Chapter 48
After Shen Qi returned to Xuanmen with 1 taels of silver, life became much easier.

With the previous arrangement, as long as Ye Hongmei kept an eye on it, the disciples from the outer court would be doing their daily tasks in an orderly manner.Among them, the hunting team can take turns to rest, and other tasks are all fixed. Generally, the disciples of the outer court last night will have a lot of time left for the tasks that were stipulated that day, which can be used to practice martial arts.

For the outer court disciples, Shen Qi only taught a set of Little Arhat Boxing for the time being.

Although Little Arhat Boxing is a great martial art in the world of martial arts, and you can buy cheat books for ten taels of silver in the town, its efficacy is very good.After getting familiar with it, not only can you strengthen your body and strengthen your blood, but if you use it well, it will also have good lethality.

The human eye consumes too much sect points, so Shen Qi is not planning to use it on these outer court disciples at present.We plan to select inner court disciples based on the performance of these people in their daily tasks and the effect of Little Arhat Fist in a month's practice.

Because the outer court disciples didn't need to bother, Shen Qi devoted most of his energy to his own martial arts cultivation.

Before Shen Qi came back from Pengqiu Prefecture, his internal strength had already stabilized at the mid-acquired fourth level.After a busy half a month, although the practice time was less, it just relieved the fatigue of the previous month's hard work and conformed to the way of relaxation.

Now Shen Qi is in very good condition, just suitable to get through the second meridian that must be passed through in the "Longevity Kung Fu" Xiao Zhoutian's operation - the Yangwei Meridian.

The Yangwei Meridian not only has the function of maintaining the Yang Meridians, but also plays the role of overflowing and storing Qi and blood together with the Yinwei Meridian, and can connect the waist spine, lower limbs, head and shoulders, so after opening up, not only the energy will be greatly increased , and the waist, lower limbs, and head and shoulders are also more flexible.

Shen Qi had already finished taking the Yunqi Pill, but he still had the Wugu Yiqi Pill, plus the Peiyuan Pill refined by Mu Que, Shen Qi did not lack help in his cultivation. Acupuncture points such as Jiao and Yuyu were almost broken through by Shen Qi at a rate of one or even two or three a day...

In the blink of an eye, it was only a month since the Martial Arts Conference ended.

That night, Shen Qi opened up the last acupoint of Yangweimai, Yamen acupoint, in the bedroom of the side hall. Two of the four meridians required for the operation of the "Longevity Kungfu" have been opened up, and the cultivation of internal strength has officially entered the early stage of the fifth layer of acquired heaven!

A few days later, Shen Qi stabilized his cultivation at the early stage of the Houtian Fifth Layer, and the January exam period for the disciples of the Outer Court also arrived.

After breakfast that day, Shen Qi gathered all 60 outer court disciples on the training ground.

Looking dignifiedly at the disciples of the outer courts, Shen Qilang said in a loud voice: "My Xuanmen Martial Arts inherits the first emphasis on character and character, and after a month's observation, those with fair character are: Ji Changsheng, Hong Yao, Kang Hu, Liang Xuan... these 28 people stay, and the rest can disperse."

Most of the outer court disciples whose names were not pronounced dispersed unwillingly, but there were also a few frowning and wandering around the edge of the martial arts field, among them was Jiang Huan.

Jiang Huan knew that he was not diligent in doing things for more than a month, and sometimes he was lazy, but he just didn't understand, why did the sect think that his character was not as good as the previous 28 people?Could it be that he was seen being lazy?
Being promoted from the outer court to the inner court can be said to be a fate-changing event for him. Although there is still a chance in the future, he doesn't know when he will have to wait. He is really not reconciled to being dismissed like this.So, even though he was afraid of Shen Qi's majesty, he still wanted to ask a question boldly.

But before he could make up his mind to speak, he heard a person shout loudly: "Master, I don't accept it!"

Jiang Huan heard the sound and looked, but it was Chi Yu, one of the captains of the three hunting teams.

Chi Yu came from the family of Orion. He was 19 years old. He was considered very old among the disciples of the outer court, but his hunting skills were also very good, so he was chosen as the captain.

I saw him blushing at this moment, clenched his fists, angry and nervous.

Shen Qi looked at Chi Yu upon hearing the sound, his expression remained unchanged, and he asked calmly, "Why are you dissatisfied?"

Chi Yu roared: "Why do you think that my xinxing is not as good as the 28 people I read before?!"

Hearing Chi Yu's roar, many disciples from the outer courtyard who had the same question in their hearts but did not dare to ask it stopped and watched around the training ground, as if they wanted to wait for an explanation.

Shen Qi looked around at the disciples of the outer court, and said: "Master Ye determines the quality of character, so let's listen to what she has to say."

Ye Hongmei had also been standing on the training ground, her face was covered by a veil, so the disciples from the outer court couldn't see her expression clearly.

I saw Ye Hongmei took out a booklet, turned to a certain page, and read in a cold voice: "Chi Yu, 19 years old, is one of the captains of the Orion. I went hunting on October [-]th, and I kept a pheasant in my possession. I went hunting on October [-]th, and I kept a hare in my possession..."

As Ye Hongmei read out Chi Yu's faults one by one, Chi Yu suddenly lost his righteousness before, and lowered his head with a blushing face—the rules of the hunting team have been set by Shen Qi long ago. Hand it in, and then the sect will issue rewards, and it is not allowed to keep it privately.

"Xuanmen's regulations did not specifically mention how to deal with the prey that the disciples of the outer court have privately hidden, but the sect has made it clear how to distribute the prey. If you keep it privately, it is a loss of virtue. In addition, there are other disciples from the outer court who responded that you rely on the captain. Status dictates and bullies the weak. Do you dare to say that your character is fair?!"

At the end of Ye Hongmei's speech, her voice was stern.

She directly manages these outer court disciples on a daily basis, and has accumulated a lot of majesty. She is as cold as an iceberg on weekdays, but when she got angry at this moment, many outer court disciples immediately lowered their heads in fright, and Chi Yu even trembled when scolded.

Shen Qi continued: "Chi Yu, your performance is not good, and you still dare to question the decision of the master. I will punish you to hand over the position of hunting captain and chop firewood alone for seven days. Can you accept it? If you are not satisfied, pack your bags and go down the mountain."

Pack your bags and go down the mountain?
Doesn't that mean he will be expelled from the school? !

The world of martial arts respects teachers the most, and the master's position is even higher than that of his father, so those disciples who are expelled from the master's sect are equivalent to being labeled as having a lack of virtue. It will be even more difficult to enter other sects, even in daily life. People will be discriminated against in life.

Therefore, when Chi Yu heard Shen Qi's words, he immediately knelt down in fright, kowtowed and said, "I dare not disobey, please calm down the anger..."

Seeing this scene, other thoughtful disciples from the outer courtyard around were also silent.

Shen Qi waved his sleeves and said, "Why are the irrelevant people still standing? Are they still here?!"

Immediately, including Chi Yu, the outer court disciples whose names hadn't been pronounced before all dispersed.

At this time, Shen Qi said to the remaining 28 outer court disciples: "In martial arts cultivation, character alone is not enough. You also need to have certain aptitude, and be interested in martial arts, and be willing to work hard for it. So, next Come down and see how well you practiced martial arts—starting from Ji Changsheng, come to me one by one and punch the little Arhat once."

Ji Changsheng, who was the first to appear on the stage, was not stage frightened. He came to Shen Qi, put on a posture, and practiced Little Arhat Fist in a rigorous manner.

For Ji Changsheng, Shen Qi still has a deep impression, because he is the only one who looks sick among the disciples of the outer court.People who are sick will not have a good physique, their qi and blood will be weak, and their starting point in martial arts will be lower than that of normal people.It is okay to expect him to practice martial arts to strengthen his body, but it is more difficult to expect him to have any achievements in martial arts.

Logically speaking, Shen Qi should directly brush Ji Changsheng down, but the assessment rules are set, and it is difficult for him to make many changes.Anyway, he reckoned that with Ji Changsheng's physique, it would be difficult to practice this Little Arhat Boxing well.

However, after Ji Changsheng practiced, Shen Qi couldn't help narrowing his eyes...
[Second update.Heroes please help to collect, vote, share and publicize while watching, thank you. 】

(End of this chapter)

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