white robe to cooperate with the invisibility technique.

The Liujia Lingbing's attack was fierce, as if Mount Tai was pressing down on the top, Shen Qi had no time to think more.He instantly used the Promise Step to the extreme, wanting to stand out from the encirclement of the Liujia Spirit Soldiers.

Who would have thought that the Six Armored Spirit Soldiers could cooperate very well with each other, and their reactions were also very sensitive, they changed the direction of attack almost instantly, and combined their forces to stop Shen Qi in the encirclement.

Boom boom boom!
Each of the six spiritual soldiers held their transformed weapons, and under the bombardment, the ground shook and the mountains shook, with a radius of hundreds of feet, they were bombarded with potholes and earth and rocks flying in the air.

After narrowly dodging the attack again and again, Shen Qi found an opportunity, and directly slashed at one of the fiery red spirit soldiers with the invisible sword gang and reincarnation.

The spirit soldier didn't have a physical body, but there was a large gap in the place where it was cut, and it couldn't recover for a while, and the fiery red spirit soldier also became sluggish during this time.

Seeing hope, Shen Qi slashed a few more times, one time at a time, and it actually caused the fiery red spirit soldier to collapse!
The expression of the white robe outside changed, and the shock was hard to hide.

"There is the shadow of the invisible sword, but it is not the invisible sword, but much more powerful than the invisible sword. What kind of supernatural power has this kid cultivated?!"

Seeing Shen Qi taking advantage of the situation and breaking out of the encirclement of the Six Armored Spirit Soldiers, the white-robed man cast the invisibility technique again without hesitation and disappeared.

Shen Qi looked back and saw that the Six Armored Spirit Soldiers were also scattered in the sky and earth, leaving only the messy battlefield in the circle below.

Shen Qi no longer used words in vain to stimulate the white robe to come out, but flew directly to the Lingyin sect dojo.

After this fight, he could tell that although this white robe was at the level of supernatural powers, the supernatural powers he cultivated were probably cunning, suitable for dark people, but not suitable for frontal attacks.And Bai Pao didn't have the confidence to defeat him with other martial arts and secret techniques, otherwise he wouldn't have tried twice or three times.

Now that he has roughly understood the strength of the white robe, it is time for him to change from passive to active.

On guard all the way to the first peak of the Lingyin Sect Dojo, and found the ruins of the gazebo where Qingyun activated the teleportation array earlier, Shen Qi went straight there, and learned about the teleportation array through the Earth Eye and Yanwu Pavilion.

Soon, he got the following information——

Tiangang teleportation array: a star field teleportation array arranged with 36 mountains with a radius of more than one mile and a height of more than 36 zhang as the base of the array, which coincides with the number of 36 stars in the starry sky.When the vision of nine stars connecting pearls appears in the [-] stars of Tiangang, with the help of the mysterious and unpredictable power of the stars, a large amount of spiritual jade can be used to send a small amount of creatures and items to another planet...

After learning the specific information of the Tiangang Teleportation Formation, Shen Qi glanced at his feet, then swept around, and said with luck: "Senior of Lingyin Dao, I know you are nearby. Now please listen carefully, I Count to three, if you don't show up to fight me again, I will destroy this teleportation array."

"Once this teleportation array is destroyed, it will take a lot of time and effort for the senior to rebuild it? If I spend more effort and destroy all the 36 peaks, if the senior does not have a good method, I am afraid that I will be trapped for the rest of my life." Here at Yuanwu Star."

After finishing speaking, Shen Qi found that there was no other movement except the echo, which made Shen Qi frown secretly.

Immediately, he unleashed his invisible sword and slashed at the ruins of the gazebo at his feet!

With the power of his invisible sword, it only takes a few strokes to remove the ruins of the pavilion and the true eyes of the teleportation array below it.

However, the moment Shen Qi made his move, the spirit energy from six directions around him erupted again, and the complete Six Armored Spirit Soldiers appeared again, with their blades raised high, they all slashed at Shen Qi!

At the same time, a white figure appeared outside the Liujia Spirit Soldier, circling like a swimming fish, flickering, as if it might strike at any time.

"It's this trick again!"

Shen Qi snorted secretly, and directly attacked one of the spirit soldiers.

After destroying the spirit soldier in a few strokes, Shen Qi broke out, and the figure of the white-robed man suddenly settled not far away from Shen Qi, and stretched out a big net to cover Shen Qi.

At this time, Shen Qi already knew that the invisible sword and the reincarnation slash were extremely sharp attack methods for the supernatural powers, so he slashed towards the big net with an indomitable momentum, quite like a god blocking and killing gods, The feeling of Buddha blocking and killing Buddha.

However, just as Shen Qi broke the big net covering his face and was about to cut off the white robe in front of him, a pitch-black pendant protruded from the air behind him, pierced through the qi shield silently, and stabbed Shen Qi directly. Odd back of the head!

Shen Qi had long sensed that something was wrong with the white-robed man in front of him, so the moment his divine sense detected the appearance of the black cone, his figure immediately transformed into three paths like lightning, and he turned around at the same time, the fourteen-way profound sword of the Sanyin Slaughtering Sword It was sent out suddenly, turned into a knife net, and covered a piece of space behind!
The space of hundreds of feet in a radius is like the surface of water, and there is a bang, and ripples appear in large circles.

At the same time, a white figure also ejected from it and flew backwards.

Shen Qi, who had been concentrating all the time, immediately cast Wuji Step, chasing after him like a shadow, covering the "Thousand Silk Net, Love Thread Knot" instantly, and then using the invisible sword gangster and the three-eyed divine light to slash down at the same time with reincarnation!
The man in white robe saw this drastic change in expression, and he was about to use the invisibility technique while flying upside down, but felt that the soul was like a bird that had crashed into a spider web. Although he could break free, his mana flow was quite stagnant.

Although he almost instantly got rid of the negative state of "Thousands of Silk Nets, Emotional Silk Knots", he was still delayed, and could only watch helplessly as the invisible sword and the translucent black three-eyed divine light slashed at his body, and he couldn't even avoid it. It's too late.

"Do not--!"

Amidst the shrill screams, a white figure suddenly rushed out from the body of the white-robed man, and immediately the spiritual energy of the surrounding world surged wildly, crushing towards Shen Qi like a landslide or a tsunami!

"The primordial spirit is out of the body?!"

Shen Qi let out a surprise, ignoring the berserk aura around him, he used the Wuji Step and the Dragon Swing Divine Walking Technique at the same time, and chased after the white-robed primordial spirit in a blink of an eye...
[Third update.Thank you for your subscriptions, rewards, and votes in the past few days! 】

(End of this chapter)

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