Chapter 496

Seven years later.

Qingyang City.

Fei Yue put on a large leather backpack with two shoulders that had only become popular for a few years, put on a bamboo hat with a black scarf, and walked out the door holding a sword.

Fei Changqing chased him out from the yard, first he handed over a bottle of elixir, and said, "Take this bottle of Sanzhuan Xinxin Pill with you, just in case of accidents. Besides, I know that Kong Qiyue made an appointment with you yesterday, so why not?" Father must remind you: Kong Queyue and others are the core disciples of the sect, unlike us, you must not get too close to them—be careful not to be used by them."

After receiving the elixir, Fei Yueqiao's face first showed warmth, and she couldn't help but said after hearing Fei Changqing's words: "Father, I am already in my thirties, and I have been teaching at Fuwu School for three years. Can my daughter not know about these things you reminded? Taoism has truly ruled the world now, and the rule is extremely stable, and my daughter will not be led by those people to do stupid things."

"In short, if you go to Yinzhou, you will be tens of thousands of miles away from home, so you have to be careful about everything. In addition, after you settle down in Yinzhou, you must remember to send a letter from home every month to tell your father that you are safe." Fei Changqing knew that his daughter was very sensible, and even knew some things better than him, but he still couldn't help nagging.

"Got it, got it." Fei Yue said a little annoyed, "The students at the government school are still waiting for me, so I'm leaving."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and walked out of the city quickly.

The distance between Qingyang City and Quanfufu City is only a few miles. No matter Quanfufucheng or Qingyang City, it was one of the most prosperous cities in Qingzhou for thousands of years, but now the Taoist sect has unified the world, and Qingyangzong is gradually declining. The prosperity of the two cities not only did not end with the curtain, but went deeper into the past.Therefore, even the few miles between the two cities are full of continuous buildings, restaurants, tea shops and shops, forming a bustling long street.

Walking to a breakfast shop, Fei Yue sat down at a small table and ordered a basket of crystal buns and a bowl of Wuzhen soup.

The breakfast in this shop is delicious and nourishing food, so even if the price is high, there are still many warriors with cultivation base and worth come here to have breakfast every day.

At this time, there were more than a dozen warriors eating breakfast in the shop, but no one noticed that Fei Yue was secretly talking with the warrior at the table behind him by means of voice transmission.

"Today, I'm going to take those graduates to India to participate in the assessment. Are there any instructions from above?"

"Only one thing. During the stay in Yinzhou, everything must be obeyed by the right envoy of Yinzhou Tingfeng Pavilion."

"Who is the right envoy? How can I contact him?"

"You have been an outside spy of my Tingfengge Right Department for three years. Why don't you know what to ask and what not to ask? Don't ask anything. When you are needed, the people from Yinzhou Tingfengge Right Department will find you."

After hearing this, Fei Yue frowned, remained silent for a while, and said, "The last question, when can I become the real secret agent of Tingfeng Pavilion?"

"I can't answer you, but in your capacity, it's hard to be sure. You need to be patient."


After breakfast, Fei Yue walked slowly and quickly, and soon arrived at Quanfu Wuxue, which is located in the western suburb of Fucheng.

This Quanfu martial arts school was established in the year when Qingyangzong responded to the call of Xuanmen to carry out political reforms. It has been more than ten years since it sent away six graduates, and this year the batch she brought is the seventh.

"Mr. Fei, good morning!"

"Morning, Teacher Fei!"

When they arrived at the open space outside the school stables, some students who had been waiting there questioned Fei Yue one after another. Regardless of gender, they spoke respectfully.

Different from the three-year system of the county martial arts school, the prefectural martial arts school has a four-year system. Although Fei Yue was the former master teacher of this class who left this class more than three years ago for some reason, and he was still the new teacher of the prefectural school, However, she quickly won the recognition and respect of the students with her superb strength, solid martial arts foundation, and extensive knowledge of the world.

For the past three years, Fei Yue has worked hard to teach this class of students. Many students feel her sincerity and have truly regarded her as their master.

"Have you prepared all the items you need? Indiana is a border state. Although it has developed rapidly in recent years, it is still not comparable to the 23 states in the interior. The conditions will be very difficult. If you do not prepare some things now , it's not easy to buy over there." Fei Yue said as he walked among dozens of students.

Eight years ago, Xuanmen ordered all martial arts sects in the 23 prefectures to restructure and unify the administration of the prefectures, so as to realize the true unification of the world. The 23 prefectures have become more peaceful and prosperous year after year.After the rise of the spirit tide, all kinds of strange beasts that once plagued many places in the world were either strangled to death by Taoist disciples, or they were taken as mounts for Taoist disciples; As a criminal army, sent to open up the wilderness.

Therefore, it is no longer possible for the graduates of various martial arts to conduct the assessment through actual combat in the interior of the 23 states as they did at the beginning. They can only find the conditions for the assessment in the border states, where they meet the wilderness.

Since a few years ago, the Xuanmen Outer Academy disciple assessment and the Pengqiu Prefecture martial arts assessment began with Bianzhou as the location, and the martial arts in the 23 prefectures have imitated them, and they also sent their graduates to Bianzhou for assessment. The Quanfu martial arts naturally No exception.

Walking in front of the students and looking at the young warriors who were the largest and had just turned [-], Fei Yue always had an uncontrollable worry in his heart.

There are 32 students in her class. Although it is not the best class in Quanfu martial arts, it can still be ranked in the top five, and even the top three from time to time.The strongest student among the students is already at the second level of innate cultivation, and the weakest is also a half-step innate. In addition, as the head teacher of the sixth level of innateness, if she was placed 30 years ago, she would not be able to walk sideways in the world. anything goes wrong.

But now that the spiritual wave has been going on for more than 20 years, Yuan Wuxing's upright aura is the most intense period, not only is the human warrior practicing fast, but also all kinds of strange beasts are emerging one after another, and the strength of the strange beasts is also increasing extremely fast.Coupled with the fact that there were black warriors who refused to accept the Taoist rule in the wilderness, Fei Yue couldn't feel at ease in the Yinzhou assessment.

Of course, she was nervous because it was the first time she took students to participate in the assessment.

Not long after, a woman with a rather enchanting posture came over and asked with a smile: "Junior Sister Fei, are all the students in your class here?"

"It's all here, Teacher Kong." Fei Yue was a little uncomfortable with Kong Queyue calling her junior sister in martial arts, and deliberately responded with a different system of titles.

Kong Queyue didn't seem to care, but smiled even more sweetly, and said: "Then let's go to the Xuanmen racecourse. Their bloody horses are rented to teachers and students who go to Bianzhou to participate in the assessment. There is a discount. Sweaty horse day Traveling three thousand miles is much faster than letting students ride ordinary horses."

The matter of renting bloody horses from the Xuanmen Racecourse was decided by the high-level martial arts, and Kong Queyue was also the teacher assigned by the school to cooperate with her in completing the student assessment. Even though Fei Yue was dissatisfied, she could only endure it.

Fortunately, the school assigned another assessment teacher to their class.

"Where's Teacher Di Hanfeng?" she asked.

"He made arrangements to go to Xuanmen Racecourse first, and when we take the students there, we can pick up the horses and set off directly." Kong Queyue replied.

Di Hanfeng is a disciple of Xuanmen. He went to Quanfu to teach martial arts due to his mission as a master. It is indeed much more convenient for him to go to the Xuanmen racecourse to make arrangements first. Fei Yue is not surprised. Lead the team to Xuanmen Racecourse.

[Third update.Thank you bosses for your subscription support during this period of time!Thanks! 】

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(End of this chapter)

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